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Why should I vote for Obama?
As a fiscally conservative, socially liberal kind of guy who would like to have people work together to make this a better country, would Obama be the right candidate to pick? Will he be able to get things done, or with the other side sabotage things? Will his health care ideas work? Will he be able to help the economy or will it freak out at a Democrat coming into office? Will race relations and inner-cities become better if Barack can inspire the minorities to improve their living conditions? Would we see new renewable power plants and improved air quality? What is America going to look like in four years? One thing that I do know is that foreigners won't be quite as pissed off at America if we elect Obama.
I'm still going to look into the third party candidates to see where they stand on the issues. And I'm still trying to figure out if McCain could come back to the center after kissing the ass of the groups on the right for the past year. I am a 28 year old male, make $60k a year, homeowner, just like the poster of the McCain thread. |
I believe you have more of a chance at that wish list than you do with McCain. I like your priorities. Let's hope it works out no matter who gets elected.
at $60k/year, you'll pay less taxes than under McCain
You'll stand a much better chance of driving an alternative-fuel car in 4 years, and having the electricity for your home be generated with something other than coal.
He is better for the economy.
He will get us out of Iraq in a timely manner. He won't bomb someone on intuition. He won't die in office. Biden is much better than Palin. He hasn't sold his integrity in order to win an election. |
Fiscal conservative? Lowering taxes for everyone under $250k and ending the spending on the war seems like a good idea. Obama wants to end no-bid contracts. Obama voted against increasing the national debt limit.
There are things there for a fiscal conservative. |
nevermind, please remove
(from my perspective) Reasons to vote for Obama.
- His tax plan gives a break to those who pay the highest percentage of their income to support our government. - His healthcare plan recognizes that competition has not and probably will not work in that industry. - He is respected in the world by both our friends and enemies. - He offers tuition help in exchange for military or public service. - He is inspirational and gives real meaning to the phrase "Only in America". - His choice of VP and economic advisors indicate he may make wise cabinet and court appointments. - His election may help ease some of the racial tension in our country. - He offers tax credits to small businesses for adding new jobs and providing healthcare. |
10 Reasons for a Conservative to vote Obama::
Wow, that bit about conservative reform is actually a valid point.
I love it. I ask about McCain and it almost turns into a flame war, with very little substance. Someone asks about Obama and gets a list of great points from multiple people, no slams.
I consider myself centrist, fiscally conservative (I carry no credit card debt), but socially liberal (even maybe libertarian) in that I believe America is about letting people lead the lives they want to as long as it does no public harm. That's why the pilgrims came here in the first place.
I am a small business owner making less than 200k per year. I am also registered Democrat because I feel the Republican party has become a mockery of what conservatives should espouse. My vote for Obama is due to the following: -I would like a tax cut for me, not Bill Gates. Trickle down economics doesn't work. -I am tired of spending money on defense contractors instead of schools, bridges, etc. -I want to catch and punish Osama Bin Laden. Not put more money in Haliburtan's pocket. -The Carlyle Group and Blackwater scare the piss out of me. -I believe in separation of church and state. -I believe in the right to bear arms, but also a Woman's right to chose. -I want green energy and not more destruction of our wilderness. -I do not want hardcore conservative supreme court justices to have a 7-2 majority -I want a President who is elite, not a shmoe just like me. I want them to be smarter than me, better educated than me, wiser than me, harder working than me. -I want my daughter to get a college education without becoming an indentured servant. I feel that Obama fits all those things and McCain does not. |
Actually, thanks for your whole post... agreed on all points. |
Barry Obamba will inspire a republican revolution ala the Clinton.
You would be electing the most liberal senator in America by voting record, where by non-partisan rankings he had the most liberal and party-line votes in 2007 (NPR: Obama Ranked Most Liberal Senator in 2007) He will usher in and expose to America the wonders of Liberalism with his counter parts in Pelosi and Reid. -Health insurance will be shifted permanently to the realm of the federal government for millions of Americans. -With Congress it will be safe to assume the Private business sector will somehow be effected, whether by more regulation, or taxes... possibly both, we'll see how that will help the current situation. -The resurrection of the union, Employee Free Choice Act will get rid of private balloting for unions. It will also tinker with the arbitration process, and affect business by opening the possibility to unionization without proper support. WSJ columnist claims its the biggest pro-union shift since 1935 Wagner Act. -Taxes... Obamba will raise the income, dividends, and capital gains taxes for those in the aforementioned top bracket. How do you think that will affect investment in America, especially new investment? He wants to lift, possibily eliminate the cap on income subject to payroll taxes that fund social security and medicare. -Going Green. Tax and regulation for climate control. I wonder how that could affect businesses and jobs. -On voting, same day registration, I don't really think that is that big of a deal. Awhile back I remember people getting all pissy about Texas shifting their voting zones, apparently to favor the republican party, with Obama and Dem's you could see congressional representation for D.C., presumably all Democrat. All that information I took from this article, op-ed whatever, from the WSJ, not trying to pass it off as my own work, didn't really feel like posting the article so I summed up a few of the points. A Liberal Super Majority A Liberal Supermajority - WSJ.com Obama is the most extreme pro-abortion advocate to ever run for POTUS. Being the co-sponsor to the Freedom of Choice Act you might be able to expect under an Obamba Presidency the re-legalization of Partial Birth Abortion, striking down on restrictions of tax-payer funding for abortions, and a circumvention of both state and federal laws in regards to interference to access of abortion and parental notification. Also would nullify the requirment of consent in the case of a minor. Repealing of the Hyde amendment blocking federal funding for abortions? This is the man who voted against the Induced Infant liability Act, a law that which would have protected infants who survived late term abortions. Bush signed a federal law in that in effect did the same thing, there were only 15 votes in all of congress that were opposed to it. (Obama More Pro-Choice Than NARAL - HUMAN EVENTS) (Barack Obama's Sweeping Agenda for Pro-Abortion Policy Changes Examined by NRLC's Douglas Johnson in 'National Review Online' - Christian Newswire) I'll add more later |
Why do Republicans claim every single year that this year, their opponent is the most liberal opponent they've ever faced? Obama was the most liberal in 2007, but he wasn't present then as often as he was in previous years, and in those previous years, he wasn't close to the most liberal senator. And the abortion fearmongering is just nonsense, but I don't want to threadjack any more than I already have.
Taxing business who shift their employment base overseas sounds like a good plan to me. Giving Exon Mobile and the other oil companies another $13 billion in tax cuts (as would happen under McCain's plan) sounds like a bad idea to me. Quote:
On the increase in the payroll tax, his proposal is to consider a 2% on income over $200,000 starting in 2015. Quote:
-----Added 30/10/2008 at 05 : 21 : 48----- Quote:
How is that abortion fear mongering? Obamba is the poster child for NARAL.
It was a blatant attempt to undermine Roe and by most accounts would have been unconstitutional. He took the same position as the Illinois Medical Society and many moderate Republicans in the Illinois Senate. |
Pro-choice does not equal pro-abortion. I know staunch pro-lifers like to pain Obama, NARAL, etc. as baby-killers, but come on folks, what politician (or citizen for that matter) really LOVES abortion? This is emotional baiting and it's getting old
If being pro-choice makes one pro-baby-murder, being pro-war also makes one pro-baby-murder.
How many babies have died as a direct result of our misguided Iraqi adventure? |
it doesn't matter, because I'm pro-stem cell research, which means I'm already a baby killer....lover. or something
i see no reason why one cannot be anti-choice in a context where the procedure is legal and safe.
oppose it? don't have one. it's easy peasy. problem solved. next? nice to see you again, mojo, btw. |
The abortion law Obama voted against did not include an exception for the health of the mother and was redundant, since Illinois already required doctors to save the life of the child. See factcheck.org.
"Yessirree, our platform is to ENCOURAGE every woman to go out and get at least one abortion a year! A woman who doesn't have at least one abortion in her lifetime, is not living a full life! We are PRO-abortions here!" You have got to be kidding me. :rolleyes: Jesus Hussein Christ, I will be so glad when this is all over for another 4 years. /huff. |
If Obama is pro-abortion then Palin is pro-rape.
It appears that people should vote for Obama just to prove he's not a Communist baby-eating Muslim terrorist.
Obama has the fewest houses. (See bit by Chris Rock).
Everyone that's against Obama is white. I'm not saying you should vote for him, but there's two reasons. |
So ASU, what's your decision?
I'm writing in Paris Hilton. ;) :p
sorry for being ignorant but what is "writing in"? i´ve now encountered this term a few times.
Here's a reason (if you haven't voted yet): If the world could vote?
Also, keep in mind that in some situations an American corporation has to establish operations overseas in order to compete in the global market. GM has a market cap of $3.1 billion, Toyota's is $120 billion - If GM opens a plant overseas to compete with Toyota in Asia and then closes a plant in the US that makes gas guzzling SUV's it would not make sense to penalize GM further unless our government simply wants them out of business. Quote:
Democrats consistently show one sided views of complex issues. If there was at least one occasion where they articulated both sides of an issue I would be much more optimistic about the impending Obama Presidency with a Democrat Congress. Again, I don't know if they don't understand the complexities of the issues or simply ignore them to gain political power. |
Although I like your objective two-sided view that Obama voters are not as ambitious or goal oriented as McCain supporters better. |
well, ace, if by all that you mean that folk who are not conservative tend not to take conservative analyses seriously, i don't think you're correct.
if by that you mean that folk who are not conservative do not take the same kind of analyses from conservatives seriously that you personally do, then i think that's self-evident. but if the second is really what you're talking about, then how is that different from saying that the american system is not democratic because the president does not call you up before taking a decision to ask what should be done? |
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