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ronan 11-19-2004 07:03 PM

This is it
hi everyone!

yep, this is my first post in here... and this is my first camera.. its a canon IXUS i (i think it has a different name in america) but anyway, i've had it for about four months and i've taken hundreds of photos of random things...

As you do, i was cruising around the boards of the tfp, some of you have some really great photos! so i thought i'd share my amateur attempts of taking photos of anything interesting... I live in Australia, so i thought this may give some of you another view of this country, i'll put up mostly arty things or things that i think look cool...

The photos were taken at various resoloutions and with various settings, i made each one of them half the original size, so this post turns out around 4MB.

Any criticism and or advice would be appreciated!

oh and if anyone knows what the pink jellyfish thing is, please tell me :)







































pinkie 11-19-2004 07:45 PM

hOLY sHIT....................................


:icare: :icare: :icare: :icare: :icare: :icare: :icare:

TDLucas 11-19-2004 10:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
There are some excellent images in that bunch.
Well captued close-ups. The only image that
was rough around the edges was the eye pic.
I brought the brightness down a little.
So I'm guessing you like your camera...
Have a nice weekend.

Glory's Sun 11-19-2004 10:22 PM

one word: WOW!!

there are some really beautiful pics!! Keep up the good work and keep posting! :thumbsup:

ronan 11-19-2004 11:38 PM

haha, wow, thanks pinkie :)

and dude! the eye looks great like that! that shot was a lucky one... i wasn't allowed to take pictures of peoples eyes after that.. yeah, i like my camera i suppose, it does the job!

guccilvr - thanks too! i plan on taking more, although it took me alot of time just to get this collection :S

sgn43 11-20-2004 01:09 AM

very nice! I have a Canon Powershot s400 Elph, and I believe that's the American equivalent of the IXUS series. Wow though, those pics all came out really really well.

veruca 11-20-2004 05:48 AM

those are really great!!!!
i love the jelly fish thing

Fly 11-20-2004 07:21 AM

some nice pix in here man.........very nice.

can't wait for more.


RCAlyra2004 11-20-2004 02:14 PM

I am Totally Impressed By your pictures... thanks for the experience

slimcr 11-20-2004 02:52 PM

very beautiful pics my friend.

Averett 11-22-2004 11:19 AM

The close ups of the eye and finger (toe?) freaked me out!

But in a good way :)

inharmony 11-22-2004 11:22 AM

Amazing pics...and me too on the eye pic, freaked me out.

Shpoop 11-22-2004 01:16 PM

i love the rock with a face on top of the car. do u know the story behind it? i would love to hear it.

amonkie 11-22-2004 01:30 PM

Those are a really wide variety of scenery and subjects - you did great with all of them! I need to go to AUstralia now...

MooseODV 11-22-2004 02:14 PM

Cameras sure are fun aren't they. The picture of the eye is fantastic! With a picture like that I don't see why someone wouldn't let you!? Though most people I know don't even let me get that close. For some reason a camera that close to their face freaks them out.

tropicdiver 11-22-2004 02:29 PM

An interesting collection of photos. Many of them caught my eye. Thanks for sharing. :cool:

TDLucas 11-22-2004 06:49 PM

The eye

Originally Posted by ronan
and dude! the eye looks great like that! that shot was a lucky one... i wasn't allowed to take pictures of peoples eyes after that.. yeah, i like my camera i suppose, it does the job!

Yah, I'd say it does the job, nicely! I can't even find a volunteer
to let me snap a close-up of their eye like that, at least not with
the flash on. :crazy: Maybe one by candlelight...
Again, let me say, Nice series of pics!

ronan 11-22-2004 07:08 PM

Thankyou so much everyone! i'm glad you all enjoyed these photos, it makes taking them all the more worthwhile! sadly, i haven't had the chance to take anymore yet, but i'm sure i will when i see something interesting...

yeah, i'm impressed with the camera myself, it was the smallest i could find at the time... its 100 grams or something and smaller than my mobile phone

the car with the rock smashed on it... yeah that was weird haha, it was in front of the opera house in sydney... apparently some artist parked the car there, hired a crane, and dropped that rock from the end of it, put a fence around it and there you go! art!

haha, yes, exactly right, people don't really appreciate getting pictures taken of their eyes when the flash is on...

most of the pictures were taken around lake macquarie... not an extremely well known place, about 2 hours north of sydney.. others were taken in sydney, and a couple were taken down the south coast of nsw... about 2 hours south of syndney..

regards to that jellyfish thing, i've searched the internet for hours trying to figure out exactly what it is with no luck... its probably an anenome (spelling?) but i have no real clue... all those pink tentacle things were moving around, if it was in water i'd say it could walk.. so yeah, if any of you know a marine biologist or something, it would be cool to find out what it is!

TDLucas 11-23-2004 08:34 PM

Purple jellyfish thing

Originally Posted by ronan
in regards to that jellyfish thing, it would be cool to find out what it is!

Possibly a variety of Cup Coral.?

mosha 11-25-2004 03:43 AM

those pics really are quite amazing. you definitely touched on every type of subject.

hockeeguy19 11-30-2004 11:20 PM

sweet ride

samiam 12-05-2004 08:13 AM

THese is an amazing collection of photographs. Please keep it up. I am looking forward to your next collection.

ronan 01-12-2005 02:22 AM

thankyou, anyone else know what the jellyfish thing is?

gal 01-12-2005 05:29 PM

Really nice pictures! The IXUS cameras are called Powershot in the US. Kick-ass cameras. I've taken 15000 pics with my S400. It's all battered and worn, but still works flawlessy. Nice wheels btw :)

minyn 01-14-2005 02:25 PM

love the lightning.

next time can you size them smaller so we can see the entire thing on the screen? thankz

Strip Poker 388 01-15-2005 02:14 PM

cool picks . I like the one of the cave .

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