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Fred181 10-20-2004 02:35 AM

Some Airplane Pictures
Here's some photos that I have taken while working. (I'm an inflight refueling specialist in the Air National Guard)

<img src="http://homepage.mac.com/jvancil/.Public/F15E.jpg"img>
US Air Force F-15E

<img src="http://homepage.mac.com/jvancil/.Public/F16.jpg"img>
US Air Force F-16

<img src="http://homepage.mac.com/jvancil/.Public/FA18.jpg"img>
A US Marine Corps F/A-18

<img src="http://homepage.mac.com/jvancil/.Public/Form.jpg"img>
A Formation of US Marine F/A-18s

<img src="http://homepage.mac.com/jvancil/.Public/F14.JPG"img>
A US Navy F-14 (just like Top Gun!)

<img src="http://homepage.mac.com/jvancil/.Public/EA6.jpg"img>
A US Navy E/A-6b Prowler

<img src="http://homepage.mac.com/jvancil/.Public/B2.jpg"img>
US Air Force B-2 "Stealth Bomber"

<img src="http://homepage.mac.com/jvancil/.Public/b52.jpg"img>
US Air Force B-52 Bomber (think: Dr. Strangelove)

<img src="http://homepage.mac.com/jvancil/.Public/AWACS.jpg"img>
US Air Force E-3 AWACS

Sorry they aren't very big. I wasn't sure how small to make them so that I wouldn't swamp the poor dial-ups and now I 'm too lazy to make them bigger...
Except for that F-14 somehow he managed to sneak through the cracks :confused:

costello 10-20-2004 02:40 AM

thats absolutely stunning thank you so much for posting them. just beautiful

amonkie 10-20-2004 03:07 AM

I really like those shots! I always keep the planes straight based on their tails, glad to see I was right in guessing which was which!

inharmony 10-20-2004 04:59 AM

Amazing pics thanks for sharing.

abel 10-20-2004 06:26 AM

awesome!! very nice perspective

Silvy 10-20-2004 06:40 AM

Cool pics!
Must've been an awesome sight, the first time you saw it for real....

Prolly routine for you now, but I'd do anything to trade for a day :)
I esp. like the F/A-18 formation!

I would never have guessed the AWACS. The only pics I've seen of that is with a big top-mounted rotating disc.

zenmaster10665 10-20-2004 07:13 AM

wow. cool pics!! thanks for giving me my Top Gun fix for the day

absorbentishe 10-20-2004 07:36 AM

Awesome! Not many pictures available like those. I definately appreciate them.

avhg1 10-20-2004 12:21 PM

Those are really wild. I can't imagine.

Fred181 10-20-2004 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Silvy
I would never have guessed the AWACS. The only pics I've seen of that is with a big top-mounted rotating disc.

You are correct about the AWACS, You just couldn't see the "radome" in that picture but you can see it here:
<img src="http://www.homepage.mac.com/jvancil/.Public/PA020012.jpg"img

Thanks for all of the replies; it is a pretty cool job.

tropicdiver 10-20-2004 01:18 PM

Great photos! Love 'em. I'm going to the air show in Key West in a couple of weekends and I appreciate you stoking the fire. No raptor shots refueling?

Fred181 10-20-2004 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by tropicdiver
No raptor shots refueling?

I do have a couple, but I didn't take them. I have only refueled the F-22 once a couple of years ago. At the time the Air Force was really strict about individuals taking pictures because of the various design changes and possible "classified" stuff that could be on the airplane while its going through testing so they gave us some pictures that the AF had taken. I know: lame.

shakran 10-20-2004 01:26 PM

you do realize you could make money off those right?

Put 'em in a calendar!

stonegrody 10-20-2004 02:31 PM

Now those are just bitchin! I'll think of these pics next time I gas up my car.

rocinante2003 10-20-2004 02:42 PM

WOW, thank you so much

mosha 10-20-2004 05:38 PM

those are some amazing pics!

Flyguy 10-20-2004 09:48 PM

Cool Pics

Are you based at Elison or Elmendorf?

tropicdiver 10-21-2004 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by Fred181
I do have a couple, but I didn't take them. I have only refueled the F-22 once a couple of years ago.

Would you mind e-mailing the F-22 photo to me? I really enjoy seeing photos of it and can't wait until it is more common place in our skies and can be seen at air shows. :cool:

Fred181 10-21-2004 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Flyguy
Cool Pics

Are you based at Elison or Elmendorf?

I'm at Eielson. I would much rather be at Elmendorf, but oh well...

SaltPork 10-21-2004 01:24 PM

great pics, thanks!

RonRyan85 10-21-2004 07:05 PM

Super Pictures. Please post a bigger one of the B2. (They look so wild and from
outer space.)

Rodney 10-21-2004 07:15 PM

Great pictures, and thanks.

Fred181 10-21-2004 11:19 PM

As requested: A bigger B-2

<img src="http://www.homepage.mac.com/jvancil/.Public/B-2.JPG" img>

and a C-17
<img src="http://www.homepage.mac.com/jvancil/.Public/C-17.JPG" img>

Almo 10-21-2004 11:38 PM

The 1st, 4th and 8th pics were specially breathtaking! I'd love to see a higher resolution of those pics.

Awesome pics! :)

Spanxxx 10-22-2004 06:16 AM

Fantastic pics! Love those mountatins below you too. Wonder where you are refueling in those last two? =) I'm sure it's some place very unpopulated from the look of it.

Thanks so much for these pics. This is one of those sites that only a handful of people in the world get to enjoy. Now, we do too.

trickyy 10-22-2004 08:53 AM

very very nice

and as anyone who has played top gun on nintendo knows, refueling is not an easy task

nospam 10-22-2004 11:00 AM

Great shots! Thanks for sharing those!

GeePeeS'r 10-22-2004 02:40 PM

I have to say that those shots are absolutely amazing. I am a bit surprised that they let you take pics of stuff like that, but I guess it doesn't matter - there is a lot more info about all of those planes elsewhere on the net.

Thanks for sharing those here. I really do appreciate it. Now I just have to pick which one I want as my new wallpaper!

canuckguy 10-22-2004 03:23 PM

great pictures thanks for those!

Fred181 10-22-2004 05:11 PM

For those requesting high res pics...
(Don't know how long I'll be able to leave them up though due to bandwidth)
<img src="http://www.homepage.mac.com/jvancil/.Public/F16high.JPG" img>

<img src="http://www.homepage.mac.com/jvancil/.Public/Formhigh.JPG" img>

Formation of US Marine F/A-18 Hornets over the Pacific

<img src="http://www.homepage.mac.com/jvancil/.Public/Formhigh2.JPG" img>

Another Formation Shot

A lot of the photos were taken over Alaska: Mts and not too many people.
While there are no restrictions on taking photos (they are all over the internet) you aren't technically supposed to do it while YOU are refueling, but I have a tripod type set up with a remote shutter.

Glad you guys like the pictures. I do this everyday so it doesn't seem quite as interesting anymore, but it beats "working" for a living I suppose.

skier 10-22-2004 06:07 PM

Holy moly! I think you have the awesomest job ever! seeing those planes so close and in the air flying next to you... it blows my mind.

Great shots, I love the stealth bomber pics so much as well as the formation ones.

tropicdiver 10-22-2004 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Fred181
Glad you guys like the pictures. I do this everyday so it doesn't seem quite as interesting anymore, but it beats "working" for a living I suppose.

Fred, can you arrange free rides in your plane for us, without us having to enlist? :cool:

How about a photo of your plane you take the photos and your office (your space on the plane where your camera is set up)?

Fred181 10-23-2004 12:26 AM

Sorry T.D., we do give rides to "civilians", but mostly VIPs and members of the media. The only picture I can find of the refueling position doesn't show very much, but essentially the operator (me) lies down almost on the belly of the airplane and controls the boom with the right hand using a large stick similar to one found in the front of an airplane. in the left hand is another "joystick" which extends and retracts the telescoping mechanism if that makes sense.

<img src="http://www.homepage.mac.com/jvancil/.Public/PA020026.jpg" img>

and the KC-135R refueling a F-15C
<img src="http://www.homepage.mac.com/jvancil/.Public/fillup.jpg" img>
This picture wasn't taken by me (I know faux pau in the photo forum- my appologies). To give credit it was taken by Mark Farmer who is a photo- journalist in Anchorage. I was the boom operator that was doing the refueling in the picture if that means anything...

tropicdiver 10-23-2004 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by Fred181
Sorry T.D., we do give rides to "civilians", but mostly VIPs and members of the media. To give credit it was taken by Mark Farmer who is a photo- journalist in Anchorage. I was the boom operator that was doing the refueling in the picture if that means anything...

Well, I'm no stinking VIP, unless you ask my daughters (does that count?) and I not a member of the media, either, so I guess I'll have to deal living vicariously thru you and your "work photo's", when the sound track of Top Gun is running thru my head. :cool:

What kind of plane / jet was Mark in while taking the photo of your tanker?

EDIT: A couple other questions popped into my mind and if the answers are classified, I understand you not answering, but how much fuel do you carry to fill the other jets / planes and is there one of those planes (the B52, perhaps) that can gobble up all the fuel you carry in one fuel trip? How many of the jets (like the F18, F16 or F15's) can you fuel when they come up in groups? How long does it take to fill one of their tanks up? I swear I'm not a spy, just curious. :cool:

Fred181 10-23-2004 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by tropicdiver
A couple other questions popped into my mind and if the answers are classified, I understand you not answering, but how much fuel do you carry to fill the other jets / planes and is there one of those planes (the B52, perhaps) that can gobble up all the fuel you carry in one fuel trip? How many of the jets (like the F18, F16 or F15's) can you fuel when they come up in groups? How long does it take to fill one of their tanks up? I swear I'm not a spy, just curious. :cool:

Very little is classified: Air Force Fact Sheet
We can take off at 325,000 lbs, of which 125,000lbs is airplane wt. and ~200,000lbs of fuel. A common misconception is that the entire airplane is filled with fuel. Actually the wings are full (like most planes) and sections of the "underbody" or where the baggage would be in a commercial airplane contain fuel, the inside of the plane is wide open. If you were to walk into the cargo are it would look no different than walking into a delta airlines jet except that is pretty stripped down (no seats, overhead bins etc).

We can either burn all of our fuel or we can give it all away. The max transfer rate is just over 6,500 lbs per minute (roughly 6.5lbs per gal so 1,000 gallons per minute) Big planes like bombers and cargo planes can take anywhere from 50 to 100 thousand lbs of gas at a time.

Smaller fighters take much less obviously. They normally come up to us in groups of 2 to 4 but that all is based on thier mission. They normally take off in a group and fly the whole mission like that. It takes anywhere between 2-10 minutes to fill up a fighter (depending obviously on how much gas they need) where as a I have been hooked up to a bomber for over 45 minutes.
EDIT: I think Mark was in one of the F-15s although we often fly in groups (2-3) of tankers so he could have been in another tanker.

craven 10-23-2004 05:02 AM

very nice photo

tropicdiver 10-24-2004 02:58 AM

Thanks for the info, Fred. :cool:

Craven, thanks for making me have to hunt for the respone. :|

EDIT: Fred, that was a great link you shared, also. Haven't seen that one before and it's loaded with lots of great info not only on your plane, but loads of others, also. Thanks, again. After reading about yours, it brought one more question to mind. If there was a long duration mission, would your plane be able to use the fuel it has in storage, also, that it normally has allocated for other planes / jets? I had no idea there were so many tankers in the US arsenal and perhaps they (the tankers) are strategically placed, whereas the above question is a moot point.

ARTelevision 10-24-2004 04:35 AM

Awesome is the word!
I'm really appreiative of your post and your service.

Thanks for your most excellent contribution to our forum.

mosha 10-24-2004 05:10 AM

Those pictures still amaze me. I just got a new wallpaper :)

Check out the Air Force Civilian Job site and hit refresh until you get the refulling picture. Looks amazingly similar.


biznatch 10-24-2004 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by tropicdiver
If there was a long duration mission, would your plane be able to use the fuel it has in storage, also, that it normally has allocated for other planes / jets?

He already answered your question

Originally Posted by fred181
We can either burn all of our fuel or we can give it all away.

Fred. you rock! I was never drawed to the army and all that, but the Air Force and planes and all that cool fancy stuff they do and those landscapes...wow. your job rocks. Are you happy, though? did you go through a lot to get to that level?
Also can you tell me what it's like...like is the back of your plane open (I might sound dumb and all, but i have very limited plane knowledge) or is it a transparent pane so you can see the planes your refuel? if it's open, are you attached to a harness? anything?
once again, these pictures are great.

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