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I want some motherf***ing chocolate milk!!
I'm honestly surprised this hasn't been posted already, as it's just as bad as the raging credit-card mom of a few weeks back -- but on the other side. This mother needs to learn how to kick the shit out of her boy or maybe just throw his xBOX out the window....
It's a player called ASSASS3N playing Rainbox Six 3: Black Arrow.. he forgot to turn off his mic and a teammate recorded the whole conversation.. yeesh. "GIVE ME SOME MOTHERFUCKING CHOCOLATE MILK BITCH!!! FUCK YOU, THIS IS BULLSHIT!" Not really SFW because of this whiny 12 year old's swearing: http://www.filecloud.com/files/file.php?file_id=1847 Please, fellow TFPers.. don't let your kid get like this. Teach them discipline, consequences, and individual responsibility. And kick the shit out of them if you call you a bitch. :) EDIT: The site is effing stupid, so just go to the link twice.. since they require a free account I made one; username is tfp, password is tfptfp. |
First, that file was a bitch to get (had to search Chocolate Milk).
Now that I've heard it all I have to say is: if that was MY son talking to ME like that, he'd need some serious dental work after that first outburst(there wouldn't be a second), number one. Number two, while he was hearing all the kids talking about the latest online games, he'd be clueless because he'd never be playing another one. A clunk on the head to that mom,too. She probably wonders why he's like that, clueless to the fact he is because she allows it. Dumbass..... |
I'm glad you at least were able to see the video. That host is worthless, but every site on the web covering it seems to link back to that same address. If you've logged into the site, then use THIS http://www.filecloud.com/files/searc...chocolate+milk link and click the first hit. I think. Awww bugger..
The file is painful to get and even more painful to listen to.
A similar conversation at my house wouldn't have lasted 3:29 minutes. The one and only time my oldest talked to my wife like that, she also took a swing at her. Said daughter hit the refrigerator a foot off the ground and left a nifty dent as a reminder. While I don't advocate violence, it would have been the response to this kid. |
Ya, the file was a pain in the butt to get to.
Wow...I can't believe someone would let their kid talk to them that way. My brother called my mom a bitch once...and got knocked across the head with the broom handle. To my knowledge, he never did it again while living under my parents roof. My parents didn't tolerate that kind of disrespect...and I won't tolerate that with my son. I wonder if the mom ever got him his chocolate milk :rolleyes: |
My wife and I discuss about spanking or not to spank (she is a therapist that deals with kids), and feels that spanking is not needed (need the 100K education to be worth something). But I feel there are times that a kid needs a good spank!
I grew up got spanked 3 times that I can recall, and a kid needs to learn respect!! |
It's hard to tell, just by the incident itself, what the background story to this is.
Perhaps, the mother and father speak like sailors around the house (no offense to seamen). On the otherhand, perhaps the kid watches too much of The Sopranos. This all stems back to a lack of discipline in the past. No kid just starts like that out of the blue. He first starts at a lesser stage and gradually builds up a lack of respect and an acceptance of coarse language. Now I'm no angel of language myself, but I know when to control it and when to let it fly (note: how I speak around my friends is not the same as around my co-workers, which is not the same as around my family). This kid just needs to learn some respect. But then again, the parents should never have let him get away with it the first time. |
Oh my God...If I ever talked to my Mom that way (not that I EVER would), my Dad would easily rip out my throat within ten seconds.
He needs a good lesson in discipline. I've no idea how to administer it, of course, but...He definitely needs an attitude readjustment. And a lesson in logic. Her choosing not to bring him his drink when he starts to bitch her out isn't 'lying.' I can see what he's going to grow up in to. I knew assholes like him in high school. That was insane. |
Few weeks ago we get psycho mom recording.... Now we get psycho child..... I'm sure that its just a coincidence. |
Wow. That kid has to be spoiled. Man, I could never say that to my mom, not that I would, my mom would of killed me. When I was growing up my mother never put up with my shit. Even a little attitude, I would get slapped in the mouth. I have nightmares about the wooden spoon. Ahhhh! the wooden spoon! My mom is old school.
I love and respect my mommy. :D |
One of the many times I got my mouth washed out with soap, was for telling my brother he smelled like a fart... (he did... really...) I could just imagine what would be inflicted upon me for using such language at my mother and such blatant disprespect.
I couldnt hear a lot of the mom at the beginning, but she sounded like she was not being all that nice to the kid... so I think the kid is definitely a product of his environment. He wouldn't survie 10 minutes with Sister Mary Richard from when I was in first grade... |
Respect is something that needs to be installed from early childhood... even back to infancy. If you treat the child with respect they will learn respect. As they grow they will push boundaries and need to learn where those boundaries are. Again, if you show the child respectfully you won't have too many dramas.
There was one time my daughter gave me some serious 'attitude' ... I grabbed her by the throat and slammed her against the wall, punched the wall beside her head and bellowed (in a low tone, not that fish-wife thing) that I would not tolerate that sort of treatment. She shat herself! (She was never in danger of being hurt... I was after the 'shock' factor...) That was two years ago, I have not had that problem again. She did however bring up that she could report me for child abuse... I just told her to look over her whole existance with me, and if she wished to live with someone else she would be quite welcome to report me. She decided against it ;) I have no idea what you can do with a child that has come so far as in the recording... the only chance would be for the whole family to attend counselling and change the whole dynamic in the household... what would be the chances of that happening, and how often would that happen this far down the track (the boy is 12, my daughters age)... *sigh* It's so sad and very scarey... |
Good lord. The kid mouths off to mom and you guys are advocating beating the hell out of him.
We do not do our children any favors by teaching them that violence is wrong unless someone calls you a name. My kid called my wife a fucking whore once. He'll never do it again, and I didn't have to maul him to get that result. Stripping his room of everything but a mattress and a topsheet for six months, and making him my wife's slave for the same time period cured that, and we got a great garden planted out of it, and I didn't have to bust one rock to do it. If you can't control yourself well enough to avoid slamming your daughter into appliances or wailing on your kid with a broom handle you need therapy. |
Maybe 'chocolate milk' is actually...the antidote.
edit: regaining my perspective.
My daughter is now 25 and reasonably well adjusted. Parenting is a learn as you go proposition, slamming her into a refrigerator may not have been the best solution, but reasoning with her at 15, obviously wasn't working either. I was and am still willing to take my chances with DCFS. |
I am a firm believer in spare the rod spoil the child :)
I was spanked once as a child. Only once. Did wonders. |
It's quite sad that so many people in this thread advocate violence, especially toward children. The only situation where hitting a child is acceptable is when the child assaults someone else physically and self-defence is in order. Even then, the violence should be kept to a minimum and stopped when the child is calmed down/restrained. In any other case, such as this, there should be a stiff non-physical punishment.
I don't think I could love or even respect someone who hit me to discipline me. If violence makes a parent feel more proactive, then perhaps the parent should really consider not haivng any more kids. No, I do not have children. And I am not a hippie, I swear. |
I personally don't think there is anything wrong with spanking a child... Cause and effect is learned early-- child does something wrong - there are consequences... If that consequence is a swat on the fanny then so be it... i don't think that smacking a kid til they are black and blue is effective but consequenses are important. it's something adults deal with every single day... Your behavior has a consequence, bad behavior has different consequences.
This child has never been taught consequences, he's been catered to and probably spoiled rotten, i couldn't quite tell what momma's problem was but she clearly wasn't parent of the year material. I'm not sure that she ever learned consequences either -- because otherwise she wouldn't be in the position with her child t hat she is now - -basically (opinion formed from a 3 minute recording) he is a child she does not know how to control. |
Its peoples attitudes, such as the ones that say spanking is child abuse, its sad that parents think they have to resort to "violence" toward their children, that fact that in this day and age a child can report their parents for child abuse because they got spanked that probably got this mother and son where they are in the first place.
There is a HUGE difference between spanking a child and abusing a child. There is a HUGE difference between "violence" towards a child and swatting their butt a few times. Whether people like it or not, there ARE times, and YES I AM a parent, when thats the only thing that works/gets their attention. /will not say anything else...I've posted in the several threads on this topic and it fires me up to much to be nice to the people who rag on parents that spank. |
A swat is immediate, and it gets their attention... |
Another problem is that when parents attempt to punish children using non-violent methods, they use methods that are not effective. Sending a child to his room is a joke--most kids' rooms these days have everything they want in them. Parents also seem to have a harder time taking away privileges. I think our society has become overly paranoid of spanking. |
I think this time-out bullshit has led to the, lack of a better word, pussification of kids. They are more smart-mouthy than I think we were. The use of physical disciplining is like drugs, what works for you and your kids may not work for somebody else. And for the one who said he shoulda been put in jail for the fridge dent incident. OMFG - You are the type of person who has helped make parents impotent to misbehaving kids in public when said kids really deserve a wack. |
So I'm still downloading this file, why the hell is it 41.7MB?
My mom broke countless wooden spoons on our behinds, to this day she doesn't have any in her house. But I can't blame her - 4 boys would drive anyone to the spoon. As far as this kid is concerned, I don't really have to listen to the file to know whats wrong. I think that family could use some nanny911 treatment. :rolleyes: |
Pain is a wonderful tool that has evolved over 4 billion years to tell us not to do certain things.
It would be a shame to ignore such a great learning tool in order to fit the feel good sensibilities of the hippie generation. The reason why so many of us Gen Xers are bringing back things like spanking, as we saw what the alternative is in our friends or our selves in our upbringing. |
Time to come out of the closet....I'm a spanker. No, I don't abuse my child, he only gets it when he really needs it. Time outs are usually sufficient for him. I was spanked as a child and never feared my parents...until I knew I did something I wasn't supposed to. I only remember being spanked twice as a child; I was a fast learner. I watch my stepsister as she raises her child, using only time outs and such, and that child is the biggest brat I have ever had the misfortune to run across. She really needs a few whacks to the butt. Now, I also feel I have to defend my mother, as per my previous post. She wasn't "wailing" on my brother; he was nearly a foot taller and while he may not have outweighed her, he was pure muscle and she wasn't. He was being threatening towards her, but only when the verbal insult came out did the broom fly...and only once. I guess it would have been better for him to hit or strike her instead of her disciplining her child :rolleyes: |
Why does a physical discipline imply child abuse? Honestly I think a lack of thought and care on the parents behalf is just as much a "child abuse" case as a parent that beats on their child... and what about emotional abuse?
I can count on one hand the amount of times I have been physical with my child, and she is twelve. I'd say that is a damn good effort on my part. My child understands that she gets a reaction from me only when she has pushed things way too far... she has learnt that her actions have consequences. I am like any other person she will come across in life and if you are disrespectful toward them, you need to consider what that person may do about it. Options from being disliked through to copping a punch... that is dependant on where the person you are disrespecting is at. She is also aware that this depends greatly on other factors that are happening within an individuals life, they may be having a bad day, week... whatever! You always need to consider another. This teaching has nothing to do with the fact that I have been physical with her in the past... this is a care factor and she has had a learning. My daughter is very aware that my physical discipline has only been equated with my "care factor". |
I finally listened to this thing...had that been my child the computer would have been shut off and taken away the 2nd time I had to tell my child to turn it down....If my child talked to me like that, she'd be re enacting the lifeboy soap scene from A Christmas Story.
Because it was irrelevant. First, unless you neglected to include something the swing did not connect, and you did not mention anything about any follow up swings from your daughter. In other words, when you hurled your daughter into the fridge, your wife wasn't being attacked. Plus, from the way you described it, your actions were not to defend your wife, but to punish your child for attacking your wife. There's a big difference. Finally, if you're gonna sit there and tell me that a fully grown man has ONLY the option of hurling his 15 year old daughter into an appliance to defend people, then I think you're just proving my initial point. Quote:
We cannot sit there and tell our kids that hitting is wrong and then hit them when they do something which displeases us. Aside from the opinion that hitting the child is wrong no matter what, we are introducing a logical inconsistancy. And to those saying the kid doesn't understand any punishment after an hour because of the attention span, but will understand the spanking, well that logic just doesn't bear out. Either the kid has a suitable attention span to remember what he did wrong or he does not. If he does not, then it doesn't matter if I put him in a corner OR I hit him, either way, he's not gonna remember why tomorrow. Besides, I don't buy the attention span stuff. Kids remember endless strings of seemingly random cheat codes for every game they play, yet they won't remember why misbehaving is bad? C'mon! You can justify spanking all you want, but when you get right down to it there are plenty of punishments that are just as effective as spanking - the only downside is that they all take more parental work than spanking does. Spanking is very very easy. Whack the kid and you're done. Other punishments require follow through on the part of the parent, and most parents simply aren't willing to invest that kind of effort into the punishment. And I stand by my initial opinion that throwing your kid into appliances or hitting them with sticks, or any other form of violence of that nature IS child abuse, and you SHOULD lose the kid and go to jail. |
Well, mine doesn't, so I figure I must've done something right. You're way too either-or about this. Either we beat the crap out of the kid or we don't have ANY discipline. There is a middle ground. Unfortunately for many abused children, many people never find it, and beat their kids instead. And no, guys, I'm not talking spankings here. There's a big difference between spanking (I still don't like it) and throwing the kid into a fridge hard enough to dent it. That's child abuse, plain and simple, and if you think you have to abuse a kid in order to get the kid to behave right, then you desperately need therapy. |
And I feel that you are the one that sees this as black and white.
Different kids require different approaches. If one technique doesn't work, then you try another. The approach you suggest worked for the most part with my youngest daughter, it did not faze my oldest in the slightest. I refused to give up on my daughter, I'd rather take my chances with DCFS than raise a kid like the example above. My kids are 24 and 25, educated, employed, and seemingly well adjusted in spite of their "abuse". I guess I must have done something right, as well. Don't read too much into denting a refrigerator, it isn't that hard to do. |
I am not a violent person, nor are my parents. If I were to mouth off like that (which, I never would because I was actually brought up right), I don't think I would have some of my teeth and would have problem seeing for a while. Respect is instilled into a child at an early age by any means necessary. I was brought up in a Russian family. If any of you are familiar with Russian customs, you know that respect is one of the most demanding things in the family. I would not even have to mouth off like that; I will easily get slapped, right now at the age of 19 if I so much as raise my voice at my parents. That is all it will take. I can't recall the last time my parents hit me. They taught me good values since birth and there was never need for physical abuse.
That is not to say I don't respect the parenting skills of those who have expressed their opinion, but I side with those that show the kids who the boss is. Be it slamming them against the wall, into the refrigerator, or hitting them with the broom. I will respect my children, and I would expect them to respect me. I will resort to physical punishment without thinking twice. |
Then you side with child abuse. Easy as that. |
Hitting your kids for amusement and slapping them once because they don't respect you are two different things. I am not for child abuse. If I would give my heart and soul to my kid, respecting him, loving him and he comes out and calls me an asshole? Oh, you bet your ass he'll be getting his. And how.
Oh I get it. It's only abuse if you think it's funny. Sorry, doesn't work that way. You whack your kid with a broom, it's child abuse. Doesn't matter what the reason is. There's no two ways about it. You're supporting child abuse. Look at it this way. If you hit someone with a broom handle on the street, you'll get arrested and charged with felony assault. What makes you think the same action is ok, or even legal just because you're doing it to your underage child? That's absurd. |
shakran is it ok if I use my bare hand?
My mother is only 5'2", at some point (I was maybe 9 or 10) I did something wrong and my mother slapped me. I stared her down, she was too weak to hurt me. Then my father came home. Oddly my mother didn't have to worry about me being a problem after that. One spanking (and it hurt like hell) fixed what no time out would have ever done. |
I don't think it's necessary but I'm not gonna foam at the mouth and call child protection over it. I still think it sends the wrong message. "When people displease you, you should hit them." That's not the message I want to impart to my child. And all the examples on here about "I got spanked and straightened right the hell up" are great, but just because one method gets a desired result does not mean it's the only method, nor does it mean it's the best. As I mentioned earlier, I too had an issue with my kid mouthing off to his mom. I didn't lay a hand on him, but I stripped his room completely bare except for his mattress. I even put his dresser in our room. He had to come to us to get his clothes. He also had to do every chore my wife wanted him to do, above and beyond his normal chores. He didn't have ANY free time for 6 months, and he ended up digging a big damn garden (nice rocky soil too). In short I made his life a living hell for months on end because of his stupidity. That was several years ago now and the kid's NEVER done anything like that again. I too taught him respect and I didn't have to lay a hand on him. The main physical consequence to his punishment was that he developed his muscles. I have never found it necessary to spank my kid. But regardless of what our opinions on spanking are, it is still without question wrong to commit child abuse. If you hit your kid with an object, or throw your kid into something, you are abusing your kid. |
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