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#1 thing that makes a good parent
What is the #1 thing that makes a good parent?
I often wonder if I'd be a good father... |
always being there
I find that the single most important thing in parenting is just being willing to get up off my ass and do whatever needs doing when my kids need it. If I did that more often I would be a better parent.
It's hard to break it down, but I'd say... you gotta give your kids freedom. Knowing when to hold them close and when to let them loose is very important. It's the difference between a well-adjusted individual or a sheltered/unbridled personality.
honestly, since Im not super old I can personally say the best thing later on (14+) is know where your kid is going. Most parents just let their kids leave the house and wander around like a idiot which is dumb unless you want to see your kid on the 11 o clock news in jail.
Most of the time ide say the ask who what why where when commericals are pretty dumb however they are true, most of the time if you ask those questions you can make your son/daughter feel pressured and more reluctant to try something knowing that bad things come from it. There is however a opposite end of the spectrum where your kid doesnt have enough freedom which in alot of cases ends up turning into the person being afraid to speak to people or they just grow up not as social (which isnt a bad thing). Also the biggest issue with this is sometimes the kid feels that their parents care to much and in a way to get back at the parent they do just what you dont want them to do. This was sposed to be short and I could probaly go on but ill sum it up: Ask who what why where when even if it seems dumb however dont turn into a freak about what your kid is doing let them learn on their own however give them advice on good / bad decisions it is a deterrent I can say personally. Edit:Blah started post before Halx posted and went afk come back and he posted what I said in a much longer detail but ill leave it up since it does have some decent advice I think ;/ |
As the new parent of a 3-week-old, I'll be spending quite a bit of time in here.
Right now the only advice I have is to love her like no other. (Like that's so hard to do right now.) :love: |
Committing yourself now and for the rest of your life to doing what is best for your child. Shelter, nurture, protect and teach them while they're young. Guide and accept them into adulthood. Let them go when they need to go. Give them absolutely everything within your power to give. Give them the confidence and security of knowing that you will always be there for them. I guess you could also call that love. |
My first response is Uncoditional Love.
However, I want to clarify that -- part of loving someone is having boundaries, allowing for consequences to teach lessons, and total acceptance. It is NOT letting someone walk all over you! Also, the other greatest gift you can give a child is loving yourself! When you love yourself and take care of yourself, you are modeling for your child, self love. You are saying, through your actions, we are good enough and we are lovable -- because if I'm lovable and you are part of me, then you must be lovable too. |
Without a doubt......UNDERSTANDING.
In the full context of this word....look it up. This one concept will lead to all others if you allow yourself to live it. |
Putting your child's needs before your own...
when your kids find out you've lied... the trust just disappears. pretty difficult to parent anyone without trust. i ask them for the truth... i give it back in return... period. |
I don't think there is such a thing as a perfect parent. What makes a parent is someone who is involved. Perfect? I ruled that out long ago. I guess if I was to look at a perfect parent. It would have to be a parent who gives it their best shot. Does the best they can. Can admit to making mistakes and only being human with a heart that cares.
I don't understand these people who have kids and claim to hate them and /or have nothing to with them. My mom always says .. you can love your child yet hate everything about them but it doesn't take away the fact that you still love your child. I like these commercials on drugs and being a supermom. That's a bunch of shit. If you go by what the books and commercials say makes a great parent .. good luck! My son changed all the text books for me. Once you have a child .. you are either a parent or your not. It isn't something that you can prepare for no matter how much you think you may be prepared. Not every kid is the same. And they don't come with a manual and it sure isn't a venda machine choice. |
Number one is patience: Patience is my worst fault and the key to most of my parenting disasters. I have a six year old, a three year old, and one on the way. So I need it in spades.
Number two is flexibility: Those little stinkers NEVER behave"in character" and always take the path-of-the-least-expected. Although, these are often your best memory snapshots. Number three: don't forget what it's like to be a kid. Playing in the rain doesn't really give you pneumonia. And almost everything washes off eventually. *Parenting tip* NERF BAZOOKA!!! You don't want to hurt them, but sometimes you really need the stopping power!! Buy one today! |
I'm gonna say two things:
1) Communication - Don't ever be afraid to talk to your children, tell them about yourself and let them share their feelings with you. Don't dumb things down for their benefit, but don't feel the need to be vulgar for the sake of realism. Being able to communicate well builds confidence and charisma. 2) Consistency - Be consistent with your child. Don't change the rules half way through the game. Don't threaten punishment and not carry through. By the same token, don't promise rewards that they will never see. Children are looking for structure and balance, and are easily confused when there isn't stability in their lives. My 2 cents. PS - I have a 7 month old son, so I am just beginning to work on these things myself. Thanks for all the good advice given above. |
I was gonna say Truth, but....
LOVE- with that comes everything else. |
Tough love. Setting bounderies for their good. Being moved to work for them when you don't feel like it. Simply wanting the best for them in all aspects and knowing that they need your love most. Also if you are married - loving your spouse. So many children go through so much turmoil because their parents don't love each other or treat each other with respect. I've seen such broken hearts in children that should not be carrying that kind of load and it's all because the parents couldn't love each other or their child. Love takes work. Love your child.
Re: #1 thing that makes a good parent
Good parent or good father... as a father, I can say that one of the more difficult things to come to grips with is the sense of sacrifice. As children and later young men, we males aren't generally conditioned for the type of nurturing that we will be doing later. AFAICT, most men spend the first two decades (or more) caring for just one person, themselves. It's a rough transition and a lot of fathers buckle under the pressure of it. So yeah... committment, sacrifice... The decision to become a father is easy. Living with the decision can be a challenge. Now... if we're speaking parenting in general and not father specific, I think consistency is key. Very young children absolutely thrive on structure and an ordered lifestyle. |
My father is a big model for this... he has had steady jobs that pay decently well since I was born, and he's been a big help getting me through school. I know that he's done jobs that he didn't like much and worked very hard on them because of me and I don't think I'll ever be able to make that up to him... I only hope that when I'm settled down and ready to have kids that I can be for my family what he was for me. I only wish that I could have appreciated him more when I was in high school. There's a poem that always hits me deep inside when I read it by Robert Hayden: Quote:
Re: #1 thing that makes a good parent
As far as being the perfect parent I dont know if there is one. There will be second guessing specially for the first time parents. You wont always be wondering should I do this, have I done that right, should I have done this rather then that, but the questions will be there. As they get older they try to test your limits seeing how much they can get away with. You are going to hear I hate you or Just leave me alone. I m not saying all kids are going to do this but so far with everyone that I know that is a parent they have heard it. Doesnt mean that they dont love you they are just trying to see what they can get away with and upset when they get stoped.
When they are young they love you unconditionally, as they get older you have to insure them that you love them, they may not aways say it back you just have to know that they do, and by telling them constantly insures them you do. Always know where your child is, the best thing you could ever do. Dont ever let them get out of reach. Tell them everytime they leave the house that you love them and becareful. Sure they are going to think its stupid, repetative or lame and any other "cool" term that comes up but atleast they know that you do love them and worry about them. Set aside time to have a one on one with them even if its just watching cartoons, or going for a walk drawing, holding them in your arms if they are a baby, anything just spend time with them alone. You can do this at any age. Build that parent child bond between you so that they do feel comfortable to come and talk to you about anything and everything. Doesnt matter what time just pick an hour out of the day and talk to your child(ren). Get to know them even if they are only a few weeks or months old and sleeping they still know whats going on. They are individuals so spending time with each one on their own with you is equally important as spending together as a family. Dont be afraid to let go. Just instill in them your trust and love and hope that they remember everything you taught them and will still teach them. They are always going to be your babies no matter how old they are. I m 27 years old and my mom still calls me her little girl. I dont know if this helps, anyone but this is just what I have been taught I am a young mother I had my son when I was 19. I know some have had children when they were younger then me but this is everything that I have seen growing up. Everything that my mom taught me and what I hope to teach to my son. |
Be there for your kids, but don't always be there for your kids. My wife and I make a very concerted effort to keep our marriage strong with together time. We see so many of our friends just totally dedicating their lives to their children's activities that their relationship is suffering.
Patience: Kids are just a bundle of things that will get on your nerves... if not now then soon
Consistent: If you say you are going to do something do it. This runs from promising to take them to the movies to threatening their TV privileges if they don't do their homework. Don't be wishy-washy. Don't try to be your kids best friend. Also... what works when they are 5 is not necessarily what works when they are 16. |
I may be rambling, sorry. But my point is that there can be a "teenage best friend" but there can be a "parent best friend". You don't have to act like them, try to get into their activities/hobbies, push to talk..........A "parent best friend" listens. And they give their child (5 or 16) the space to be who they are. Too many limitations, lack of respect, honesty, or care lead the child to be withdrawn, rebellious, and even sometimes vengelful because the parents weren't there for them, didn't care, or didn't trust them. Hey, I can stand to be "hated" when my son gets older, but I can lessen it by being a "parent best friend." |
The problem with trying to be your child's friend is a matter of perspective. Parenting is tough enough without worrying about whether your child likes you or not. If you are a good parent, your children will love you. Friends are essentially equals. Parents and children are not, at least not in my house they are not. One day, we might be equals, but that day won't come as long as they are living in my house. |
we are all equals, no matter our age or athourity.
Parents try too hard when they are worrying if their children like them. Act yourself. Let them act themselves. Let them make choices. Be honest. Give them space. Listen. Respect them. That's a genuine parent's role. |
It's not about authority. It's about dependence.
I agree with you in some respects, but even your argument validates mine. "Let them make choices. Give them space." What they have is mine to bestow. The choices they have are what I allow. We are not equals. |
^^^ That's cool. I am just expressing my definition of a parent role- we all have different ideas on that, and that's fine, just as long as we are doing the best we can. No argument at all.
You got to know when to hold em'
Know when to fold em' Know when to walk away Know when to run Ahhhhhh 30k in student loans, how you have helped me.... |
Cooking Skills
Listen to what they have to say---NO DAMN it I mean stop and listen to what they are telling you....some times it is hard for a child to come right out and say what they want you to hear...
There are times when you must make them understand that they can trust you and tell you anything without you going ballistic and blaming them or not investigating to find the truth..... as my teen agers got older, we had a pack that if they got somewhere and needed a ride home or just needed to get out of a bad situation that they could call me at any time and I would come and get them...AND there would be no questions or reprisals for being in the wrong place....and it worked.. I think it was just mutual respect.... |
^^^ that is excellent. That's my plan.
and---if you want to teach a child something you must bring them UP to your level....if you want to have fun, you must come down to their level...
I think making the distinction that you are his/her parent, not his/her friend.
IMHO...Consistency more than anything else. If you're strict fine, stay that way all the time. Don't make rules then let them be broken or break them yourself. If you don't plan on grounding your child for getting an "F" then don't tell them you will. That way everyone knows the rules and what to expect.
Being their friend is okay...just don't TRY to be. |
i would also put forth selflessness. not that i suggest you lose yourself, because if you do you are of no value to anyone. but the minute you have a kid, YOU are not number one anymore... the kid is. most parents i see who have problems are too selfish and haven't accepted the commitment fully. |
No matter what you do, someone will think it is wrong. Maybe not now, but definately later.
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