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CSflim 06-26-2003 03:04 PM

Was Jesus Black?
I will start this thread by getting out of the way the fact that I am an atheist, but that I do believe in the historical figure of Christ. I don't believe that he went round performing miracles and later raising from the dead. But he definitely existed.

I first heard rumours of Jesus being black a long time ago. But at the time I dismissed these people as idiots trying to provoke a reaction by saying something "shocking".

However I am hearing this opinion more and more, and am wondering if there is any truth in the matter?

the main source of evidence appears to be the bible, but the language used in the bible is so archaic, and so shrouded in ambiguity it is difficult to ascertain any definite meaning from it, but I would be interested in seeing the specific passages.

Is there any historical evidence to point to a black messiah? Or conversely to a white one?

CheapBastid 06-26-2003 04:29 PM


If the intent is to describe Jesus as being of African Decent, the current scientific model seems to indicate that everyone is of African Descent, so yep.

If the intent is to describe Jesus as appearing as an African would at the time, likely no. He is described as Jewish and born of Mary of the line of David, so while technically 'Caucasian' (mid-easterner) likely brownish, not black.

There is some talk that he is of the Lost Tribes but I dunno, seems like sketchy evidence.

CrotchrocketSlm 06-26-2003 05:02 PM

Recall that Jesus was a Jew, and Jews of that pre-Diaspora era (hell, Jews currently living in the Middle East, for the most part) were fairly darker than many Jews of European descent these days. I don't think he was what we'd call "black" like Samuel L Jackson, but he definately wasn't as, *ahem* Aryan as he is often depicted in European paintings. He was more of a mocha brown, I'd say.

Tophat665 06-26-2003 05:18 PM

Duh! He was hispanic. Come on. His name was Jesus! (Kidding.)

Lebell 06-26-2003 06:15 PM

Unlikely from what we know.

He was however probably not the nice white european messiah that is usually portrayed.

(go to google and pull up a picture of a middle-eastern man).

duckduck 06-26-2003 06:20 PM

I'd say more of an olive Middle Eastern (ie. Hebrew) hue, but that's just me.

fsudaft 06-26-2003 06:44 PM

If this Jesus existed to begin with, he would not be a pasty European white guy as he has be portrayed as for several hundred years. There is the possibility that he might be black, since those from the Middle East back in that time would get slaves from northeast Africa. In the most likely, Jesus would look like anyone else from the Middle East, seeing as that was the place of his supposed birth. Of course this is saying that i believe in organzied religion.

Slims 06-27-2003 01:05 AM

Well, he certainly wasn't white (if her ever existed). I don't know about black though.

alpha phi 06-27-2003 05:26 AM

Jesus was half jew, and half whatever color God is!

So what color is god?

raeanna74 06-27-2003 08:14 AM

lol According to the Bible everyone in his time believed that he was only the son of a Jewish Carpenter. Sooo He looked like a Jew at that time. Not the European white Jews. Darker than Caucasians but not as dark as those of African decent.

bouray 06-27-2003 05:52 PM

Our terminology of Black and White is just so Farked up, its ridiculous. I am from southern Louisiana and I can introduce many of you folks to some of the lightest skin color (not albino) people, who are what is racially called "Black". The question is what does it matter? But to answer your question:
This is one the even the most religious, caucasion bible thumper seems to forget....there is a scripture in the bible (sorry I can't remember it exact passage) but it describes Jesus. It says that Jesus "had skin of bronze and hair of wool". It is safe to assume that Jesus would have looked like a typical middle easterner, just because of where he was born.
If you start to follow the history of religious artifacts, some of the earliest sculptures and paintings of the holy family did not depict them of a "white" descent, but as chritianity started to expand, more and more of the church heirarchy started to push for a whiter Jesus.

CSflim 06-28-2003 07:16 AM

I wasn't implying that it mattered. I just think that its funny that we are constantly shown a very specific look for Jesus. I mean if I showed you ten portraits of people, it would be "obvious" which one is jesus...the one with long brown hair, a neatly trimmed beard and white white skin!

Memalvada 06-28-2003 07:30 AM

I saw a documentary about this a long time ago... And it had good points on why Jesus would be darker than the average middle easterner.
I dont remember well, but the documentary argued that Jesus and his parents would have needed to have darker skin if they would passed unnoticed during their years hiding in Egypt... They also talked about Joseph's ancestors having dark skin or something....

bermuDa 06-28-2003 08:11 PM

if he was, organized religion would never admit to it.

urgodhere 06-28-2003 08:36 PM

i agree with bermuDa on that one...organized religion is so stuck up and is just a remnant of the dark ages. i cannot believe people still look up to them (especially with all the sex scandals).

tobasco72 06-28-2003 09:34 PM

he was a friggin arab, i mean look they still dress the way he did. and he was born and lived in the middle of all the arabic countries

XenuHubbard 07-01-2003 11:05 PM

Actually, I was thinking a bit about this a couple of years back.
So I e-mailed Christopher Johnson, the Grand Dragon of Kentucky's KKK chapter.

My question was: Are arabs white? Since Jesus was an arab belonging to the Jewish faith, they must be, right? Since Jesus was white and all.

Mr. Johnson replied that Arabs are not white, and since Jesus was a divine creation, genetics had nothing to do with it.
So, were back to square one, people.

At least if we trust the KKK.

bermuDa 07-02-2003 01:23 AM

if genetics had nothing to do with it... then jesus wasn't white either!

eat your heart out, mr. johnson

The_Dude 07-02-2003 08:04 AM

according to the people that made him up, it'd be their same race.(skin color)

black jesus was a ploy to convert blacks into christianity

j_o_brown 07-02-2003 08:41 AM

Jesus WAS black. Jesus was NOT his real name. Period. We also know that he was NOT a Jew or a Christian.

Welcome to the wonderful world of misinformation brought to you by the 'Christians'. (specifically, the Roman Catholoc Church)

CSflim 07-02-2003 09:14 AM


Originally posted by j_o_brown
Jesus WAS black. Jesus was NOT his real name. Period. We also know that he was NOT a Jew or a Christian.

Welcome to the wonderful world of misinformation brought to you by the 'Christians'. (specifically, the Roman Catholoc Church)

Could you please elaborate for us? What was "his" name? Where did the name Jesus come from? I get the impression that Jesus was a relatively common name in that area at that time.
Obviously Jesus wasn't a christian... or at least in the sense of being BORN a christain. As far as I know he considered himself a Jew, and believed that he was the Messiah, whose arrival was prophetisied by the Jew. i.e. he considered himself a continuation of the Jewish religion, rather than a founder of a new one. anyone care to correct me on this one?
Do you have any specific evidence that Jesus WAS black?


rodgerd 07-03-2003 01:14 AM

He - the historical figure - was an Israeli Jew. Prior to the Diaspora, you're talking essentially the same ethnic stock that modern day Palestinians are derived from. Want to know what Jesus looked like? Look at Palestinians, Iraqis, Arabs, and other near Middle Eastern groups.

Macheath 07-03-2003 10:15 AM

I get pissed off at the pansy white Jesus as depicted in cheesy Church shop prints. He always looks like he has used too much conditioner or something.

Killconey 07-07-2003 04:48 PM

I can't believe this entire forum has gone by without anyone praising the mighty works of Kevin Smith! Recall that in Dogma, Jesus was indeed black and God also a woman.

In reality, I think that Jesus was probably not black but rather Arabian/Jewish as many other people on this thread have said before me. I agree with Macheath that most Jesus pictures look way too pretty (case in point, I once found a picture in a church that me and my friends called "Drag Queen Jesus" because the man seriously looked like he was wearing lipstick and mascara). Scriptures in Isaiah that supposedly refer to Jesus actually describe him as being quite ugly and unappealing.

Mojo_PeiPei 07-07-2003 05:20 PM


Jesus WAS black. Jesus was NOT his real name. Period. We also know that he was NOT a Jew or a Christian.
This could be one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read. How do you know what his name was? The fact of the matter is that he was jewish and that Jesus did exist (The Romans kept records of their executions). St. Peter was the founder of the Christian religion, and ofcourse it was based solely on the teachings of Jesus. The early "church" was known as "the way". The way later evolved in the catholic church a few centuries later.

chavos 07-08-2003 12:46 AM


black jesus was a ploy to convert blacks into christianity
Since it doesn't really matter what skin color Jesus has, does it really hurt anything to have images of Christ as black, latino, etc...so that everyone can see themselves in the images of God?

Mel 07-08-2003 01:28 AM

He was probably dark... We only see pictures of a 'white' Jesus now because of all the 'white' missionary people who sailed around the world a few centuries trying to convert people to Christianity. Perhaps they were a bit prejudice against darker people back then.

Cynthetiq 07-08-2003 09:00 AM

Was Jesus a black man or white man?
In Times Square and in other locations, there is a group of people called 12 Tribes and they take a very literal sense of the bible. There is often a preacher giving sermon, a reader, reading verses as espoused by the preacher, and occassionally a camera man. They preach some hatred most of the time, heckling passersby that are not black or chosen people. Sometimes I see their show on public access.

from the 12tribes website.

We are the Biblical Israelites, our goal is to spread the true Gospel and prepare our people for the second coming of Jesus Christ as it is written in Matthew chapter 10, Verses 6-7: "But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as ye go, preach saying The Kingdom of heaven is at hand."

The brothers at 12 Tribes of Israel do not make claims or give opinions which cannot be substantiated in the Biblical text. According to the books of Deuteronomy 28:15-68 and II Esdras 13:40-46, all those whose forefathers are of so called Negro, Indian, and Latin American descent; scattered throughout North, Central, South America and the four corners of the earth, make up the 12 Tribes of the Nation of Israel. We are here to bring out the TRUTH to the world, and destroy the lies that have been taught for ages.

We teach the Bible as it is written in Isaiah 28:10, "For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little." In other words, as it is written in Psalms 40:7 and Hebrews 10:7, the Bible is the written word of God and it is Jesus Christ who gave us Commandment upon Commandment and Law upon Law to observe and keep.
Having studied the bible at great length I am not convinced that Jesus looks like any of those friezes that are in most churches. If he was a jewish man from Israel, then he would look similarly to those that have been living in that area for generations.

Mojo_PeiPei 07-08-2003 09:50 AM

This seems reminicent to the Nation of Islam's Yaccub's history (which could be the biggest crock of shit I have ever read). Basically the story states that Life was created at Mecca sometime in the past. It was ruled by 60 some odd scientists, one of them was mad. This mad scientist created the white man. The white man rose to power, but he is to be put down some 6000 years later when a giant race war will insue and the Black people will regain power.

warrrreagl 07-08-2003 09:54 AM


Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
This seems reminicent to the Nation of Islam's Yaccub's history (which could be the biggest crock of shit I have ever read). Basically the story states that Life was created at Mecca sometime in the past. It was ruled by 60 some odd scientists, one of them was mad. This mad scientist created the white man. The white man rose to power, but he is to be put down some 6000 years later when a giant race war will insue and the Black people will regain power.
And they will sing "Helter Skelter" and carve the word "Piggies" into the stomachs of their victims while Charles Manson looks on.

I knew this sounded familiar.

johni 07-08-2003 11:32 AM

Jesus was a Jew, plain and simple. So he probably looked like the Israelites of today.

bermuDa 07-08-2003 04:45 PM

this thread feels reminiscent of this one.

hawkeye 07-08-2003 09:28 PM

Ok, I might be missing something here, but why exactly does it matter? Should the colour of his skin, be it white, pink, brown, grey, or blue affect our opninions of Him? If he had a particular skin colour, would it change the meaning of His words?

bermuDa 07-08-2003 10:57 PM

ideally, or realistically?

trudes1131 07-13-2003 09:42 PM

Jesus was, in fact, a whale.

Whether or not his skin was white or black is something most religious figureheads debate to this day over cups of Pekan tea and moments of heated discussion at the Vatican.

But seriously, one of the main purposes in scripting the Bible appears to be the presence of a heavy window for interpretation, so that it may reach out to the beliefs of many while shunning only a discriminate few. In this sense, you can read darn near anything into the text at hand.

White or black, red or blue, pink or late-autumn beige; I do believe the purpose was to promote the message, not the image. When the opposite occurs, the focus stops being on faith and starts being on insignificant details.

A topic many tend to be very fond of.

WhoaitsZ 07-14-2003 09:34 AM

i have ignored this thread since day one. but here.....

i do not care if Jesus looked like a werewolf. he could be gay, straight, completely abstinant (uh spelling?) or whatever.

hey may be black.... or fucking purple. who cares? his persona is all i care about and the love he gives me.

that's what matters.

asaris 07-15-2003 07:59 AM


Originally posted by Mel
He was probably dark... We only see pictures of a 'white' Jesus now because of all the 'white' missionary people who sailed around the world a few centuries trying to convert people to Christianity. Perhaps they were a bit prejudice against darker people back then.
That's a bit unfair. The actual reason is that people living in the Middle Ages had no fear of anachronism. When they painted people (any people), they painted them as Medieval people, complete with clothing and such. This practice continued for a very long time, partly just because of tradition (we've always painted Jesus this way) and probably partly because of prejudice.

billclinton 07-15-2003 07:13 PM


MSD 07-17-2003 10:39 PM


Originally posted by bermuDa
this thread feels reminiscent of this one.
The one we're reading now? Is this supposed to be some sort of joke?

MSD 07-17-2003 10:40 PM

What Jesus looked like means nothing. What matters is that his overall message is that people should work together, not against each other.

KellyC 07-17-2003 11:42 PM

if the information from the link: http://www.abacom.com/~jkrause/jesus.html is true, or even a tiniest part of it (Judas is Jesus' twin), what would it mean to christianity? I've denounce the worshipping of Jesus and God, but still, SHOCKED!! I am when I read the info from the link.

Podmore 07-21-2003 08:33 PM

Here you go: http://popularmechanics.com/science/...us/print.phtml

thephuse 07-22-2003 11:07 PM

seeing where most of his life takes place, i would say he is middle eastern... that's just my opin.

abelak 07-23-2003 07:12 AM

Does it really matter? If we stay arguing about what colour Jesus was then I think we're missing the point as to why he existed at all!!

tedrlord 07-24-2003 12:10 PM


Originally posted by j_o_brown
Jesus WAS black. Jesus was NOT his real name. Period. We also know that he was NOT a Jew or a Christian.

Welcome to the wonderful world of misinformation brought to you by the 'Christians'. (specifically, the Roman Catholoc Church)

First, I have to say that this is an amusing post. But you are technically right about the name. Jesus' name was really Yeshua, which is the Hebrew equivalent of Jesus. It's like the difference between Peter, Piotr and Pierre. Same name, different languages.

Jonsgirl 07-24-2003 06:34 PM


Originally posted by tedrlord
Jesus' name was really Yeshua, which is the Hebrew equivalent of Jesus. It's like the difference between Peter, Piotr and Pierre. Same name, different languages.
Thank you! I was beginning to think that no one would answer this! Is there somewhere that you know of that i can find out more about that?

Pellaz 07-24-2003 08:27 PM

Jesus the historical figure will never be known in complete. As a religous figure, accounts will never be homoginized. Arguments for an answer such as thephuses put forth, while logical, will still not solve the inherent problems of a hundred conflicting view points. An equal argument would be that jesus was native american in apperance, since he spent several years wandering N. America, according to some religions. The matter of race should not be important in the least when considering theological Jesus, and as for historical Jesus, well, he could of been anyone that the legend grew around.

hobo 07-24-2003 10:48 PM


Originally posted by abelak
Does it really matter? If we stay arguing about what colour Jesus was then I think we're missing the point as to why he existed at all!!
Then why don't people admit that he looked average, and therefore looks like the picture in the popular mechanics link? Its the most likely truth isn't it? Wouldn't Christians want to look at an accurate portrait of the messiah's face? what he looks like obviously matters because his image is everywhere. It is even some people's idea of the perfect person.

tedrlord 07-27-2003 10:21 PM


Originally posted by Jonsgirl
Thank you! I was beginning to think that no one would answer this! Is there somewhere that you know of that i can find out more about that?
Find out about what, exactly? Jesus' Hebrew name? I can't remember where I had heard about it. I just like reading about religion and it's mentioned every so often.

If you're talking about general "I didn't know that" stuff about Jesus and Christianity, there are quite a few places to look. One of the most interesting traditional archives is the Catholic Encyclopedia at http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/. I'm not Catholic myself, but I still find it a good read. Now that I look at it, there's an interesting essay on Jesus' name at http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08374x.htm. I also really like Cecil Adams' http://www.straightdope.com, which is a general repository of knowledge, but if you look around a little you can find some pretty in-depth articles about the Bible and Christianity.

If what you're looking for is more along the lines of "stuff they don't want you to know," which the poster I originally quoted seems to have been into, I'd recommend doing a google search for "Christian quabalah" and "gnosticism." They're all about unusual mythology and ideas about Christianity. Personally, I don't hold them to be at all accurate, but they're quite fascinating topics nonetheless.

I'm sure there are a lot of good books on this kind of subject too if you look around at your local bookstore, but I can't think of any off-hand.

maxero 07-28-2003 12:20 AM

i think the simple answer is, if its all true, youll find out when you die or when he comes around again
if its all lies, then it doesnt matter anyway

stonecurran 07-28-2003 05:05 AM

well jesus was a jew and jews are what color?

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