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Old 09-02-2010, 08:25 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
Glenn Beck vs Alex Jones

so who'd win in a fight ?

heh, after seeing the GB vicks vapo rub vid on Crooks and Liars I checked youtube to see it's popularity/view count. amongst the search results I noticed an Alex Jones came up. if your curious, scroll down the list.
YouTube - glen beck vicks

I haven't seen any AJ vids for a few years, not that he hasn't been around doing his this all along, just out of my radar I spose. anyway, I went on to watch about half of his damming vid on Obama, the perfect puppet for the fed and global PTB I spose. I stopped around the point his group was yelling at the limos rolling into the Bilderbergers conference.

I'm curious what you all think of Alex Jones. watching his shows I get the feeling the PTB is intent on unifying the American continent, changing the currency into 'the Amero' and essentially crushing the middle and well all classes under the billionaire status to some kind of 3rd world level.

I don't really understand the point of that. I live near 2 gated communities, I can't see why 'the rich' would want to drive through acers and acers of hellish slums to get to their homes each night. but I must admit that things I was told were going to happen by a friend who's really into all this stuff (the Alex Jones world view) have happened, the giant banking crash and the 'shearing of the sheep' so to speak, and if AJ is right, it's just the beginning

personally, my work seems to be unending, but then I work on rich peoples houses. I don't think I've touched a house that was less than 10-40 mill in my 20+ years of work. I'm just a welder/fabricator, railings, front doors fireplaces 'house jewelry' some call it. I can tell you Dale Chihuly's home has a $3500.00 toilet and it's remote control has more buttons than my Sharp LCD.
that's about all I can say though...sworn to secrecy actually, sometimes I am. but that's another topic....

AJ seems to be putting across the idea we are headed for a massive class war, with all these moth balled military bases being turned into prisons, or FEMA prisons/internment camps. I can only read so much of it and my eyes cross...literally due to some amount of dyslexia, the vids I can watch, but again, one can only take so much of it.

anyone care to offer some thoughts ? one thing, I don't get the feeling AJ is totally full of lies like I do GB. he's not pushing any God on me, or 'moral agenda' but it's just my gut talking.
when you believe in things that you don't understand, then you suffer. Superstition ain't the way.
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Old 09-03-2010, 04:07 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Alex Jones spends all his time screaming and harassing people through a megaphone rather than presenting any actual facts. When you look into the conspiracy theories, they fall apart. One of the biggest alleged "FEMA Prison Camps" shown surrounded by barbed wire fences is actually a reservoir. Those "FEMA coffins" are on storage space rented to Polyguard, one of the largest manufacturers of waterproof burial vaults. The rich know that they and any big company are going to put money behind whoever will vote in their best interest, and congress is made up of a bunch of rich people. It's obvious that anyone in power is going to want to stay there. There's really no need for these big conspiracy theories when the facts that are out there to see explain it all perfectly.
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Old 09-16-2010, 09:05 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MSD View Post
Alex Jones spends all his time screaming and harassing people through a megaphone rather than presenting any actual facts. When you look into the conspiracy theories, they fall apart. One of the biggest alleged "FEMA Prison Camps" shown surrounded by barbed wire fences is actually a reservoir. Those "FEMA coffins" are on storage space rented to Polyguard, one of the largest manufacturers of waterproof burial vaults. The rich know that they and any big company are going to put money behind whoever will vote in their best interest, and congress is made up of a bunch of rich people. It's obvious that anyone in power is going to want to stay there. There's really no need for these big conspiracy theories when the facts that are out there to see explain it all perfectly.
Which way are the barbs facing?

You dont need conspiracy theories with EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051.

if this is onion i appologize
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking
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Old 09-16-2010, 12:20 PM   #4 (permalink)
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I listen to both, and both are entertaining. That is their job.

I have listened to GB since 2002 and have always liked him. He is a lot more religious than I am but he has his reasons why and I understand that. I pretty much agree with GB 90% of the time. I think he is honest and true to himself and his listeners. Whether you agree or not is up to you, but I think its fair to say, he does not lie on purpose.

Alex Jones? AJ seems to embellish things against the flow of a caller or guest. Perhaps for his own agenda. Does he know he is lying? Does he really beleive it? I dont know.
Some of this stuff is spot on, how can it not be. But another portion is just far out lunacy. Which discredits the legitimate claims he has. That's too bad.

You have to be careful listening to AJ, it is hard to enjoy life if you think they are out to get you at every turn. GB generally wants you to be happy and to enjoy your life with your family, as he does. But he sees it as a responsibility to correct the wrongs with our corrupt government.

AJ gets on my nerves, he talks about military projects and space aliens concerning programs or things I personally know about. A lot of it is silly. I would fly training missions and later find out people called back to the local police, then base, reporting foreign (russian?) aircraft operating a near takeover of their ranch area. I mean this is the crap that AJ has people call in about. You do not need a HS diploma to call into those shows. You also are not required to do your own research prior to calling in, which today is easy to do.
If there were camps, UFOs and all that, dont you think Wikileaks would have it by now?
They are the check on abuse of power, not Alex Jones.

By the way, there is a group here who will inevitably chime in how bad GB and AJ are, they too, do not do their research. It seems the human condition is to accept a side and shoot the other side while preaching openness and fair debate. At least AJ and GB keep that channel open.
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Old 09-16-2010, 06:18 PM   #5 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
GB generally wants you to be happy and to enjoy your life with your family, as he does.
hmmm, well so long as your not a gay buddhist or muslim or atheist who wants to marry and adopt a child to create a family.

or if you prefer not to start a family by being a victim of rape or even a faulty condom.

I dunno, I'm far more fearful of any kind of "back to god" (whatever god) talk from GB than AJ's stuff. both depress me if I ever were to watch them. GB scares me for the loss of personal freedoms and "Tyranny of the Masses" AJ scares me of impending class wars and total annihilation and enslavement of the masses under an all powerful "New World Order"

and honestly, I'm not gay, but I'm FAR more fearful of religious folk than gay folk.
when you believe in things that you don't understand, then you suffer. Superstition ain't the way.
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Old 09-16-2010, 11:15 PM   #6 (permalink)
I like both Alex Jones and Glenn Beck. They both know their history really well. AJ does tend peek a little further behind the power curtain at the goings on of the world's elite. And AJ also understands that the President of the United States doesn't possess any real power rather he is nothing more than a puppet, a mouthpiece for the ones with the real power. So, when I hear people blame Bush for this or blame Obama for that, I just sort of shake my head.
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Old 09-18-2010, 05:23 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sun Tzu View Post
Which way are the barbs facing?

You dont need conspiracy theories with EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051.

if this is onion i appologize
The orientation of the fences depends on which alleged facility it is. Most of them are facing out to hinder intruders with the vague, contextless photos of them seeming to show it facing inward. Some facilities have it inward facing for whatever reason, and many aren't even military or government owned facilities at all.

And executive order 11051 was revoked in 1962
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Old 09-18-2010, 09:18 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MSD View Post
The orientation of the fences depends on which alleged facility it is. Most of them are facing out to hinder intruders with the vague, contextless photos of them seeming to show it facing inward. Some facilities have it inward facing for whatever reason, and many aren't even military or government owned facilities at all.

And executive order 11051 was revoked in 1962
By 12148 which really only modifies the upgraded title from Office of Emergency Preparedness to FEMA.

Even though I admire a lot of what President Kennedy did, 11051 set the groundwork for a potential misuse of power.

I'm not sure where I stand on the exsistence of these facilities, I just feel they can't be ruled out. We obviously need an emergency task force, but do you see any reason for having the power to freeze wages? To what extent does the term "EXTRAORDINARY MEASURES" go to into what is declared a reason for martial law.

As it stands now admitted government facilities with potentiol for "housing" large populations for emergencies are needed for disasters such as Katrina.

When you say many are you refering to sites not already a prison or "closed" military base?
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking
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alex, beck, glen, jones

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