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lunchbox 02-04-2005 06:57 AM

Cool/Funny/interesting Song names
Inspired by the "a cool band name" thread, I want to hear some people's favorite song names and the band's they're from...lets all do everyone a favor and not include any songs by "anal cunt" because I think they win for obnoxious non-sensical most obviously offensive song names. so with that being said, here are a few of my favorite:

Homophobes are just pissed because they can't get laid, War is Peace Slavery is Freedom May all your Interventions be Humanitarian, ordinary people do fucked up things when fucked up things become ordinary, nailing descartes to the wall (liquid meat is still murder), Albright Monument: Bagdhad, Apparently I'm a P.C. Fascist because I respect both human and non-human animals, The only good fascist is a very dead fascist, I was a pre-teen mcarthyist, - all by propagandhi

moonlapse vertigo by opeth

dark matter mystery - black body spectrum by vintersorg

MacGuyver 02-04-2005 07:47 AM

Shinobi vs. Dragon Ninja
My Guitar Wants to Kill Your Mama
Annunciate While You Masticate
A Beer's Much Better Than A Woman

MPower 02-04-2005 07:54 AM


hambone 02-04-2005 08:00 AM

NOFX - We Threw Gasoline On The Fire And Now We Have Stumps For Arms And No Eyebrows

02-04-2005 08:28 AM

I present to you, the track listing to Of Montreal's "Early Four Track Recordings:
1. Dirty Dustin Hoffman Needs a Bath
2. Dustin Hoffman Gets a Bath
3. Dustin Hoffman Thinks About Eating the Soap
4. Dustin Hoffman Scrubs Too Hard and Loses Soap
5. Dustin Hoffman Does Not Resist Temptation to Eat the Bathtub
6. Dustin Hoffman's Wife Comes Home
7. Dustin Hoffman's Wife Seems Suspicious About the Absent Tub
8. Dustin Hoffman Feigns Ignorance of Missing Bathtub
9. Dustin Hoffman's Wife Calls in Detective to Dust for Porcelain Particle
10. Dustin Hoffman's Tongue Taken to a Police Lab Where It Is Used as Toile
11. Dustin Hoffman Offers Lame Possible Explanation for Missing Bathtub
12. Dustin Hoffman's Wife Makes a Sarcastic Remark, Cuts the Head off a Duck
13. Dustin Hoffman Becomes Indignant and Wets Himself
14. Dustin Hoffman Quits Bathroom and Climbs a Tree
15. Dustin Hoffman's Children Enter the Bathroom
16. Dustin Hoffman's Children Don't Enter the Bathroom

kurtisj 02-04-2005 09:46 AM

NOFX - Flossing A Dead Horse
NoFX - Timmy the turtle
Tool - Stinkfist
Tool - Prison Sex
NOFX - My Vagina
RHCP - Suck My Kiss

hambone 02-04-2005 09:50 AM

Frenzal Rhomb - I Miss My Lung

Sorry about posting one at a time. I don't think in batches. :)

Thermopyle 02-04-2005 10:36 AM

Bob Hund - Det skulle vara lätt för mig att säga att jag inte hittar hem men det gör jag, tror jag.

Translation: It would be easy for me to say that I dont find my way home but I do, I think.

Edit: LOL, they are all very funny! Good thread!

mercury-hg 02-04-2005 11:04 AM

I Wish I Was Queer So I Could Get Chicks
A Lapdance Is So Much Better When The Stripper Is Crying

- Bloodhound Gang

02-04-2005 11:18 AM

Agoraphobic Nosebleed's "Drive by Blowjob on a Bike" (does grind even count, ALL of the songs have good names)
Aesop Rock's upcoming album is going to have a song on it called "Zodiaccupuncture"
Manitoba's "Tits and Ass: The Great Canadian Weekend"
I Hate Myself's "Caught in a flood with the captain of the cheerleading squad"

skinnymofo 02-04-2005 11:22 AM

Here comes the Stormtroopers of Death
"Pre-Menstrual Princess Blues"
"Fist Banging Mania"
"Free Dirty Needles"
"Crackhead Song"
"Monkey's Rule"
"Frankenstein and His Horse"
I left out some of the more vulgar song names they have

Coppertop 02-04-2005 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by mercury-hg
I Wish I Was Queer So I Could Get Chicks
A Lapdance Is So Much Better When The Stripper Is Crying

- Bloodhound Gang


Don't forget these gems:

You're Pretty When I'm Drunk
She Ain't Got No Legs
Kiss Me Where It Smells Funny

-Bloodhound Gang

FoolThemAll 02-04-2005 11:35 AM

I seem to remember this thread being done before...oh well.

Against Me! - You Look Like I Need a Drink
They Might Be Giants - Youth Culture Killed My Dog
Kind of Like Spitting - Dostoevsky Gets Mugged Outside a Donut Shop in New Jersey

Nick Drake - Things Behind the Sun
Belle & Sebastian - This is Just a Modern Rock Song

stonegrody 02-04-2005 11:39 AM

Hooker with a Penis - Tool
Message from Harry Manback - Tool
Aqueous Transmission - Incubus
Night After Sidewalk - Kaki King
The Nurse who loved me - A perfect circle

Stompy 02-04-2005 03:46 PM

Type O Negative - The Glorious Liberation Of The People's Technocratic Republic Of Vinnland By The Combined Forces Of The United Territories Of Europa

ling ling 02-04-2005 03:51 PM

The Books "A Dead Fish Gains the Power of Observation"

Bacchanal 02-04-2005 07:39 PM

Hoot Mon Is Skippered By The Captain's Malone
My 7th Grade Bus Driver Yells At Dead Trees
Spatulizing Lil Mooky's Ostrich Eggs
My Dad Shaves His Beemus Every Kwanzaa
Bill Nye The Science Guy Makes Me Wanna Cut Myself

-Mod Flanders Conspiracy

Dbass 02-04-2005 10:08 PM

Apocalyptica - Cohkka, Kaamos, Harmageddon, Metal Boogie
Aknestik - Suomirokkia
? - I fell Asleep On my Arm
Horse the Band - Cut Man

kiwiman 02-05-2005 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by Bacchanal
Hoot Mon Is Skippered By The Captain's Malone
My 7th Grade Bus Driver Yells At Dead Trees
Spatulizing Lil Mooky's Ostrich Eggs
My Dad Shaves His Beemus Every Kwanzaa
Bill Nye The Science Guy Makes Me Wanna Cut Myself

-Mod Flanders Conspiracy

The Happy Shroom Y No Molestes
Left Hand Boob, Right Hand No Boob

Derwood 02-05-2005 08:23 AM

Dead Kennedys: Holliday in Cambodia
Dead Milkmen:

Takin' Retards to the Zoo
Beach Party Vietnam
The Thing that only eats Hippies
Methodist Coloring Book
Anderson, Walkman, Buttholes and How!

Shizukana 02-05-2005 10:15 AM

Well, it's not a song, but I don't think this thread would be complete without Fiona Apple's "When the Pawn Hits the Conflicts He Thinks Like a King / What He Knows Throws the Blows When He Goes to the Fight / And He'll Win the Whole Thing 'Fore He Enters the Ring / There's No Body To Batter When Your Mind is Your Might / So When You Go Solo, You Hold Your Own Hand / And Remember That Depth is the Greatest of Heights / And If You Know Where You Stand, Then You Know Where to Land / And If You Fall It Won't Matter, Cuz You'll Know That You're Right."

Some song titles that I enjoy:

Pearl Jam - "Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town"
King Missle - "Detachable Penis"
Three 6 Mafia - "Slob on my Knob"
Ludacris - "Hoes in my Room"
Ludacris - "Ho"
Tool - Most of the previously mentioned songs...
Canibus - "Nigganometry"
Aaron Lewis' old band - "Bonghits for Breakfast"
Faith No More - Surprise! You're Dead!
Faith No More - Jizzlobber

high_way 02-05-2005 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by hambone
Frenzal Rhomb - I Miss My Lung

frenzel rhomb - russell crows band is a pile of shit

nohitters 02-10-2005 07:00 AM

Hair Spray Queen-Nirvana
Deer Dance-SOAD
Floyd the Barber-Nirvana

noodles 02-10-2005 07:56 AM

Minus the Bear - MONKEY!! KNIFE!! FIGHT!!

warrrreagl 02-10-2005 09:49 AM

I actually have all of these...

Why Don't We Do it In the Road? - Beatles
Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw? - Jimmy Buffett
My Head Hurts, My Feet Stink, and I Don't Love Jesus - Jimmy Buffett
If I'm Gonna Eat Somebody, it Might as Well Be You - Jimmy Buffett
Big Bad Bill is Sweet William Now - Leon Redbone
Intergalactical Laxative - Donovan
Can't you Take it Back and Change it for a Boy? - Rex Allen
The Closer to the Bone, the Sweeter the Meat - Grandpa Jones
Don't Wipe The Tears You Cry For Him On My Good White Shirt - Buck Owens
I Got In At 2 With A 10, And Woke Up At 10 With A 2 - Willie Nelson
She's Looking Better Every Beer - Stray Cats
Take this Job and Shove It - Johnny Paycheck
Thank God and Greyhound She's Gone - Roy Clark

Manic_Skafe 02-10-2005 11:29 PM


Horrendous Member Dismemberment
Oozing Rectal Feast
Outro : A Decrepit Denouement For The Disgustingly Deceased
Exhume To Consume
Quagmire Of Flesh
The Naked And The Dead
The Exquisite Flavor Of Gastro-Anal Tripe (\m/)
Excreting Innards
Ziploc Bodybag

Cattle Decapitation:

Testicular Manslaughter
The Regurgitation Of Corpses
Colonic Villus Biopsy Performed On Gastro-Intestinally Incapable
Chunk Blower

Fuck...I'm Dead:

Army of Hermaphrodites
Burnt to an Absolute Crisp
My Feral Fucktoy
Colon Commando
Fucking the Fetus
Jeffrey Dahmer's Cookbook
Inject Me with Aids

Jadedfox 02-11-2005 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by Thermopyle
Bob Hund - Det skulle vara lätt för mig att säga att jag inte hittar hem men det gör jag, tror jag.

Translation: It would be easy for me to say that I dont find my way home but I do, I think.

Awesome! I love Bob Hund. Skåne reprazent :lol:

My own contribution would be "Loosely of amoebas" by Farmakon. Awesome song too.


Jadedfox 02-11-2005 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by stonegrody
The Nurse who loved me - A perfect circle

Actually that song was written by Failure and covered by A perfect circle. Good song nonetheless.


Nefir 02-11-2005 08:16 AM

All by Cortex Bomb:

Knives in White Satan
3000 Strangers (who caught AIDS from Easy E)
Paul Schaffer Auto-erotic Vacuum Cleaner Exit Wound
Lord Bunny's Nightmare
Father Pannick Used to Be a Nice Place to Live
Richard Gere's Herbal Gerbil Juice
Testicles and Sandwiches
Never Lend Money to Keanu Reaves, Even if He is Dressed Like Mike Patton
Death to the Demon Ahmet Zappa

Very good stuff, too...

Spektr 02-11-2005 08:26 AM

Out Hud - Dear Mr. Bush, There Are Over 100 Words for Shit and Only One for Music

Fuckin awesome

hambone 02-11-2005 08:29 AM

Hobophobic(scared of bums) - NOFX

02-11-2005 08:36 AM

Blonde Redhead's "I am taking out my Eurotrash (I still get rocks off)"
Elf Power's "Simon (The Bird with the Candybar Head)" and "Needles in the Camel's Eye"
Gorillaz "Left Hand Suzuki Method"
I Hate Myself's "Secret Lovers at the Heaven's Gate Ranch"
Neutral Milk Hotel's "King of Carrot Flowers" parts 1, 2, and 3 "Two Headed Boy" and "Aunt Eggma Blowtorch"

stinkfist 02-15-2005 06:09 AM

I remember hearing some heavy metal song a few years back named "Dow Jones and the temple of doom", but I don't remember the name. Ween have some cool song names, here's just a few:

Don't shit where you eat
Poopship Destroyer
Waving my Dick in the Wind
Put the coke on my Dick
Hey Fat Boy (asshole)
Mister, would you please help my pony
Cover it with gas and set it on fire

Just a few pearlers

Manic_Skafe 02-16-2005 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by stinkfist
I remember hearing some heavy metal song a few years back named "Dow Jones and the temple of doom", but I don't remember the name.


Burnt By The Sun - Soundtrack To The Personal Revolution

(moderately good album)

omega2K4 02-16-2005 01:04 PM

Tool - Stinkfist
Tool - Hooker With A Penis

noodles 02-16-2005 09:55 PM

more song titles by minus the bear, kings of song titles:

absynthe party at the fly honey warehouse
booyah achieved
get me naked 2: electric bugaloo
hey! is that a ninja up there?
hey, wanna throw up? get me naked!
i lost all money at the cock fights
lemurs man, lemurs
thanks for the killer game of crisco twister

skinnymofo 02-16-2005 10:37 PM

ive totally forgot primus!
Wynonas big brown beaver
Sailing the Seas of Cheese
Los Bastardos/here come the bastards/
over the electric grapevine
professor nutbutters house of treats
those damned blue collar tweekers
proverbial mind spread

sgn43 02-16-2005 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by noodles
Minus the Bear - MONKEY!! KNIFE!! FIGHT!!

actually, all of Minus the Bear's songs have funny titles.

"Just Kickin' it Like a Wild Donkey"
"Hey! Is That A Ninja Up There?"
"Thanks For the Killer Game of Crisco Twister"
"Hey, Wanna Throw Up? Get Me Naked"
"Let's Play Guitar In a Five Guitar Band"
"Booyah Achieved"
"I Lost All My Money at the Cockfights"

and if you remember Starship Troopers, they have

"You Kill Bugs Good, Man"
"Damn Bugs Whacked Him, Johnny"

ahhh, I love that band.

edit: Crap, I just noticed noodles added more just a couple posts above me. sorry.

edit 2: I just remembered a song called "Masturbating for a Better Tomorrow" by Dick Delicious and the Tasty Testicles

Evil Milkman 02-17-2005 05:31 AM

"Live At The Apocalypse Cabaret" - The Blood Brothers

jimk 02-17-2005 06:12 AM

why don't we get drunk and screw....

- a kinda weak song, but a beautifully obvious title.

lite campfire 02-18-2005 11:17 PM

Cradle of Filth - Of dark blood and fucking
Death by Stereo - No shirt, no shoes, no salvation
- Wake up, you're dead
Pigbag - Papa's got a brand new pigbag
Jank1000 - My love notes and her death threats
Joe Satriani - Borg sex
Liam Lynch - United states of whatever
Lollipop Lust Kill - Jesus Chrysler
Squarepusher - Come on my selector
The Faint - An allusion passes through the bar
- Cars pass in cold blood
- Repetoire of uncommon depth
- Blank wave arcade
- Your retro career melted

And most songs by Mr. Bungle, Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet, and AnalCunt.

Their song titles are normal, but Death From Above 1979 is a really wierd name for a band.

lunchbox 02-18-2005 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by lite campfire

And most songs by Mr. Bungle, Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet, and AnalCunt.

yea analcunt is strictly forbidden because i read their song titles just for a laugh on bad days. they're frigging hysterical.

Strange Famous 02-19-2005 09:17 AM

Ice Cube - "Get off my dick and tell yo' bitch to come here"

Bacchanal 02-19-2005 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by skinnymofo
ive totally forgot primus!
Wynonas big brown beaver
Sailing the Seas of Cheese
Los Bastardos/here come the bastards/
over the electric grapevine
professor nutbutters house of treats
those damned blue collar tweekers
proverbial mind spread

The Air Is Getting Slippery
Pork Soda
Glass Sandwich
On The Tweek Again
Lacquer Head
Final Voyage of the Liquid Sky
Shake Hands With Beef
Mary The Ice Cube

Tophat665 02-19-2005 04:53 PM

So many good ones already.

Zappa had some beauts:
- The Toads of the Short Forest
- G Spot Tornado
- Orrin Hatch on Skis
- Jesus Thinks you're a jerk
- St. Alphonzo's Pankcake Breakfast
- Latex Solar Beef
- Lonesome Electric Turkey
- Watermelon in Easter Hay
- Dong Work for Yuba
- Fembot in a Wet T-Shirt
- Evelyn a Modified Dog
- Penguin in Bondage
- The Sinister Footwear
- The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing, and so on and so on and so on amen....

Jethro Tull:
- And the Mouse Police Never Sleeps
- Dharma for One

Derwod covered most of the Dead Milkmen, but there are other fine ones:
- If you love sombody, set them on fire
- Vince Lombardi Service Area
- Blood Orgy of the Atomic Fern
- Instant Club Hit (You'll dance to Anything)

Camper Van Beethoven:
- Take the Skinheads Bowling
- The Day that Lassie went to the Moon
- I was born in a Laudromat
- The Humid Press of Days
- All Her Favorite Fruit

Warren Zevon
- Leave my Monkey Alone
- For my next trick I'll need a Volunteer
- Sentimental Hygiene

King Crimson
- Elephant Talk
- Starless and Bible Black
- Larks' Tongues in Aspic
- Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream
- Satori in Tangiers

Infectious Grooves:
- You Lie, And Your Breath Stank

Brian Eno-
- Burning Airlines Give You So Much More
- Dead Finks Don't Talk
- The Needle and the Camel's Eye
- The Fat Lady of Limbourg
- Sombre Reptiles

Blue Öyster Cult:
- Harvester of Eyes
- (Don't Fear) the Reaper
- Cities on Flame
- Quicklime Girl (Queen of the Salmon Salts) (I don't have any idea WTF that is all about. People did a lot of drugs in the 70s.)
- I am the one I warned you of.

- Dread and the Fugitive Mind
- Addicted to Chaos

They Might Be Giants:
- Stand on your Own Head for a Change
- Absolutely Bill's Mood
- Alienation's for the Rich
- The Statue Got me High
- Rhythm Section Want Ad

More than enough for now.

TheBrit 03-01-2005 09:01 AM

Anvil - Show Me Your Tits
Anvil - Hair Pie

Hain 03-01-2005 09:10 AM

Catch 22 "Keasby Knights"
Not real funny name but the song is hysterical.
"Oh when they come for me I'll be sitting at my desk with a gun in my hand wearing a bullet proof vest singing 'My my my how the time does fly when you know you're gonna die by the end of the night!' "

boredom 03-01-2005 12:12 PM

3 inches of BLo0d - Wykydtron

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