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scott_p_1 11-30-2004 04:03 PM

Good indie songs for a beginner guitarist???
Hey guys,

I've been playing guitar for a few months now and I'm looking for some recommendations of good indie rock and indie pop songs to learn (And where to find the tabs too).

Seems like a lot of the stuff I want to play is just too difficult, or I can't find the tabs/chords for it.


1slOwCD8 11-30-2004 04:11 PM

I dont know about the songs, but you can find a lot of guitar and bass tabs at ultimate-guitar.com.

FoolThemAll 11-30-2004 04:33 PM

My brother's been playing for about a year, and he seems to be doing pretty well with "The High Party" by Ted Leo and the Pharmacists. It's a kick-ass song to boot.

Can be downloaded, free and legal, at www.epitonic.com.

(i'm such a fanboy.)

scott_p_1 11-30-2004 04:38 PM

FoolThemAll: Yeah, Ted Leo and the Pharmacists are awesome. I got a CD of their's earlier this week (didn't have that song on it though) AND Epitonic is one of my favorite web sites :)

Do you know where I can get the tab for it or anything?

dtheriault 12-01-2004 12:42 AM

What exactly is "indie?"

does punk count or does it have to be more melodic like Shadowy Men from a Shadowy Planet or Thelonius Monster

try www.mxtabs.net

nfuehgo23 12-01-2004 10:11 AM

Check out http://www.sweetadeline.net/tab.html

When i was just beginning, I also happened to start listening to Elliott Smith and he has some great songs that fit me as a beginner. You can start with "Speed Trials" from the Either/Or album and once you get good, you can try the fingerpicking stuff from the Elliott Smith album or his other albums. I guarantee youll love it.

Locobot 12-02-2004 12:24 PM

not necessarily indie, but Ramones songs tend to be easy to learn and pretty fun for the beginner

jaypc2 12-02-2004 04:46 PM

pretty much anything by the shins... some of the strokes stuff is pretty easy too..
also cheeck out the pixies, the goo goo dolls, ben kweller, ben folds, hot-hot-heat, beulah, the thrills, the stills, the frames, death cab for cuttie, wilco.. etc..those are some great indie bands.... im in one called all for murphy.. and if you want to get into indie .. i would suggest learning a couple of the Shins songs and then go on from there.. .try "young pilgriams"

FoolThemAll 12-02-2004 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by scott_p_1
FoolThemAll: Yeah, Ted Leo and the Pharmacists are awesome. I got a CD of their's earlier this week (didn't have that song on it though) AND Epitonic is one of my favorite web sites :)

Do you know where I can get the tab for it or anything?

I'm sorry, I don't know offhand.

You probably got Shake the Sheets, right? That's a good one, but their previous two albums are even better. :)

Oh yeah, to add on to the Shins rec: if you're looking for some really easy fingerpicking (something even I might be able to manage), try the Shins' "Those to Come". I believe I simply googled up the tabs for that one, and quite easily.

Locobot 12-03-2004 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
I'm sorry, I don't know offhand.

You probably got Shake the Sheets, right? That's a good one, but their previous two albums are even better. :)

Oh yeah, to add on to the Shins rec: if you're looking for some really easy fingerpicking (something even I might be able to manage), try the Shins' "Those to Come". I believe I simply googled up the tabs for that one, and quite easily.

Personally I like Ted Leo's solo dub album better than anything he's done with a band so far.

zenmaster10665 12-03-2004 07:20 AM

Try some pixies stuff:

Here Comes your Man
Where is my Mind

Not too bad and some cool riffs.

Spektr 12-04-2004 03:49 PM

Bright Eyes

FoolThemAll 12-04-2004 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Locobot
Personally I like Ted Leo's solo dub album better than anything he's done with a band so far.

Tell Balgury, Balgeary is Dead ep?

Locobot 12-10-2004 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
Tell Balgury, Balgeary is Dead ep?

I was thinking of the "Ted Leo - Rx/Pharmacists" record on the Gern Blandsten label. It says "pharmacists" but it was definitely recorded before he had a band. I'd also kill to have a recording of him playing Lauryn Hill's "Ex-Factor" which I've seen him play live twice. The second time was at a show in my friend's basement where we made him play it with incessant heckling.

FoolThemAll 12-10-2004 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Locobot
I was thinking of the "Ted Leo - Rx/Pharmacists" record on the Gern Blandsten label. It says "pharmacists" but it was definitely recorded before he had a band. I'd also kill to have a recording of him playing Lauryn Hill's "Ex-Factor" which I've seen him play live twice. The second time was at a show in my friend's basement where we made him play it with incessant heckling.

Haven't heard that one. Is it the one with "The 'Nice People' Argument"? I've heard mixed reviews of that, but none considering it better than his subsequent efforts until now.

I had an mp3 of his "Ex-Factor" cover, but I lost it in an unexpectedly-needed format. Trying to locate it again....

jimk 12-13-2004 06:05 AM

don't know how your indie history is, but......

dig up some old clash songs on londonsburning.org

complete control, janie jones, brand new cadillac & white man in hammersmith palais are all fairly easy & a blast if you can find a bass & drum to thrash along with you!

if you're unfamiliar with the songs.......get them now. every guitarist needs to have the strummer/jones punk/reggae tool in their bag.

Locobot 12-16-2004 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
Haven't heard that one. Is it the one with "The 'Nice People' Argument"? I've heard mixed reviews of that, but none considering it better than his subsequent efforts until now.

I had an mp3 of his "Ex-Factor" cover, but I lost it in an unexpectedly-needed format. Trying to locate it again....

Yeah I wouldn't recommend it unless you have everything else by Tej Leo and still want more. Even then there are the Weston albums that are probably more palatable...it's definitely an accquired taste. Let me know if you unearth that ex-factor mp3!

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