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pan6467 06-23-2004 01:07 PM

Who is your favorite musical artist/band and why?
Mine is of course the KINKS. It's like Ray can know what I am feeling and have a song in his catalogue saying listen to this.

If you read about their careers they are very much like me. Very self destructive the second things seem like they are going to be better than ever. Very dark and loners untrusting of anyone including each other.

Vibrant in public with awesome energy. Hard to hate because you see so much talent, but it's wasted by addictions, paranoia, noone understanding, self hatred and distrust, with anger for the fact of just being born thrown in.

A few songs that stand out to describe me "Apeman", "God's Children", "Destroyer", "Catch Me Now I'm Falling", The whole "Phobia" album, "I'm Not Like Everybody Else", Dave's "Living on a Thin Line" and "Death of a Clown" and the list just goes on and on.

Like I said no matter what I am feeling, this band, (more than any other and more than 99% of the people in my life) can articulate the feeling, and with the dry humor in almost every song can get me to smile and remain optimistic.

Who makes you "feel" or can help you through your tough times? Who describes you best through their music?

brandon11983 06-23-2004 10:58 PM

All time is unquestionably nine inch nails for reasons too numerous to list. As of late, I have been absolutely fascinated with Autechre. I've bought like 6 or 7 of their albums in the past month. Those who know it, know that words cannot begin to describe what they have done for/to electronic music. Their later works (Draft 7.30, Chiastic Slide and especially Confield) seem to all desire to bring the word known as "music" to a slow stagnating death. It is amazing to listen to, but definitely not for the faint of heart.

r3ptile 06-25-2004 04:09 PM

well i think i would have to agree with brandon's choice of <B>nine inch nails</B>, as my body - exclusively graced by their modest logo in dark black ink - will forever testify... trent's genius perfectly conveys the sense of despair/longing/tragedy that plagued my childhood and still haunts my dreams, so it is not without reason that i should choose his art to symbolize my feelings. however, i've always thought it an absurd task to attempt picking <I>one</I> band or artist over <I>all</I> the rest, so i haven't put much serious thought into it. nirvana would have to be a close contender, though.

by the way.. what is this "Autechre??" ...sounds like something i should know about -- i'll have to check into it. :]

oktjabr 06-25-2004 04:15 PM

My all-time favourite band must be Babylon Whores who probably has never heard of - anyway, the best term to describe their music is a term coined by themselves, death rock - combining weird attitude and occult lyrics (not in the common metal sense, though).

Close contestants might be swedish Tiamat and Entombed. :)

But to be honest, I don't usually let the genre limits and "favourite bands" chain me too much. The aforementioned are just some that really stand out of the crowd, so to say.

TheClarkster 06-26-2004 12:17 AM

Everclear has been my favorite band for as long as I can remember. I can listen to "Santa Monica" and it'll just take me away from any problems I'm having. Art has such emotion in his voice, it just gets to me.
But when I need something heavier I listen to AFI. Not only incredible instrumentation, but quite the lyrics. Ya, those two bands are my favorites by far.

BigGov 06-26-2004 02:11 AM

Atmosphere. He can actually rap, and not about guns, hoes, bitches, gangs, or some stupid pop-rap gimmick shit.

YaWhateva 06-26-2004 08:51 AM

Nirvana because the music is really damn good. And it was grunge when grunge was not popular. And Kurt Cobain was an awesome musician.

SinisterMotives 06-26-2004 01:38 PM

Steely Dan is hands down my favorite band because of their infectiously catchy riffs and because their lyrics beautifully capture the existential dilemma of modern man without being maudlin or depressing.

World's King 06-26-2004 01:54 PM

The Deftones.

It's odd with The Deftones... they aren't really my normal type of music. As you all know I'm more of a rockabilly kid. I grew up with Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Johnny Cash. But as I got older my tastes changed some and I got into the harder stuff. I got into Nirvana and all that grunge crap. Bands like Primus and the Pixies. But it wasn't really what I was looking for. Then in high school a friend of mine put The Deftones' first album Adrenaline. I was floored. With Chino's voice and how different the guitar was I had found my band.

Not a day goes by that I don't listen to them at least once. They have everything you need in a fav band. They never get old and have helped me get laid many of times. The Deftones are the most romantic of all hard/metal bands. Chinos voice is smooth even ehen screaming. And the melodies are slow goin' with sharp changes that go well with the movements of sex... I'm getting excited just talking about it.

Gotta go.

roachboy 06-26-2004 03:51 PM

mine keeps changing--at the moment, it is philip jeck, a british turntablist/sound manipulator--particularly "stoke" the duet with jacob kirkegaard and "host"--really beautiful, really hallucinogenic stuff, innovative use of turntables that moves entirely away from the hip-hop framework.

i could make a long long list of other music that i really love, but favorite, right now....

wonderwench 06-26-2004 05:32 PM

I don't think I can pick just one - my favorite depends on my mood.

In terms of frequency of listening, I include The Grateful Dead, Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble, Steely Dan, AC/DC and Barenaked Ladies. I love big guitars with a groovin' baseline.

I recently discovered Jet - and am loving there music - straight ahead Rock & Roll.

ariekitten 06-27-2004 08:51 PM

i cannot possibly have one fave. but i would say the top ones are:

Duncan Sheik
Tears for Fears
Pink Floyd (though its a little overplayed)

i really dont know, there are so many, i recently became aware of TOK's fav, Deftones, and i love them.... :)....also didnt know much of NIN's stuff till recently, and they're great too.....lots of favs
a more recent fav of mine is Three Days Grace....their lyrics seem to say alot of how i feel sometimes...and Linkin Park has a style that i totally go for, although they are overplayed and a little repetitive

marsfyre 06-28-2004 12:11 AM

I'm too young to have an all tiem favorite band.. my tastes are still evolving.. definate candidates are

Malice Mizer - because they have great musical variation and classical, techno, and rock sounds.

Dir En Grey - because they are angry, sad, and feeling great pain. I really connect with their sound a good amount of the time.

but I listen to so many new artists that I'm never sure

Skifter2 06-28-2004 03:25 AM

Talk Talk

There are a lot of runner-ups, but Talk Talk is way above everything else. It is interesting to follow their development from synth pop on "The Party's Over" to the incredible genius of "Spirit of Eden" and "Laughing Stock".

perripken 06-28-2004 05:37 AM

Styx is my favorite band. I think it's just because they came along during my adolesence(sp?) when I was real impressionable.
I always loved their words and melodies and a lot of their tunes had great guitar solos.

Averett 06-28-2004 05:58 AM


Originally posted by TheClarkster
Everclear has been my favorite band for as long as I can remember. I can listen to "Santa Monica" and it'll just take me away from any problems I'm having.
I love that song. It reminds me of summer. It's the type of song you blast loud on your car stero with the windows down :)

My favorite is Dashboard Confessional. I can remember when I first heard "Screaming Infidelities" on the radio. Something about it just struck me. I called up the radio staion to find out who it was, and promptly went home and downloaded everything I could find. Then went to the store and bought every CD I could find. I have multiple copies of CD's because they've been re-released or have bonus DVD's attached. I've seen them 5 times now. First was in Boston 2 years ago. 2 solo shows which were beyond incredible. I could go on and on about it. There's just something about the music and the lyrics that hits me so deep.

matteo101 06-28-2004 06:36 AM

My favorite is Dave Matthews', I can listen to all of their music, and I really like it..Second is Stabvilo..go to www.stabilomusic.com and go to albums and you can listen to all of their songs...and I also like Counting Crows alot.

bltzkriegmcanon 06-28-2004 08:18 AM

Yeah, my music tastes are too eclectic and varied for me to have just ONE favorite band\artist. In that spirit, some of my favorites are:

Paul Oakenfold
Dave Matthews Band
Counting Crows

There are more, but I'll have to run through my playlist of 15000+ songs to find them all.

alpha 06-28-2004 08:35 AM


Everything since The Bends.

I also love electronic music, but can't name just one or two favourites.. depending on my mood I like lots of artists.

r3ptile 06-28-2004 02:04 PM


Originally posted by alpha
Hell yeah!

Redjake 06-28-2004 05:26 PM

Autechre - now that's a name I haven't heard in a long, long time. A while back, my friend became obsessed with these guys over night, and downloaded GIGABYTES worth of their music. he said it was a life changing experience to listen to all of their albums in a row. must be good stuff.

Redjake 06-28-2004 05:29 PM

Almost forgot, favorite band.....


That's a hard one.

I can give you a handful:

Paul Oakenfold
Smashing Pumpkins
Tom Petty

trickyy 06-28-2004 08:02 PM

i can't narrow it down

there are probably about 30 that i really like

otherwise it gets too boring

Smimpinj 06-29-2004 11:44 PM

My favourite hands-down is the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I like (almost) all their stuff. Especially in the current line up with John Frusciante. Their music just has that quality that reverberates with my soul. The passion in songs like I Could Have lied and they have Under The Bridge. Even now they are experimenting around so much that I never get bored with them. Also there's John Frusciante and Flea in my mind the greatest musical duo out there. If you've ever seen a concert when they huddle in and jam with each other you'll know what I mean. Then there's Chad Smith, sure he bears an uncanny resemblance to Will Ferrel but he holds the record for the largest drum kit played (108 pieces). That man is fantastic. To top it off Kiedis with the beautiful voice and some very quality songwriting.

Oops got a tad long there. Oh well I guess I'm alowwed to go on about my favourite band.

By the way Original King we have very similar hair (or at least your avatar has) at the moment.

alpha 06-30-2004 04:21 AM

Yeah, the Red Hot Chili Peppers is my other favourite.. Everything they've done is great, but my favourite album is definitely Californication.

jobu 06-30-2004 09:00 AM

for me it is a toss up between the beatles and the grateful dead

Dragonlich 06-30-2004 10:49 AM

Moloko. One of the few bands that gets better every time you hear them, and every time they bring out a new CD.

redarrow 06-30-2004 03:24 PM

Iron Maiden

They have the badass feel of 80's metal, but their music is much more complex and they sort of have their own style of playing music. Their bassist (Steve Harris) is one of the best in the world, and he plays like a guitarist. They come out with some of the most complex solos. They also have 3 guitarists, which helps cover the gap between the guitars and the bass.

roachboy 06-30-2004 03:31 PM

forgot about this: my favorite live band (over the period of several years)--acid mothers temple.
favorite live band ever: probably the congos.

rbox 06-30-2004 03:47 PM

Quite a few "favorites", but not one single one:

Deftones - Love chino and stef, awesome live show. I have seen them more times than I can remember and every show gets better.

Weezer - Blue album was my first CD ever and will always be my favorite, although I don't really care for the green album and maladroit is crap. Blue and Pinkerton all the way.

Tool - Can't go wrong with Tool. Every album is amazing and a work of art. Every time I listen to a tool song I hear something i didn't hear before that just makes the song that much better.

choskins 06-30-2004 03:49 PM

My alltime favorite is Warren Zevon.

All my life I have looked forward to hearing his next album. Unfortunately, after his passing last September, I have nothing to look forward to.

frankx 06-30-2004 04:43 PM

In no particular order:

Genesis (OLD Peter Gabriel Genesis or rather anything before 1982, not the sold out dance crap they've put out in recent years)

Rush (THE most awesome band on the planet. Period.)

Anything by Radiohead

Cocteau Twins

Nine Inch Nails

Pink Floyd

Black Sabbath

pinkie 06-30-2004 04:47 PM

The Flaming Lips

pinkie 06-30-2004 05:01 PM

or The Magnetic Fields

kurtisj 07-03-2004 07:56 PM


Cobain is awesome and whats not to like

sapiens 07-05-2004 05:55 PM

Tom Waits - Brilliant lyrics, great musical composition, soulful, fun.

Esen 07-05-2004 06:23 PM

There are so many great bands out there that I love, but I would have to say and always hade said that WEEN is my fave band.

Their versatality and talent gives me everything I could ever want out of music.
They hit every oart of the eardrum pallate. and they just don t give a fuck; so their music will always be fresh and not watered down.

Som eother music I like is..


Dead can dance
Grant Lee Buffalo
Cocteu Twins
Sneaker Pimps
Billy Joel
P.J Harvey
Paul Okenfeld
Pearl Jam
St Entienne
Beautiful South
Slick Rick
Tribes of Neurot
Violent Femmes
Buthole Surfers
Jack Johnson
Tom Waits

And a whole lot more

h2ogo69 07-05-2004 07:21 PM

radiohead/red hot chili pepers/jane'saddiction...
iv never really been able to decied b/w these 3 bands theyve all changed my life somehow

choskins 07-05-2004 07:24 PM


Originally posted by sapiens
Tom Waits - Brilliant lyrics, great musical composition, soulful, fun.
Good choice!

thesupermikey 07-06-2004 12:47 PM

I started listening to a lot of phish in highschool and still listen to them a lot. In the past few years live started really getting into Umphrey's McGee.

Zappa and The Talking Heads are always on the playlist too.

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