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-   -   Bands you've been in or would like to start (now with pictures!) (https://thetfp.com/tfp/tilted-music/5625-bands-youve-been-would-like-start-now-pictures.html)

Dorian_S 04-24-2003 01:29 AM

If you had a band....
What would it be called? Or if you do, what is called?

When I start a gloriously crappy hardcore band it's gonna be called Laser-Shaved Gooch. That, or Insults from Kindergarten.

OMFUG 04-24-2003 03:16 AM

I was in a band called Lemongrass, and now do stuff under the name PiNHed. I'm currently tryign to get another band together as Rustbucket.

vermin 04-24-2003 06:24 AM

Any one of these will do


Fly 04-24-2003 06:33 AM

slippin' digits is the name for my next band.

which will never happen.

student 04-24-2003 08:58 AM

i would just make some random word the name of my band because no matter how clever or catchy or funny or cool you think your band name is now, you will eventually hate it. so if you make it some generic, arbitrary word in the beginning....you can worry about writing songs and performing then worry about your bands name

RAMONES!!! 04-24-2003 09:15 AM

my name of my band is-

Addison White and the Preliminary Finalist

warrrreagl 05-08-2003 07:37 AM

Names of bands you've been in
Only the ones worth posting....

Mere Image (you have to say it aloud to get it)
Saucy Jack (stolen from Spinal Tap)
Sausage Act (after one of the band members got paranoid over Spinal Tap copyright issues)
3-D Bob (no explanation at all)
Sucking Wind (no explanation needed)

NuKE 05-08-2003 04:34 PM

platinum punks
what a stupid name

degrawj 05-08-2003 05:10 PM

Der Hauptfiend
the tentative name for the band that i am tentatively in with my cousin right now is Tangent 3.

toxic515 05-08-2003 05:49 PM

Afterbirth on Toast
Diametrical Army
Just Us
5 old wannabes
Jeep Trick
ApBill (dutch for monkey butt, but no-one ever got the joke there...)

forseti-6 05-08-2003 07:45 PM

The Moochers
Hai Brasil
Chapter Ten

perripken 05-09-2003 07:52 PM

I need a drummer, bass player and keyboard player if anyone wants to join my new band- The Four Skins

Sion 05-10-2003 02:24 AM


Originally posted by perripken
I need a drummer, bass player and keyboard player if anyone wants to join my new band- The Four Skins
I'd play in that band. I can keep time on the drums, but no one will ever mistake me for Bonzo, or Neil Peart, or even Ringo Starr, for that matter.

also, I dont have a set right now, nor do I have the cash flow to get any skins any time soon.

so, am I in?

Fly 05-10-2003 06:25 AM


Originally posted by perripken
I need a drummer, bass player and keyboard player if anyone wants to join my new band- The Four Skins

i've got drums...can i join?[IMG]http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0TgCFAywZyAJMFlwtmVi*bOQAoR8j7cKRcBgrai8P7T1Oo3eIs2to1eE!K7eJPGInL0RR1fW*WbOrGp*kZ8ly*dvVZ9gF6O1JQdydpJpcHW4gdpnVBuRIqw/drums.JPG?dc=4675418594840912537[/IMG]

Narcissus 05-10-2003 07:02 AM

Improvised Bravado

edit: Grindcore


GuttersnipeXL 05-10-2003 10:21 AM

My pseudo hardcore band is called Straight Outta Rochester. It's more thrash, than hardcore I think....I also wanted to start some kind of fusion funk ensemble called Funkalupagus....inspired by Sesame Streets Snuffalupagus of course.

Bob Biter 05-10-2003 04:18 PM


Everyone likes fudge. Nobody can get enough. That's why we rock.

Craven Morehead 05-10-2003 07:43 PM

pap smear and the stool samples

crackpot 05-10-2003 07:57 PM

Some hilarious names up there! Mine are:
Steak 72 oz.
Friends of Music (I know, I know...but we were joking)
and the best one yet:

Dimebag 05-10-2003 11:11 PM

tuna bum
nothing but plunks (lasted less than a week)
sexual chocolate
the fuckers (im quitting)

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