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Sledge 09-12-2003 09:41 PM

Headphone snobs post here
I've got a pair of beautiful, beautiful Etymotics ER-4Ps, canalphones that go into your ear like earplugs and channel music straight into the middle of your head. OH BABY.

Anyone else?

Anomaly_ 09-12-2003 11:30 PM

I've never really been a fan of buds or in-ear headphones but I don't doubt that those sound good. I like closed, circumaural phones myself which is why I have the Beyerdynamic DT-250-80. They certainly aren't the best of that type but you really need quality playing and amplifying equipment to complement the more expensive models. Do you use the ER-4Ps with an iPod or something? I imagine the output of any portable player would be plenty to drive those.

Magpie0001 09-13-2003 12:07 AM

I always found earbuds to be lacking in the bass department. With the exception of Bang & Oulfsen earphones:


At the mo I only use closed cup cans. A pair of Phillips somethingorothers, Theyre huge fucking things but I love em to bits.

K-Wise 09-13-2003 12:58 AM

I never leave the house without these.

Cept my players Red not blue.


Jdoe 09-13-2003 03:15 PM

Pioneer HDJ-1000's myself.


bemick 09-13-2003 03:57 PM


Originally posted by Magpie0001
I always found earbuds to be lacking in the bass department. With the exception of Bang & Oulfsen earphones:


At the mo I only use closed cup cans. A pair of Phillips somethingorothers, Theyre huge fucking things but I love em to bits.

I also have a pair of those Bang & Oulfsen earphones and will vouch that they do have quite a bit of bass for there size, use them whenever I go out. Otherwise I use my Sennhesier HD-280Pros

woolley bear 09-13-2003 06:56 PM

another vote on the Bang and Oulfsen for my I-pod and travel. other than that RADO love the look of the wood love the feel and the open air comfort mostly love the sound nothing else like them also have a pre-amp you can buy that make them sound awsome even through a portable cd or whatever

castex 09-14-2003 02:07 PM

Did I spot a smattering of ear wax under those B&0's? Yuck. Not a problem if you get a set of these electrostatic beaut's. Might cause a few choice (but inaudible) comments on the subway, mind:)


Gollum 09-14-2003 03:35 PM

I have a set of Bose Quietcomfort headphones that are great for airplanes but produce excellent sound too. Has anyone tried the quietcomfort II ? I'm curious to hear the difference.

Shpoop 09-14-2003 06:59 PM

sony mdr-v600 over here... they are huge but really comfortable and have great sound

digby 09-17-2003 12:22 PM

Nothing is better than Grado's headphones. I don't even have the high end series and mine have a frequency response that is ruler flat from 18Hz to 24kHz. Listening with these headphones, I've heard all kinds of nuance that I missed on even the $60k loudspeakers I've used in the studio. I have the SR-325 model and would recommend them to anyone looking for some good headphones. If you really have the money to spend, upgrade to the RS-2s. Who wouldn't want a mahogany earpiece on their headphones?


Robblee 09-17-2003 02:12 PM

I have labtecs that sound pretty good

battlemouth 09-17-2003 05:49 PM

i personally enjoy the big Dj headphones they have, those tiny ones that go in your ears look silly and are un comfortable

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