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Cynthetiq 04-08-2008 05:03 PM

Make a playlist to introduce someone to a genre
I just created a new bbcode for people to easily embed seeqpod playlists.

My example playlist are Broadway showtunes. Try to keep the list short enough so that people can listen while they are reading the forum in another window.

You can use the simple player to make it a surprise for people

or embed the normal list here so that people can see what's available.

<embed src="http://www.seeqpod.net/cache/seeqpodEmbed.swf" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="domain=http://www.seeqpod.com&playlist=628c88af5a"></embed>

The Broadway shows these songs came from:
Guys and Dolls
Annie Get Your Gun
Les Miserables
Avenue Q
Mary Poppins
The Producers

lotsofmagnets 04-08-2008 05:37 PM

nice idea.

i think last.fm can do something similar through the "similar artist" radio.

Willravel 04-08-2008 05:56 PM

Intro to down-tempo trip-hop:

Cynthetiq 04-08-2008 06:13 PM

thanks will... i never would have listened to that genre of music. I think I like the royksopp more than the other 2. the other 2 were interesting, frou frou reminded me of Dido.

Martian 04-08-2008 06:21 PM

I'm digging the seeqpod bbcode, as I suspect it will make my life a bit easier. I'll try to put a playlist together for this thread, but I'm going to have to sort things out a bit first; I don't really distinguish between subgenres in my day-to-day music consumption.

Willravel 04-08-2008 06:22 PM

Trip hop isn't exactly mainstream, even in Europe. I had to do exploring in electronica before finding it myself. I'm partial to Havnevik myself, but that's probably because it's the newest in my collection.

Bees 04-08-2008 06:35 PM

American Roots music like from the movie O Brother, Where Art Thou?

<embed src="http://www.seeqpod.net/cache/seeqpodEmbed.swf" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="domain=http://www.seeqpod.com&playlist=87f0bc497c"></embed><br/><a href="http://www.seeqpod.net/search">

n0nsensical 04-08-2008 07:41 PM

All the songs I want to add are videos!

Shauk 04-08-2008 07:45 PM

I now introduce you to... Electronic Music.

NOT TECHNO, Techno is a much to specific genre believe it or not, techno is straight up skull fucking with bass drums and lil bips and bleeps and very little melody. Pardon my analogy, I am not a fan of Techno.

The playlist below covers Trance/Progressive House/Breaks

if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

<div style="text-align: center; margin-left: auto; visibility:visible; margin-right: auto; width:450px;"><embed style="width:435px; visibility:visible; height:270px;" allowScriptAccess="never" src="http://www.musicplaylist.net/mc/mp3player-othersite.swf?config=http://www.musicplaylist.net/mc/config/config_green_noautostart_shuffle.xml&mywidth=435&myheight=270&playlist_url=http://www.musicplaylist.net/loadplaylist.php?playlist=26213865" menu="false" quality="high" width="435" height="270" name="mp3player" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" border="0"/><BR><a href=http://www.musicplaylist.net><img src=http://www.musicplaylist.net/mc/images/create_green.jpg border=0></a><a href=http://www.musicplaylist.net/standalone/26213865 target=_blank><img src=http://www.musicplaylist.net/mc/images/launch_green.jpg border=0></a><a href=http://www.musicplaylist.net/download/26213865><img src=http://www.musicplaylist.net/mc/images/get_green.jpg border=0></a> </div>

these are just the kinda tracks I DJ, honestly *shrug*

I like em.
currently I highly recommend Danse en france, last one on my list, check it out, that bassline is just so chunky it makes you wanna start a riot

the other song that just kicks you in the balls is "Music is my Weapon" also on my playlist.

oh yeah and if you were a fan of requiem for a dream... Requiem remixed by DJ Orkidea shalt entertain you muchly

I'm playing on april 30th in Seattle, I don't think they're going to be able to walk after I'm done with them.

Cynthetiq 04-08-2008 08:20 PM

a bit out of what I was looking for since I was hoping that people would use the new bbcode.... but I'll try to listen to it when I'm at the office tomorrow.

Thanks for the american roots... I do enjoy that kind of music. Never knew what to call it or how to find more of it.

I figured I'd end my night with some ska music covers.

<embed src="http://www.seeqpod.net/cache/seeqpodEmbed.swf" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="domain=http://www.seeqpod.com&playlist=52319e63dc"></embed>

Glory's Sun 04-09-2008 07:52 AM

well since British bands pretty much destroy anything the american cookie cutter factory puts out.. I'll introduce British Indie..

<embed src="http://www.seeqpod.net/cache/seeqpodEmbed.swf" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="domain=http://www.seeqpod.com&playlist=79b74fd39c"></embed><br/><a href="http://www.seeqpod.net/search">SeeqPod - Playable Search</a>

Cynthetiq 04-09-2008 09:37 AM


I tried to listen to it, but because i have to listen to it at low volumes at the office it's not very interesting. the bass sounds like people walking past my office...I can't really hear some of the nuanced sounds, and the length of the songs is problematic. I can't really get into them because of the length as I need to concentrate on what I'm working on... psychologically the length is somewhat a dealbreaker. I have to commit 7 minutes only to find I didn't like it, whereas something shorter is over and next song comes up. The playlist you've put up is a bit overwhelming since it's about 2 1/2 hours of commitment to hear the whole genre sample.

I'll try again a one or two songs when I get home and have some headphones.

I love the british sound. I always have, and when I stopped listening to music in the 90s I lost all access to it. I'll have to pack up some of that music into my ipod.

Glory's Sun 04-09-2008 09:43 AM

I'll put together a real electronic playlist when I get around to it :p

the british sound always keeps me on my toes.. yes I get bored with music but when I come out of the funk .. it's the brits to the rescue.

Cynthetiq 04-09-2008 05:39 PM

It sounds much better at home with my headphones.... better bass response and I could hear much more nuanced sounds.

problem now is that it just doesn't suit me, sorry Shauk. I was getting bored, and then got bored. I did listen to about 1 hour of it, stopped just after Aphex Twins. I definitely don't see a difference between electronic and techno. I did like Gotan Project, which sounded a little like some of what I heard, so who knows, maybe I just didn't like what you selected.

snowy 04-09-2008 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by guccilvr
well since British bands pretty much destroy anything the american cookie cutter factory puts out.. I'll introduce British Indie..

GREAT playlist, Gucci.

Halx 04-09-2008 07:07 PM

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is EBM.

Use the embedded controls to move through the playlist and play.

<embed type="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/" name="mediaplayer1" ShowStatusBar="1" EnableContextMenu="0" autostart="0" width="320" height="70" loop="0" src="http://www.dump-u.com/pl/TFP.wpl" />

1. CombiChrist - God Wrapped In Plastic
2. Cesium 137 - Daybreak
3. The Retrosic - Unleash Hell
4. Faderhead - Naughty H
5. Seabound - Torch
6. mind.in.a.box - Take My Soul
7. I:Scintilla - Cursive Eve
8. Regenerator - Wirklichkeit (Epsilon Minus Mix)
9. Tactical Sekt - Xfixiation (SITD Mix)
10. Claire Voyant - Love The Giver (Eskil Simonsson Mix)
11. In Strict Confidence - Another Night

aberkok 04-09-2008 08:31 PM

Presenting the very difficult to choose, arbitrary jazz overview!!!!

mixedmedia 04-09-2008 09:05 PM

Little did I know you could get the entire album, It Takes a Nation of Millions To Hold Us Back on seeqpod...this album transformed me...is directly responsible for who I am today...yeah, that's right, blame it on Chuck D :p:

<embed src="http://www.seeqpod.net/cache/seeqpodEmbed.swf" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="domain=http://www.seeqpod.com&playlist=f5fc0ff80e"></embed><br/><a href="http://www.seeqpod.net/search">SeeqPod - Playable Search</a>

If you're bothered by something you hear, bring it up in another thread, otherwise, listen without prejudice and just accept what you hear. It don't hurt none. :)

Hain 04-09-2008 10:54 PM

I would just like to introduce you all to vocal trance

Originally Posted by Vocal Trance

Halcyon is the exception. It is just one of my favorite songs.

Glory's Sun 04-10-2008 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by cynthetiq
I definitely don't see a difference between electronic and techno.

well.. I guess it depends on your style. As much as me and shauk bang heads about electronic music I will defend him a bit here. Techno is merely a sub-genre of electronic music. It has it's own unique style and rhythm. Americans tend to call all electronic music Techno music so that's where alot of the confusion comes in. I would post a pure Techno playlist..but I hate the shit. I'll see if I can find good artists on seeqpod and put together a Drum and Bass playlist. Since I'm being bombarded with all this goddamn trance. :D

Hal: CombiChrist is fuckin awesome.. I dug a few of those tracks but EBM just isn't for me..

aberkok: good list.. didn't quite fit the mood I was in, but jazz is great and I haven't heard of a couple of those

mixed: not a fan of the whole album but yeah public is badass

augi: no.. no fucking way :D god I hate trance.

Cynthetiq 04-10-2008 07:10 AM

no doubt gucc... I'm sure its hard for someone to tell the difference between country, blue grass, and frat rock. As far as electronic goes, I never heard much of it on the radio dial when I did listen to the radio, so I more associate it with club music. I listened to some of the Ibiza CDs when there over Xmas and I thought the videos of the gyrating women were what made it interesting.

EBM, had to look up what that mean, since I just immediately thought of Excellent Bowel Movement (no offense meant) when I saw the acronym. I was a bit full up on the electronic music last night, I did listen to the first track CombiChrist which I found very interesting.

Thumbs up on the Jazz!!! I never know where to start with Jazz music mostly due to the fact I have no friends local that listen to the stuff and can make recommendations. This list will give me a great starting off point.

Public Enemy is interesting, I never heard anything from them before. I knew who they were but never listened to any tracks. I was listening to Straight Outta Compton last night on my way home. I was amazed and how "cheap" it sounded, the sirens, gunshots, squealing tires. Yet I remember listening to it in my 1,000 watt car stereo in the 80's.

I'll pass on the trance for the moment until I get home and can listen to it on my headphones.

mixedmedia 04-10-2008 07:20 AM

To me 'electronic' music encompasses a huge diversity of music, from trance and techno (which I don't listen to much of) to Kraftwerk and Boards of Canada and the whole ambient music scene (which I listen to quite a bit).

And yes, It Takes a Million is pretty spare considering the rap we are used to listening to today. Their follow-up album though, Fear of a Black Planet, even though it was less militant and more commercially palatable has a sound that still blows my mind to this day.

lotsofmagnets 04-10-2008 07:26 AM

every song in this thread seems to be buffering at the same time and causes my computer to grind to a halt and take up what little free space i have left :s

Halx 04-10-2008 07:28 AM

EBM isn't for everyone, I'll admit.

Glory's Sun 04-10-2008 07:35 AM

Ok folks here's a bit of DnB for ya.. this is a pretty varied list and not normally what I'd be playing but it does the job. Some of the tracks take a little while to warm up (pendulum and roni size)

I'm sure most of you will find this repetitive and boring but it gets me movin

<embed src="http://www.seeqpod.net/cache/seeqpodEmbed.swf" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="domain=http://www.seeqpod.com&playlist=694e478b5d"></embed><br/><a href="http://www.seeqpod.net/search">SeeqPod - Playable Search</a>

Cynthetiq 04-10-2008 08:01 AM

I need to bring better headphones to the office. I looked at them this morning on my way out and thought that I could do without them today...

Hain 04-10-2008 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by guccilvr
augi: no.. no fucking way :D god I hate trance.

:cry: Ouch....

Redlemon 04-10-2008 11:12 AM

OK, I found a place that allows uploading and streaming, called MyBloop.com. So, with that, I give you Collage.

Back in elementary school, people made collages by cutting out pictures and pasting them together to make something else. Musically, collage is the same thing; take a bunch of audio samples and paste them together. This differs from the use of samples in regular music, in that the sampling is the whole point.

Sometimes this is just for fun; see tracks 1 and 2. Oftentimes, they get political; see 3 and 4. 5 is from a project called Dictionaraoke, where artists sampled the online speaking dictionaries, recorded the lyrics of songs, and pasted them over MIDI tracks. 6 is from another silly project called Free Speech for Sale, which was mostly advertising-based.

Finally, we close with the granddaddy tracks by Negativland (NSFW, especially the 'radio mix'). To get the full history of these tracks, you would have to read the 270 page , but a shorter version can be found on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negativland#The_U2_record_incident.


<object width="275" height="356"><param name="movie" value="http://www.mybloop.com/pm/e/iBV03H/1/0/0"></param><embed src="http://www.mybloop.com/pm/e/iBV03H/1/0/0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="275" height="356"></embed></object><br />

roachboy 04-10-2008 12:23 PM

i'll do this again later.
something didnt work...

SecretMethod70 04-10-2008 01:27 PM

I'm just getting into this genre myself, but here is some "new weird america"...

Aw, just noticed that Cosmia isn't the full track

mixedmedia 04-10-2008 02:13 PM

Pop Songs
I love every kind of music, but I have a particular affinity for a good pop song. And I'm always on the lookout for the perfect pop song - sometimes finding them in unexpected places. It's hard to quantify exactly what it is that makes me think a pop song is perfect - it's just instinctual.

So this is a selection of songs that to my ear, are 'perfect pop songs'.

<embed src="http://www.seeqpod.net/cache/seeqpodEmbed.swf" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="domain=http://www.seeqpod.com&playlist=fbac860887"></embed><br/><a href="http://www.seeqpod.net/search">SeeqPod - Playable Search</a>

And smeth, I've been listening to some of that new weird america stuff, too...mostly devendra banhart, whom I love...marisa nadler, too, I think is associated with that music. Thanks for the tips, though, some of them I've not listened to, yet. :)

Fotzlid 04-10-2008 03:54 PM

Halx and Shauk are the only playlists that are working for me.
Good stuff. :thumbsup:

The other stuff is just getting hung up. I'll try the desktop later.

roachboy 04-11-2008 04:37 AM

this is can's 1971 record "tago mago"
discography & track listing:

it seems to me kinda outside genres and spacetime.
in my tiny world, this is an essential recording.
great fun too.

Cynthetiq 04-11-2008 06:01 AM

thanks rb... it will be an interesting way for me to get some work done this AM.

Glory's Sun 04-11-2008 06:15 AM

Mixed: I'm just going to pretend that you didn't just list The Who in a pop playlist


mixedmedia 04-11-2008 08:40 AM

Can't Explain is pure pop, gucci. And it's perfectly so. :p

Wow, rb, nice.

*off to wishlist me some Can...*

Glory's Sun 04-11-2008 09:07 AM

I absolutely refuse to put them into a pop category :D

mod rock sounds a bit better to me

mixedmedia 04-11-2008 09:16 AM

Well, like I said...I find pop songs everywhere...in almost every genre. It's just a quirk of mine.

Jinn 04-11-2008 10:06 AM

This thread crashes Firefox on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.

EDIT: When using the default number of posts per page.

Cynthetiq suggested I cut it down to 5 posts per page, and it stays alive this way.

Shauk 04-11-2008 10:44 AM

odd, and linux was supposed to be staaaable buhahaha ;) I always take stabs at linux when I cant even though i'll be learning how to use it myself here in a few months :D

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