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phathom 02-28-2005 01:55 PM

tail bone/back problems. I Need Help.
I don't know how it happened, but somehow I ripped the skin at the very top of my butt crack, At first I thought that it was just from over stretching or something like that, at further examination it looks like i got stabbed with a fork right there. This wouldn't normally bother me that much, because hey, ripped skin happens, but now my tail, yes i said tail, because my tailbone actually sticks out in a little buldge from my lower back, is giving me the same pain. It is like it is swolen and it really hurts, if there is pressure on either the tear or the tail it hurts in both spots, they are connected some how. I am thinking that my tail has been dislocated or something and is trying to poke through the skin right below it where my crack starts. I have tried pain killers to ease the pain, but that didn't help much, I also found out that heat makes it bearable and not hurting as much, so right now hot packs, showers, and baths are my best friend. I am just worrying that it will not help the swelling go down. It doesn't hurt as much when I am bent forward towards the fetal position as it does when I'm leaned back or neutral. This and the holes in my crack are reasons why i think the tailbone is trying to poke out. sitting isn't too painful if I lean forward and get weight off of it, walking is somewhat painful, but the pain is intermitent. I am really in a lot of pain and nothing really seems to help Ben Gay works for about 15 minutes on the tail before it loses all effectiveness, but it does work. Neosporin on the torn skin isn't helping it heal like it should. This really hurts and sucks and it has been going on for 3 days now, the first day or 2 It was just the skin, now it is the skin and the tail, and it just seems like it is getting worse. Any help is greatly appreciated. I went on webmd and looked up back/coccyx injuries and treatments, and they say that alternating hot/cold treatments, and mild exercise is the best cure for that, but it says nothing about the skin tearing or about someone WITH A TAIL! grrr, anyways I need lots of help cuz I'm in lots of pain. Thanks once again.

the_marq 02-28-2005 02:00 PM

Get thee to a doctor now.

I don't know all the details but I dated a girl who had a similar issue that led to surgery. Problems at the base of your spine are not to be trifled with.

greeneyes 02-28-2005 02:06 PM

You should alternate between hot and cold packs as that is the best way to reduce swelling. Twenty minutes on (heat), ten minutes off, twenty minutes on (cold), etc. And even though ibuprofen may not help that much in the pain department, believe me when I say it will help with the swelling, so continue to take the ibuprofen (1000 mg every six hours).

I would also recommend keeping the area moisturized so as to not worsen the tear. Do not apply any kind of lotion, applications of Neosporin should be enough. Of course all of this is just until you can get to a doctor who can examine you.

Feel better and keep us updated.

phathom 02-28-2005 02:20 PM

bad part, no insurance or enough money to pay for a doctor's visit, and i do not qualify for any of the state's discount/free health plans.

greeneyes 02-28-2005 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by phathom
bad part, no insurance or enough money to pay for a doctor's visit, and i do not qualify for any of the state's discount/free health plans.

So at what point will you give in and go to the doctor? When a bone starts to protrude from your body?

munchen 02-28-2005 08:39 PM

remember if there is a medical problem the longer you wait the worse it will get, therefore the more expensive it will be to fix.

Manuel Hong 03-01-2005 06:06 PM

Agreed. Go to the doctor, my man.

Sage 03-01-2005 06:37 PM

dude, would you rather be not walking in a year? go to a doctor, your body is a temple and you should be prepared to pay ANY AMOUNT to keep it functioning!

phathom 03-02-2005 02:25 PM

good news, went to my friend's uncle who's a doctor and had him look at it, right away he told me it was a pilonidal cyst and to perform many cyst baths to it and to drain the puss out, tried it that night, it worked like a charm, most of it came out, it went down considerably in size (from the size of a golf ball to the size of a grape) and the next morning drained a little bit more from, it and recently drained all of the puss, and lots of the blood built up in it as well out of it, now it is very small, i have very little pain, and I'm actually going to work today. YAY! At this rate, it should be 100% healed by the end of the week and if it's not then I'm getting him to surgically remove it.

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