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roboshark 08-27-2004 06:03 AM

How much do you drink?
I'm talking alcohol here.

I read once that drinking 6 units of alcohol per day (for a man) constitutes alcoholism. A unit is roughly half a pint of beer, a glass of wine, or a shot of spirit (pub measure). So drink three pints a day and you're an alcoholic. (I can't find an online article to support my post, but believe me, I'm not making this up.)

Now I'm sure that whatever government sponsored agency published this study, they were slightly exaggerating. It got me thinking though, how much do people actually drink. Unitwise per week.

On a regular week, old Robo here drinks about 12 cans of beer (works out to about 7 pints or 14 units), and maybe one or two bottles of wine (6 units each). Very occasionally a shot of spirit. Then there's weekly drunkfests and binges with friends or even alone. I guess I'm a borderline alcoholic according to the study, but in fact, is this a lot for the average person?

(Mods: I'm not sure if this goes here or in General, or if I'm repeating a topic. I couldn't find a thread similar to this.)

CoachAlan 08-27-2004 12:02 PM

Well, during my four day work week I rarely drink at all. Partly because I work nights and go to be right when I get home, so I'd have to dring before work.

On the weekends, it's usually one day with three drinks, and the other two have between six and ten. Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less.

Cynthetiq 08-27-2004 12:25 PM

in my early 20's i drank heavily... enough to be considered a heavy drinker which was something like 4-6 drinks per day. I drank about 6 days a week, and I'd sometimes drink until the bar closed and I'd go home with the bartender to another bar and then sleep on the bartender's sofa.

After I got more responsible, I slowly stopped drinking... now, i hardly drink ever at all, and have a good tolerance still when I do

Meier_Link 08-27-2004 12:25 PM

I'd say I drink, in an average week, about 12 - 18 12oz beers and maybe 1/2 to 1 pint of liquor. Mostly done on the weekends....

I don't think that constitutes alcoholism, as I don't drink everyday. I do binge drink when I drink a lot of the time though.

sailor 08-27-2004 01:10 PM

I generally only drink on the weekends. When I do, I usually drink anywhere from 4-10 drinks.

Its called college, not alcoholism ;)

Strange Famous 08-27-2004 01:20 PM

ack, too much... I dont drink so much in the week, but the nights I DO drink would all be 20 units minimum, and I tend to drink 2/3 nights a week

So far tonight Im at 21 units and running... (7 pints of Stella)

la petite moi 08-27-2004 01:31 PM

I drink very very rarely. As it should be since I'm only 18.

present_future 08-27-2004 01:47 PM

I usually only drink on the weekends, and then it's about 10 beers.
This week I moved into college so it's been quite a bit more. In the three nights I've gone out, I've drank about 15 beers total.

amis2481 08-27-2004 01:55 PM

I very rarely drink. Even though I'm in college. It has been about four months since I drank any alcohol, but when I do drink its usually about 6-10 beers.

stonegrody 08-27-2004 02:12 PM

I like to have a beer with dinner or a mixed drink when I hang out from time to time. If there's a party or something, I tend to drink a lot more. My tolerance is pretty high nowadays so if I'm looking to get drunk, it takes quite a bit. Maybe 8-10 beers and I'm sloppy camper.

00111000 08-27-2004 04:03 PM

Looks like old #8 is an alkie. I tend to drink 3-4 beers a night but have given up on the hooch. Too many late nights where I was whiskey bent and the missus was not that happy about it. Oh, for the record the "It's the Irish in me" excuse evidently is not a valid one when you're trading licks with your roomate at 3am in the backyard. :hmm:

StormBerlin 08-27-2004 04:54 PM

I think once drinking interferes with your life in a negative way, that's when it's alcoholism. Just because you drink a certain amount of alcohol doesn't mean you have alcoholism because people handle their alcohol differently.

Rlyss 08-27-2004 05:27 PM

If I go out on a Friday or Saturday night I might have two or three glasses of whiskey (not shots) and maybe eight or ten beers. I'm just cruising by then. I haven't been totally drunk for two years now, last time I did I threw up in a hotel bathroom and passed out in the bed... wasn't such a great holiday that one.

But on regular weeknights before I go to bed I'll have half a bottle of red wine. I don't think that's so good of me. Half a bottle just makes me a little sleepy, works wonders. If it's a BBQ or something I can have two bottles of red wine throughout the day and I won't feel a thing, I just love the taste.

08-28-2004 04:00 AM

Gotta agree that the "experts" feel that most drinking constitutes alcoholism. When it gets in the way of life, its a problem. I personally dont think that a few drinks here and there area a problem. I used to drink a lot more, that was before kids and life happened, now its pretty much a 12 pack spread over 2 days off.

FYI, if you are ever asked at a job/psychological interview if you drink... DENY, DENY, DENY!!! IF you get the job, you'll be in counseling right off the bat!! Trust me on this one

pedro padilla 08-28-2004 09:53 PM

between 6 and 20 beers a day. everyday. for pretty much the last 20 years. except when i had hepatitus. hadda quit for about 6 months. ainīt drank none of that hard likker in 10 or more years however. so obviously iīm not an alcoholic.

Jam 08-29-2004 01:39 AM

Average would be right around zero.. I dont drink, I dont like the taste and beer makes me nausios(ever since the last party)

Ive been drunk 3 times in my life, the first time I was only a little wobbly and my face went numb.. which is very strange... the second time was at a party, had about 13 beers that I can remeber, that night involved me blacking out, and then later passing out, the last time I drank was at another party ... what I remeber drinking was probably 6 beers some rum, a few mixed drinks, and a whole lot of smirnoff rasberry twister stuff(stole the bottle from my friends gf).. that night also entailed me blacking out then later passing out

However Like I said, since the last party beer makes me nausios(sp), even one and I feel very sick for hours, so I dont drink, the point of drinking in my eyes is to get drunk, and for me thats not much fun since I dont know what the fuck is happening (since I black out) and dont remeber any of the people who now know me as the guy who got hammered at steves

Nafter 08-29-2004 02:51 AM

10 pints a week on average i guess, more if i go out down town or w/e, im 18 too, but the drinking ages are diff :D

roboshark 08-29-2004 10:05 PM

Jam, it's spelt "nauseous" :-)

Getting hammered at steves is a bad rep, I agree. The key to drinking it to take it easy. It's very easy to black out if you start on the hard liquor. Stay away from that, for sure. If hard liquor is all there is, make sure to drink lots of water in between. Also, try not to mix your drinks. That's the fastest way to a nauseating black-out. Eating well beforehand goes a long way. And finally, practice and more practice.

The best advice probably is, if you don't like to drink, simply don't. It's not all that great anyway.

little_tippler 08-30-2004 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by StormBerlin
I think once drinking interferes with your life in a negative way, that's when it's alcoholism. Just because you drink a certain amount of alcohol doesn't mean you have alcoholism because people handle their alcohol differently.

I totally agree with that, if your drinking is causing trouble in your life then it's a problem you need to have a look at. I've known people who drink more than the recommended amount per day and I don't think they are alcoholic. They just have a high drink resistance threshold (yes that's a technical term High DRT lol). But another point to look at is that the amount recommended by doctors is most likely based on the "what's healthy" amount of booze. If you have more than the 6 units daily then you're probably slowly killing your body..but then so aren't smokers? It's a complicated issue.

So yes, probably the best way to think about it is to look around and see if your drinking is hurting you and those around you more than it satisfies you to have one more drink...

A pretty good bet that you're an alky too is not knowing when to stop

Kostya 08-30-2004 06:57 AM

Drinking costs money...

DVD's cost money...

I have little money...

I don't drink unless it's for free...

Mojo_PeiPei 08-30-2004 07:11 AM

I'd say in a week I probably drink 1-1.5 liters of booze in mixed drink form. Thats at least how the bottles go, I'm good with sharing so if someone asks for a pull I never say no.

However what sucks is I have acquired a taste for vodka. At first it was Phillips, then karkov/insert other bad plastic imports, schmirnoff is good enough and cheap, I never go lower then that, but lately I've been hitting the absolut and man is that shit good. Too bad it is not built for the college mans budget.

absorbentishe 08-30-2004 08:32 AM

I drink almost every Friday, Saturday. Now and then through the week, but only a couple. I don't think it interfers with any activity I do, and I can go without for several weeks.

maleficent 08-30-2004 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by StormBerlin
I think once drinking interferes with your life in a negative way, that's when it's alcoholism. .

:old fuddy duddy mode:

Denial is not only a river in Egypt, it's the alcoholic's best friend. An alcoholic spends a lot of time in denial, they don't see what drink is doing to them or to their life.

There is the concept of a functional alcoholic, I grew up with two of them. Both of them stayed employed, had careers, didn't really affect their lives, well except for family relationships. Had a roommate in college who was a functional alcoholic, she managed to stay on Dean's List, keep a job, and support herself, she just had no control over her drinking, she couldn't just have one drink. Took her 3 years to finally admit she had a problem, and at that point she had driven away all but two people.

People who drink to excess regularly, or can't control the amount that they drink, or think they need to get drunk to have a good time are sending up warning signs, they may not be an alcoholic now, but they are on the road to becoming one.

homerhop 08-30-2004 09:07 AM

usually go down to the local on a thursday night (pay day) and get 2-3 pints.
On a saturday night I meet my friends and can have from 4 to 8 pints, and thats about it.
Not a whole lot for an Irish man!!!

Schwan 08-30-2004 09:31 AM

I used to drink whenever somebody offered to drink with me, which meant that I'd get a bit boozy once or twice a week. A month ago I stopped drinking completely. Not that I don't like it, but because my hangovers got much worse. After I drink, not only do I get some crazy dreams, my stomach hurts and I feel like crap on the next day. Mind you, this happens even if I have a little over a pint. Well, I don;t feel the urge, either. I don't know what happened. It's just that I finf it... not worth the hassle, I guess. I'm 22, and most of my firends are drinkers, which does make me feel weird at times, but screw that. I'd just rather not go through all the hangover crap again.

assilem 08-30-2004 08:30 PM

TOOOoooo mcuh. Hic-up!

Seriously, I think that I probably drink too much. To each his own though. My family is Jewish and Irish. All of us can drink like a mother fucker and not get drunk. IMHO if you cannot function in your daily life then it has gone too far.

slimshaydee 08-30-2004 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by la petite moi
I drink very very rarely. As it should be since I'm only 18.

I love the different social attitudes of different countries.
In Australia, you are allowed to purchase alcohol at age 18, so for the next 5 or so years you go out and get drunk every weekend. I'm 19 and I've got a beer in my hand I just bought myself :thumbsup:

radioguy 09-01-2004 03:30 PM

I used to have a beer every other day or so after work and then of course on the weekends, then a buddy of mine moved in after getting out of rehab for alcohol and now no more beer for me at home :(

Mephisto2 09-01-2004 03:35 PM

I drink a fair bit and I'm in no way an alcoholic.

About two beers a night, followed by half a bottle of wine (shared with Mrs Mephisto). If I'm feeling particularly thirsty, we might open a second bottle.

So, I would guess two or three Heineken plus nearly a bottle of wine each day.

The weekends are another matter entirely.

Mr Mephisto

gar1976 09-01-2004 04:10 PM

Wife and I make our own beer, (got 10 gallons in the closet right now), so maybe a half-rack a week? Shit, someone's got to drink it.

BTW - got a ribbon for my beer at the state fair. Go me! Now I can say I'm an award-winning brewer.

World's King 09-01-2004 04:22 PM

4 or 5 drinks a day.

Most of the time it can be more. I'm a drunk.

MageB420666 09-01-2004 04:26 PM

I'm not 21 and don't know anyone who is. :mad:

If I was 21 or did know someone who was then I would probably drink some, but not a lot, my girlfriend says she does want me to drink much when I turn 21.

MSD 09-01-2004 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by la petite moi
I drink very very rarely. As it should be since I'm only 18.

I really don't understand why people think that just because you aren't 21, you shouldn't drink. I see a big connection between our country's problems with alcohol and prohibition, especially teen alcoholism and binge-drinking. In Europe, kids start having a sip of wine with dinner before they're 10. They don't drink too much, it's considered a normal part of life, and they have very few problems with alcoholism.

I very simply don't give a shit what the law says about when I should start drinking. I don't drink in public, I don't drink and drive, I don't drink enough to pass out, throw up, or lose control of myself, and nobody else should be allowed to tell me whether or not this is right.

Alcoholism is chemical dependence on alcohol, addiction to it, not how many drinks you have per day. It isn't a problem to have a few drinks per day, the problem is if you can't go a day without those drinks. At this point, you need to have people support you and go completely dry to avoid hurting yourself.

Six drinks a day sounds like a high number to me, and is probably an indication that you're increasing your intake to achieve the same effect due to increased tolerance. Then again, if I've eaten in the past 4 hours, I won't feel six drinks, and it would take at least twice that many to get me drunk. It's all relative. I think a much better indication of alcoholism is the classic questionaire: Do you frequently drink alone? Do you "top up" before hand if you think there won't be enough alcohol at a party? Do you find yourself drinking more than you used to to get the same effect? Do you black out or suffer from memory loss after drinking? etc...

thespian86 09-01-2004 06:00 PM

I stay away from it. I don't see the point in drinking. I've been drunk, I've been sick afterwards. No dice.

The Phenomenon 09-02-2004 12:34 AM

I( don't see the point so I rarely drink.

If I do its wine with dinner.

Thoraby 09-02-2004 09:57 AM

4-5 beers, and I'm the center of attention, yet still under (almost) full control. Is that a good thing?

Willravel 09-02-2004 07:04 PM

I drink about 1 unit a month. My family is full of alcoholics. I'm trying to salvage what control our family has over addiction. BUT, I would never judge an alcoholic, unless he was driving drunk or something like that. I fugure it's no ones buisness.

Dane Bramage 09-02-2004 07:20 PM

I drink about 2 or 3 bottles of beer a night. Those are 12oz beers, so maybe two units a day. Not as much as some I know.

My take on addiction is if you have to have it. If I don't get to have my after work beer, then I don't get the shakes. I don't go into withdrawls just because I haven't had any alcohol. There are many levels of addiction and functioning addicts are the hardest to pick out. When the drink become more important than anything else, then it's time to worry.


thubpt 09-03-2004 01:48 PM

I was going to start by saying you only have a problem if 100% of your glass recycling is empty vodka and beer bottles, but then I looked at my recycling bag, and oops . . .

Seriously, though - everything in moderation. Except when it's a "drunk Sunday." Then it's all about maintaining that level of not being able to walk quite right, but too energetic to sit down kind of feeling.

We all know what we're doing to our bodies, and we all have our vices. Be it the cheap greasy burger from Wendy's that you just HAVE to have on your way home, or the rock that you scraped up $10 to smoke just for that bit of time to feel normal, the pair of shoes that you couldn't pass by, or the bit of weekend booty that you can't live without. They ALL are addictive, and we ALL have addictive personalities. I recognize the fact that I like to drink. I also realize that at some point I'm going to have to stop. I don't let it control me, and I certainly don't do anything to endanger myself or anyone else when I'm inebriated. I keep my silly drunk self home :)

That being said, I'm gonna go have a shot - Cheers!

canuckguy 09-03-2004 02:31 PM

I maybe drink 3-4 times a week. usually fri-mon type of thing. only a couple of beers, a couple of ryes never get "hammered" anymore. In university I use to drink everyday, all day. After watching my father drink 6-10 beers and 8-10 liquor drinks a day, I realise that I probably have that "drinkin" gene in me so I take care in my drinking and only do it for taste now, not effect. I use to smoke weed everyday for years until my wife and I were expecting. Gave that up cold turkey and don't see an issue with booze. I am so parniod of getting addicted like my no good father....yes i have issues :eek:

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