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08-17-2004 06:17 PM

Do you know who you want to be?
I am a young man and am in the transition from life after highschool to working towards getting the life I want. I am motivated and discovered what I want and I have slowly been finding out how to get their. Everyday I am making decisions and thinking about how to change my life to get to the place I want to be. Are you motivated to always improve yourself? Do you know who you want to be? Did you find out how to get their? I look to my freinds and most of them are content where they are (which is perfectly fine) but I want to know how many people are working towards improving your future and you attitude towards life in general.

08-17-2004 06:24 PM

Lead by example.

Iv identified alot of things I want from life. I invision that person and work towards becoming the man I want to be. Everyday I am changing trying to improve myself but not become obsessed with perfection. Just recently I got rid of every peice of pornography I had, deleted all my videogames and threw away or sold all the software I used to own becauce I couldn't rationalize a (for me) justifiable reason to be spending my time on them. I know what career I would like to start in, I'v found where I can study and without needing to pay 90K USD in tuition and I am in the process of moving and applying. I spend time daily reflecting on my inner thoughts and reading a variety of books on various ways id like to improve.

AfterBurn 08-17-2004 06:28 PM

That's very important, I always strive to improve myself in anything I do that I think matters..I remember a few years ago I really sucked with girls in general like I was pathetic at talking to girls and getting anywhere and I made a commitment to improve that and now I can pretty much get anywhere..Point is it's very important to set goals and try and acheive them and everyone should do what you're doing NotMinus.

alpha 08-17-2004 09:45 PM

Sometimes I think I know what I want from life but it changes all the time. Right now I just live my life and see where it takes me.

roboshark 08-17-2004 11:18 PM

I agree with alpha regarding the part that what I want from life changes all the time. The problem is that just living your life and seeing where it takes you is not good enough, cos you might end up somewhere where you don't want to be and it's too late to change. So what NotMinus is doing is a very positive thing. I just don't think that everyone can be as motivated (and remain so at all times) as NotMinus appears to be. Or wants to be, for that matter.

Oh, yeah, NotMinus, you might wanna put "improving my spelling skills" on your TODO list. You don't get "their", you get "there".

little_tippler 08-18-2004 04:08 AM

I wish I could just pinpoint all the things that are "wrong" with me and then change them at will. I think generally for most people it's hard to see yourself as you truly are, and the kind of discipline it takes to set yourself a goal and stick to it (because as alpha and roboshark say, the goal can change), is sometimes too difficult to handle.

I do think you don't have to be so hard on yourself, and that if things don't go according to your master plan, well then that's ok because if you accept life for what it is, youĞll be happy no matter what the outcome.

Cynthetiq 08-18-2004 05:50 AM

it is time and patience that makes it in the world.

there's no rush to get to the end result. it's the journey that is the the fun not the destination. the goals can change but your values shouldn't, unless your values were off base to begin with.

take things in small pieces, each piece makes a bigger piece bigger. eventually you wind up with the whole thing.

alpha 08-18-2004 10:47 PM

I just realised how well things have gone even though I really haven't done that much about it. I start my studies in two weeks and every day I look more forward to it. I have a good single-room apartment near the school waiting for me to move in. I have a girlfriend less than an hour's drive away from where I'm moving. I don't have to concentrate on anything else than just going to school, meeting new people and hopefully having fun.

It's great when it just hits you that life's actually going quite well. Of course it requires some planning but I wouldn't stress about it that much.

raeanna74 08-19-2004 04:55 AM

I want to be a good mother and wife. I want to be a good example to my friends and neighbors. I want to help all those who I can.

As for personally. I DON'T want to become my mother, Obsessed with cleanliness and driven to make others dependant on me even if it means finding imaginary faults. I do want to emulate my grandma in many ways. She was remembered by many as being very giving and concerned for the well being of others. I want to emulate my grandpa who is respected by many simply because when he opens his mouth his words are wise.

I want to be balanced. I don't want to be obsessed with anything but I want to strive to do my best in all that I do. It's not a concrete image. I'm constantly changing the image I want to become as I learn what is better for me to strive for.

At this point I am pleased with what I have become. I have flaws but they don't seem glaring to me. My worst flaw, as I see it, is that I tend to talk too much and not listen enough.

DDDDave 08-19-2004 10:30 AM

"Act like who you want to be, you will become that person."

Honest, caring, perceptive, insightful, helpful....

Dishonest, uncaring, ignorant, close-minded, selfish....

The world will recognize your behavior and treat you the same way.

mulletJeb 08-19-2004 09:40 PM

To quote Tyler Durden, "sticking feathers up your butt will not make you a chicken" so don't try too hard to be someone you're not. Livng up to ideals, "being the change you want to see in the world" as Gandhi said, I think that's what DDDDave is talking about, and it's terribly important though difficult. Oh, maybe you'll bump into religion at some point there, it could be a useful guide.

neekap 08-19-2004 11:47 PM

Career-wise, I'll know what I'll want to do when I retire. :)

Personally, other than having a decent paying job that I truely enjoy, I want the comfort and security of a loving girlfriend/fiance/wife.

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