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Chilly McFreeze 07-24-2004 10:58 AM

Dark circles under eyes?
I'm 23 years old and I've always had dark circles under my eyes. Does anyone know of anything that can reduce or remove them?

jizzmasterp 07-24-2004 11:38 AM

Get more sleep.

Chilly McFreeze 07-24-2004 11:46 AM

I knew someone was going to say that. The thing is I don't think that's the cause - my dad and grandmother have them too. What I was really asking was are there any creams/vitamin's etc that might lessen them?

hannukah harry 07-24-2004 12:20 PM

i've heard that hemmeroid cream works to get rid of bags under the eyes. constricts the vessels that cause it or something.

07-24-2004 08:02 PM

take daily vitamins- i don't remember what exactly it is that you would be lacking, but I take multi-vitamins and it helps with that, along with energy and health.

Bill O'Rights 07-24-2004 08:22 PM

I've always had them as well. My father's got them. I'm pretty sure that my grandfather had them. And my 2 year old son has them. I just always took it as an "O'Rights" family trait. I've come to look at them as part of my features.

Hemmeroid cream?!? Hmmm...I dun tink so, Lucy. Vitamins? Maybe. It sure couldn't hurt.

maleficent 07-24-2004 09:01 PM

Hemmoroid cream does get rid of puffliness, but does nothing for dark circles. (It als burns like hell if you get it in your eyes, or you rub your eye later on-- basically it's meant for your bum, not your eyes -- DON"T put it there)

Vitamin K, which is great for lessening bruises (Vitamin K is also found in bananas) I have read recently is good for getting rid of dark circles. Not saying to put bananas under your eyes, but maybe increase your intake of Vitamin K - or find a cream with Vitamin K in it.

Or - tell everyone you are an admirer of BOR and want to be just like him, and wear your dark circles proudly!

gonadman 07-25-2004 06:52 PM

In medicine they are called "allergic shiners"

Treat as an allergy

stephthegeek 07-28-2004 12:36 PM

I have the same problem, and am convinced I was born with it. Photos of me when very young have the same dark circles and bit of puffiness, and I sleep pretty well. I'm adopted so I don't know if it's genetic, but it's always bugged me. I might try the Vitamin K thing, thanks.

Val_1 08-03-2004 07:31 PM

This happened to me when I was in 7th or 8th grade - I started getting dark circles under my eyes (no wasn't smoking pot - at the time anyway). After 6 months or so, they went away.

A few years later, my little brother started getting the same thing at about the same age. They seemed to last for about 6 months then they went away. Never did find the reason for them.

Cedar 08-05-2004 05:20 PM

Don't laugh, but have you tried going on allergy meds? Summer's an especially bad time for allergies and pollution, and some people (including myself) get "allergy shiners," dark circles under your eyes related to allergies. Talk to your doctor.

Dilbert1234567 08-05-2004 05:29 PM

try a cold spoon. toss a spoon in the freezer and let it chill, use the then place it agains the circle, the cold will constrict the blood vessel and hopefuly reduce the dark circles, it works for me.

Esen 08-06-2004 07:34 PM

I ve always have had dark eyes,

People say that allergies are the main cause.
Gluton intolerance is a known cause.

Have your doctor test you.
Who knows it may help

fugue_life 08-11-2004 09:24 PM

honestly, I have the same dark circles, if I eat more healthy, oj or mutli vitamins, they usually disappear for a few days.

orphen 08-11-2004 11:27 PM

2 possiblities

one: you're not getting enough sleep
two: as fugue_life said.. deit problem

three: yo uare turning into a panda

bing bing 02-11-2005 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by orphen
three: yo uare turning into a panda

That's great :)

Ilow 02-11-2005 08:18 PM

In theory the hemmorroid cream should work since the cause is often the veins showing through the relatively thin skin in that area, so if you reduced the size of those vessels... Also, I've heard that (wet) tea bags work pretty well (may be because the tannic acid is a vasoconstrictor.)
Or you could just get a really nice pair of Ray Bans.

NCB 02-15-2005 05:50 AM

Next time you visit your hair stylist, ask him/her about a cream that helps with that. Now, some of them are expensive (mine was 70 dollars for a small tube), but it's well worth it.

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