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Rudel73 07-04-2004 10:34 AM

Ringing Ears
So i was out shooting some guns about 2 days ago and stupid me didnt bring any ear protection, well anyway my left ear has been ringing for 2 days straight now and the sound that i can hear out of it isnt too good. Everyone keeps saying that it will go away eventually, my question is it normal for ears to ring for this long??

Ella 07-04-2004 04:25 PM

I saw a band in early December that was so loud, I had ringing in my ears loud enough to wake me up from my sleep that night! Mind you, I was at the front and the speaker was just above my ear, and I should have known better, but I just ran with the moment.

Anyway, I was staying with my Dad and he sent me up to his pharmacist who was a Chinese herbalist as well, and she gave me some Tinnitus Herbal Treatment, as she suggested I had mild Tinnitus. So I took that for a couple of weeks and it got better gradually. But it still rings sometimes, and I think some permanent damage has been done. My hearing is really bad in places where there is background noise, and I seem to not be able to hear as well as I used to. Could be my imagination, but who knows.

Go see a pharmacist or doctor and see what they say.

apeman 07-05-2004 12:56 AM

i've had up to 2 days of ringing after gigs.. if it's not fading after a few days, "seek professional help" as they say :)

it's your ears telling you to stop mistreating them

Rudel73 07-05-2004 11:19 AM

its been about 48 hours now, still ringing yet its slowly going away. I'll probably wait another day or so before calling the doctor, i just dont like going to doctors they never seem to give you good news

Stare At The Sun 07-05-2004 11:58 AM

When I went to Ozzfest 2k1, and had front row seats :D, my ears rang pretty bad for two days, and slowly faded over the 3rd day. I also got a pretty nice contact high, and my whole body hurt from the headbanging, and moshing....but thats another story.

so, i think you'll be ok, next time, wear protection!

pocon1 07-05-2004 01:07 PM

I fired a ruger super blackhawk twice when I was fifteen at a boy scout camping trip. My ears rang for two days. Next time, I am sure you will wear ear protection.

unseenpunk91 01-23-2005 09:07 AM

yesterday i played with my band in a small room, i was next to the drummer, since its fast loud street punk and the drummer is always hitting the cymbols. it left me with my left ear ringing for the rest of the night, sometimes its feels like it gets clogged up a little, but i can still hear just fine, its gotten a little better, do you think theres any permanent damage that was done, and if coutinues should i get help?

VitaminH 01-23-2005 12:56 PM

Ginko is supposed to help with tinnitus. Couldn't hurt to try, but you may have done some damage there. Live and learn eh?

Hard8s 01-23-2005 10:14 PM

Hearing is a lot like virginity once its gone you aren't getting it back. I've learned this the hard way. I work in noisy environments, and used to go to lots of concerts, all without wearing hearing protection. Now like Ella said when I'm in a place with lots of background noise, a restraunt, a bar, etc, I really need to pay attention to the words people are saying as they get lost in the background noise. Now when I go to a bar, club, or Concert I always bring some ear plugs with me. I know it sounds funny to go to a concert and put in ear plugs but all it does is cut down the background noise. I can hear the band great. Most of the time the speakers are cranked up so loud you get echoing in your ear canal. The ear plugs stop that. I live with mild tinnitus to this day and I am only in my 30's. And already I hate having to ask people to repeat themselves or speak up, as I couldn't hear them over the background noise.

Inside your ear canal are tiny lttle hairs, once damaged they do not grow back or repair themselves. So protect your hearing or be prepared to live with a slight ring in your ears the rest of your life.

Heres a little more info on the little hairs
Found at this site www.hear-it.org

killeena 01-24-2005 11:41 AM

I went to a Pantera concert when I was younger, and was right in front of one of the speakers the whole time. My ears probably rang for about 2-3 days, but I still have a little trouble hearing when there is a lot of background noise.

Ella 01-28-2005 12:56 AM

And my ears still ring. When there is complete silence...there is always noise in my ears. And I suspect it will never go away.

Boo 01-28-2005 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by Ella
And my ears still ring. When there is complete silence...there is always noise in my ears. And I suspect it will never go away.

Its called tinnitus and it sucks. I need a radio or some background noise or I go friggin crazy.

Google it, loads of info out there.

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