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Darklight Adept 05-06-2003 09:46 PM

I got screwed on ebay, I'm such a n00b
So I find these 2 items listed that I'm looking for:
Hellsing DVD Disc 3 and Hellsing DVD Disc 4 well, I think about it for a few minutes, and decide since the picture indicates that they are DVD's I'll go for it. Cause most bidders wouldn't do something silly like post VCD's without warning you, right?

A few hours later, I get notifications that I won both auctions. Even though they were not slated to end for days. So the seller decided to end the auction early. Hey, cool for me, right? WRONG. I happily sent out my paypal thinking I got a hella good deal, when all of a sudden it hit me. VCD. No wonder it was so cheap. I go back and look at all his auctions, and all the anime listed has been relisted....as VCD's. Including the Hellsing discs I bought. So yeah, this jerkwad is cranking out copies of a DVD-Rip on vcd, and I got caught when he tried to pass it off as the real thing.

So what should I do? Sic pioneer on him, report him to eBay, or Paypal? Am I just screwed outta that $15?

Sigh, what a crappy second eBay experience.

jets 05-06-2003 09:54 PM

Ebay forbids the sale of any pirated copyright material. Report the seller to ebay.

I found myself in the same situation once but I didn't pay up. He emailed saying he'd slap a negative feedback on me and so I told him he broke the rules and he'd be reported to eBay. I said I'd forget it if he did. He ended up leaving me alone and giving me a positive feedback!

Darklight Adept 05-06-2003 10:06 PM

Yeah, I emailed the guy asking him that if it is not the dvd's as pictured in his auction, to refund me the full amount I paid him, cause I'd rather not get ebay involved in shutting him down.

sbscout 05-07-2003 10:18 AM

report him... he's breaking the law.

World's King 05-07-2003 10:24 AM

Repoort him.

hrdwareguy: Lets keep the suggestions constructive

TaLoN 05-07-2003 10:29 AM

I was not constructive so I was edited

GakFace 05-07-2003 11:25 AM

Hopefully you'll get your money back, then report him. Don't let him do it again.

Sun Tzu 05-07-2003 11:45 AM

If you have the persons general location, contact the county law enforcment and see if they have an internet fraud division. I know they started one in Maricopa County, AZ and they.re pursuing people with serious intent.

YELLOW450 05-07-2003 12:09 PM

Report him and still give him negative feedback, the feedback is all people have to tell them what kind of seller your buying from. Makes a big impact.

krwlz 05-07-2003 07:46 PM

I was not constructive so I was edited

The_Dude 05-07-2003 07:58 PM

report 'em to ebay

Zotz 05-07-2003 08:10 PM

I also say report him to eBay....after you get your refund. Letting him go without doing so just reinforces his unscrupulous business practices. Its up to buyers to take the appropriate action when they see a seller trying to screw someone.

Ambition 05-07-2003 09:24 PM

Report him. If you can find him, give him a good ass whooping also, I think he's in need of one.

bollocks 05-08-2003 07:10 AM

I couldn't say something nice so I was edited

Liquor Dealer 05-08-2003 07:14 AM

I'd report it to E-Bay - We all buy from the people they profit from - they claim they run a tight, clean ship! Make them prove it. You might be saving lot of others from the same grief with these jerks.

Darklight Adept 05-09-2003 11:15 AM

asshat reported! =D And paypal reported, and sent in his information to pioneer :)

yangwar 05-09-2003 02:02 PM

Get your refund, don't back down.

Sirzap 05-09-2003 03:56 PM

dotn pay up , but i reporting him to the law in any way is crossing the line in my opinion

rockwaldo 05-09-2003 05:01 PM

report the dog!

Darklight Adept 05-09-2003 09:14 PM


Originally posted by Sirzap
dotn pay up , but i reporting him to the law in any way is crossing the line in my opinion
Crossing the line is making a profit off something that's not yours by tricking people. He gets what's coming to him.

Only reason I reported it was that Hellsing is a series worth paying for.

and yeah, I got my cash back :)

G5_Todd 05-09-2003 09:19 PM

retract your bid........tell him if he wants to be and ass and give you negative review you will forward his name to any of the dozen federal agencies handlying copy right violations

forseti-6 05-09-2003 10:13 PM

I would def. report him to ebay. If you leave him a negative, he'll probably leave you one in return. If you don't mind go for it. Otherwise, you might want to leave him a neutral.

dragon2fire 05-09-2003 11:45 PM

hey why dont you tell us this ass holes name so we can avoid him

nefarious 05-10-2003 02:19 PM

I'd leave negative feedback .. then others can look through his feedback record and see what happened to you ..

perhaps that could help them avoid the same experience ..

or go with world's king's advice ^_^

dickie 05-12-2003 10:06 AM

Ask him for the money back and tell him you are going to report him to ebay if he doesnt , If he still doesnt give the money back ...report his as then find out where he lives and burn his house down !

Mango 05-12-2003 12:23 PM

I couldn't say something nice so I was edited.

Actually I said nothing, but I thought I'd put that up for the hell of it.

Hi hrdwareguy


toxic515 05-12-2003 05:07 PM

by this time, you've already made your move. Keep in mind, even if he DOES leave negative feedback, you still get to respond to it. Any sensible buyer or seller that checks your feedback will recognize that as a viable issue. If you report to eBay quick enuff, he may not be able to leave feedback, as he may well be banned. Just something else to be aware of.

reverendjay 05-12-2003 07:13 PM

Damnit Mango you beat me to it...

It sounds like you're doing pretty well with this one Darklight. Just remember that everybody's a noob once, and all reputable businesses take this into consideration.

Good luck on your future purchases.

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