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QuasiMojo 09-26-2003 01:16 PM

Belize anyone?
Well...I'm going to do it. Bound and determined to make my dream trip a reality in January or February. You see, I've been talking about going to Belize C.A. for almost 15 years and something always came up where I did not go. An old diver friend told me about this Central American land where some of the most pristine waters lap at the shoreline. I had never heard of this place before(neither, did a lot of other people at the time)
and I thought What a cool place to go...someplace tropical that no one else heard of. A few days after having talked to my friend about this new geographical wonderment I was reading the classifieds in the back of my "Rolling Stone" mag. Flipping the page my eyes were immediately directed to an ad that said,
"~See Belize"~ and that was it.
I sent for brochures and bought travel books and began a romance with the idea of going to this place...whose sing-song name has lilted and rolled around in my mind ever since. I don't know why I've been fascinated so by this destination.
It may be because I see two very distinct and appealing elements such as the diverse marine environment( I would like to get PADI certified down there) as well as the ancient
Mayan civilization which lies in ruin just a stones throw from the coast in the lush interior.
All I know is that in these 15 years of synchronistic reckoning and
promises to myself, I stand fully resolved to do it.
to Go.
I can't help but feel that something is calling me and I need to find out what it is. I will probably be borrowing money from my 401k to be able to take this trip like I know it needs to be taken.
I can't fucking wait!

I would love to hear from anyone who has lived in Belize or travelled to or knows people who have been there.

It looks as though I'll be making this journey alone. which is maybe how it should be. Something is waiting for me there...
and I hope it ain't the goshdamn yellow fever!:)

Cynthetiq 09-26-2003 02:25 PM

I want to go there one of these trips...

I'd love to see a wild tapir...

QuasiMojo 09-26-2003 03:14 PM

oh yah!
jaguars,howler monkeys...the tarpon are HUGE...
I've always wanted to see an ocelot ...

bundy 09-26-2003 08:06 PM

Belize has recently caught my attention (because they had some dual citizenship deal advertised in the Economist).

i believe that it has the second largest reef system in the world within its boundaries. so the diving should be spectacular (i wonder if there are ships to dive on, or just reef - youŽll have find out for me)

iŽd love to see this wonderful country (esp its incredible wildlife...tapirs, jaguars and ocelots... wow!)... but it is a long way away from Sydney.

have an awesome time Quasi... iŽm sure you will.

btw, (in case you didnŽt already know) youŽll probably need to get a certificate of proof saying that youŽve got your Yellow Fever jabs... i did to travel through africa.

QuasiMojo 09-26-2003 08:34 PM

Australias Great Barrier Reef is the only thing that surpasses Belizes' natural barrier reef(but i imagine that you knew that:))

I'm not sure about diving shipwrecks in Belize bundy, I'm only starting to delve back into this.
I don't believe I'll be needing any shots on this voyage nor will I need a passport.

1 American dollar= 2 Belizean dollars

I would like to continue this thread 'till I actually Go. giving updates to my tfp community on my plans....

heynow, I just thought of something!

TFP GATHERING @ AMBERGRIS CAYE Belize....sometime January or February

Cynthetiq 09-27-2003 05:04 AM

i had a friend who went to Ambergris Caye last year.. i'll need to ask her about it.

splck 09-27-2003 09:23 PM

I have a friend that had a bar until 2 years ago. She and a friend ran the place for about 8 years. She loved the place and still talks of going back. The reason she came back was mother became very sick up here and needed help.
She told me about some fantastic diving and hiking down there. The bar is still there being run by a guy from Calgary...can't remember the bars name, but I know it's just out of Belize city.

I'm sure you'll have a good time, especially since you've been waiting so long to go down there.

QuasiMojo 09-27-2003 10:06 PM


Originally posted by splck
I have a friend that had a bar until 2 years ago. She and a friend ran the place for about 8 years.
I could do that...
/whistfully thinking

I could fill scuba tanks.... work on fishing boats...dig at Carocol...

Thanks for your responses...it helps to keep the dream alive

cowlick 10-01-2003 06:58 AM

I would love to go to Belize. I think I may this coming spring. I want to learn to dive and I want to lay on an empty beach and look at my wife in her swimsuit.

SiN 10-01-2003 01:57 PM

Re: Belize anyone?

Originally posted by QuasiMojo
I would love to hear from anyone who ... knows people who have been there.

my mom's been there a couple times at least, and she's in the travel business, so i could perhaps get some advice from her for you.

may be a few weeks before i can get back to you onnit, she's busy, but yeah, i'll ask her. :)

dogzilla 10-04-2003 02:00 AM

I was in Belize for a day with my wife last year as part of a tour. We went on a boat ride up New River (I think) to Lamanai where there are some partially restored Mayan ruins. This was somewhere in northern Belize. I don't know if this is the best site in Belize, but the boat ride and the ruins were both interesting.

QuasiMojo 10-04-2003 04:52 PM

Well, I've decided to get PADI certified for open water.
It was suggested that I do this "here" instead of waiting until I'm
"there" and this makes sense for a whole host of reasons.

cost- $325.00 + mask,snorkel,fins,weightbelt and...booties.

thanks to those who've made comments on this.

QuasiMojo 10-04-2003 04:56 PM


Originally posted by dogzilla
I was in Belize for a day with my wife last year as part of a tour. We went on a boat ride up New River (I think) to Lamanai
You may have come down the southern tip of the Rio Bravo, dogzilla(that is if you were in Mexico)

QuasiMojo 10-04-2003 05:01 PM


Originally posted by cowlick
I would love to go to Belize. I think I may this coming spring.
Remember-there is no Summer/Winter seasons in this part of the world. Only Wet/Dry.


I am leaning towards taking a tour as opposed to making all arrangements myself(being that this is my first time there and am not,what you'd call a world traveller) I've selected a travel agent
who pretty much said- "Whatever you want, i'll make it happen"

I really like this


signed up for the PADI cert. open water certification.
this sunday nnext sunday and the following sat and sun.
I am psyched.

QuasiMojo 10-17-2003 02:53 AM

I began The Scuba certification process....What fun this is turning out to be. another confined dive this Sunday...then quarry dives the following weekend. Also I put my money where my mouth is and paid for my Belize trip.

February 3rd Baby......

-Ever- 10-17-2003 05:43 AM

I stopped by Belieze on a cruise my family took a few years back. Go here no matter what: http://www.maruba-spa.com/ It was an amazing get away!

skyscan 10-17-2003 09:10 PM

Wow, really want to know how your certification went. I have been to Belize and Austrilia. Dove them both. Loved Great Barrier Reef.

On the cruise I went on Belize had the roughest water but none of us got sea sick (all got sun burnt). Be prepared to see great sights but don't expect the surroundings to be USA. Also, don't forget about the blue hole, something special Belize has. I've never seen it but imagine that it's great.
Have fun!

QuasiMojo 10-18-2003 02:59 AM


Originally posted by skyscan
Also, don't forget about the blue hole,
I haven't seen that particular pic of The Blue Hole. cool :)
a 400 ft collossal sinkhole!!!! just beautiful. Thanks!

bainatl 10-20-2003 09:38 AM

Just stay out of the caves. My best friend was in Med school, went cave diving outside Belize City, contracted hepatitas b. Had to drop out of school for 2 years. Turns out they didn't treat the sewage from the city well enough. Whoa! Hope I didn't ruin it for you........

QuasiMojo 10-20-2003 01:24 PM

Due to my inexperience I shan't be doing any cave diving. Although there are vast networks of caves that run throughout Belize that people go tubing and kayaking within.
Underground rivers!!!!

Originally posted by bainatl
Whoa! Hope I didn't ruin it for you........
I think it will take something short of Armegeddon to ruin this trip for me! :)

QuasiMojo 10-20-2003 03:13 PM

I had my last confined(pool)dive on 10/20 and took the final written test.


using the dive tables(figuring out how long you can stay down based on previous dives and previous depths)were a bitch.
Now for 2 days of open water checkout dives in a quarry.
can't wait.

QuasiMojo 10-20-2003 03:26 PM

Feb 3-10
last three days, free on Ambergris Caye.


splck 10-21-2003 04:59 PM

OH Man!! diving is fun. You're gonna love it.

QuasiMojo 10-26-2003 06:53 PM

I am a Certified Open Water Scuba Diver
I spent the last two days diving in a quarry...I saw freshwater jellyfish and have seen fish on their own home turf( that made me reconsider my love of fishing).. experienced frigid thermoclines at 40 feet that rendered a pre-arthritic right forearm a painful appendage. But when it was all said and done I have emerged a certified Open Water Scuba Diver....

now after a few celebratory beers I still feel water-logged.

And I have this curious floating feeling!

QuasiMojo 11-06-2003 10:00 PM

TFP Gathering at Ambergris Caye
Feb 7-9



QuasiMojo 11-16-2003 04:37 PM

Did I tell you I'm going to Belize?

sprocket 11-22-2003 03:35 PM

I went to belize when i graduated high school with one of my best friends for a week. We stayed on Ambergris Caye. I've been wanting to go back ever since. We originally went to go scuba diving but ended up spending all our money on alchohol (the drinking age is 18 but they dont care if your younger anyways, and fresh outta high school we took advantage of it).

Remember to bring some sunscreen. I was living in florida at the time so i figured i could handle a little sun with minimal sunblock and um.. mistake.

If you are inexperienced with diving, be sure to get a reputable guide or someone that really knows their shit to go with you. Some people we met down there went on some dive trips with the "guides" and were pretty sketched out by the way they handled things and the equipment. None of them even had a depth gauge that worked properly, and didnt seem to educated on the dive tables.

Even if you dont dive there is awesome snorkling. On ambergis caye the barrier reef is like 500 yards off the beach and it was inexpensive to get a guide with a boat to take you to the interesting spots.

Also took a trip to the mainland to see some mayan ruins. Was a pretty nice experience cept it rained the whole boatride over and our boat didnt have a cover. Part of the package was stopping at the maruba resort someone mentioned earlier in this thread.

One thing Ill never forget about that place was some of the liquer they had. All kinds of rum with dead things fermenting in the bottle. Scorpions, and other mean looking things. The bartenders at maruba gave me and my friend two free shots of 180 proof viper rum (you can guess whats in that bottle). Shoulda known something was up with a bartender handing you a free drink trying (and failing) to keep a straight face. Im never one to turn down a free shot so I went for it anyways. Felt worse than moonshine afterwards but actually tasted great.

But man that trip rocked. I went in the summer time (hot as hell) when the tourist season has died down. Met a few americans there and partied with em the whole time.

Ive heard in mainland Belize the natives arent to friendly with white foreigners. On Ambergis Caye, however, they love ya (tourism is what keeps that place alive).

Go have fun, and dont spend all your money on hookers (you'll get propositioned alot by pimps). :)

sprocket 11-22-2003 03:39 PM

Also theres something pretty cool about standing on the island looking at the ocean, then turning around 180 degrees and seeing... the ocean

QuasiMojo 11-23-2003 04:51 PM

my itinerary~
thanks Sprocket, for the info. I am really jazzed about going.
still looking for someone to go with. If I can get someone to come along I'll get a nice little refund of around 500 bucks. hmmmmm...
how many Belizean hookers can I get for 500 bucks? sheeeeyit thats 1000.00 Belizean dollars.Woo Hoo!

Depart USA to Belize City. Meeting and assistance upon arrivaland transfer to your hotel in the Cayo area. Balance of day at leisure. Dinner at your hotel.

Following breakfast, you will visit the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve. Here you will have a chance to see the natural beauty of the reserve including the Rio Frio caves, 1,000 ft. Hidden Valley Falls and a chance for swimming in the cool waters of Rio On Pools. Dinner and overnight in Cayo area.

This morning you will board your motorized canoe for a tour on Macal River en route to the Panti Medicinal Plant Trail (there is a bounty of wildlife to observe) Continue to the Mayan site of Cahal Pech, a site with 34 buildings currently being excavated.

Today's full day tour includes a visit to the "Belize Zoo," Belize's natural wildlife habitat. From there you depart via the western highway to the Maya site of Xunantunich, on the banks of the Mopan River (you are hand-cranked across the Mopan River by a 19th century ferry). Among the partially excavated ruins are 1,400 year old stucco friezes, stone carvings, vaulted buildings, and El Castillo which is a classic Mayan temple and the second tallest building in Belize (127 feet). Tour the site and view breathtaking scenery of untouched jungle. Continue to Belize City for overnight at your hotel.

After breakfast, you will be transferred from your hotel to the airport for a 15 minute commuter flight to San Pedro (Ambergris Caye). Meeting and assistance upon arrival and transfer to your hotel.

Day at leisure to enjoy the sun and cool Caribbean breezes. Overnight.

Day at leisure. Enjoy the beach or perhaps take an optional tour to the Barrier Reef for spectacular snorkeling or diving (you must present a dive card).

After breakfast, transfer to the airport for the short flight to Belize City International Airport with connecting service for your international flight home.

QuasiMojo 12-07-2003 10:06 AM

My Passport
I got my passport the other day. It only took a week for it to arrive. If anyone needs to get a passport- you need to have 2 photos of yourself(they can be taken for you at a U.P.S store or a Mailboxes Etc store or the like) and a copy of your birth certificate.
NOT a certificate of birth. they are two different things as I found out. it needs to have the state emblem on it. If you don't have a copy you can purchase one on-line for $4 at www.vitalchek.com
then you just have to fill out the application which you can pick up at most post-offices. (It will ask information such as dates of marriage and divorces and place of birth of your spouse or ex.)
you need then to write two checks. One for $55.00 made out to the Dept of State and the other for $35.00 to the Postmaster.
The passport is good for 10 years.

thingstodo 12-08-2003 06:27 PM

I understand that floating feeling. It makes dreams very nice.

It is cool to go to Cancun and then drive to Belize. What a trip!

edmos1 12-10-2003 03:54 PM

Quasi, I hope you have a great trip, Belize is on my short list for my honeymoon right now, I have a little while longer to decide, but have heard Belize is unspoiled and perfect.

greytone 12-12-2003 05:38 PM

Wow, I spoke with someone this fall who went to Belize by herself and she loved it. She promised her daughter she would take her next year.

I am so excited about a trip I have scheduled for March to Bonaire becuase I just bought all of my dive gear. I got certified not quite 2 years ago and decided to get my own gear. Now my new BCD and reg are hanging in my closet just calling to me about how they want to get wet. I have read and reread the instructions for the computer, but you can only see how the screens work when it is submerged. My sink just is not deep enough to register a depth.

If this trip goes well, I am seriously thinking about Belize for the following year.

QuasiMojo 12-12-2003 09:34 PM


Originally posted by greytone

I am so excited about a trip I have scheduled for March to Bonaire becuase I just bought all of my dive gear. I got certified not quite 2 years ago and decided to get my own gear. Now my new BCD and reg are hanging in my closet just calling to me about how they want to get wet. I have read and reread the instructions for the computer, but you can only see how the screens work when it is submerged. My sink just is not deep enough to register a depth.

If this trip goes well, I am seriously thinking about Belize for the following year. [/B]
I've heard great things about Bonaire and when you go I wish you a Bon Voyage`!! You are a step ahead of me as far as dive gear goes. I only have the basics but a BCD is definitely on the horizon...I got my PADI cerification card in the mail a few weeks ago. I feel like I'm part of an exclusive club now. : )

floydthebarber 12-14-2003 11:15 PM

Long thread. Belize would be an great place to visit, I'd love to work there.

Warf Rat 12-15-2003 09:07 AM

I to have carried this dream for the last 5 years. I will be going in late Jan and into Feb. I will just land there or someone near there and make it up as I go along. I did this in Guatemalla and loved being somewhere beatuiful without any plan other than to have fun. I can see from above that you have a pretty full schedule, if you can get off the main tourist sites for a day, ask the locals where you should go. They will always know more than any tour guide, and you will save a fortune.
You should go to escapeartist.com they have very valuable information and just about everything you could possibly need to know. Lots of help from people who are there and people who have been there. Maybe I will join you for the TFP gathering Feb 7 to 9, just let me know what hotel, or just look for the pastie white balding thirty something drunk guy, and that will be me.

QuasiMojo 12-15-2003 09:17 AM

Hey there
The TFP Gathering is just a fantasy...an idea that iI floated out there to see if there was an interest. The last 3 days of this trip are going to be at "my leisure" on Ambergris caye.
Warf rat--
when you come back please feel free to post some pics and recollections of your trip right here. Or mayhap your own thread.

Oh, and thanks for the escapeartist site. it provided a whole host of links and resources that I had as yet uncovered.

QuasiMojo 12-20-2003 07:28 PM


(arrows pointing upwarrrrrrds)

this here is where I shall B
from thseventh to theninth

anyone for a humancarribean?

Smoky 12-31-2003 06:40 AM

I went on a 10 day trip to Belize about 5 years ago. We stayed on Turneffe Island, which is about 20 miles off shore of Belize City. The diving was incredible, and this is one of the places where you stand a good chance of seeing a whale shark, due to the low number of boats/divers. I love Cozumel, but this place is just as good for diving and about 1% of the people!

Bugs can be a real problem, make sure to take 100% deet.

The Great Blue Hole is a very surreal dive, there is no entrapment chance, most of the cave structure starts about 150feet, so I doubt you'd be going there if you're newly certified. Lots of big sharks to see in the hole too!

(aside: we went down to about 150 feet on our dive there, and it was the first experience I had with getting narced. The bubbles were red man, RED!!!) Anyway, be careful!

A word on Belize City, when we were there, we were followed around by Tourist Police. Their job (as explained by our dive master) is to protect tourists from theft, etc. Be on your guard and be safe there. Women are advised not to travel alone in the city.

Hope this helps, and hope you have a great trip!

QuasiMojo 12-31-2003 07:08 AM


Originally posted by Smoky

(aside: we went down to about 150 feet on our dive there, and it was the first experience I had with getting narced. The bubbles were red man, RED!!!) Anyway, be careful!

wow...yeah I understand things can get a little...dicey in the depths if you're not careful. or even sometimes if you ARE careful.
I won't feel comfortable yet with going down more than 60 feet or so for right now...enough to to experience the beauty and grandeur of the underwater world.
I would love to see a whale shark. The largest fish in the ocean.
They are migratory though and they don't pass through until spring(I think)
Thanks for your story Smoky
Happy Diving!

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