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micah67 09-08-2003 06:26 PM

Pets who touched our hearts and left too soon...
Bernadette got me thinking about our pets that have left us and I wanted to tell you all about Ryker, who lives on in my avatar.

Ryker was a three year old rescue, other than his age, we didn't know his history. He came to us with some problems, nothing a vet couldn't fix and he quickly endeared himself to us and our other two Dalmatians. Occasionally, he'd get out of the house or yard and quicky shuffle down the sidewalk in an attempt to "go walk-about" his head hung low and his eyes forward. I'd run after him yelling for him to stop. I could imagine him thinking, "If I don't see him, he doesn't see me." I'd finally catch up to him and tap his butt and he'd stop with the embarassed look of, "OK, you caught me. I know I'm not supposed to be out," turn and shuffle home (occasionally he'd pass the house and try the same trick only going the other direction).

He was as devoted to us as we were to him. He'd wake from a nap and if he found himself alone in the room he'd start wailing that he'd been abandoned - without even getting up to see that we were in the next room.

He was a husky boy, a by-product of being a rescue, we think. He could polish a bowl of food in seconds. We tried to get him to relax and free-feed. He gained 25 lbs before we called that experiment a failure.

This is his last picture. He wasn't feeling well and the little boy across the street put the stuffed animal to keep him company. We took him to the vet and an ultrasound eventually disclosed the stomach cancer. He died on the operating table. He was seven years old. This was three years ago and I still miss him terribly; I'm in tears as I write this. He was his daddy's boy...

It hurts to loose a pet, I lost another one only ten days after Ryker. But that's another "tail".

Tell me about those that have touched your hearts.

Kaos 09-08-2003 07:43 PM

That is absolutely heart-breaking man....really sorry to hear about your loss.

All my pets lived full lives, and it was hard to watch them go to the great beyond, but when they got old, they got sick and it was easier to let them go, then watch them suffer :(

nostalgic1 09-08-2003 07:55 PM

yeah man.. i'm sorry about the loss.. he seemed like a great dog...

i had a dog get hit by a car once... and i really really liked that dog... i was only little though... so i got over it quick enough...

sexymama 09-08-2003 08:05 PM

Ahh, Ryker was lucky to know you and you him. He sounds like a very special "boy."

When I was a young teen, my parents bought a beautiful Sheltie puppy for the family. Cinnamon instantly became my puppy. He was only 7 weeks old and he would sit, stay, fetch, and was learning to speak. He was always smiling (if a dog can smile.) At less than 7 lbs. he was tiny and very lovable. I spent hours with him each day, taking him everywhere I went. Just a week after getting him my dad woke with a start in the middle of the night. My mom asked what was wrong and he replied that something was wrong with Cinnamon. He went out to the family room to check on our puppy who was sleeping soundly behind dad's chair. Little did my dad know, but that sound sleep was actually death. No one knows why he died, but the vets thought he may have caught a virus from the lake we had picniced at the evening before. I have not been able to own a puppy ever since -- no puppy can take Cinnamon's place.

bermuDa 09-08-2003 08:53 PM

my dog SueBee passed away a few weeks ago... I explain more in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th entries in my journal.

laconic1 09-08-2003 11:06 PM

Both of my dogs died prematurely from cancer. One was 12 and lived a pretty full life, the other one was 9 and was shortchanged out of several years.

lady 09-08-2003 11:30 PM

Tucky died a couple months ago. He was coming into my room to snuggle with me. Got in the doorway, brushed up against my legs and fell over and died. :( :( :(

It was so brutal. I was a total wreck. We rushed him to the vet to see if they could save him, but the vet said he likely had a congenital heart defect and there's nothing we could've done. He was only two.

[IMG]http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0SAARA5kVYBMZQqSABuyEXJuTG9twI33KvI*bTaM2SMTRDdjojJBlZkYxlGI6JJ0lQTrtd0S!vf0BXSUoMl2x0WqKUbdvFZWctGowDRqdTukvAAAApHI!Ag/puhnk%20khat.JPG?dc=4675438041629854234[/IMG] [IMG]http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0SQDPAvcVEyy8Nw0oE*BBtLiINSC6HT!BOaMyk4C8Jnye8tBKSkqZpONiQs99tyBTxjtS7TruUG6zmFBoXdgJeC1lyuXNgpVuRVDLr4zNCe1MlPsbPB4MSQ/Punk%20posing.BMP?dc=4675438041632044668[/IMG] [IMG]http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0UAARA6oYKPdY!KI155E20jB*qxPFFRC0DbdgZJu*h08NMLUx4ca0PbCpsNGhTsQx69gX95p!bsQifZdi!MuxNW!9XeuFAy7*V!XY2eIE2hhKtcSaSESmmnSCOBkAcDgZ/tucky%20stick%20tail.jpg?dc=4675438041635899003[/IMG]

Sorry about the crappy quality, these were taken with my sister's $10 webcam.

Macheath 09-09-2003 04:58 AM

It is such a privilege to share in your stories of these beautiful animals and see some of their photos; even if it is sad to hear of their passing.

Thank you all.

cchris 09-09-2003 05:30 AM

I have had many dogs over the years and when I was young I remember all too vividly the heartbreak of death.
I just recently made a flippant comment about cats in general but your post is a stark reminder of how animals really do endear themselves to us mere mortals.
It brings back memories of a Cocker Spaniel I had that would lick you to pieces when greeted,but would die to protect the younger one's in the family if needed.


Thanks for your post micah67.

micah67 09-09-2003 08:02 AM

Thanks for the kind words, everyone. And thank you for sharing your stories about your missed loved ones. It's good to see, in this often cold and sterile world, how bright and joyful these bundles of fur have made the area around them.

I showed this post to my girl friend with whom Ryker also shared his life. It dawned on me later that she had only read my post and not the comments from all of you. I mentioned that to her and she said, "Is it going to make me cry more?"

(My fault, really: I didn't tell her the subject matter - she saw me reading and saw the pictures of Ryker.)

She wanted to know what possessed me to dredge up these memories and emotions. I tried to explain how it was a catharsis of sorts. Eventually, she read on.

Again, thank you everyone.

MacGnG 09-09-2003 06:08 PM

i miss all the pets i've ever had :(

pets are like always there, even when they are in the way but once they are gone u always miss them.

Jeff 09-09-2003 07:06 PM

My critter of 16 years is dying of kidney failure. He's a silver shaded persian cat, and I really don't know what lifes going to be like with out him. He's always around me, sleeps in my bed, sleeps on my desk, wherever I am really. I'll miss the little guy. His passing will probably release tears that haven't been shed in about 7 years.

oberon 09-09-2003 07:48 PM

Most of my family's dogs are/were relatively long-lived. The others that didn't live long usually ran away for whatever reason. We never found them again. What a shame, they were nice dogs too. :(

Let's see.. at the moment we have an Aussie shepherd, he's 12 right now. Most likely will live until 16-18. Two jackrussel terriers, one is 4 and the other is 9. They'll probably live until 15-20 too. Hopefully.

Dogs we had before... first one was a terrier (forgot what kind, it was the smaller version of the Airdale). She was 16. A year later, her sister died at 16 also.

Then my beloved black dog, I think a collier & labrador mixed. He died of an infection in August 1998 after I came back from a family trip. My brother and I cried as we buried him in a special place (at that time we usually were too tough to cry that much). Took a while to get over that dog, and we still miss him. He was 17. :(

We also have a new puppy. He gives the younger JRT and the Aussie shepherd a run for their money while playing frisbee. :)

So... I feel for your losses. We are staunch dog people and we love our dogs. :)

numberfive 09-09-2003 08:29 PM

I've yet to experiance the "true" loss of a pet, but I've had several close encounters with my Rottweiler Stoney. Once when she was about threee, my jackass step-dad gave her some chicken bones. He didn't tell anyone and for a few days she was sulking around or not moving much at all. Thats when I noticed chicken bones in her poop (since I cleaned up after her). I was pissed. She eventually got over it and all was well. Then just recently she was sulking around again and so we babied her with housefood and vitamins. Turns out she had gotten into the place where my mom keeps her cans and was having a go at them. She's much better now though at 5 almost 6 years of age. It really hurts to see a pet suffer and I can't imagine how I would feel if she died.

Hrothgar 09-10-2003 12:57 AM

I can hear my beautiful fat pug snoring in the background as I type this. Man this is a sad thread. Pets are unconditional love and it's wonderful. They bring happiness to us even in memories.

viejo gringo 09-10-2003 09:29 PM

Bo was my buddy---a golden cocker. he started having problems seeing so we took him to the vet school at the university of Illinois. They removed the cataracts from both eyes. during his recovery he depended on me for his sole survival...I talked to him and made sounds and instructions so he new where to go---eventually he saw again--it was a good life until I noticed he was raising his feet very high and staring straight ahead when he walked...he went totally blind.....the hardest thing I have ever done was putting my best friend down...it has been 5 years and it still hurts....

Raw Kuts 09-11-2003 04:54 AM

I have a dog that my parents got when I was 2 (my older brother wanted one sooner, but they wouldn't let him get one until I was 2). He is a little (17 pounds when he gets a haircut) cockerspanial/poodle/bishon kinda thing. We got him at the humane society, so we don't really know exactly what breed he is. They got him as a puppy, so he is just 2 years younger than I am. That means he's 16 years old and he is still kickin'.

He isn't as fiesty as before, he used to knock me down in the snow and steal my gloves, or grab food off my plate when I got up to get a drink or something. But for being 16 he is doing alright. Not to mention the arthritis he has. And also the time where a coyote bit him across the torso but let go. And then there was the time where he almost drowned because he ran into the pool by accident (cateracs). And plus the multiple times where he runs into a wall. I think he is doing alright. Not that it is a surprise or anything, he is invincible, because he will never die until I do.

Averett 09-11-2003 05:47 AM

What a nice thread :)

When I was little we got 2 barn cats from my great grandpa's dairy farm. My cat was a calico named Becky. I loved that cat. She was a bit aloof though, I was the only one that she would pay any attention to. About 3 years later we got our dog, a cocker named Sandy. Sandy once made the mistake of sniffing Becky the wrong way, and she swatted her across the nose. They had a good understanding after that.

I came home from school one day and my mom tells me to sit down. She said that she found Becky in the back yard, her stomach bleeding from a bite. We know it wasn't Sandy who bit her, was most likely a doberman from a few yards over. They took her to the vet and preformed surgery. She didn't survive through the night. Last I saw her, she was laying on a table with bandages all over here, looking so sick. I remember praying that she would make it. I was pretty sad and angry for quite awhile...

Sandy lived to be around 15-16. Somebody left her and her puppies in the middle of the road. We tried to get a puppy, but they were all adopted before we got the chance. Sandy was going to be brough to the vet, and my dad could not let that happen. So we took her. She was such a great dog. Very gentle and loving. She lived a good life, but she eventually began to go blind and get sick. We took her to the vet to put her down. It was so incredibly sad. Sandy loved my mom (she was the first person in my family she saw), but my mom isnt really an animal person. I didn't think seeing Sandy go would effect her so much.

Okay, I've rambled on too much... Thanks for sharing these stories.

Speed_Gibson 09-11-2003 04:06 PM

this picture is from the index page of my .net/picture gallery site
this was taken on 21 May 1983 when she was around six months old. Merry Ann (born Christmas Day) did live to 12-13 and was a huge part of my formative years. She picked the sucker who she could go to for anything when we got her (just so happened to be me, was 5 or 6 years old), and she loved to sleep in my room and basically looked for me first for anything she needed.

Ashton 09-11-2003 05:07 PM

S.D. (Scooby Doo) was my best buddy for 15 years........ He was rescued from the shelter by a friend of mine that worked there, She couldn't let him be put to sleep....... he was a terror, being cooped up on the back porch pissed him off and he tore stuff up, he didn't like anybody and barked all the time....... Her father was always complaining about him and kept saying he had to go, Well I felt bad for him and started going over each day taking him on walks and working with him....... after a few weeks he softened up and came to think of me as his master :) She gave him to me...... we became best buddies and went everywhere together, I taught him all kinds of tricks....... one was wearing sunglasses :D He would ride in the back of my truck wearing his raybans........ everyone always got a kick out of that, it was always funny to see people do a doubletake as they glanced over at him then looked away....... then looked again in disbelief :lol: He died three years ago on memorial day weekend..... It tore out my heart to lose him :( I cried and cried...... I can't even think about it three years later without crying :(

But he lives on as my avatar in all of my forums :) and his ashes are in a beautiful rosewood box with a brass plaque on my fireplace mantel...... a picture of him beside it :)

Rest in peace my beloved best friend......

<center><img src="http://ashtonxxx.smugmug.com/photos/93307-M.jpg"></center>

bernadette 09-11-2003 05:17 PM

awww Richa67, Ryker was a handsome dog. love that pirate patch over his right eye! lucky dog to have wound up with you :)

furry ones are the best, most loyal friends ever.

currently i have 2 young dogs and one 14.5 yr old cat. i have 2 dogs, 3 cats & one sweet bunny wabbit in heaven. plus, i've had plenty of mice, rats & goldfish. i'm not even counting the pets from my childhood.
yeah, it sucks & hurts like hell to say farewell to them, but it's worth it for all the time they did bring joy to your life.
the last kind act you can often give your beloved pet is euthanization. too bad we can't do the same our beloved humans.

a few pics of my furry babies...

<b>my first dog. 8wks - 16 yrs
<img src="http://www.hasfurrychildren.com/tfp/pets/1stdog.jpg">
bestest dog EVER!</b>

<img src="http://www.hasfurrychildren.com/tfp/pets/backdoor.jpg">
the one on the right is still with us :)

<img src="http://www.hasfurrychildren.com/tfp/pets/mycats.jpg">
the top, yellow tabby is still with us :)

<b>this is our "baby" -- he'll be 2 yr old in november</b>
<img src="http://www.hasfurrychildren.com/tfp/pets/the_baby.jpg">

Jeff: kidney failure is a very common demise of cats. 16 yrs is a good long run for a cat. prepare yourself to do the right thing for your friend when he gives you the sign. you'll know, trust me. it won't be easy for you, but it's not your pain that matters then... yknow.

*hugs for everyone who has loved & lost*
keep adopting from shelters. so many fine pets need homes! mixed breeds are physically healthier & socially your best bets :D


bernadette 09-11-2003 05:35 PM

hahaha Aston! raybans!!

my dog would walk around with cheap kiddie sunglasses, alas... he had no fancy raybans...
<img src="http://www.hasfurrychildren.com/tfp/pets/cooldog.jpg">

and my sweet bunny (not the best pic)
<img src="http://www.hasfurrychildren.com/tfp/pets/bunny.jpg">
she loved to sit on the sofa beside of me when we watched tv. she did a little trick, too! she's spin twice & sit up for treats ==:o)

micah67 09-11-2003 05:49 PM

My gf wants a bunny so bad - I'm afraid the cats will torment it.

Great pictures and stories everyone. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only sucker for furry animals.

bernadette 09-11-2003 06:06 PM

micha, my cats couldn't've cared less about my bunny.
our bunny was like a piece of furniture to them (the cats). like below their devine holiness or something. haha

fallen_angel 09-12-2003 12:53 PM

I lost my black tabby Monster. he was my big baby and no one else could pick him up but me without scratching them and trying to get away. we moved to our new house and we went on vacation so we left the animals outside and when we came back he showed up them about a week later he never came home. we like to think that some old lady caught him and is making him dress up in baby clothes but we know it was probably the coyotes that got him cuz we live a block away from the city limits and after that its wooded and some pastures.

also i lost my best friend benji. i got him when i was 1. he was a cockapoo (cockerspaniel/poodle) and he was white which is a rare breed. found him at the animal shelter. i had him for 15 years , the last time i saw him was when we were getting ready to go to wichita to visit friends for memorial weekend and we told the vet that he was to stay inside in the airconditioning cuz he was so old. well he got under the house and i had to get him out but you have to be mean cuz thats the only way he would come out was if you got mad at him. well i had to go to school so my dad got him out and took him to the kennel and when we got back monday my dad went to get him and when he came home he didnt have him. he said he had died sunday while he was outside. and that they had already disposed of the body. they didnt even ask us if we wanted it and we had already had a casket made for him cuz we were going to have to put him to sleep. but the part that hurts is that the last time he saw me was when i was mad at him and i never got to say goodbye. . .

we have never taken any animal back to that man because he has irrisponsible trainies that dont give a damn about the families and their wishes.

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