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WinterScar 08-20-2003 05:13 PM

How long would you wait for your date?
So, let's say you have a date with a girl/guy and you're just a little early on the spot where the two of you are supposed to meet. But your date just doesn't seem to show up, and you're losing patience.

How long would you wait until leaving?

I just remembered a scenario like this, and I actually waited a good 20 minutes, or more, before the bitch showed up. It was a crappy date as well, and she was a terrible talker (didn't say anything unless I reached down her throat and forcefully pulled out a sentence or two).

anti fishstick 08-20-2003 05:19 PM

i'd wait 30 minutes. if i was early to begin with i'd start the 30 min clock at the time we're SPOSE to meet :P

cliv 08-20-2003 06:07 PM

I agree, 30 minutes is my limit and all I would expect someone to wait. Things could happen like traffic, a closed road, getting lost -- all of these have happened to me.

micah67 08-20-2003 06:55 PM

another vote for 30 mins - After that, bail.

mirevolver 08-20-2003 07:12 PM

Start the clock at the time we were supposed to meet.
15 minutes of patient wating followed by 15 minutes of wondering where the hell my date is.

Then go find a bar.

ninety09 08-20-2003 07:22 PM

Wait 20 minutes, then call her cellphone..

numberfive 08-20-2003 07:51 PM


Originally posted by ninety09
Wait 20 minutes, then call her cellphone..
Same. If they don't have a cell then it's another 10-15 mins 'till I'm up and gone.

lafemmefatale 08-20-2003 07:57 PM

15 min till i call, 15 min after. and then...no dice.

hobo 08-20-2003 08:53 PM

30 minutes is probably as long as I'd wait. Maybe longer if I knew she was doing something that could take longer. After that, she can call to explain.

MSD 08-20-2003 08:53 PM

I'll call if I'm late, I expect that others will do the same.

rival 08-20-2003 09:52 PM

Longest I waited was 45 minutes. It was a first date, I was rather looking forward to it, she no showed.

She did call me the next day, though. Family emergency came up. We went the next weekend and things went well.

Any time spent waiting after 15 minutes is really above and beyond the call of duty, IMHO.

em1014 08-20-2003 09:57 PM

30 minutes.. If I'm never on time how can I expect everyone else to be!

Raw Kuts 08-20-2003 10:03 PM

I am always prepared to wait, and waiting is no big deal for me. I just pull out my pad and a pen and start sketching, writing notes, or I do some concept work for something I'm working on.

I can loose myself in that 5" x 3 1/2" little paper pad for about an hour. So that's how long I would wait.

Adog 08-20-2003 10:47 PM

Bah, Girls are always late..... you gotta give em at least 30 min. and probably 45 min. before you bail......

peacy 08-21-2003 03:24 AM

Yep, girls are always late... Actually I expect them to be late. At least 5-10 mins. Otherwise I'm getting curious.
The max? That depends... 1st date: max 1h; later: no limit (if she deserves it) I'm really patient...

Akuma7g 08-21-2003 11:12 AM

I'd wait no more than 30-45 minutes, call the cell at 30. After that...she better have a damn good reason.

lemming 08-21-2003 04:13 PM

id say 30mins is about the max id wait ..unless i was at a bar then hell id say drink up and meet a new date!

wry1 08-22-2003 06:27 AM

Give her 20-30 minutes, give him 10-20.

As a few have commented so far, people being late is a general rule - life happens and tends to screw things up in the process - but I've also found that my female friends will always average 25 minutes late (I'm betting for their own funerals, as well!) while my male friends will pull about 15 minutes.

Calling their cell phone is always a polite way to check in on the situation, but if you get the voice mail, leave a message letting them know that you're there, you've waited, and since they're not answering you're leaving. Don't wait any additional time for their late ass!

After all, if they don't have the politeness to at least answer their phone then they're probably going to treat any date like shit as well.....

jbrooks544 08-22-2003 09:17 AM

45 mins. max. probably less. If she was extremely HAWT I might wait all night though... HA!

elfuq 08-25-2003 07:02 AM

Cell phones are remarkable things. These days lateness should never be a factor, cos you can always call.

The_Dude 08-25-2003 07:07 AM

30mts and she better have a good excuse (same 4 me)

Cynthetiq 08-25-2003 07:08 AM

IMHO it depends on the culture where you live. In NYC sometimes the subways can really twist a schedule, and catching a cab from 4:30 until 6:00 is near impossible.

I'd wait 30-45 minutes (if she had big boobs i'd wait longer.. another 10mins per cup size j/k). If you're in a pub/bar, let the bartender/hostess know that you were waiting for someone and that you've left.

FlorentinoAriza 08-25-2003 07:12 AM

reminds me of this girl ...
we had a date and she asked me to go to this trendy place in the city where she lived. went to the 'date' and found out the place had been closed for 2 months. she gave me a subtle message i suppose.

I didn't think it was funny at the time. can laugh at it now. wonder what became of her ...

RoadRage 08-25-2003 07:53 AM

She lives on welfare in a trailer park and has three kids with three different fathers, one of which is related to her. :D

Don't wait for more than 30 minutes after the supposed beginning of the date. Anything more, and you're just encouraging someone who is game-playing instead of wanting something more.

Call her cell at 20 minutes if you wish. Sooner, and once again you're encouraging a game-player by seeming desparate.

aintyoboyfriend 08-26-2003 07:09 PM

I say 15 minutes, from the 5 minutes early that I always am.

If I get a phone call with a time frame I may wait longer.

why on earth would I want to date someone who was late on the first date?

HighwayStar 08-27-2003 07:42 AM

I'd wait longer depending on what date it is. 1st date? 15 minutes after would be my limit. 2nd or 3rd? Probably 20. If it was someone I was seeing a lot, I'd wait 30. Hopefully they would call, though..

theinfamous 08-27-2003 08:45 AM

with no contact....i'd say 15 mins. longer if she was really worth the wait

Redlemon 08-28-2003 01:00 PM

Make sure the clock is working, otherwise you end up like this guy in the song Four of Two by TMBG.

skysooner 08-28-2003 01:17 PM

I had a date with this one girl. She was not at her house when I got there. I waited 15 minutes and decided to hell with it. I went to a high school football game and finally called her at halftime. She had "forgotten" about her date. We ended up going out the next night, and she was basically the most selfish person I have ever gone out with. I'll wait 15 to 30 minutes depending upon how reliable the person normally is. I'll wait longer if we have had contact via cellphone.

dimbulb 08-28-2003 01:54 PM

here is when a cellphone would be a good idea. I'd call her cell or her house number before giving up.
If she was on her way, i'd wait.

water_boy1999 08-28-2003 02:44 PM

Re: How long would you wait for your date?

Originally posted by WinterScar
So, let's say you have a date with a girl/guy and you're just a little early on the spot where the two of you are supposed to meet. But your date just doesn't seem to show up, and you're losing patience.

How long would you wait until leaving?

I just remembered a scenario like this, and I actually waited a good 20 minutes, or more, before the bitch showed up. It was a crappy date as well, and she was a terrible talker (didn't say anything unless I reached down her throat and forcefully pulled out a sentence or two).

My, my....you sound quite bitter at her.

clavus 08-28-2003 04:37 PM

It depends on two factors:
a) how hot she is
b) how hot you are

For example, if your date looks like Mrs. Clavus (very hot) and you look like clavus (not even remotely hot), you wait about 47 days.

present_future 08-29-2003 12:05 PM

i'd give her about 30 minutes
if i don't hear anything from her within those 30 minutes, i'm outta there

Ripsaw 08-29-2003 12:39 PM

15 minutes, 30 minutes if I was really interested.

Anything more would require a phone call, bike messenger,
or blimp with a message attached.

*chuckle* @ clavus

splck 08-31-2003 01:19 PM

I agree with most here. I'd wait no more than a half-hour. Chronically late people drive me nuts so I couldn't imagine waiting for her, let alone dating her if she late for more than one date.

bundy 09-02-2003 04:46 AM

my time limit is 30mins... without any contact.

if they call and say they´re late or whatever... then i stay for them.

Clavus - thats great.

mew 09-02-2003 07:32 AM

I never had an official lets go on a date thing, but if I did have to wait, then Id probably wait about 15-20 mins. because Im a very nervous person, and dont want to look like a tool waiting around..so yeah, Id probably run out of there-ASAP

fuzzix 09-05-2003 06:28 AM

First date 30 mins, other date, longer.

sapiens 09-12-2003 10:19 AM


Originally posted by clavus
It depends on two factors:
a) how hot she is
b) how hot you are

For example, if your date looks like Mrs. Clavus (very hot) and you look like clavus (not even remotely hot), you wait about 47 days.

A very good point! A discrepancy in attractiveness often gives the person who is more attractive a bit more leeway in being late. I am NEVER late. I am always early. (Whether that reflects something about my attractiveness, I'm not sure).

bermuDa 09-13-2003 10:45 AM

I'm a worrier, so after 20 minutes or so my mind would start making up worse case scenarios and I'd be frozen in my seat for another half hour to 45 minutes... then i really start to worry.

It probably wouldn't occur to me that I'd been stood up, as far as I'm concerned people aren't/shouldn't be that cruel. If I wait for more than 45 minutes and she shows up with some flimsy excuse then I won't be any fun for the rest of the evening.

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