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woohog1 01-02-2011 03:34 PM

who decides what you watch?
Guys and Dolls,
I have recently come across a problem.
We have 2 t.v.s in my house, and I seem to be the one that is stuck watching the small tube t.v in the bedroom, while my wife watches the bigger flat panel hd tv in the living room.
Now I have no problem with the arrangement except on sunday afternoons. I would really like to be able to watch football, not all day, and usually only one game a day, on the HD t.v.
She says she doesnt like football, and I can accept that, but it also comes down to the concessions I feel like I make also. I watch t.v. w/ her. I watch HER programs w/out complaing.
For instance I will watch One Tree Hill, gossip girl, and its constitenly on the lifetime movie network.
Like I have said, I dont mind watching those shows w/ her every now and then, but I feel like I have to schedule my t.v. activity around her schedule.

We bought the t.v. together, and it is our t.v. I think if someone is watching something, thats fine, just wait till its over then put it on something we both like, but thats obviously not what she thinks.
For instance she says, "lets watch something we both like" which means, House or some other sitcom, its never lets watch what you want this time.

Im not asking for it every minute of the day, just on Sunday afternoons.
I have told her how I feel, and she makes a joke out of it. :grumpy:
Also, she was raised in a home where her mother decided what the "family" watched and her father had no say at all. He had a small t.v. in the garage and was forced to go watch something out there if he wanted to watch something different.
Am I being a douche for suggesting that this seems like all take and no give?
What do you guys suggest?
Sorry about the length of the post, but I wanted to add as much info as possible. Thanks and you guys rock!

Hotmnkyluv 01-02-2011 04:09 PM

You're not being a douche and she is being completely unreasonable.
The only way to get through this is just to do it...
Start on Saturday or even Friday, start saying, "I'm just letting you know I'll be watching the Dolphins (or whoever) game on Sunday at 1."
Don't ask, don't apologize, simply state it as an accepted fact.
On Sunday, sit down and turn on the game.
When she starts bitching, simply say,"I told you I was watching the game, you can have it back afterwards."

Yes, the first time will most likely result in an argument but next week she will know you mean what you say.
Unless she's 11 and you're going to be switching channels for an hour, this will work.

Lasereth 01-02-2011 04:10 PM

Punch her in the uterus and turn the channel, christ.

You get to watch 50% of the time, she gets to watch 50% of the time; obviously there can be special occasions where one of you can watch it for extended times (like the Superbowl or something). Your wife is a cunt if she won't let you watch TV on the big screen half the time lol.

jewels 01-02-2011 04:21 PM

If you can't negotiate, i.e. you get Sundays and Mondays for football, she gets Tuesday and Thursdays for her shows and any other times you decide together, then there are still three other options.

1. Replace the smaller CRT with a lovely new and larger one.
2. Get a DVR to tape her shows so she can watch when you're not around, or
3. Find another location for watching TV.

woohog1 01-02-2011 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by jewels (Post 2858455)
If you can't negotiate, i.e. you get Sundays and Mondays for football, she gets Tuesday and Thursdays for her shows and any other times you decide together, then there are still three other options.

1. Replace the smaller CRT with a lovely new and larger one.
2. Get a DVR to tape her shows so she can watch when you're not around

I have tried that and she watches them when Im home, she gets home roughly an hour before me in the evenings, and watches them then, but continues to watch them after I get a shower and something to eat...
I may try the first idea though, that may teach her a lesson.... j/k

Nepenthes 01-02-2011 04:28 PM

I agree to just watch the game on Sunday in the livingroom. It seems like she is playing a power-trip game. It sounds like you have tried to talk it out with her, but she has failed to understand how important it is to you.

The_Jazz 01-02-2011 04:34 PM

This seems like an unwinnable situation. I suggest that you put her through a wood chipper so that no one ever finds the body.

Or you could, you know, tell her that you both need to compromise, tell her that you feel you already have and ask her what she thinks. And if she won't compromise, either deal with the smaller TV or that Sundays are going to be Fight Day.

woohog1 01-02-2011 04:47 PM

I have asked her what she thinks about compromising, and she just says that im trying to start a fight! I think this has alot to do w/ the way her mom treated her dad, and the fact that she is a teacher. Now let me explain. In her class room she is the boss, what she says goes, elementary school children cannot question their teacher, so I think she is in a power trip like mood when she gets home and feels like she has to be in control.
I have mentioned this to her on multiple occasions, and she says that I am just making this up, and thats not how it is. I then ask her what she thinks the issue is, and she states that she thinks im just trying to start a fight.
I think this issue is part of a much bigger issue, and it goes down to control. I dont mind watching her shows, Its not the highlight of my day, but I enjoy being around her, and if I have to make that compromise to be around her, im fine w/ that, but she simply says she doesnt like football, and when I ask her well dont you want to at least watch something with me like I do w/ you, she retorts, I dont ask you to watch my shows w/ me.
Im seriously considering canceling the cable all together, but then again that would mean no news, no internet and all that jazz.
I know it may seem like a petty thing to argue about but to me its kinda a big deal.
Thanks for the insight guys. Ill report back in a little while when I try some of the techniques.

---------- Post added at 04:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:44 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Hotmnkyluv (Post 2858450)
You're not being a douche and she is being completely unreasonable.
The only way to get through this is just to do it...
Start on Saturday or even Friday, start saying, "I'm just letting you know I'll be watching the Dolphins (or whoever) game on Sunday at 1."
Don't ask, don't apologize, simply state it as an accepted fact.
On Sunday, sit down and turn on the game.
When she starts bitching, simply say,"I told you I was watching the game, you can have it back afterwards."

Yes, the first time will most likely result in an argument but next week she will know you mean what you say.
Unless she's 11 and you're going to be switching channels for an hour, this will work.

I could understand how she would bitch if I was watching the dolphins..:devious: j/k... thanks for the advice

genuinegirly 01-02-2011 06:51 PM

I like the idea about telling her you're going to watch certain things at specific times when you want the better TV. She should understand that you want better image quality to watch your games. If you're really unable to watch the games you want on your TV, offer to watch them at a bar instead - chances are she'd rather see you at home.

For the record, it's possible to get an internet connection in the absence of cable TV channels through most providers, just need to avoid the package deals. It's generally inexpensive. We've given up on TV all together - we can watch most things on Netflix & Hulu, and my husband is able to watch his favorite college sports games through some random streaming sites like Justin TV. It's not too challenging to hook up a computer to a newish flatscreen TV. Having a yearly subscription to Netflix is far cheaper than cable. Something to think about.

woohog1 01-02-2011 07:08 PM

I think it comes down to being hard headed. She wants things a certain way, and she will be damned if she will give it up.
I told her tonight, that It wasnt so much that I wanted to the t.v, as much as it was the fact that she is ALWAYS watching it! Ill see how it goes this week and report back.
I think I will do a simple poll of her t.v. watching time. Like take a count of the hours she has it on, versus the hours I get to have it on, and show her how she watches it WAY more than I do.

bagatelle 01-02-2011 10:56 PM

My husband doesn't care about tv, he views some programs on computer. The F1 races used to be something he wanted to watch live and uninterrupted on our main tv, but they don't interest him anymore.

It's the kids, who rule the remote these days, I have mostly given up on tv and stay at the computer... I don't advise you to do this though!

Is it impossible for you to place the bedroom tv beside the livingroom tv and watch separate programs? This solved the problem with our 5 y/o daughter, who watched her toons on the other tube, while we watched tv.

zenda 01-03-2011 12:24 AM

Hi Woohog

Looking like there are two 'tips' of an iceberg centring around the TV and , given your other thread, thoughts and reasons for long-term food storage. Which other areas of your life are matters for discussion between you?

Reading above, I can see the point about the 'control' aspect of a teacher coming back from work and forgetting to 'switch off' a work-authority function.

I also can make sense of an apparently one-sided TV habit when she gets home, as being a well-needed remedial switch-off ... her control of the TV being her way of switching off having to control/protect/educate everything else. A way of relinquishing control which she needs, vividly and on a big screen. I have mind-read here freely, to present you with ONE possibility of 'reasonable reason' why she might be doing this specific behaviour, and hoping this might shake loose in your mind some additional possibilities of why she does this .... because it's highly unlikely she's intentionally wanting to p you off ... any more than you want to p HER off with your food storing. Your getting a second large screen TV or the thought that she might simply actually need it COULD be a good idea

And there are times when what drives a person can be very different from what we initially feel. For example, it's mentioned that when it comes to TV program choosing, then in HER map of the world 'Something "WE" both like' means what 'SHE likes'.

Let's look at this. There COULD be a simple 'I'm in charge and I don't care what you want' and 'if you complain, then your just being nasty', HOWEVER ... another possibility is that she might have a very strong concept of 'us'. that that concept of 'us' might be a very strong driver, especially when coming home after a day of 'being teacher' and looking after 'them over there'. "Phew, I'm Home - now WE ARE TOGETHER and can have OUR evening"

The story could be "We are 'one', so if you're liking something different, then I feel threatened because it does not feel like 'me', because as far as I am concerned, 'me' is part of 'us'." And heck ... that lifetime channel ... I'm in England, but isn't it all about relationships and people doing what they can to get along together etc?

Obviously, I'm reverse-engineering a lot out of the little you've got time and space to put on a forum thread, and my guessing's my present best shot at parting a few strands to see more clearly, so for a moment, if you were to step back from the TV and discussions around food-storage and other domestic issues, and someone were to ask you to explore in global terms each of these questions 'Where are you at? Where is she at? Where are you AND she at? and Where are the BOTH of you at?', where'd those take you? And then what's it like when you consider the answers to all those questions together?

And aside from those areas, I wonder in what other areas are you different from her, in thought, feeling and behaviour, to what extent does she notice, or do YOU feel noticed, and to what extent does she comment? And how much do you and she get to talk anyway?

cj2112 01-03-2011 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by woohog1 (Post 2858518)
I think it comes down to being hard headed. She wants things a certain way, and she will be damned if she will give it up.
I told her tonight, that It wasnt so much that I wanted to the t.v, as much as it was the fact that she is ALWAYS watching it! Ill see how it goes this week and report back.
I think I will do a simple poll of her t.v. watching time. Like take a count of the hours she has it on, versus the hours I get to have it on, and show her how she watches it WAY more than I do.

If you simply want to be right at any cost, this will work great. This plan WILL start a fight. All this will accomplish is telling her she's wrong, and you're right.

An even better plan is to bury a hammer right in the middle of the screen and then there will never be a show on that she doesn't like.

Honestly, I had the same fight w/ my ex-wife over watching racing. I looked at her and said "You watch whatever the hell you want all day.. every day. I ask for the TV for 3 hours on one day a week, and you get pissed? I'm watching my race." While it worked, every Sunday, she was angry and resentful.

Perhaps the best solution would simply be to discuss this w/ her like an adult, and when she says that you are trying to start a fight, ask her why it needs to be a fight? Remain calm and rational no matter how weird she gets about it. She can be angry all she wants, but if you won't fight back, it can't really be a fight.

I'm thinking you guys have much deeper problems than who controls the remote.

Cimarron29414 01-03-2011 02:19 PM

Giant disclaimer: There are two sides to every story and I haven't heard hers.

Having said that, did you actually turn over your testicles at the marriage ceremony? Dude, you aren't being a douche - she is, although you are being so passive aggressive you are pretty much enabling her to behave this way. Marriage is about compromise. There is no compromise in this current situation. I think you need to go into the garage, find the box you put your nuts in and strap them back on, walk in Sunday morning and proclaim that "from this time until this time this television will be on this channel. Period. If you would like to discuss this like an adult and quit belittling my needs, I'm open to it. Otherwise, you can carry your ass down to the bedroom for a lifetime movie until the game is over."

When you go out of town for Bachelor parties, do you tell her you are going to wine country rather than Vegas? Just asking.

woohog1 01-03-2011 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Cimarron29414 (Post 2858821)
Giant disclaimer: There are two sides to every story and I haven't heard hers.

Having said that, did you actually turn over your testicles at the marriage ceremony? Dude, you aren't being a douche - she is, although you are being so passive aggressive you are pretty much enabling her to behave this way. Marriage is about compromise. There is no compromise in this current situation. I think you need to go into the garage, find the box you put your nuts in and strap them back on, walk in Sunday morning and proclaim that "from this time until this time this television will be on this channel. Period. If you would like to discuss this like an adult and quit belittling my needs, I'm open to it. Otherwise, you can carry your ass down to the bedroom for a lifetime movie until the game is over."

When you go out of town for Bachelor parties, do you tell her you are going to wine country rather than Vegas? Just asking.

That is true, I tend to try not to rock the boat, and there are always two sides to every story. All I can tell you is my side, and try to be as honest about it as I can. For instance I just got off work about 10 minutes ago. I walk in the door, and its on lifetime, now there are some decent things on lifetime, and I have no problem w/ her finishing her show, its not right for me to come home and demand that she change the channel just because im home. However once her show is over, It will be put on something that "we want to watch" and it turns out to be something that I have no interest in whatsoever, but I watch it with her, because I seriously enjoy being around her and am willing to compromise w/ her.
I will try as many have said her, but in not so much tone. Trying to say from a specific period of time on sunday watching the playoffs. I will say it calmly and in a non threating way.
I have tried to talk to her as an adult, and she just says I am being frustrating, then at that point in time refuses to discuss the matter at all. Its like talking to a wall she just stares at her program, and will not talk to me.
We shall see how it goes.
Thanks for the input and advice.

zenda 01-03-2011 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by woohog1 (Post 2858924)
...... However once her show is over, It will be put on something that "we want to watch" and it turns out to be something that I have no interest in whatsoever, but I watch it with her, because I seriously enjoy being around her and am willing to compromise w/ her.
I will try as many have said her, but in not so much tone. Trying to say from a specific period of time on sunday watching the playoffs. I will say it calmly and in a non threating way.
I have tried to talk to her as an adult, and she just says I am being frustrating, then at that point in time refuses to discuss the matter at all. Its like talking to a wall she just stares at her program, and will not talk to me.
We shall see how it goes.
Thanks for the input and advice.

I'm still very curious as to how her sense of 'we' works. Does she demonstrate anything like this regarding any other shared resources in your home? Also, are there any areas in the home which she considers to be so much 'yours' that she simply stays away from them altogether?

Grancey 01-04-2011 12:12 AM

Being married to a teacher can be a bitch sometimes. When they bring it home there is not much you can do about it, if you want to keep peace. My first thought is to get a new television that you would enjoy watching the games on. If that is not doable then how about watching the games with a friend or going to a sports bar? Sports bars around here show all the games on Sunday, so you could hang out there. I know it's not as comfortable as being at home, but at least you would get to see the game. I am a firm believer in that you have to pick your battles. This TV controversy sounds like it could erupt if you push it too hard. If it was me I would find another way to watch the game on a great television and avoid the potential fight.

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