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Vigilante 11-09-2008 07:24 PM

How often do you shave (any part)?
I shave my face and neck once every couple or three days usually. I shave my back too. My wife doesn't care, but it bugs the hell out of me. I don't do much with my chest hair.

Ladies, you are welcome to chime in as well. This is not a guys only event :D

sadistikdreams 11-09-2008 07:29 PM

I shave my face pretty much once a week, at least I did when I was unemployed.

Armpits, probably every month.
Same with my gnarly hobbit feet.

I've been meaning to shave my pubes, but I'm scared of being itchy down there.

Vigilante 11-09-2008 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by sadistikdreams (Post 2558013)
I shave my face pretty much once a week, at least I did when I was unemployed.

Armpits, probably every month.
Same with my gnarly hobbit feet.

I've been meaning to shave my pubes, but I'm scared of being itchy down there.

I'll tell you something I do, and I posted this once before but I don't remember where. If you can stand the initial shock, you can grab a few at a time in the shower and yank them out. Do this around any area with thick hair and try to keep it somewhat even across sides, and you end up with a much lighter and shorter bush. Yes, I said bush LOL. Focus on the longest hairs and work your way down. I never get itchy from doing it this way. No mass amounts of hair growing back at once, and you don't have to put your legs in the air for a waxing. Haha.

Another good thing is you can go as short as you want since they are all at different stages of growth, and you don't have to do it all at once.

Alexa 11-09-2008 09:19 PM

I shave my underarms, legs and "area" each day, just like it better that way

ASU2003 11-09-2008 10:15 PM

I usually shave my face every other day, chest, stomach and lower when it's warm (Spring, summer, fall) out about once a week or before going to the pool or beach.

Speed_Gibson 11-09-2008 10:20 PM

I keep my head clean when not feeling too lazy about it (insert laugh here), lately that has been every 3-4 weeks - was/has been/could be daily easily enough.
My moustache/goatee I keep trimmed. I shaved my upper lip once in the past 12 years and my chin sees a razor twice a year if that. The sides will vary on the day/mood/season, although I have more motivation now as I cook for a living and finding greyish/white/red hairs in the food is not good.

PonyPotato 11-10-2008 04:12 AM

I shave my legs and crotch about once a week, my legs sometimes every other day if I'm wearing skirts or shorts a lot. My armpits get done nearly every day.

FlatLand Flyer 11-10-2008 07:13 AM

I shave my face every 3 days or so. I am 29 and still can barely grow any facial hair which I find to be sad.

I trim the nether regions whenever I feel like it needs to be.

Amaras 11-10-2008 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by FlatLand Flyer (Post 2558146)
I shave my face every 3 days or so. I am 29 and still can barely grow any facial hair which I find to be sad.

I trim the nether regions whenever I feel like it needs to be.

Funny isn't it? Those of us who need to shave at least every two days wish we didn't,
and you guys wish you did.

I shave when necessary. I'm unemployed at present, so if I have an interview or taking
my daughter to the parent & child centre, I'll shave.

I blondish, so I leave the back of my neck mostly alone.

I'll trim body hair occasionally. Crotch as well. I've never had itching problems when I've shaved my penis/testes area.

One thing I do that I think is weird is that I trim the hair on the back of my hands weekly-ish. Don't know why, I'm not really hairy, but I do.
My palms, now that's another story.....

Jinn 11-10-2008 08:49 AM

Face every two days.. less often than that and I start to look like Cro Magnon man..

snowy 11-10-2008 08:56 AM

I shave my pits every day, don't shave my bikini line at all if I don't have to (I'll trim it up if I have to wear a swimsuit), and only occasionally shave my legs. I shaved my legs for Halloween, but I hadn't shaved them in almost a month prior to that. I shave them more in summer, less in winter. I don't shave my bikini line because that just ends in pain.

lotsofmagnets 11-10-2008 08:56 AM

i just trim my beard every week. i tend to let it get pretty long before i really do anything about it.

SabrinaFair 11-10-2008 09:29 AM

I shave my legs every 2-3 days, although this varies depending on my relationship status.

Pits and intimate area daily.

MSD 11-10-2008 10:22 AM

Mustache goes every day, rest of the face if I have time in the shower. Armpits every week or two if I have time. Pubes usually get buzzed every few days and shaved if I feel like it.

Everyone who trims, or trims then shaves, if you don't have one of these, then go here now.

Vigilante 11-10-2008 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by grolsch (Post 2558188)
Funny isn't it? Those of us who need to shave at least every two days wish we didn't, and you guys wish you did.

Ugh. I would give alot just to not have to shave. Ever.


Originally Posted by MSD (Post 2558230)
Everyone who trims, or trims then shaves, if you don't have one of these, then go here now.

Thank you sir, signed up :)

Bear Cub 11-10-2008 05:24 PM

Beard trimmed daily, regular stubble is a crapshoot - if I shave at 6:30 am, it's already stubble by mid day.

I manscape when it looks like I need to mow the grass. I try not to let it get to the point where deforestation is required, but it really doesn't matter, not like there's every anyone down there besides Palmela Handerson anyways.

Amaras 11-10-2008 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by MSD (Post 2558230)
Mustache goes every day, rest of the face if I have time in the shower. Armpits every week or two if I have time. Pubes usually get buzzed every few days and shaved if I feel like it.

Everyone who trims, or trims then shaves, if you don't have one of these, then go here now.

These are the only times I hate living in Canada, especially Quebec. No such luck
for us!:no::sad:

filtherton 11-10-2008 06:30 PM

The only time I regularly shave is when I'm tying to get a job. I have a job now, so I'm back down to shaving every time I forget what I look like without facial hair.

noodle 11-10-2008 07:47 PM

Legs about once a week in the winter... keeps the hair softer.
Every few days in the summer when it's hot and sweaty.
I used to trim very short in the public region until my man asked me to grow it out.
Now I just use the edger instead of the weedwhacker.
Armpits every other day or so.

ColonelSpecial 11-10-2008 08:10 PM

I tend to go au natural. I shave my legs/arm pits one a month or so. Husband doesn't mind so that's good.

LordEden 11-13-2008 01:35 PM

I tried not to shave my face as much as possible, but now I have a job that isn't in the back of a kitchen, so I shave everyday. Armpits get trimmed every other week and my bait and tackle gets the trim when I have a date or if I start pulling hairs out on accident. Chest/back.... I need to get that shit waxed.

Halx 11-13-2008 02:11 PM

I shave my face one.. MAYBE twice a week. I simply can't grow it fast enough to shave more often than that. If I were to shave two days in a row, my face would be a giant scab.

CinnamonGirl 11-13-2008 02:23 PM

In the summer, about every other day (legs, underarms, bikini line.) Winter...is pretty much whenever I feel like it, except underarms are still every other day. Luckily, the boyfriend doesn't mind :)

stonefaceddog 11-13-2008 05:42 PM

I shave my head every other day. I try and shave my face on most work days but I tend to let it go on my days off and I end up looking like Grizzly Adams after a couple days. I like having facial hair, the worst was my old job where they required the clean shave look. I trim my goatee about once a week. I'll shave my back when it needs it-back hair creeps me out. I like my chest hair so I don't do anything with that. I trim the nether regions based on how much "action" I'm getting. Lately, its been a dry spell and it looks like triple canopy jungle down there!

jewels 11-14-2008 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by CinnamonGirl (Post 2560045)
In the summer, about every other day (legs, underarms, bikini line.) Winter...is pretty much whenever I feel like it, except underarms are still every other day. Luckily, the boyfriend doesn't mind :)

Same here.

Bill O'Rights 11-14-2008 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by jewels (Post 2560267)
Same here.

Good on you! And CinnamonGirl, and Noodle, and Snowy...and every other woman that keeps the grass on the field. Even if it is just in the winter. Some of us men actually do prefer it that way.

Oh, and I shave almost every weekday, and usually at least once on the weekends. If I wanna "get some", that is. Mrs. O'Rights hates the scratcy facial stubble.


abaya 11-14-2008 06:31 AM

I find that the beard trimmer on ktsp's shaver works wonders in the nether regions. It's short enough to keep things tidy (once every 2 weeks or so), but not short enough to make things itchy or pre-pubescent looking.

Legs and armpits, about once a week since living in Iceland. Once I get to more temperature regions, probably every few days in the summer.

MSD 11-14-2008 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by abaya (Post 2560347)
I find that the beard trimmer on ktsp's shaver works wonders in the nether regions.

You know, I just realized how odd it sounds that I use the same trimmer on my face, genitals, and ass, but the truth is that if you rinse it between, the trimmer doesn't know where it's been.

genuinegirly 11-14-2008 08:06 PM

I prefer to shave every three days. I could shave every day, but I'm lazy and my skin is sensitive. My husband doesn't mind a bit of stubble. He shaves just as infrequently.

jewels 11-14-2008 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights (Post 2560344)
Mrs. O'Rights hates the scratcy facial stubble. .

Not sure if I'm strange. :crazy: I kinda like the scratchy stubble. The next morning I have a glow and red cheeks. :p

little_tippler 11-15-2008 07:16 AM

When I can afford it, I wax unwanted hair every three to four weeks.

When I have less money to spare I will shave a couple of times a week. Every day is not necessary for me.

abaya 11-15-2008 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by MSD (Post 2560757)
You know, I just realized how odd it sounds that I use the same trimmer on my face, genitals, and ass, but the truth is that if you rinse it between, the trimmer doesn't know where it's been.

It's not odd at all... it's the same tool with the same function, so I don't have a problem with both my husband and I using his shaver for all parts. :) I don't even really see the point of "women's" vs. "men's" razors/shavers, except for marketing purposes, but I guess that applies to a lot of things. It's all the same hair to me.

snowy 11-15-2008 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by abaya (Post 2560907)
It's not odd at all... it's the same tool with the same function, so I don't have a problem with both my husband and I using his shaver for all parts. :) I don't even really see the point of "women's" vs. "men's" razors/shavers, except for marketing purposes, but I guess that applies to a lot of things. It's all the same hair to me.

I use a man's razor, and I signed my SO up for one of those trimmers MSD linked...Right now he has a full beard and expects to have it for a while. :D

anti fishstick 11-15-2008 08:27 AM

i never shave my legs. don't need to. I don't shave my armpits in the winter either. and maybe once a week or every other week in the summer. i don't get majorly bushy at all... I don't have a lot of hair. I've gotten into the habit of shaving down there though.. Since I started I prefer it.. Maybe once a week.

Titan_Uranus 11-16-2008 02:30 AM

Head & face everyday.

lostgirl 11-16-2008 11:20 AM

I shave my underarms every day, and my pubic area every three days. I shave my legs about once a week, but I don't really need to. My leg hair is blond and very fine, like peach fuzz, you can hardly see it. My SO never notices when I don't shave.

Atreides88 11-16-2008 02:57 PM

I shave my face everyday. Whether I do it with a safety razor or an electric razor depends upon how dressed-up I plan on being.

Hyacinthe 11-17-2008 01:00 AM

I shave everything every day - I'm verging on COD about it (compulsive obsessive disorder - alphabetical!)

Considering getting electrolysis and never having to shave again though - have tried that laser hair removal thing but didn't work for me :(

The SO shaves his face about every 3 days and his head every week or so otherwise it gets entirely too fuzzy.

Cernunnos 11-17-2008 01:23 PM

I don't shave anywhere besides my face, which requires it on a daily basis. I have a goatee and moustache.

aften 11-26-2008 02:36 AM

I shave my legs once a week and my face about twice a week.

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