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Miss Mango 07-08-2008 06:49 AM

Manners at the movies
What do you do when people are being loud, chatty, havent turned off their cell phones, etc?

What if its a kid?
What if its an adult?
What if its a kid with an adult?

Im curious how you deal with it.

Do you shush them?
Do you move?
Get a manager?
Are you patient?

It amazes me how many people think that a public movie theater is just like their living room and the rules dont apply to them...and it sometimes doesnt occur to them that they were asked to please silence their phones and not talk during the feature film.

Kids need to be trained, but adults should know better. And yet...grrr.

What do yall do?

LoganSnake 07-08-2008 06:57 AM

I grind my teeth and try to enjoy the movie. Any fight you instigate will only further distract you and others around you from it.

Lately, only one thing bothers me and it's people texting during the movie. Phone screen shines very brightly in a pitch black auditorium.

snowy 07-08-2008 06:59 AM

I've more or less stopped going to movies in the theater because of the rudeness of people. There's no way you can tell 10 people to shush or stop texting, and it seems to me that more and more people think that this sort of behavior during a movie is acceptable. If I go to the movies, I go to the independent theater, where people are polite, and the movies are cheaper.

shesus 07-08-2008 07:06 AM

I have been lucky not to experience rudeness in the theater.

Of course, I don't go to movies that kids go to so I don't have to deal with them. Also, I try to sit in the front of the upper section so I don't have to see the people in front of me and I can put my feet on the bar. When I watch a movie I'm engrossed in it if it's worth watching so I block everything else out. If it sucks, I welcome the distractions.

Although, I have ruined a few movies for people so I'm waiting for my karma to come around. Alcohol and teenage behavior...fun times.

vanblah 07-08-2008 07:09 AM

Depends on the movie.

If I take my daughter to a Disney/Pixar movie I expect that it will be a little loud. In fact, that's part of the fun: kids enjoying themselves.

However, I don't take my daughter to anything but kids movies, so if I am at a movie that is not specifically geared for children then I expect the theater to be free of chatting or cellphone ringing. If it is not free of these things I will IMMEDIATELY get a manager.

snowy 07-08-2008 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by shesus
I have been lucky not to experience rudeness in the theater.

Of course, I don't go to movies that kids go to so I don't have to deal with them. Also, I try to sit in the front of the upper section so I don't have to see the people in front of me and I can put my feet on the bar. When I watch a movie I'm engrossed in it if it's worth watching so I block everything else out. If it sucks, I welcome the distractions.

Although, I have ruined a few movies for people so I'm waiting for my karma to come around. Alcohol and teenage behavior...fun times.

The kids aren't the problem in my case--it's college students and teenagers. The movies with kids are actually better as far as rudeness goes than those that attract the college students and teenagers. I think that's why I prefer the independent theater--not many of them know about it.

Cynthetiq 07-08-2008 07:11 AM

My complaints with the management have been rewarded with free tickets for another movie.

dlish 07-08-2008 09:52 AM

cynth u always seem to get freebies..

was it a class action with a few others from the theatre?

i have no problems with people texting as long as the phone is on silent.

in saying that i dont like going to the movies.

girldetective 07-08-2008 09:55 AM

Ive been known to move if someone/thing is bothering me.


It amazes me how many people think that a public movie theater is just like their living room
My friend J is ubercomfy at movie theaters. He actually takes his shoes and socks off. No, he doesnt just slip them off in a subtle unaffective way. To my embarrassment (and delight sort of) he takes them off with gusto and spreads his toes with pleasure. I always say to him as he starts, "Are you taking your shoes off!? Dont do it!" But he always does. I like him anyway.

Willravel 07-08-2008 10:02 AM

I generally give 2 opportunities to talk/phone ring. On #3, I take action. And it's not about indignation or entitlement, but rather taking charge of a problem effecting a group of strangers and myself when no one else will.

Originally Posted by Miss Mango
What if its a kid?

If the kid is alone or with other kids, I tell them to be quiet. If the kid is with parents, I give them a look.

Originally Posted by Miss Mango
What if its an adult?

"Please stop talking."

The problem comes when, instead of behaving like a respectful human being and taking the not-so-subtle hint, they become belligerent. On more than one occasion, I've had (and it's always a white male, between 16-23ish) someone talk back. The responses of "Fuck you, asshole" or they give me a look and then get louder generally gets me out of my chair.

Only once has it escalated to a physical level. I was watching 3:10 to Yuma (AWESOME movie), and the people behind us were talking like they were outside, continually, for about 15 minutes. I turned just to look at them (size them up) and one of them said "turn the fuck around" or something to that effect. I simply said, "Stop talking" and the idiot and his friends got out of their seats and started to approach me. I stood up to walk down the aisle and to walk out and one of them pushed me, as if we were in 7th grade and I had just insulted his mother.

Ch'i and I threw them out of the theater, in self defense.

JumpinJesus 07-08-2008 10:04 AM

As with shesus, I've been pretty fortunate in that I've not really had to deal with behavior rude enough to interrupt the movie for me. If it were to happen, I'd probably go with what LoganSnake says. Making it a bigger issue only ruins it for more people. I'd rather attempt to ignore it and if I couldn't I'd leave and complain to the manager like cynthetiq did.

Seanland 07-08-2008 10:19 AM

Grab a bag of nibs and throw them at the bag of their head the whole movie..

if they are really annoying.. gummie bears.. lick them and throw them at their hair..

those bastards!

dlish 07-08-2008 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Willravel
I generally give 2 opportunities to talk/phone ring. On #3, I take action. And it's not about indignation or entitlement, but rather taking charge of a problem effecting a group of strangers and myself when no one else will.

If the kid is alone or with other kids, I tell them to be quiet. If the kid is with parents, I give them a look.

"Please stop talking."

The problem comes when, instead of behaving like a respectful human being and taking the not-so-subtle hint, they become belligerent. On more than one occasion, I've had (and it's always a white male, between 16-23ish) someone talk back. The responses of "Fuck you, asshole" or they give me a look and then get louder generally gets me out of my chair.

Only once has it escalated to a physical level. I was watching 3:10 to Yuma (AWESOME movie), and the people behind us were talking like they were outside, continually, for about 15 minutes. I turned just to look at them (size them up) and one of them said "turn the fuck around" or something to that effect. I simply said, "Stop talking" and the idiot and his friends got out of their seats and started to approach me. I stood up to walk down the aisle and to walk out and one of them pushed me, as if we were in 7th grade and I had just insulted his mother.

Ch'i and I threw them out of the theater, in self defense.

you couldnt do that where i grew up W.
you'd ultimately end up stabbed, shot or beaten by a dozen hoodlums...and im not exagerating. i lived in a rough n tough neighbourhood.

Willravel 07-08-2008 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by dlish
you couldnt do that where i grew up W.
you'd ultimately end up stabbed, shot or beaten by a dozen hoodlums...and im not exagerating. i lived in a rough n tough neighbourhood.

We were at the Century theaters in Santa Clara, which is a pretty safe area.

As soon as the guy pushed me, though, it was basically over. He lost his center of gravity so I grabbed him and Ch'i (being the friggin ninja that he is) already had the other guy before the first guy made contact. We were out of the theater in maybe 4-5 seconds. Had it appeared that things were going to get honestly rough (like what you described, yeesh), we would have simply left and gone to a later showing.

BTW, I am not telling anyone to do what I did. It was pretty stupid and really only worked because I went to high school with one of the guys who worked at the theater. If I had it to do over again, I would have simply spoken to the theater management.

thespian86 07-08-2008 11:18 AM

Yeah, everyone has been a part of being rude/experienced other's rudeness. Recently (within the past few years) they actually started running "please be polite" shots before the film, my favorite being AMC's "The movie already has a soundtrack, please don't add yours". Being in theatre it annoys me because someone will say "Please turn your phone completely off as your signal will disrupt our wireless mics" and I have to lose my sound halfway through a song because Britney in the third row is getting a text from her 13 year old boyfriend with a magnum P.I. stash along the lines of "wha u up 2 gurrrll; I's chillin' and shit".

On the otherhand I used to go to the movies with a friend who would sit on the other side of the theatre and yell to us during the credits "Hey! Taylor! Is Ernest in this one?" "No, I don't think so Dan" "Ah Dammit!".

Cynthetiq 07-08-2008 11:26 AM



Don't talk - If you're a talker and can't sit through a movie without making comments, stay home and wait for the movie to come out on cable or video. Most of the movie-going world doesn't care what your opinion is, and we don't want to hear it muttered along with the script of the film. The only time this is forgivable is if the movie is so bad that you are actually heckling it. This is not advisable in a packed theater, though.

Don't spoil the movie - Please, whatever you do, don't walk out of a movie and talk about the "surprise ending" that you didn't see coming. Most likely, everyone else in the lobby hasn't seen the ending coming either and WILL NOT appreciate having the movie ruined for them before they even take a seat. This is a good way to end up in a fight.

Learn To Chew With Your Mouth Closed - I realize that the theater sells food that makes noise but that doesn't mean that you have to compound the issue by making more, extraneous and definitely, unnecessary crunching, grinding, and lip-smacking noises when eating and/or drinking your concession wares.

People should remember that a movie theatre full of lots of people is NOT their living room or personal critic show, so don't spoil it . . . we don't care to hear any commentary.

Whispering - I'm sorry that you couldn't hold your bladder. I'm sorry that you don't get the movie. Maybe you're the type that videos are made for. The point here is that you're interrupting everyone around you in hearing the movie due to your incessant whispering to your friend. This is the stuff we were taught in kindergarten. Whisper to your seatmate if necessary - but don't talk back to the screen or do a running commentary on the action. There is always one or two in a small crowd.

Lasereth 07-08-2008 12:07 PM

I am a total bastard about theater experiences. I have a zero tolerance policy. If someone talks in the movie for more than 1 sentence then I ask them to please stop talking. If they laugh forcibly at emotional sad moments then I ask them to stop laughing. The last movie I watched had an older couple in their late 50s, possibly 60s sitting a row ahead of me. Anytime an emotional scene happened in the movie or anything of impact the man AND the woman would go, "Mmm mmm. Hmph. Mmm mmm mm." and shake their heads, just like they were in their fucking living room. Sorry but you're not watching a Lifetime movie here, this is a public theater.

There is NO excuse for being rude or loud in a theater. We paid money to see this shit ahead of time and you are quite literally taking my money for ruining the experience. Shut up or leave!!!!!!!!!!

ItWasMe 07-08-2008 12:30 PM

It's difficult for me to physically intimidate anyone over the age of 12. I have a teenager, so believe me I've tried.

So I bring a bag of rubber bands. You have to be quick, sneaky, and appear innocent, or they'll know who shot them. All they need to know is

"BlaBlaBla" "THWAP!" "SHIT!" "BlaBlaBla" "THWAP!" "SHIT!"

It's like one of those electric shock collars for dogs
"BarkBarkBark" "ZAP!" "SHIT!" "BarkBarkBark" "ZAP!" "SHIT!"

They usually don't keep it up for long, though.

Willravel 07-08-2008 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by ItWasMe
So I bring a bag of rubber bands.


genuinegirly 07-08-2008 12:43 PM

hehehehe ItWasMe - you're me hero.

I've only gotten frustrated with my husband's actions in a theatre. He likes to speak up loudly with his opinions when it comes to the previews. Once the feature starts, though, he's pretty well-behaved. Luckily I've never run into problems with complete strangers. I'd probably just move, and if they still bothered me I'd try to find someone in management to complain to.

Willravel 07-08-2008 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by genuinegirly
He likes to speak up loudly with his opinions when it comes to the previews.

Hehe, everyone loves to play preview critic.

guthmund 07-08-2008 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by ItWasMe
So I bring a bag of rubber bands. You have to be quick, sneaky, and appear innocent, or they'll know who shot them.

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

I'm pretty easy going at the movies. They paid their money, just like me. As such, I can be pretty accommodating.

Not to say that there aren't times were people just irritate the everloving shit out of me. Fortunately, unlike poor ItWasMe, I'm a pretty intimidating looking fellow, so eye contact, a shake of the head and a simple, "Duuuuude" usually gets them to curb the offending behavior.

Rubber bands, though....nice. Just in time for the new Batman movie...

blktour 07-08-2008 03:08 PM

you are paying $9.75 ( in my area in the evenings) to do just that. go in a public place and watch a movie.

that is why I don't go. I just wait for the DVD since I don't HAVE TO watch it in that time frame.

If someone is loud or annoying, i just tell myself that, " I wasted $9.75 for this, because I do not want to wait to rent it and watch it in the comfort of my own home."

People will do what they want in public. if they are not being a direct harm to others, then let them do what they want.

I get annoyed by people that think we owe them something. you are grown and you know what you got yourself into. enough said. This does not mean that I am the one making the noise. but I respect the idea that I can't control others peoples actions. So if you dont like it, DONT GO. if you do want to go, then "man up" and ignore them. you go to watch the movie, not them. if they are being loud, drown them out. it is easy, people just think they are owed something.

it is not about respect or whatever. it is about taking responsibilities for your own actions. you know how movie theaters are, and yet you choose to HOPE that it wont happen in your certain movie? wake up. if it DOESNT happen, then call that luck.

just wait for DVD. it is much cheaper.

as far as the experience goes. well you will not miss out on anything.

canuckguy 07-08-2008 04:24 PM

Last movie I saw at a theater was Godzilla if that tells you how often I go. I hate the sound of people eating popcorn with their mouth open....oh and I am very cheap!

I forgot that I did go to see Superman about a year ago with a friend, she paid and it was spur of the moment with expiring free coupons.

People chatting during the movie is just wrong. I call that attention wal-mart shopper syndrome. Same type of people who think only they exist in the world, they stand in the middle of the isle while they decide "cheese in a can or cheese in tube" while you have to practically shove them aside to continue shopping....sorry end rant.

sapiens 07-08-2008 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by ItWasMe
It's difficult for me to physically intimidate anyone over the age of 12. I have a teenager, so believe me I've tried.

So I bring a bag of rubber bands. You have to be quick, sneaky, and appear innocent, or they'll know who shot them. All they need to know is

"BlaBlaBla" "THWAP!" "SHIT!" "BlaBlaBla" "THWAP!" "SHIT!"

It's like one of those electric shock collars for dogs
"BarkBarkBark" "ZAP!" "SHIT!" "BarkBarkBark" "ZAP!" "SHIT!"

They usually don't keep it up for long, though.

I like the idea. Unfortunately, my aim is poor. To employ such a strategy would lead to collateral damage.

Redjake 07-08-2008 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by canuckguy
Last movie I saw at a theater was Godzilla if that tells you how often I go. I hate the sound of people eating popcorn with their mouth open

Amen. I nearly dread going to the movies because if you choose to not pay $10.00 for popcorn and a drink, you have to listen to people smacking their mouths and the disgusting odor of popcorn buttered to the point of atmospheric saturation. It's incredibly annoying, it reminds me of how Howard Hughes freaks the fuck out in The Aviator when the paparazzi start snapping photos of him on the red carpet. Totally insane.

Also, I have little tolerance for people talking at the movies. If they chat a little bit, it's ok, everyone slips here and there. But if they chat the entire movie or laugh out loud at sad parts in the movie, I take immediate action. I'll probably get shot one day, but I swear by this: 95% of the people that are rude in public can't take the heat when you slip it back to them. I hate when people just bend over and take it in the ass - whether it be rude people at the theater, or any public place.

Reminds me of the last time I got truly pissed - me and my wife (then girlfriend) were watching a movie on campus back in college and these frat boys were purposely talking really loud and laughing hysterically at the sad parts of the movie we were watching. They would also critique the movie like Mystery Science Theater 3000. I put up with about 15 minutes of it before I turned around and just blurted out "SHUT THE FUCK UP. YOU'RE NOT FUNNY. I DIDN'T PAY 7 DOLLARS TO HEAR YA'LL JACK YOURSELVES OFF BACK THERE, SHUT THE FUCK UP OR LEAVE"

They got up and left! The end.

Same thing happened at Target the other day - this damn lady went apeshit and bitched me out for no reason. The lady was checking out, and I stuck my 12 pack of Diet Mountain Dews on the conveyor belt - about 2 feet away from her stuff.
Her: "do you HAVE to put your stuff with mine??? he's going to get confused and charge me for the wrong item, that's so rude, just take your drinks and put them back in YOUR CART!"
Me: "what??"
Her: "our stuff is going to get mixed together!!!! take your stuff and put it BACK IN YOUR CART!!!"
Me: "I think the cashier can handle this. He can tell the difference between your stuff and mine. Plus, there is 2 feet in between my drinks and your toilet paper."

Then I placed one of those plastic separators in between our stuff -

Then she basically shouts "MOVE YOUR STUFF"

Sooooo I proceeded to shove all of my items into her shit and mix them together to where it was a jambalaya of Target items. The cashier held off a smirk and picked through the pile to ring up her total. She didn't say anything else and left immediately. Fucking bitch.......

MSD 07-08-2008 09:34 PM

You people with rubber bands are too nice. Get one of these
And a pocketful of popcorn kernels. Hit just hard enough to get your point across but not hurt, don't aim for the face, and don't take your rage out on kids who are too young to know better (get their parents.)

Seer666 07-08-2008 11:12 PM

Well, I have to admit, sometimes, I'm on of the guys you people hate. I have a habit of talking smack to the screen when hollywood fucks things up. Like when I saw vantage point. At the end when he is coming up on the armored van and changes his clip, I shouted at him to pull back his fucking slide and put a damn bullet in the fucking gun. He didn't listen. Sometimes, I'm also just feeling like a dick and MST3K things. That being said, I don't mind color commentary as long as it's at least mildly amusing. I fucking hate screaming kids in the movies though. Shit. Looks like it's going to be a few years untill i go to the theater again.

jewels 07-09-2008 03:43 AM

I always assess the situation. Sometimes I will politely ask someone to tone it down, sometimes I will sit on my legs to raise myself as high as I can so that I'm blocking their view, if they're behind me. I've ignored it, moved, and advised management but never got any free tickets. :( How'd you do that, cyn?

As for rubber bands, I'm no longer allowed to carry 'em. They've been declared lethal weapons in my hands.

MSD 07-09-2008 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Seer666
Well, I have to admit, sometimes, I'm on of the guys you people hate. I have a habit of talking smack to the screen when hollywood fucks things up. Like when I saw vantage point. At the end when he is coming up on the armored van and changes his clip, I shouted at him to pull back his fucking slide and put a damn bullet in the fucking gun. He didn't listen. Sometimes, I'm also just feeling like a dick and MST3K things. That being said, I don't mind color commentary as long as it's at least mildly amusing. I fucking hate screaming kids in the movies though. Shit. Looks like it's going to be a few years untill i go to the theater again.

Advice: don't sit where I can hit you with popcorn kernels.

Seer666 07-09-2008 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by MSD
Advice: don't sit where I can hit you with popcorn kernels.

lol. no worries. I can my lumps when I earn them. and it's not an all the time thing with me. just really bad movies like Ewwie Bowls last one. that one beged for it. and everyonr there thought we were more entertaining then the movie

kate jack 07-09-2008 03:20 PM

Well.....that depends on the rating of the movie.

If it's a 'G' rating, I expect kids to be a bit noisy and I deal with it, or tell the parent politely to have the kid quit kicking my seat.

If it's a 'PG' or 'PG-13' rating, I'll speak to the kid or person directly.

If it's an 'R' rating and a person is bothering numerous people, I'll be a bit more forceful and a bit 'louder' and tell the person they need to be quiet.

If that doesn't work, I tell them to shut the fuck up or I'll have to get an usher to have them removed.

Seems to work with no problem.

You'd be amazed how many people just tolerate the asshole in the theater. I don't.

Redlemon 07-10-2008 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by kate jack
If it's a 'G' rating, I expect kids to be a bit noisy and I deal with it, or tell the parent politely to have the kid quit kicking my seat.

If it's a 'PG' or 'PG-13' rating, I'll speak to the kid or person directly.

If it's an 'R' rating and a person is bothering numerous people, I'll be a bit more forceful and a bit 'louder' and tell the person they need to be quiet.

...and if it's an 'X' rating, you join in? :lol:

Poppinjay 07-10-2008 06:33 AM

People are amazingly well-behaved at our local theatre. There's alot of eating noise and bags rustling prior to the movie, but after the previews, you could hear a pin drop. It may be because the theatre shows a "no noise please" trailer multiple times before the movie starts.

MSD 07-10-2008 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Seer666
lol. no worries. I can my lumps when I earn them. and it's not an all the time thing with me. just really bad movies like Ewwie Bowls last one. that one beged for it. and everyonr there thought we were more entertaining then the movie

Ha ha, you paid to see an Uwe Boll movie.

Willravel 07-10-2008 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by MSD
Ha ha, you paid to see an Uwe Boll movie.

He'll have to stop doing that when he's a father. It's called "responsibility".

blahblah454 07-10-2008 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by blktour
you are paying $9.75 ( in my area in the evenings) to do just that.

You lucky Bastard!!! It costs us $12.50 to watch a movie ANY time of the day here! And kids movies are somewhere in the $9-10 range.

MSD that slingshot is awesome! I have to get me one of those.

now to answer the OP, I generally don't say anything unless its really bad. I don't feel like getting in a fight and that is generally how those things end up going down, people are assholes.

Tully Mars 07-10-2008 05:21 PM

Movie here are cheap and the seating is better then any theater I've been to in the states. But the behavior is something I've had to get used to, cell phones, talking, flash photos... you freaking name it. I swear a young couple were having sex behind me the other day. At first it really bothered me, in fact I said I wouldn't be back. But I returned. I got used to it, meh, I don't even notice it much now.

passthru 07-11-2008 12:37 AM

I'm lucky to live in a place that has lots of independent theaters. Every once in a while a big movie comes out and I go to a big theater too see it opening night.. but that usually leads me to anger and rants about the theater.
I have never experienced any annoyances at an independent theater, except the time the Oregon DMV started giving out temporary licenses and mailing permanent ones. The theater didn't know that, so they wouldn't let my friend in because she didn't have a permanent license.
Last time I had an annoyance at a big theater (Regal Cinemas) an employee came and told the person to quiet down. Instead of quieting down he got louder and ruder, and after people around him started being vocal he threatened to beat them up. The theater didn't care though, they let him stay.

Do whatever is appropriate. If that's talking to the person and they don't respond, talk to the manager. If the manager doesn't care, ask for your money back. If they don't want to give your money back, call your credit card company and never go to that theater again.

Tully Mars 07-11-2008 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by blahblah454
You lucky Bastard!!! It costs us $12.50 to watch a movie ANY time of the day here! And kids movies are somewhere in the $9-10 range.

MSD that slingshot is awesome! I have to get me one of those.

now to answer the OP, I generally don't say anything unless its really bad. I don't feel like getting in a fight and that is generally how those things end up going down, people are assholes.

Sling shots are good.

Years ago, not long after high school, a bunch of friends and I went down to the local porn theater. In the way back machine there were no dvd's or net. Anyway bunch of us were sitting around drinking, among other things, and decided as a group we go see whatever they were playing. There was about 8 of us, pretty even mix of guys and girls. Only one girl said "I'm not going in there." We went and bought squirt guns before the movie. At the first "dramatic" moment we started peppering the guys in front of us with the squirt guns. Never seen so many people leave a theater all at once.

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