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ASU2003 04-16-2008 04:10 AM

Is there anything that offends young, white, males?
Don't read these stories if you are easily offended. :rolleyes:

I'm not really talking about specific white guys, just all of us as a group. And I can't be offended based on religious topics either. I'm not sure if I could be offended at all. I know I have never been offended by anything I have seen on TV or heard at a comedy club.

Has something ever offended you that you think other guys would be upset about if they knew about it? And what causes other groups of people to be offended by something so small, and possibly not even directed at them individually, but as a group?

Psycho Dad 04-16-2008 04:16 AM

I can't cite any specific events, but I'm sure I'm offended from time to time. I just tend to get over it without much fuss.

I also suspect that groups other than white males are usually not any more offended that I am over things. The media just makes it appear so.

EDIT: mayhaps it is because I don't fit the young category.

Plan9 04-16-2008 04:17 AM

Don't call me white.

jewels 04-16-2008 04:46 AM

How would I know, I'm not a guy. :rolleyes:

Since these types of remarks/commentaries usually apply to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or any minority that is viewed as weaker or inferior (to some white males), I don't think it'd be a leap to say if you're white and straight, chances are that you wouldn't be easily offended.

mixedmedia 04-16-2008 05:00 AM

I don't understand what you're getting at.

levite 04-16-2008 05:08 AM

I'm actually pretty sure we young, white males are most offended by ourselves. We seem to live to offend others, and then we grow up to be older white males, who will clearly be unpleasant because of our entitlement complex. Then, if we have contributed artistically or intellectually during our lifetimes, once we die, we can be excoriated by the world of academia for being Dead White Males.

God, we suck....

jewels 04-16-2008 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by levite
Dead White Males.

What a great name for a rock band! :D
Or is that offensive? :expressionless:

Halx 04-16-2008 06:06 AM

There's nothing that can be said about culture that offends me because I have no culture. I'm a wealthy mutt atheist male who grew up in the suburbs. My parents were non-religious and non-cultural. I have nothing to relate to, therefore attacks on any culture do nothing more than glance off.

Now, if you get personal, that's different.

I can understand, though, when a member of a certain race or culture feels marginalized by a sweeping or inclusive or associative comment. Pride makes you stand up for your neighbors. Strike at a culture with pride and you hit all members.

Ustwo 04-16-2008 06:31 AM

I think you need to feel a little bit inferior to become offended on the group level.

If there is one thing white males as a group don't feel, its inferior.

On the other hand, young white male guilt levels for not feeling inferior remain at a high level.

Jinn 04-16-2008 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by Halx
There's nothing that can be said about culture that offends me because I have no culture. I'm a wealthy mutt atheist male who grew up in the suburbs. My parents were non-religious and non-cultural. I have nothing to relate to, therefore attacks on any culture do nothing more than glance off.

Seconded, on all points.

On second thought, being told I have "white male guilt" offends me; it's a great way of saying that I couldn't possibly care for someone or something out of empathy or sympathy, only guilt.

Ustwo 04-16-2008 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by JinnKai
On second thought, being told I have "white male guilt" offends me.

It will past in a few years.

Jinn 04-16-2008 06:43 AM


It doesn't offend me much, but it's a bit silly.

Ustwo 04-16-2008 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by JinnKai

It doesn't offend me much, but it's a bit silly.

Exhibit A:

mixedmedia 04-16-2008 06:47 AM

Let's keep things civil, folks.

Push-Pull 04-16-2008 06:54 AM

There's a few things that I *really* don't want to hear or know about, but in those cases, I simply exercise my option of not listening/turning the channel/leaving the room, etc. The only time I truly get offended is when someone is trying to stick some idea in my head for me.

Jinn 04-16-2008 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by Ustwo

Bah - I don't see how that's white guilt. It looks like empathy to me. At any rate, I was only calling you names in jest, you know I love you, even if you are a damn conservalibertariocommunist.

Willravel 04-16-2008 08:39 AM

I prefer pigment-challenged!

But seriously, I don't associate with being white in any meaningful way. It'd be silly for me to take pride in the color of my skin. Should I also take pride in having detached earlobes? Or maybe I should be proud to have double jointed thumbs?

If I am going to take pride in something physical, I'll take pride in something I've earned. I'll take pride in being in good shape. I'll take pride in increasing my physical strength and stamina through exercise.

World's King 04-16-2008 08:50 AM

The only thing that offends me as a young white male is other young white males.

I've said it before and I'll say it many times over again... I fucking hate white people.

Shauk 04-16-2008 10:46 AM

no, nothing based in race offends me, and it annoys me that things offend other people. Especially this far after the idea of a cultural melting pot was established.

Plan9 04-16-2008 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by World's King
The only thing that offends me as a young white male is other young white males.

I've said it before and I'll say it many times over again... I fucking hate white people.

Echo... echo...

Ustwo 04-16-2008 11:49 AM


Willravel 04-16-2008 11:50 AM

Is that your wallpaper?

jewels 04-16-2008 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by willravel
Is that your wallpaper?


Plan9 04-16-2008 12:10 PM

"I'd hit it."

Dtamr 04-25-2008 03:10 PM

Nothing much offends me, but being made to feel guilty because of what white people did before I was even born makes me pretty upset. I'm in the same boat as Halx, moderatly wealthy, raised in a home that values individual achievements over race and culture. I dont judge based on race and culture, however I do judge based on your actions. I dont really know how to talk further without, however, offending people... so I'll stop right now.

filtherton 04-25-2008 06:45 PM

As a young white male, I generally find myself offended by the activities of groups which happen to be mostly composed of old white males. It's not an exclusive thing, though. Anyone who isn't offended by the general state of the world is probably part of the problem with the general state of the world.

Jinn 04-25-2008 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by filtherton
As a young white male, I generally find myself offended by the activities of groups which happen to be mostly composed of old white males. It's not an exclusive thing, though. Anyone who isn't offended by the general state of the world is probably part of the problem with the general state of the world.

That's absolutely fantastic... I only wish I'd thought to say it so eloquently.

Ustwo 04-25-2008 07:59 PM

Don't trust anyone over 30 man.

filtherton 04-25-2008 09:30 PM

Thanks Jinn.


Originally Posted by Ustwo
Don't trust anyone over 30 man.

Or don't trust anyone who gets their perspective on how political leanings change with respect to age from quotes mis-attributed to mid-20th century statesmen.

Ustwo 04-25-2008 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by filtherton
Or don't trust anyone who gets their perspective on how political leanings change with respect to age from quotes mis-attributed to mid-20th century statesmen.

Sorry but when I hear people whining about old white men like they can do a better job, thats what I think of.

Please, go save this world, and then when you are an old white man some kid will tell you how you screwed everything up :thumbsup:

filtherton 04-25-2008 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Ustwo
Sorry but when I hear people whining about old white men like they can do a better job, thats what I think of.

Please, go save this world, and then when you are an old white man some kid will tell you how you screwed everything up :thumbsup:

Yeah, well, when old white men learn to diversify then we can start talking about all the old ethnically diverse men who are always fucking things up.

I don't think the world can be saved, but that doesn't stop me from noticing how fucked up it is, and how there seems to be a strong correlation in the United States between abuses of power and old white men. I'm not saying it's inherent in old white men, just that they have a lot more opportunities than any other demographic right now in this country when it comes to being corrupt and incompetent when it really counts. If you can't acknowledge this then you have lost any right to ever call out a theist for being irrational.

And, really, if you don't think you could do a better job running shit than the particular group of old white men who are currently occupying the white house then you need a self esteem boost. I'm fairly certain that a well chosen group of 11th graders could have handled the invasion of Iraq better than Bush and Cheney.

Psycho Dad 04-26-2008 05:53 AM

I just got off my company 401k site and made some adjustments to my retirement account. So far things look as well as expected there.

When do I have to begin ruining everything for young white males?

Ilow 04-26-2008 06:32 AM

From a cross-cultural perspective, the "majority" or powerful group never feels offended because they are in a position to disregard it, whereas the less powerful group(s) are not.

filtherton 04-26-2008 09:43 AM

Okay, so apparently we can talk about young white males as one monolithic group, but when it comes to old white males, well, some of the old white males on this board would prefer a pity party instead.

Seaver 04-26-2008 09:47 AM

The only thing that offends me is when people talk about how easy my life is. Nevermind I had to pay for college entirely by myself. Nevermind that I was one of 10 whites in a poor school known for having one of the highest pregnancy rates in the state.

I just hate how everyone knows that I really grew up in a Country Club, got in to college because my father was on the board, and only experience to minority culture is the in-house maid Consuela and what I hear on the latest 50 Cent album.

Willravel 04-26-2008 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Seaver
The only thing that offends me is when people talk about how easy my life is. Nevermind I had to pay for college entirely by myself. Nevermind that I was one of 10 whites in a poor school known for having one of the highest pregnancy rates in the state.

It's a wonder you didn't become pregnant!

You're right about some people having the wrong idea about white people, but I don't know if I'd call it offensive. I think it's kinda funny.

I grew up poor. I never played polo, I've never owned a Mercedes, and I certainly don't belong to any golf clubs (HA! golf clubs...). I paid for my college either out of the several jobs I was working or through scholarships I earned. I fought tooth and nail. I didn't do this for anyone else, though. I did it for me. The only way for me to be offended would be if I wasn't true to my struggle.

filtherton 04-26-2008 10:14 AM

Who has the pity party hats?

I'll have Dairy Queen make a cake.

thespian86 04-26-2008 10:19 AM

I'll echo two statements posted before me.

1) Other young white males: for various reasons.

2) And those who assume I grew up being butlered by unicorns who shit million dollar bills just because I blend in with the snow.

No one grows up in a perfect environment; everyone is going to be "fucked up", if we are going to try to measure ourselves up to fairy tales. Even kids who "grew up in the ghetto" are lucky not to have been born into slavery, or civil war, etc. Those kids, in trying to find the silver lining, might have grown up in the closest family to have ever lived, while other "privileged" children taught themselves how to grow up.

Like I said, no one is perfect.

Ustwo 04-26-2008 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by filtherton
Who has the pity party hats?

I'll have Dairy Queen make a cake.

Do you get the employee discount?

Willravel 04-26-2008 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Ustwo
Do you get the employee discount?


BTW, I could give 4.5 shits that I'm white. I don't associate with the color of my skin except when joking around.

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