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balderdash111 02-14-2005 11:13 AM

Shaving - Against the Grain? Cold Water?
I was originally going to say this was for men only, but I guess it applies both ways.

However, please note that I am not talking about shaving privates. I'm thinking faces and, I guess, legs.

I've heard all sorts of schools of thought on this. Rather than hash them all out, I'll pose the question and my responses:

1) Against the grain or with the grain?

I'm all for against the grain, as I think it gives a closer shave. That said, whenever the "Queer Eye" crowd sees the victim shaving against the grain, they go bananas. What gives?

2) Cold water or hot water?

I mix the two. Hot water to wash (in the shower), then hot water again to wet face before shaving in sink. Apply cream, then use cold water on the blade to shave off. Whatever you want to rinse face afterwards.

I was once told that cold water made for a better shave for some reason (maybe b/c it gives goose bumps?), so this is my compromise.

Thoughts? Opinions?

Charlatan 02-14-2005 11:32 AM

Shaving against the grain is bad for two reasons:

1) You have a better chance of cutting yourself
2) You have a better chance of cutting the hair off below the skin and giving yourself an ingrown hair

Apparently the three bladed razors are good in any direction...

As for the warm vs. cold...

I use hot in the shower and shave immediately after the shower. After shaving, rinse first with warm water to clear the exess soap and skin off (you aren't just shaving hair you are also shaving off a thin layer of skin... exfoliating). After this, rinse with cooler water to close the pores. Then moisturize...

That's about it.

the_marq 02-14-2005 12:08 PM


I'm all for against the grain, as I think it gives a closer shave. That said, whenever the "Queer Eye" crowd sees the victim shaving against the grain, they go bananas. What gives?
yeah, these guys "go bannanas" when you wear jeans without a belt. I wouldn't put too much stock in that.

That said, I prefer to go with the grain in agreement with what Charlatan said.

Suave 02-14-2005 12:24 PM

I second what Charlatan said about against the grain. It does give a closer shave, but it can be too close. Also has a tendancy to irritate sensitive skin.

As far as water temperature goes:
Hot water beforehand and during softens the hair and opens the pores allowing for easier and more pleasant hair removal. Cold water rinse after shaving closes the pores to help prevent dirt from getting in, as well as tightening skin. This reduces the chance of blemishes and makes your face purtier.

Redlemon 02-14-2005 12:25 PM

I seem to recall hearing that "against the grain" would give you a closer shave at first, but it would eventually cause your hairs to grow in at different angles, and therefore you wouldn't even have a grain. After that, you can't get a close shave either way.

I'm a with-the-grain, warm-water shaver.

Janey 02-14-2005 12:25 PM

hubby says against the grain, otherwise, even after shaving he has a shadow. also he shaves before showering, so that the shower washes off the loose hairs and shaving cream. this combined with a buff puff should prevent ingrowen hairs.

taylorspl 02-14-2005 01:16 PM

Against the grain, I shave in the shower or right after if I forget to do it in the shower. If I shave with the grain I can still feel hair even if I used a new blade. I use Nivea products and rarely get ingrown hairs. Hot water all the way it seems to get a closer shave for me.

clavus 02-14-2005 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Redlemon
I seem to recall hearing that "against the grain" would give you a closer shave at first, but it would eventually cause your hairs to grow in at different angles, and therefore you wouldn't even have a grain. After that, you can't get a close shave either way.

Feh! I've been shaving against the grain for years, and I still have the grain.

I use a 3-blade razor and warm water. No shaving cream. Just step up to the mirror and start scratching it off. This may come as a surprise to you, given that I can give myself near-fatal injuries with most common household items, but I almost never, (like once every six months) cut myself shaving. After shaving, I put on aftershave. No ingrown hair problems.

Redlemon 02-14-2005 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by clavus
This may come as a surprise to you, given that I can give myself near-fatal injuries with most common household items, but I almost never, (like once every six months) cut myself shaving.

I must admit, when I saw that the last post in this thread was yours, I hesitated before reopening it! :lol:

ubertuber 02-14-2005 02:19 PM

If you have sensitive skin, shave with the grain. It isn't as close of a shave (I'm ALWAYS a little scratchy) but it will help immensely with irritations. The neck can be difficult though because the grain changes.

I got a shave at the Art of Shaving once and they shaved me twice - first with the grain, then against. It was a close shave and didn't irritate. I tried it at home, and it didn't work as well...

Dyze 02-14-2005 03:07 PM

I have a sensitive skin and therefore can only shave with a blade every 3 days or so. And I use to shave before I take the shower because the skin is not that dry. Just put a warm, wet towel on your face for like a minute.
I shave agains the grain when I want a clean shave. But sometimes you feel how it does not work, or the blade is dull. The just go with the grain.
I think it stays smoother longer when you shave against the grain. Like a baby's butt as my baby uses to say...

FngKestrel 02-14-2005 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by clavus
Feh! I've been shaving against the grain for years, and I still have the grain.

I use a 3-blade razor and warm water. No shaving cream. Just step up to the mirror and start scratching it off. This may come as a surprise to you, given that I can give myself near-fatal injuries with most common household items, but I almost never, (like once every six months) cut myself shaving. After shaving, I put on aftershave. No ingrown hair problems.

I hope you didn't just jinx yourself by declaring this. :hmm: :lol:

wolf 02-18-2005 06:50 AM

I have always heard that against the grain is bad, but that is the only thing that works for me. I use a shaving balm and a 3 or 4 blade. They seem to cause the fewest cuts and ingrown hairs, which really suck. If I use an old blade I get cut more easily and get ingrown hairs so I only reuse a blade 2 or 3 times. I usually shave after a shower since my skin is softer and less dry. Maybe I'll try doing it before a shower, since that seems to be popular here.

fatbob 02-18-2005 07:04 AM

i have really sensitive skin and i find that if i shave against the grain i get a couple of in-growing hairs/spots. not good.
agree about the hot water to shave and then cold rinse to close the pores and the moisturising.
also have a good wash before you start.

pacaveli 02-18-2005 11:50 AM

i have an electric razor, one of those things witht he three roating things, but no goo, any sugestiongs for a close shave with that?

Lockjaw 02-18-2005 02:14 PM

Actually another reason NOT to shave against the grain is if you have really curley hair. I of course do and I have sensistive skin and all through high school and a good time after I shaved against the grain and I had horrible razor burn and ingrown facial hair. I stopped after one of my ingrown hairs got infected or something and left a giant puss filled bump on my neck for like 3 days. It hurt and was not fun. Shaved against the grain now with a Mach three,Edge gel and warm water. Still get ingrown hair every now and again but not as many and not as bad.

1slOwCD8 02-18-2005 02:24 PM

I usually shave with the grain first, then one swipe against to get a closer shave. I use a disposable razor so i have to do it a couple of times. Maybe ill just buy a real razor.

keyshawn 02-19-2005 10:51 AM

I hope this isn't too tangental to the topic, but would applying aftershave make a difference at all ?

[In the few years that I have shaved, I've never used it..]

As for the grain, I go both against and with the grain. Seems as if both ways were best in getting all of the hair for me, but I'll try your suggestions next time. :thumbsup:


james t kirk 02-19-2005 12:33 PM

Against the grain all the way.

I use a Gillette Sensor (the one from about 15 years ago) which for me is still the best (I have tried all the others)

The one big difference is that I shave IN the shower.

It's the last thing I typically do. I just use the same soap on my face as in the shower (Dove) and shave by feel. Been doing it that way for 20 years and I've got it down to an art. Rarely cut myself, no need for shaving stuff (other than the razors) and it's warm, and everything washes away.

canuckguy 02-19-2005 12:56 PM

i shave in the shower, for easier clean up. use a 3 blade razor, and shave with the grain, i'll go against the grain if i need a closer shave that day.

kazoo 02-19-2005 05:15 PM

One blade, two blade, three blade, Toro Whirl-Trim, I shave in the shower with, against, and sideways to the grain of hair. So long as I feel stubble, I'll hack away at my face with sharpened steel. :D

la petite moi 02-20-2005 06:00 PM

Yeah, I have to go against the grain (pits, legs, down under) because otherwise it just didn't get rid of all the hair.

krwlz 02-20-2005 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by pacaveli
i have an electric razor, one of those things witht he three roating things, but no goo, any sugestiongs for a close shave with that?

I shave with the same man... I dont think there is a way to get real close with one. But used daily, it at least makes you look presentable, if not smooth as possible.

pacaveli 02-21-2005 04:39 PM

i like the rugged look, makes me feel like a gangster!, thanx for the input though

Sage 02-21-2005 08:37 PM

god am i glad i don't have to shave my face! i'm against the grain (on legs) and once with and once against on the pits and the nether regions. when i shave i do it in the shower (except for the highly inacessible nether regions- those are best shaved with a hot towel outside of the shower, with me contorting into wildly complicated positions). i use a loofa and hot water and soap to lightly exfoliate my skin before i shave- it makes my legs A LOT smoother.

guys- mix some grapefruit juice (fresh) with sugar until it forms a paste, then use to scrub face and neck before shaving. then, shave the normal way. see if it doesn't feel smoother!

Rdr4evr 02-21-2005 08:50 PM

I have to shave against the grain, the hair on my face is thick and shaving with the grain is close to useless. Although it can be painful and cause ingrown hairs, it only leaves me to shave twice a week rather than every night. And besides, I only maybe get 4 bad ingrown hairs near the bottom of my neck that I just dig in with tweezers and pull out, no biggie. Also, I MUST use hot water, there is no way I can shave with cold water, it is no different for me than to shave with no water at all, just too irritating with cold water.

EDIT: I also use the Mach 3 (have been since it's release) with the gilette (sp?) gel.

squirrelyburt 02-21-2005 09:26 PM

Guess I have always gone against the grain cuz it has given me a closer shave. I use hot water to open the pores, but use cold water to rinse the razor. Someone once told me that it has something to do with the expansion of the metal...not sure. One thing I can tell ya, electric razors suck for me. I may as well shave with a rolling tire for fewer burns!!

dirtyrascal7 02-22-2005 05:09 PM

i always shave in the shower, so definitely warm water. i don't shave everyday, so when i do shave it's too long to shave against the grain directly, so i shave with the grain first, then go back and clean up by shaving against the grain. i wash my face first so the hairs are softened, then comes the shaving (using water only, no shaving cream) then when i get out of the shower i like to splash some cold water on my face to close the pores.

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