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Jetée 03-25-2010 07:11 PM

Educate your fellow members by emphasizing facts, notions, and trending views via a visualized wonderment of colors, diagrams and changing font.

This is Infographics.

Infographics by Alice Cho in SEED Magazine

**disclaimer: nearly all images soon to be featured here and throughout will be posted as a medium-sized image; additionally, a vast majority of those same images (at least posted by myself) will be hotlinked to a url address that contains the info-diagramatical image in full-sized resolution. It is highly encouraged for any future subscribers to this topic to be aware that beneath nearly all graph and charts, there will be a on outside url address to which you can promptly click over to in order to view the image at leisure, and at large.

Shadowex3 03-25-2010 10:39 PM

For us Americans Wallstats has one of the most significant and suprisingly easily readable informative "posters" I've ever seen: Death and Taxes (nonflash image version Here). Linked because the real thing is 3500x2300 so a thumbnail would be useless.

It's a graphical representation of the yearly US discretionary budget arranged in a very self explanatory way. To get you started: Every circle is sized relative to the total discretionary budget, labelled in it's amount and percentage (red for expense, green for income), and the circle itself is a logo representing what the money is being spent.

Jetée 03-27-2010 03:08 PM

Outstanding contribution above. Kinda gives me pause to immediately jump into the sillier stuff, so for now, actual beneficial knowledge to learn, be aware of, and realize.

The History of Video Game Development | Illustrated as Flow Chart (click on the link to view the huge image, in detail)

the link/image above is by no means definitive, as is realized and currently being discussed in the comments section of the article.

also, there is this:

Originally Posted by Jetée (Post 2766832)
the videogame history timeline (beta)

Game history timeline designed, programmed and compiled by Mauricio Giraldo Arteaga. This is an ongoing project. Feedback and comments are welcome.

Jetée 04-01-2010 01:49 PM

in response to World Conservation Day, Earth Hour, Arbor Day, and more...

Top Carbon Emitters by woonder

In 2007, China made it to the world’s biggest producer of carbon dioxide - the
primary greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. Rapid economic growth
in China has fueled massive energy demand from burning of high carbon-emitting
fossil fuels - oil, gas and coal.

Data Source: Reuters, 2007.

Our Shrinking Earth

Population growth is exerting an increasing pressure on the planet. Number on
images of Earth reflects the shrinking size of land per capita (in hectares of land
per capita) since 1900 as the population increased. By 2050, the world population
is expected to rise to 9.2 billion.

Data Source: Global Environment Outlook 4 (GEO-4), UNEP

- - - - - - - - -

Part of a set of dropped infographics produced for the office coffee table book on urban sustainability.

Jetée 04-02-2010 04:15 PM

Population of the Dead
(click the image to download the full-size portrayal, only if you want to see it bigger)
by Jonathan Gosier

all information provided and detailed by the graphic are taken from sources within the last six months.

header (synopsis) from the image:
The numbers are highly speculative but are as accurate as modern science allows. It’s widely accepted that prior to 2002 there had been somewhere between 106 and 140 billion homo sapiens born to the world. The graphic below uses the conservative number (106 bn) as the basis for a concentric circle graph. The red dot in the center is scaled to represent how many people are currently living (red) versus the dead (white). The vertical line represents time. The spectral graph shows the population ‘benchmarks’ that were used to estimate the population over time. Adding up the population numbers gets you to 106 billion. The two spheres are then used to compare against other numbers.

read more about the speculation, debate and 'carrying capacity' of our world's resources from the source of visualization here.

Lucifer 04-03-2010 06:59 AM

I absolutely love infographics, especially Victorian infographics:








Jetée 04-03-2010 07:14 AM

Japan - The Strange Country


originally seen here:

Originally Posted by Jetée (Post 2770992)
Graphic designer Kenichi Tanaka’s animated infographic “Japan — The Strange Country” covers everything you wanted to know about Japan,
but were too busy warbling along to the Cowboy Bebop closing credits song to ask.

In his words (Tanaka): "This is my final thesis project. I created info-graphic, motion piece. My objective is to make Japanese people to think about that everything happening here in Japan, isn’t that normal. So I created this video from foreigner’s point of view, rather than Japanese people’s point of view."

Watch it on vimeo -- Japan: The Strange Country
~ 11 min. in length, short doc.



Jetée 04-03-2010 04:04 PM

How To Feed The World

How To Feed The World is a 9-minute film directed by Denis van Waerbeke for an exhibition called
'Bon' Appetit at a science museum in Paris. It’s mainly aimed at kids aged 9 to 14, so the tone is slighty educational,
but the inventive graphics and energetic animation keep the tone light and funny, while also illustrating a serious situation.


Jetée 04-07-2010 10:49 AM



Originally Posted by Jetée (Post 2290943)
I wanted this to spark a discussion elsewhere, but I couldn't accurately decide where to put this video. I suppose I could have put it in General Discussion, but I shall just drop it here because it just might disappear in time.
FYI: This is a small documentary of sorts, which runs about 20 minutes in length.

The info may be a bit outdated, as the conference was shot over four years ago, but--I still it is worth a good look for those that have misconceptions about nations the world over.

Jetée 04-08-2010 03:35 PM

A Graphic History of Newspaper Circulation Over the Last Two Decades - The Awl


Jetée 04-09-2010 06:54 PM

John Kumahara Blog Archive Unboxing the iPad Data

I'll allow anyone who actually is interested in viewing the relevant data for ipad purchases, usage, and percentage of impact in current American markets (less than a month after its release) to view the author's comments about his endeavor, and the graphics in which he decided to illustrate to mark a point.

The image infographical can be view full-sized here.

Shadowex3 04-09-2010 10:06 PM

Something a little more technical, the Steam Hardware Survey. Pretty much the largest of it's kind, it's a pretty respectable benchmark for what the average gamer has in their computer: Steam Hardware Survey

Jetée 04-11-2010 03:56 PM

click HERE to download the original size image; to just view larger, click directly on the image below)
skeletal transparency by adreson

Redlemon 04-12-2010 09:19 AM


Jetée 04-12-2010 09:53 AM

darn, I had the perfect little chart (dry-humour-related) to follow RedLemon's post above, but I've misplaced it.

Just have some supposed facts instead, about the internet:

a day in the life: A Day in the Internet (click to jump to site and view image full-size)

a year in review: The State of the Internet (2009) (same as before)

Shadowex3 04-12-2010 02:34 PM

Should've been a part of the sarcasmgraphic pointing out how many of those infographics were "Art Project" infographics that just confused the reader instead of making things easier to understand as a whole.

Jetée 04-16-2010 03:34 PM


Jetée 04-17-2010 02:46 PM

infographics tied into each other, based on recent global natural events.


The volcanic eruption of Eyjafjallajökull has certainly had an effect on the
landscape of the European continent thus far, as well as its people, but also
that of its transportation, and future environmental awareness.


rolling updates towards European airport shutdowns, also showing the
projected relative concentration levels of the Eyjafjallajökull ash cloud."

Jetée 04-17-2010 07:22 PM

to follow-up my previous post, there is this article:


This Thursday April 15, 2010 satellite image annotated and provided by NOAA
shows volcanic ash from Iceland sweeping toward mainland Europe. Eurocontrol,
the European air traffic agency, said the travel disruptions that reverberated
throughout the world Thursday were even worse on Friday, with about 11,000
flights expected to operate in Europe instead of the usual 28,000. It said delays
will continue well into Saturday as the massive yet invisible ash cloud moves
slowly south and east.
--(AP Photo/NOAA)

Jetée 04-19-2010 05:05 PM

celebrating 20-some odd years...


Jetée 04-22-2010 01:00 PM

The Limits to Growth is a 1972 book modeling the consequences of a rapidly growing world population and finite resource supplies,


Jetée 04-27-2010 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Jetée (Post 2766524)
The ranks of millionaires, now more than ten million strong, are swelling one BRIC at a time. That's because Brazil, Russia, India, and China are enjoying some of the highest rates of growth in millionaires. According to an annual report on world wealth, the population of those with a million U.S. dollars in assets, not including home value, rose most last year in stock-strong India (up 23%), manufacturing giant China (20%), and ethanol-exporting Brazil (19%), with gas-and oil-rich Russia (14%) surging too. They're joining the usual suspects: the U.S. (the most millionaires total), Switzerland (most per capita), North America (per continent).

But whether you’re from a BRIC or an Old Money nation, a million bucks isn’t what it used to be. Thanks to global inflation, it's now worth a mere $455,000 in 1983 dollars.

So has being a millionaire lost its cachet? That’s rich. “The word is fixed in the popular imagination,” says sociologist Leonard Beeghley. “It’s still what people aspire to. Perception hasn’t caught up with economic reality.”
—Jeremy Berlin


In 2007, the world's 10.1 million millionaires were worth $40.7 trillion. These are the nations with the most millionaires per capita:

1 Switzerland (2.7% of population)
2 United Arab Emirates (1.8%)
3 Singapore (1.7%)
4 Norway (1.3%)
5 Japan (1.2%)
6 United States and Germany (1%)


[Nat'l Geo.]

excerpt from: Baraka Guru's global economic surge / value-of-the-dollar-against, thread.

Jetée 05-04-2010 09:29 AM

Killer Earth (click to view slightly larger) -- courtesy of the NYTimes

Jetée 05-05-2010 05:05 PM

Colours in Cultures (and what they respectively represent)
By David McCandless & AlwaysWithHonor.com


Jetée 05-06-2010 03:51 PM

This Decade in... Cell Phones (click this link to view the infographical image, full-size)

Alternatively, if you are wary of links off-site, for whatever reason, I've encapsulated the image below, hotlinked, inside the [hide] tags.
What’s happened with cell phones this decade?   click to show 

more infographics pertaining to and relating solely towards cellphones and their functions can be found HERE

Jetée 05-13-2010 06:42 PM

The Wide, Wide World of Robots
After some internal debate, I thought it better that I just enclose this image within the HIDE Function, even though it is relatively small in size, for an Infographic.

Anyway, Here is "The Wide World of Robots". Please to enjoy.   click to show 

Design & Illustration by Jason Peters


Jetée 05-15-2010 05:58 PM

Design by David McCandless, with additional aid from Matt Hancock
Research by David McCandless & James Key

Data here: http://www.bit.ly/InDeepWater


Jetée 05-20-2010 04:51 PM

all images: click directly to enlarge
Physics of: Pro Tennis (Borg)

Physics of: Championship Boxing (Ali)

Physics of: The NFL (Payton)

Physics of: Pro Basketball (Jordan)

Jetée 05-23-2010 10:53 AM

Evolution of Storage

-- courtesy of geekologie

Jetée 06-06-2010 01:50 AM

(as always, click the pic to enlarge to full resolution)
Trembling Giants - The Earth's Oldest Trees by Michæl Paukner

Shadowex3 06-06-2010 10:26 AM

Pretty cool but it fails to differentiate between which are "clonal organisms" which grow and die but have the same genetic code and true single organisms.

Jetée 06-06-2010 11:16 PM

Big Brothers
The Earth's Satellites, created and illustrated by Michæl Paukner

[gizmodo.] + [datavis.]

Jetée 06-12-2010 04:00 AM

Our Amazing Planet
From Top to Bottom   click to show 


Jetée 06-13-2010 07:43 AM

Our Astounding Society
design by *whatshername13

Jetée 06-14-2010 02:30 PM

World Map Of Touristyness
although the above visualization may be difficult to see (though you can always click it to 'embiggen')

I think the point gets across quickly, when realizing the title of it.
It shows a trending and geographical survey of the world's most popular tourist attractions,
with that of the 'hot spots' being denoted by the rising and warmer colors.

also, the official word...

author's comments:
Great places-to-avoid heatmap, using distribution of photos on Panoramio. Nice idea! By BlueMoon.ee

-- courtesy of Information is Beautiful

Jetée 06-16-2010 08:21 AM

McD in the US, visualized (click the image to view larger)

You’re looking at a map of the contiguous United States visualized by distance to the nearest McDonald’s.

The map was created by Steven Von Worley, who was inspired by the appearance of a McDonald’s literally in the middle of nowhere, in the Los Angelos basin. Both the map, a larger wallpaper size version, and the explanation for how it was created are HERE.


Jetée 06-22-2010 10:38 AM

The Crisis of Credit [visualized]
Writing, direction, animation & sound by Jonathan Jarvis
(this is a short doc student film)

author's comments:
The goal of giving form to a complex situation like the credit crisis is to quickly supply the essence of the situation to those unfamiliar and uninitiated. This project was completed as part of my thesis work in the Media Design Program, a graduate studio at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California.

Jetée 07-01-2010 09:39 PM


Washington "Wasting" $22 Million by Not Taxing Pot | Seattle Weekly

Jetée 07-09-2010 05:01 PM

Vampire Energy - Issue 008 - GOOD

Jetée 07-17-2010 08:14 PM

The IPhone era
(clicky -> expand)


Originally Posted by Jetée (Post 2784888)
This Decade in... Cell Phones (click this link to view the infographical image, full-size)

Alternatively, if you are wary of links off-site, for whatever reason, I've encapsulated the image below, hotlinked, inside the [hide] tags.
What’s happened with cell phones this decade?   click to show 

more infographics pertaining to and relating solely towards cellphones and their functions can be found HERE

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