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T.U.B. 03-03-2004 03:15 PM

Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 in 3d
Let the screens speak for themself!:




Silvy 03-03-2004 03:18 PM

Looks pretty good to me!

djtestudo 03-03-2004 04:02 PM


Too bad that would make my computer explode.

shakran 03-03-2004 04:20 PM

about damn time. Isn't that what all the fans were calling for in RCT 2? ;)

BuddyHawks 03-03-2004 04:36 PM


Originally posted by shakran
about damn time. Isn't that what all the fans were calling for in RCT 2? ;)
good call.

looks good

heyal256 03-03-2004 07:38 PM

Anybody else here think that this is what SimThemepark should have been with the "ride the rides" feature and the camara that allowed you to "explore" your themepark?

Mephex 03-03-2004 07:46 PM

RCT is the only theme park sim that comes close to making the experience fun.

Especially compared to SimThemePark.

I loved the fact that I could drop my annoyingly lost patrons into my conveniently placed bodies of water, as well as launching a ridefull off my needle into free-air for a moment, just to get that extra thrill rating.

If this edition brings the game back, and leaves the engineering of roller-coasters to those who so choose to specialize in that field, I'll be buying it for sure. RCT 1 was a blast ! :)

DonnieBoy 03-03-2004 11:34 PM

I loved the original Roller Coaster Tycoon! I will have to pick this up!

Nancy 03-04-2004 03:57 AM

must.... buy......rollercoaster tycoon 3 in ... 3D! :love:

SonicRL 03-05-2004 08:06 PM

I think im the only person to doesn't like the change to 3D. It may just be me, but I don't like how it looks. Not that the graphics will decide a purchase of the game, I'm still going to have to check it out and hopefully it will be very good ^ ^. *Goes off to play RCT 2*

CinnamonGirl 03-05-2004 10:30 PM

Oooh, spiffy...the original is one of my favorites. This goes on my "games I want to buy" list :)

opackfan 03-05-2004 10:45 PM

might have to pick this one up, loved the first one, although i never really looked into the second one though

CamaroRS1967 03-06-2004 07:53 PM

It looks pretty good...I personally don't like the 3d change just because it doesn't seem like it would feel like RCT. Maybe it's just me. Oh well, looks good.

Dibbler 03-06-2004 08:22 PM

This will probably be like C&C Generals. You'll need a 8Ghz comp to get it to work well. Hope not but the graphics in the pics look a little too nice. Maybe it's just a CGI.

charlesesl 03-06-2004 09:23 PM


Originally posted by Dibbler
This will probably be like C&C Generals. You'll need a 8Ghz comp to get it to work well. Hope not but the graphics in the pics look a little too nice. Maybe it's just a CGI.
Yeah, that could just be the intro.
The read game may look exactly the same as Rollercoster Tycoon 1.

Mantus 03-06-2004 09:41 PM

Add another one to the list. Man it's going to be a good year :D

Scipio 03-06-2004 10:10 PM

Everybody's mentioned this, but it looks like it's gonna chug. Can't have graphics like that and keep the scale of RCT 1/2. Part of why the original did so well is that it would run on just about any computer!

shakran 03-06-2004 10:36 PM

looking further into it. . . .it seems like they're implementing it kinda dumb.

a 3d environment is not the best for laying out the park. What the users really wanted was an interface like the one in RCT 1 and 2, with the ability to switch over to a 3d interface to wander around your park and ride the rides. I'm not sure how they're gonna work park design with a 3d interface like that.

hulk 03-07-2004 06:48 AM

It's been done =)

etla 03-18-2004 10:38 AM

Whoot! This looks great. I just got RCT1 on a box of cereal and wasted 12 hours last night (glad I didn't have a meeting this morning :D) If the layout tools in RCT3 are as easy to use I'll be happy when it is put on a cereal box ten years from now.

etla 03-18-2004 10:39 AM


Originally posted by shakran
looking further into it. . . .it seems like they're implementing it kinda dumb.

a 3d environment is not the best for laying out the park. What the users really wanted was an interface like the one in RCT 1 and 2, with the ability to switch over to a 3d interface to wander around your park and ride the rides. I'm not sure how they're gonna work park design with a 3d interface like that.

It would be cool if you could import previous park designs.

MadHatder 03-18-2004 11:32 AM

It's still RCT, which means it will still get boring :(.

Qazwsxedc 03-18-2004 03:37 PM

wow the graphics look amazing.. looks like it's gonna be a fun game - albeit for a short time only..

John Falcon 10-28-2004 03:58 AM

The demo is out now. (check the official site)

It seems pretty damned cool. Now I'm going to have to find $40 somewhere.

thriolith 10-28-2004 09:34 AM

I'm not liking the texturing in a couple of the pics, everything looks a little too plastic.. I could live with it, if building coasters is just as much fun in the other ones.

tronims 10-28-2004 12:37 PM

I played the demo a few weeks ago and i thought it was horrible compared to 1 + 2. It just lost its charm. Hopefully RCT 4 will get the kinks fixed, I am debating whether I want to try the full version considering how much I didnt like the demo.

BuddyHawks 10-28-2004 04:33 PM

Seems to me that the demo basically contains most of what the game has to offer.
Dont think I'll buy it.

coash 10-30-2004 05:03 AM

you can go celebrity hunting with this game! there are so many friggin different types of people walking around. AWEEEEEEESOMEEEEEE.

here's HEIDI KLUM. post your celebrities spotted

LeviticusMky 10-30-2004 11:23 PM

I would have been much happier to see a more graphically exciting 2d version of this game. Alas, the gaming industry has decided that 3d = god, so everything is suddenly better in 3d.

I've played the demo, and it's interesting, it look like a fun game, and I think that it will push the series in the right direction, but I also think that the game will have lost a vast amount of the scale that we got with RCT 1&2.

P.S. the game isn't that graphically intensive if you don't plan on having a square mile of park, but who doesn't want a massive park?

xepherys 10-31-2004 07:20 AM

* The screenies ARE from actual gameplay.

* The game is 3D because they've already done this concept through and through in 2D. The gaming industry didn't decide that 3D was good... the gamers did. If gamers didn't buy 3D over 2D, game companies would still make 2D games more often.

* It's not terribly processor/vid card intensive.

* If Nancy likes it, it must be good... *g*

RubenBaraja 11-02-2004 02:53 PM

Apparently reviews are stating that this game requires patching already.
Seemed pretty dodgy releasing patched demos so not really a surprise

McG 11-03-2004 08:19 PM

Once they fix a few of the bugs this game is going to be great!

Jeff 11-03-2004 10:05 PM

Has anybody actually played this yet? I hope it doesn't suck.

omega2K4 11-04-2004 08:26 PM

I have it, its pretty good, but it has a ton of glitches and bugs, which I hope that they will fix very soon.

gyroscope 11-05-2004 09:00 AM

i played the demo and liked it very much...maybe i'll buy it

Wingless 11-07-2004 04:36 PM

Lots of glitches and bugs; there is an unsupported Beta patch out there, but I would definitely wait a month or two, if not til 2005, to buy this game.

shakran 11-16-2004 06:05 PM

got it, and the patch makes it work very well - none of the stuttering that non-patched users complain about.

As with any game it's got its good points and its bad points.

Being able to ride your coasters while fireworks shoot off around you and giant scenery items fall toward you (triggered by the train running over a specific piece of track) is awesome. 3000% improvement over the old game, where I often found myself designing a kickass coaster and then complaining that I couldn't see what it looked like to race through all the theming I'd spent the last hour installing.

Being able to import the above mentioned coasters from the old game and ride them too is a very nice touch :D

The peeps are no longer all white men, some with female names. They're now all different races, clothing, hairstyles, sizes, and ages. Looks much more like a real park. Riding a coaster while looking back at the riders and seeing them scream in horror is great :D

The graphics are much, much better, except for the peeps - they look exactly like the characters out of Black & White - blocky and slow moving. Not a huge complaint, but I was hoping for more realistic humans rather than humanoid robot looking things. The rest of the graphics though are top notch - gotta love the sky as it turns from day to dusk to night.

Coaster design is worse because the controls are slower. You have to pause between clicks when you're building track. Again, not a REAL big deal, I just can't build a cross-park train track in 20 seconds like I could in the old games.

I'd like a more conventional camera system for park design itself - like I said earlier in this thread, they should have kept a 2d environment for the design and then let you slip into 3d to ride the rides. As it is, the camera moves weird, is slow to respond to the mouse, and generally gets in the way when you're trying to build something.

The lights added to some of the rides are PERFECT.

What's up with the non-moving wheels on the steam train? It's an obvious, glaring flaw in the realism. Very difficult to enjoy riding your newly built train when you can see that the brakes are locked ;) This could, of course, be fixed easilly in a patch.

All in all I'm impressed with the game. I have a feeling I'll be playing this one for a good while yet.

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