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TickTock 01-19-2004 04:27 PM

those are great screen shots but the game has been in the works forever! when the hell is it coming out!

Mr.Deflok 01-19-2004 05:31 PM


Originally posted by TickTock
those are great screen shots but the game has been in the works forever! when the hell is it coming out!
Remember it was only unveiled just a little over a year ago, considering that they're doing very well. Take Duke Nukem Forever, that fucker was announed last century, and recently a press release said it'd be out in 2005 when it's done.

nanofever 01-19-2004 06:31 PM


Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
Remember it was only unveiled just a little over a year ago, considering that they're doing very well. Take Duke Nukem Forever, that fucker was announed last century, and recently a press release said it'd be out in 2005 when it's done.
Actually I have a beta copy of DNF, funny thing is the box has the phrase 3D scratched out and Forever written over it

Mr.Deflok 01-19-2004 07:13 PM


Originally posted by nanofever
Actually I have a beta copy of DNF, funny thing is the box has the phrase 3D scratched out and Forever written over it
How old is the Beta? They've scraped the entire WIP several times now.

Hanabal 01-19-2004 08:11 PM

THeyre getting the FBI to hunt the code thieves, omg

/. Story

eburitto 01-20-2004 12:13 AM

Hah Hah get those geeks. Siezed their computers and all they must've pissed their pants.

omega2K4 02-04-2004 10:59 PM

New Half-Life 2 "Release Date".


Written by CNN.com

When Gabe Newell, founder of Valve Software, confirmed last October that hackers had wormed their way into the developer's network and stolen the source code to "Half-Life 2," it sent shock waves through the gaming industry. "Half-Life 2," you see, wasn't just a title any gamer worth his or her salt was drooling over, it was the title industry insiders were counting on to help revive the struggling PC gaming business.

As Valve developers gathered their wits, an executive from publisher Vivendi Universal Games told media outlets that the theft would delay the game until April 2004. That date was nothing more than a blind guess, though. Valve, the only company that really had a firm grasp on the impact of the theft, wrapped itself in a cocoon, refusing all questions from the media and not saying a word about when the game would hit shelves – until now.

Half-Life 2 is expected to help revive the PC gaming industry.
While still shying away from giving a firm date, Doug Lombardi, Valve's director of marketing, told me the company "is currently targeting this summer for the completion of Half-Life 2".

Valve does not plan to reveal any additional information until the time surrounding the E3 trade show, where the game will once again be shown this year. E3 will be held in Los Angeles May 12-14.

"Half-Life 2" wasn't the only game delayed by the source-code theft. Valve had licensed out the game's "Source" graphics engine to developer Troika, which was hard at work building "Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines," a PC role-playing game. That game, initially set to be released this year, had to be delayed to implement the same security fixes needed on HL2. It now has a target release date of Spring 2005, said Trokia co-founder Jason Anderson.

Later today, Valve will also announce Arkane Studios, an independent French developer that created the critically-acclaimed role-playing game "Arx Fatalis," has licensed the engine for a forthcoming title. The game is already in development, but does not have an announced release date.

The summer release date of Half-Life 2 is certain to once again divide gamers. Some will be relieved to finally have a date, however vague, that they can target. Others are likely to howl in outrage that the game has been delayed so far beyond its initial target date. (The game was originally scheduled to hit stores on Sept. 30, 2003.) Some ludicrous conspiracy theorists will likely begin regurgitating the ridiculous story that the source code leak was intentional, so Valve would have an 'excuse' to delay the game.

The new target date could be a heads up to savvy investors, though.

PC game sales were off sharply last year. The NPD Group, which tracks the gaming industry, recently reported 2003 sales came in at $1.2 billion, a 14 percent drop from 2002's figures.

The graphics in Half-Life 2 are radically more advanced than any PC game on the market. And many gamers are waiting on the release of this game or id Software's "Doom 3" before upgrading their video cards. Both nVidia (NVDA: Research, Estimates) and ATI (ATYT: Research, Estimates), which Valve has named the preferred graphics chip partner of the game, could see share prices begin to climb. Other hardware manufacturers could also see sales increase as the game gets closer.

Vivendi Universal (V: Research, Estimates) and Activision (ATVI: Research, Estimates) (which is publishing "Vampire...") might also see a bump as the ship dates for the games draw near.

Valve still won't discuss the source code theft, due to the ongoing investigation. That includes commenting on a recent Weblog post from a San Francisco man who claimed the FBI raided his home and seized nine PCs in connection with the investigation. No arrests were made.

It also includes the company's thoughts on the pirate versions of the game that have reportedly shown up on store shelves in Russia. That version is said to be fully playable, though with plot inconsistencies. The hackers who created that version also reportedly translated the game's text into Russian.

Again citing the investigation, Valve won't even discuss the mindset at the development studio these days, but you have to imagine that the company must be on something of an emotional upswing. A new target date is in sight. There appears to be movement in the search to find the thieves who hacked into their company and stole Valve's work. And other developers are still eager to license the game's engine.

It is probably Valve bullshitting around again, but I'd figure I'd post it.

Mastershredder 02-05-2004 05:20 AM

Part of me wants to not care about HL2 and say screw it... the other part of me wants to play it oh so bad.. :(

Gabby 02-07-2004 06:32 AM

Damn that 2nd screen is straight nasty.

nanofever 02-07-2004 09:19 AM


Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
How old is the Beta? They've scraped the entire WIP several times now.
I was suggesting that DNF will be a copy of DN3D (the one from like 1995 that was really cool at the time). The only change would be that the box art would have 3D scratched-out and Forever written over it.

its teh funny.

djflish 02-07-2004 12:35 PM

I'm quite looking forward to it, but I doubt my PC will be able to handle it

yellowgowild 02-08-2004 02:29 AM

The graphics are amazing but I have to say, chasing alot of flying little robots around doesnt seem like fun to me. Reminds me of the robotic frogs in Daikatana.

ChrisJericho 02-08-2004 12:42 PM

I will not believe any release date from Valve until a copy of HL2 is in my hands.

Incognito24 02-08-2004 08:18 PM

HOLY *@$#!!! NICE GRAPHICS! lol i remember wathing a demo on my geforce 2 video card in a 900 mhz and the freaking VIDEO of the game was lagging me rofl. now i got a 2500 though so all should go well, except the fact i still have that shitty ass geforce 2 in here, oh man ima change that soon... if i can stop upgrading my paintball marker! omg lol

runawayfetus 02-10-2004 04:59 PM

yeaa. they say not till september .. isnt that gayy

jujueye 02-15-2004 10:03 PM

Bummer. Slip slip slip. I want to play now. Oh wait, I still have Max Payne 2 and Hitman 2 with shrinkwrap on 'em.....NEVER MIND! What was I thinking?

omega2K4 08-06-2004 06:41 AM

Here's some more screenshots I found while browsing the 'net today..

screenshot 001
screenshot 002
screenshot 003
screenshot 004
screenshot 005
screenshot 006
screenshot 007
screenshot 008
screenshot 009
screenshot 010
screenshot 011
screenshot 012

Here's some screens from Counter-Strike running on the new engine:

cs: source 01
cs: source 02
cs: source 03

As of today (August 6th, 2004), Half-Life 2 will ship on September 1st, 2004.

sailor 08-06-2004 06:53 AM

Damn they need to hurry this up... Far-Cry and Doom 3 have already stolen a lot of its thunder, both of them apparently topping it for graphics... HL2 still looks to have a better physics engine, but given that the gameplay is as yet unproven, thats about all it has on FC and Doom3 at the moment...

omega2K4 08-06-2004 06:58 AM


Originally posted by sailor
Damn they need to hurry this up... Far-Cry and Doom 3 have already stolen a lot of its thunder, both of them apparently topping it for graphics... HL2 still looks to have a better physics engine, but given that the gameplay is as yet unproven, thats about all it has on FC and Doom3 at the moment...
If HL2 plays anything like HL, it will rock Doom 3 and Far Cry's asses.

sailor 08-06-2004 10:45 AM


Originally posted by omega2K4
If HL2 plays anything like HL, it will rock Doom 3 and Far Cry's asses.
Probably. But like I said, no one knows that right now. As of now, all anyone knows is that the physics engine kicks ass and Duke Nukem Forever is gonna come out before it does...

YaWhateva 08-06-2004 11:07 AM

Cs Source looks just like CS with tiny improvements, eh.......its still CS and CS is way boring.

HL2 has quite a bit of competition in Doom 3, not so much FC. FC was boring HL2 better not be, I have been waiting for a long time to play this.

08-06-2004 11:41 AM

i dont see any bump-mapping at all in those screen shots. all flat textures boooo! doom 3's graphics are definately better. i mean that growth all over the base for example! the texture, the way it moved didnt even make me want to step in it in the game.

whocarz 08-06-2004 10:47 PM

Maybe I should post this in Paranoia, but I have a "theory" of what really happened with Halflife 2. You see, they said it would be coming out in september 2003, but they were WAAAAAY behind schedule, too much time spent snorting cocaine off strippers ass cracks and whatnot. So what do they do to buy more time? Make two goons their strawmen and have them "steal" the source code of the game, then release it to the net. Then start screaming nonsensically that because of this, they need to rework the source code so that people can't reverse engineer their game. Brilliant! That would buy them time, they figured, but they knew we wouldn't wait forever before we started bellowing for their blood so they said something reasonable, like April 2004. But it's soooo HARD to stop being lazy after you've made a life style out of it, so here we are, 10 months after the originally proposed release date, three months after the revised release date, and still have two months to go before the re-revised release date, when they will tell us that a Columbian death squad stormed their offices and stole all the computers that had the data on them.

shipofshame 08-07-2004 12:18 AM

A complete Half-Life 2 official screenshots archive for your enjoyment:



Oh, and this game is going to rule all. Release candidate should be shipped to Vivendi in the next couple of weeks. They're looking for a September/October release.

Anomaly_ 08-07-2004 12:50 AM


Originally posted by MadMartigan
if it is connected with STEAM in any way it will freaking suck. I laved the original and CS but STEAM has ruined it for me. The lagg, connection problems, and just all around reliability issues are not worth the effort. Uninstall... reinstall.... update..... crash..... uninstall... ect...................

Gimme 1.5 back

You can still play 1.5 in one of two forms. One way is without STEAM using the No-WON patch. This is ideal if you don't like STEAM (like me), however, there aren't many No-WON patched servers at the moment. The other alternative is to download the STEAM ported version of 1.5 which is being hosted on a lot more servers, but obviously uses STEAM.

Destrox 08-07-2004 03:42 AM

I dont get why so many people bitch about steam. From what I saw on my own computer, was nothing near of what people bitch over.

Steam doesnt slow your computer down, steam doesnt cause more lag, steam doesnt cause connection problems, Steam made HL and HL based mods more stable, lower pinged and quicker loading.

If steam was so bad, maybe just maybe dont you think they WOULDNT use it on a entirerly seperate game?

skyscan 08-07-2004 06:57 AM

Please tell me about how it lowered loading time while I go download the next security module. =(

jujueye 08-07-2004 12:35 PM

Recoding the anticheat. Well, it depends on just how much code they changed. I agree it should not take 5 months, but since the code was out in the open like that, I would bet they change everything. Every function and variable name. Every dll name. Everything that the previous version had should be changed, even slightly, to make sure that hackers who get the game will have no chance of cheating, disassembling, etc. That seems like a huge task, but worth the money.

Mr.Deflok 08-07-2004 01:17 PM


Originally posted by jujueye
Recoding the anticheat. Well, it depends on just how much code they changed. I agree it should not take 5 months, but since the code was out in the open like that, I would bet they change everything. Every function and variable name. Every dll name. Everything that the previous version had should be changed, even slightly, to make sure that hackers who get the game will have no chance of cheating, disassembling, etc. That seems like a huge task, but worth the money.
Personally I think they've changed the entire game, not just the code. Made alternate maps and scenarios and the like, which is good because it's given them time to make even better versions of what they had before.

The reason I say this is because the Doom 3 Alpha had no map that was in the final retail version, however some portions of those maps were re-used. It's kinda unfortunate because we got to see some amazing stuff in both leaks.

vengeance 08-07-2004 08:17 PM

HL2 was never going to make it's supposed sept. 30th release date, never. And the code was really stolen, but was never an excuse not to release the game.. seeing as how the people that stole the source code stole it a few days after sept. 30th.

Mr.Deflok 08-07-2004 09:13 PM


Originally posted by vengeance
HL2 was never going to make it's supposed sept. 30th release date, never. And the code was really stolen, but was never an excuse not to release the game.. seeing as how the people that stole the source code stole it a few days after sept. 30th.
I'm pretty sure they stole it before, and yeah, the game was in no condition to be released on the 30th (unless they wanted to pull an ENTER THE MATRIX on us). I still think they're re-working the entire game, I certainly hope so, will make for an all new experience.

vengeance 08-08-2004 09:00 AM

Agreed, and I can't wait to play it.

Bonesaw 08-10-2004 07:54 PM

I just wish they would finally announce that it's gone gold. I've upgraded my machine now to play Doom 3 and it looks nice but I want more story and interactivity that HL2 promises to have.

Rdr4evr 08-11-2004 11:37 PM

Now this game I am excited about. Doom what?

alpha 08-12-2004 02:56 AM

Looks good. Too bad my computer sucks.

Bonesaw 08-12-2004 05:09 AM

Anybody here have one of the ATI vouchures? Just curious how Steam will be doing with the ability to DL the game with all of the ATI users most likely trying to DL it at the same time.

meepa 08-12-2004 10:46 AM

Okay guys I need some help here from someone who has been following HL2 development closely. I've only been paying attention on and off and there is one thing that has confused me to know end: Purchasing the game.

Now since the dawn of time, I have gone to the store, purchased a box, and then have been set. In recent years, if I felt like it, I could download mods for free. Easy stuff.

But I've heard all sorts of things about HL2 having multiple "versions" to buy, like SP only, MP only, super-fun-happy pack that comes with everything + 40 acres + mule. Then I've heard about people with some mystical vouchers. And some other people are planning to buy it & download it straight through Steam. Given all these possibilities, I don't know which are valid or which were just speculation.

So onto my questions:

1) By buying it online and through Steam, is it cheaper because you avoid the middle man + production costs of box/manual/cds? And what guaruntees do I have that I'll get the product incase their servers overload and gammy out. Or if my HD blows up and I need to download it again, do I have to pay for it again?

2) Are they going to charge for mods now? One of the biggest reasons I am buying HL2 (besides the SP of course) is to play the new Day of Defeat. Am I still going to be able to download mods for free, or will I have to pay for the ones that got bought by Valve (like CS and DoD).

3) Are there really going to be multiple versions even in the store such as SP only, MP only, etc?

Thanks to anyone who can help me out. Official links with comprehensive info would be appreciated too... I can never seem to find anything myself on this except fan sites that I don't trust.

Gabbyness 08-12-2004 12:32 PM

How do you guys think this game will perform compared to Doom3 in terms of sys reqs? Doom3 is just barely able to run adequately on my computer and I'm worried about HL2.

Mr.Deflok 08-12-2004 04:03 PM


Originally posted by Gabbyness
How do you guys think this game will perform compared to Doom3 in terms of sys reqs? Doom3 is just barely able to run adequately on my computer and I'm worried about HL2.
Doom 3 is far more spec intesntive than HL2, if you can run Doom 3 well then Half-Life 2 will be blazing.

Gotenks 08-13-2004 05:54 AM

NOTE: To those that have the ATI Half-Life2 Vouchers.

When you go to scratch off your key code, use a vinyl/plastic eraser, if you use anything hard, you risk the chance of scratching off the code itself. I found this out the hard way, and luckily only 2 of the digits came off (only have to try 100 dif numbers).

Just thought I'd throw that info out on here.


As for how fast you'll download half-life2 off of steam... I figure it's going to take atleast 1 1/2 days, with the possibility of it going up to 3 days (Cable). Unless of coarse Steam gets an extra 15-20 MAJOR pipes to host the files from.

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