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Old 10-23-2003, 08:08 PM   #1 (permalink)
ziadel's Avatar
Location: In the twilight and mist.
Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike

Anyone got their hands on this gme yet? I went to Hollywood video to rent it, but they dont have it, and they dont seem to have plans to carry it (I guess no one rents game cube games)

I figured I better get some first hand opinions before I go out any buy it so as to avoid a Enter the Matrix type situation...

but anywho, whos got it and is it any good? I'm really looking for the flight simulator stuff (BIG BIG BIG fan of X-wing, Tie-Fighter, etc, those early lucas flight sim games all rocked)

thanks in advance
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Old 10-23-2003, 10:16 PM   #2 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
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Location: New Zealand
I'd also like to know how people feel about it, might have to buy a Cube on this games basis.
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Old 10-24-2003, 12:12 AM   #3 (permalink)
Location: Norman, OK
it looks fucking awesome.
How much is y'all Piolkles?
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Old 10-24-2003, 02:42 AM   #4 (permalink)
Go Ninja, Go Ninja Go!!
Location: IN, USA
A friend in class got the game, what did he say?

Best fucking game in the world.

I think I need to get it.
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Old 10-24-2003, 07:05 AM   #5 (permalink)
Location: Northeastern US - please send help!
Got it. Haven't played it yet. But need another incentive? They snuck a surprise in for fans of the series: A two-player co-op version of the entire Rogue Leader game.
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Old 10-24-2003, 06:21 PM   #6 (permalink)
C'mon, just blow it.
hulk's Avatar
Location: Perth, Australia
Well, it just got released in the US (Bastards =)). The general consensus is that the vehicle combat KICKS MAJOR BOOTAY. However, any time your on foot (with exception of Hoth, which is the coolest Hoth battle _ever_), bad camera and dodgy gameplay detract a bit. However, these levels are only about 20% of the single player game.

Multiplayer, especially Co-op, is the best selling point so far =D. It's everything you could want, really. The co-op works really well, for the most part. The one exception I've heard about is Strike at the Core, and that's only because someone has to manouver the Falcon through the damn Death Star.

The game has a crapload of unlockables, including all 3 original arcade games, a documentary and the awesome audio commentary.

As soon as it comes down under, I'm nabbing it. You guys should too =)
"'There's a tendency among the press to attribute the creation of a game to a single person,' says Warren Spector, creator of Thief and Deus Ex."
-- From an IGN game review.
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Old 10-24-2003, 07:18 PM   #7 (permalink)
Oracle & Apollyon
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Location: Limbus Patrum
I'd say rent it first, I've seen 3 bad reviews on this game, and all three said the first Rogue Squadron was better. I'm gonna rent it for myself this weekend and see if it's worth the cash...
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La Fede È Il Mio Schermo,
Non salti Ciecamente In Incertezza,
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Last edited by Prophecy; 10-25-2003 at 11:53 AM..
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Old 10-24-2003, 08:09 PM   #8 (permalink)
This game basically combines Rouge Squadron 2 and 3, add multiplayer, comes with tons of unlockables (including many levels, veichles, the 3 original arcade games) and fits it all into one nifty little package. The "on foot" missions are a little cheesy yea, but they're still fun. I'm defeninately going to buy this game, and if your a fan of the previous ones, you'd be wise to pick it up too.
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Old 10-25-2003, 12:20 AM   #9 (permalink)
big damn hero
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I just hope they keep the escort missions down....

I friggin' hate the escort missions...
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Old 10-25-2003, 11:53 AM   #10 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
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Location: New Zealand
Originally posted by guthmund
[BI friggin' hate the escort missions... [/B]
Escort missions were da bomb in TIE Fighter, especially the one where you escort The Emperor, I never felt so bad ass before.
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Old 10-25-2003, 03:18 PM   #11 (permalink)
Location: Ask Acetylene
Heehee... they should remake the original X-wing and Tie fighter... the story gameplay and mission design are all perfect for today...
When you refer to Rougue Squadron 1 do you refer to the Nintendo 64 game?
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Old 10-27-2003, 07:13 AM   #12 (permalink)
Kadath's Avatar
Location: Camazotz
This game is a major disappointment. The co-op Rogue Leader is almost worth the price of admission, but the single player missions leave a LOT to be desired. The "Luke" mission path is almost all crap, with plenty of shitty "on foot" stuff. "Trials of a Jedi" and "The Sarlacc Pit" are particularly poor, with the latter being aproximately 2 minutes long. Kill a guy, jump to a skiff. Kill two guys, jump to a skiff. Kill two guys, jump to the barge, kill maybe a dozen guys, you win. The "Wedge" path is more tolerable, but on the whole, unless you're jonesing to play co-op Rogue Leader with a buddy, rent it at MOST. And I LOVED Rogue Leader, so don't think I'm a hater.
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Old 10-27-2003, 10:22 AM   #13 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
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Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Originally posted by Kadath
This game is a major disappointment. The co-op Rogue Leader is almost worth the price of admission, but the single player missions leave a LOT to be desired. The "Luke" mission path is almost all crap, with plenty of shitty "on foot" stuff. "Trials of a Jedi" and "The Sarlacc Pit" are particularly poor, with the latter being aproximately 2 minutes long. Kill a guy, jump to a skiff. Kill two guys, jump to a skiff. Kill two guys, jump to the barge, kill maybe a dozen guys, you win. The "Wedge" path is more tolerable, but on the whole, unless you're jonesing to play co-op Rogue Leader with a buddy, rent it at MOST. And I LOVED Rogue Leader, so don't think I'm a hater.
That's what the general consensus is from professional reviewers. IGN says that the on-foot missions nearly ruin the game, but the flying missions kick ass. Not enough for me to buy it, and I loved the first two.

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Old 10-27-2003, 11:31 AM   #14 (permalink)
I bought it thinking it would be the next Rogue Squadron. It's the next Max Payne. There are so many cut scenes you want to throw it out the widow.

The 3rd person levels are awfully done. Think Star Wars meets GTA3. The camera is awful. The aiming is awful. The fun is awful.

I really started enjoying it when I was playing the Training Level because it was exactly like Rogue Squadron. Your start off running around inside the house and you think, okay...this is different.

But it makes up for at least 35% of the game.

The speederbike section was horrible. You basically do a deathstar run in the forrest and try to ram other speederbikes into trees. That level definetly could have been done better with more free roaming.

The level advancement is different too. You branch off into different levels instead of following a straight story. You can actually loop around to different sections if you can't get past a certain level. Which I can't imagine being hard after the five levels I played.

I'll never say don't buy, cause it's your opinion. But please rent it frist.

Originally posted by Prophecy
I'd say rent it first, I've seen 3 bad reviews on this game, and all three said the first Rogue Squadron was better. I'm gonna rent it for myself this weekend and see if it's worth the cash...
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Old 10-27-2003, 07:59 PM   #15 (permalink)
Location: Midwest
I picked it up over the weekend but haven't had a chance to sit down with it yet. I'll report back once I've spent a bit of time with it.
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Old 10-28-2003, 06:31 AM   #16 (permalink)
Kadath's Avatar
Location: Camazotz
Yet ANOTHER reason not to get this game. I was playing "Flight from Bespin" and "Flight from Hoth," two hidden missions I opened which involve running on foot for a while and then flying the Falcon. In Rogue Leader the Falcon used to have an auto-tracking rear gun that they took out in this because the co-op stuff in the Falcon has player two on that gun. Unfortunately, in the single player it means that when a TIE gets in behind you, there is literally NO WAY TO SHAKE IT. That wouldn't be so bad, you could just crash and die, if the TIE didn't SPAWN IN BEHIND YOU WHEN YOU CAME BACK. I think I am just about done with LucasArts for a while.
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Old 10-28-2003, 05:44 PM   #17 (permalink)
JimmyTheHutt's Avatar
Location: Hell (Phoenix AZ)
I'm so glad I don't own a GC right now.

From the sounds of it, I would have bought this and hated every minute of it.

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Jimmy The Hutt
Think Jabba, only with more hair and vestigal legs....

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Old 10-28-2003, 10:14 PM   #18 (permalink)
C'mon, just blow it.
hulk's Avatar
Location: Perth, Australia
C'mon, it's not that bad. The mediocre on foot levels do detract from it, but they make up a small amount of the game. At least they tried something different, instead of making it the fourth game in a line of similar titles.
Kadath, perhaps some fancy manourvering could do the trick =) I could always shake ties in the POS Rogue Leader falcon by rolling like buggery.
Thrustinj, the on-foot is 20% of the game, not 35 =). And don't forget the multiplayer, which is insane.
"'There's a tendency among the press to attribute the creation of a game to a single person,' says Warren Spector, creator of Thief and Deus Ex."
-- From an IGN game review.
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Old 10-29-2003, 09:15 AM   #19 (permalink)
Kadath's Avatar
Location: Camazotz
Originally posted by hulk
Kadath, perhaps some fancy manourvering could do the trick =) I could always shake ties in the POS Rogue Leader falcon by rolling like buggery.
YOU try Flight From Bespin, come up against that superTIE and tell me how to get away from it. I am out of ideas. My current goal is the TIE Bomber, which rules all.
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Old 10-29-2003, 09:29 PM   #20 (permalink)
Location: eastcoast
Yeah, I feel let down as well. The single player is simple horrible. If I wanted to see a bunch of "DVD Quality" clips from the movies i'd rather import some busted ass VCD from afar and skip over it... And is this just me, or has anyone else had the game CRASH their gamecube. Nothing like almost beating the lame Degobah level when the game crashes as your jumping in mid air.

At least the Co-Op is funtastic.
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Old 10-30-2003, 08:52 PM   #21 (permalink)
It got mixed reveiws, and I love it, it feels like one of the most addictive game that I've played in a while
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Old 10-30-2003, 10:57 PM   #22 (permalink)
big damn hero
guthmund's Avatar
Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
Escort missions were da bomb in TIE Fighter, especially the one where you escort The Emperor, I never felt so bad ass before.

TIE fighter was just a sweet game all the way round. Of course, it could just be flying missions for the Empire is flat cool.

The Rogue Squadron games never really managed to find the right mix of magic for me. Sure they're pretty, but when half of the game is "You're escorting.....blah blah blah" it gets a little tedious
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Old 10-31-2003, 01:15 AM   #23 (permalink)
i got it, havent gotten into too much yet but it looks awesome
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Old 11-03-2003, 10:22 AM   #24 (permalink)
Kadath's Avatar
Location: Camazotz
Originally posted by killafilm
And is this just me, or has anyone else had the game CRASH their gamecube. Nothing like almost beating the lame Degobah level when the game crashes as your jumping in mid air.
Not just you.
I am over the "I HATE THIS" portion of the game. Between my roommate and I we've got at least silver on everything, including Endurance. I am reasonably pleased with the game at this point, enough to play it until Double Dash comes around.
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Old 11-07-2003, 06:58 AM   #25 (permalink)
t3m3st's Avatar
Location: Toronto
major upset
the at st levels are dumb, and the on foot ones are like playing robotron.
i was expecting another rogue leader.... my bad i guess.
I do it for the rare drops
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Old 11-07-2003, 08:35 AM   #26 (permalink)
Location: Davidson, NC/ Manassas, VA
no good huh? kinda changes my mind about renting it
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iii, rebel, rogue, squadron, strike

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