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Destrox 10-06-2006 07:35 AM

Who else is excited for Neverwinter Nights 2??
I know I cant wait for this, its going to be so great. Mines been pre-ordered for a little while now.

The special item you get with pre-orders is very intresting too!


A special feature created called Merchant's Friend. The Merchant's Friend enables the player character to obtain a powerful time crafted for each of the twelve classes. it also allows the player character the opportunity to purchase items from merchants at a special discounted rate. This feature will be available upon release.

Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2) is a computer role-playing game set in the fantasy world of the Forgotten Realms, one of the popular campaign settings of Dungeons and Dragons. It takes the player from the tiniest of villages into a sweeping tale of danger and war, chronicling their rise from a peasant to a full-fledged hero of the Realms, defending it against one of the greatest threats of the age.

Build a character that suits your style of play - good or evil, chaotic or lawful, with any number of skills, feats and professions available at the click of a button. Whether lobbing fireballs and researching forgotten spells as a powerful Wizard, hacking a trail through legions of orcs as a Fighter armed only with a battle axe and your courage, or taking on the role of a Rogue that can slip into the shadows at a moment's notice and take the purse from even the most perceptive of guardsmen. Choose your alignment, your allies, your companions, and how you want your character to develop... design the character you want, role-play the way you want, and carry the battle to the enemy.

The design aspects of Neverwinter Nights 2 don't stop there, however. Past the campaign included with the game itself, Neverwinter Nights 2 also gives you all the tools you need to build your own modules, campaigns, and adventures for your friends - move buildings, terrain, script encounters, write dialogues, create quests and items - everything you need to create an epic adventure of your own is included in the toolset for you and any other worldbuilder to use.

So if you are interested in adventure - or building adventures of your own - look no further. Neverwinter Nights 2 is on the horizon, and adventure awaits.

Dragonlich 10-06-2006 09:27 AM

Me! Me! MEEEEE!!!

Er... I can't wait either. :)

MexicanOnABike 10-06-2006 05:38 PM

i couldnt play the 1st one. it sucked so much! such a dissapointing game. i hope #2 is better! will this still be isometric top view or full 3d?

raist 10-06-2006 06:41 PM

I am, been watching the various sites for info about it for a while. Cant wait to get my hands on it once it hits the shelves.

Destrox 10-06-2006 06:42 PM

you realize that most people viewing this thread wont be looking forward to such a negative opinion? :( saddened me thats for sure.

the first one was great, had some flaws, but it was still a very fun game along with all its expansions.

same game style as the first, what did you hate so much about the first? "it sucked so much" hardly shows much other then outright bashing :(

Pragma 10-07-2006 07:32 AM

I really enjoyed the first NWN - when is the second supposed to come out?

GoldenOuroboros 10-07-2006 04:27 PM

*puts up his hand and waves it frantically*
Me Me Me!! :D

I was watching all the sites quite abit.. then yeah.. just waiting patiently now ;) Will have to go put the collectors edition on pre order though :D :D

lindalove 10-07-2006 06:53 PM


I also like the cloaks they've added to NWN 1 ..... the cloaks are cool, and you can change their color ... shame you can't change their style (Something I'd like to see them add to the craft option to armor ... that and changing the style of helmet).

Coppertop 10-08-2006 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by mexicanonabike
i couldnt play the 1st one. it sucked so much! such a dissapointing game. i hope #2 is better!

I must say, you're the only person I've met who didn't like it.

Originally Posted by mexicanonabike
will this still be isometric top view or full 3d?

On second thought, did you even play the game? The first was fully 3D.

I for one cannot wait for this game. I only recently discovered the Premium Module Infinite Dungeons for the original. Being so close to the release of the sequel, I cannot justify buying it. Here's to hoping it is made for the new game as well.

Edit - the official release date is October 31st

Buk 10-08-2006 08:49 AM

Its comes out the same day as the US version of FF12, no way I'm getting any sleep that week.

Zeraph 10-08-2006 12:50 PM

Maybe mexicanonabike is thinking of baldur's gate? or Icewind dale?

I thought it was OK overall, the expansions made it decent. But since its basically the best for the that type of game, there isn't (or maybe wasn't) an alternative. So in that sense it was really good. I think my biggest problem was the storyline, most of it just stunk. Or maybe the characters? I disliked that female paladin (forgot the name) that the storyline practically revolves around.

I'll definetely be keeping an eye out for NWN 2 though.

spindles 10-08-2006 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Zeraph
I disliked that female paladin (forgot the name)


This is another hand up for "can't wait".

Destrox 10-09-2006 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Pragma
I really enjoyed the first NWN - when is the second supposed to come out?

Oct 31st! Dvd and CDrom versions.


Originally Posted by spindles

This is another hand up for "can't wait".

It was actually Aribeth. :P

Pragma 10-09-2006 07:03 AM

Hrm, now the question is.. will NWN2 replace my WoW addiction? I'm sure my raiding guild will hope the answer is no, but we'll see :p

spindles 10-09-2006 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Destrox
It was actually Aribeth. :P

damn my stupid brain :)

MexicanOnABike 10-12-2006 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Coppertop
I must say, you're the only person I've met who didn't like it. On second thought, did you even play the game? The first was fully 3D.

ah. i meant 3d but from a top view. what i was asking is: is it like 3rd person or first person or not? and yes i did play it. This is REALLY not my style of game so don't take what i say as bashing it. I loved some RPGS but not this one.

spindles 10-15-2006 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by mexicanonabike
ah. i meant 3d but from a top view. what i was asking is: is it like 3rd person or first person or not? and yes i did play it.

It certainly looks different than the isometric view of baldurs gate etc. It really can be played as either first or third person (from a view perspective).

I'm looking forward to being able to control your party more like Baldurs gate - though in offline mode this means more pausing during combat (you just can't control 4 characters simultaneously (unless you have 8 arms...).

Arc101 10-18-2006 10:45 AM

The great thing about Neverwinter Nights is all the mods - I would have stoped playing along time ago if it wasn't for all the new mods that come out. So I am really looking forward to this game - hope it does not suffer from rubbish sequal syndrome

feelgood 10-18-2006 11:00 AM

Whats the differences between Neverwinter and WoW??

portwineboy 10-18-2006 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by feelgood
Whats the differences between Neverwinter and WoW??

WoW is entirely a MMORPG while NN2 will have an extensive single player experience. No comparison really, except for genre.

CyCo PL 10-21-2006 02:40 PM

I'm looking forward to playing with the toolset, that was my favorite part of the first NWN.

Destrox 10-30-2006 04:53 AM

T-minus 24 hours.

woo, its go time.

Kaliena 11-02-2006 08:20 AM

I'm looking forward to it but I don't think my graphics card can handle it. I hate the fact that I have to keep upgrading!

(however, knowing me, I can't help myself)

Coppertop 11-02-2006 09:44 AM

Man, this game kicked my machine in the balls. I run it at 1024x768 with most settings maxed, and it does ok - but if I up the resolution to 1280x1024 it chugs, even with low settings. Time to upgrade...

I'm just glad the campaign is able to be played co-op. I think my Svirfneblin rogue will need some help to stay alive long.

Destrox 11-02-2006 03:42 PM

yeah its definitly testing my machine

amd 2500+ barton @ 2.2ghz
1g ram, nvidia 6800gt stock speeds

and running at 1280x1024 with no shadows, and medium texture size its sort of sluggish while lots of combat is going on.

my poor cpu needs a upgrading, but then so will my mobo.... then i'd get better ram...


i need more money to spend on my hobbies.

spindles 11-02-2006 09:03 PM

yep, slightly worried about the display thing - my main machine now is a notebook. Does have ATI radeon mobility X1600 with 256M of ram and machine has 2Gb (pretty new machine). May need to resurrect my desktop machine.

Us Aussies have to wait - release date here is 16 Nov (but I ordered mine from Canada, so should get here before that...)

skier 11-03-2006 10:49 AM

I was really excited for this game but I'd have to buy a whole new computer to play it :(

can't spend 1500 just to buy a videogame

GoldenOuroboros 11-03-2006 01:03 PM

I've known this since it was declared.. I did a cheap upgrade on my machine not so long ago. I'm saving my cash up because I know what the next gen of games is going to need to look 'nice' which is basically better than what I'm running now.

I'm still looking forward to it ;D

feelgood 11-15-2006 08:04 AM

I got it. I haven't played RPG games for a long time and I gotta say that I'm glad that I made the right choice to get back into it. I used to play Knights of the Old Republic 3 years ago. I've only finished the tutorials so far and I like it :D. Boy, some of you weren't kidding about the heavy graphic demand, I tried to play it on my laptop and boy, doe sit lag. So, I play it only on my computer :(

Coppertop 11-15-2006 01:02 PM

I've just found that my rig runs it fairly well at 1280x1024 with mid-high settings. Turning off water reflections/refractions goes a long way towards improving performance. Of course, I have yet to have a large battle in NWN2 with it, so I guess we'll see how it holds up.

spindles 11-16-2006 09:01 PM

well, I installed it on my laptop today (as soon as I got it delivered). I will let you know how well it works when I give it a try tonight. (I do have a fairly kick ass laptop , so here's hoping...

Gabbyness 11-18-2006 10:47 PM

Have you guys discovered a way to control the camera with the right-mouse, ala WoW? I got so used to mapping the camera that way I'm having a real difficult time adjusting to NWN2. It feels so jerky.

spindles 11-25-2006 03:49 PM

Well, it seems to run OK on my laptop, so I'm happy. It obviously runs better at lower quality, but the game looks a lot worse.

Still deciding on exactly which character I should use. I have started a rogue, a paladin and a ranger but think I'm going to go a bit further with a Wizard.

edit - re the jerky camera - this is certainly helped by turning the quality down, but even at medium quality, the responsiveness of the camera is pretty poor imo.

pacaveli 11-25-2006 09:44 PM

i don't really like the game, it feels like it's trying t be a mix between diablo 2, WoW, and Guild wars. I think this games gonna end up on my shelf. I only played it for like 5 minutes and it just felt awkward to me :/

Senor Roboto 11-25-2006 10:29 PM

even though i have not, and dont plan on getting this game, you really ought to spend some more time with it before making such a judgement pacaveli

pacaveli 11-26-2006 12:18 PM

i know but it seems so shakey, i plan on playing it more once i come home on winter break from college (my colleges internet is pitifull for gaming, the only thing u can play really is WoW, because all the WoW kids complained, and the Tech people caved, and gave the WoW servers more resources.) Anyways. I'll play it more later, but it just seem like it trying to doo wayyy to much all at the same time. Not focusing on one specefic thing.

spindles 11-27-2006 04:23 PM

I'll loving playing a wizard - fireballs look cool, especially watching the baddies fly away in all directions :)

The one area of the graphics that does annoy me is how the grassy outdoor areas look at the resolution I'm playing (medium on the shadows and high on the other one). The grass looks really "liney" for want of a better term. The indoor areas look good though. minor Spoiler: inside the crypts in the graveyard look awesome

Coppertop 12-03-2006 12:24 PM

My friends and I have been LANing this the last few weeks. Our party:

LG Human paladin
N Human fighter/frenzied berserker
CG Aasimar cleric/warpriest
CN Aasimar rogue
CN Svirfneblin rogue

Talk about a motley crew. Half the time we're fighting on the good side, the other half on the, well, selfish/greedy side. It feels linear to me, in exactly the same way KotOR2 did. Yes, Obsidian has their mark all over this game. Aside from the odd CTD we're enjoying it greatly.

And pacaveli, you've got it backwards: WoW and GW feel like NWN.

spindles 12-17-2006 02:45 PM

With the 1.03 patch, I've been able to turn the graphics back up to High and High (but leave off the water reflections). Really happy with how this is looking.

I just don't get online consistently enough to play with other people, but am enjoying the original campaign. Am playing a CG Sun Elf Wizard. It is always tricky being a wizard at early levels because you are so damn weak, but I'm at level 8 already and have a sizeable array of destruction at my finger tips. I've found it best to have my other party members "protect me" rather than "attack nearest" as spell casters tend to attract the baddies like ants to a picnic.

Spoiler: I've just started into the "Tomb of the Betrayed" and watching zombies get maxed by fireballs is quite satisfying :)

skier 12-17-2006 08:02 PM

I just got a new computer for christmas!!!!!!

time to go shopping ^_^

CyCo PL 12-18-2006 01:09 PM

I've been playing NWN2 a bit, and I'm pretty happy with it so far. The graphics are really nice, even after scaling it down a bit to run on my computer. I think some improvements could be made, like the option to disable vsync from the graphics menu...

My frames/sec were pretty low until I forced vsync off through my ATI control panel. It seemed almost like a different game after that, the framerate increase was huge. I've enjoyed the game much more after doing that, I absolutely cannot stand low frames per second.

I'm mainly looking forward to using the toolset, but it's a litte more intimidating than the NWN1 toolset, which was pretty much all tile based. I decided to play through the single player campaign before getting too deep in the toolset.

Coppertop 12-18-2006 02:55 PM

If you want to enjoy your NWN2 experience even more, check out this UI mod:


After using this for a few days, I don't think I could go back to using the default UI. It doesn't overwrite any NWN2 files, and can be turned on/off in game, so there really isn't any reason not to try it out.

Spanxxx 12-19-2006 06:42 PM

This is really the only game i've been looking forward to this season. I haven't picked it up yet, but it sounds like at least a few of you are enjoying it. After the Christmas season is over and I have some time again (hopefully), I'll probably have to pick it up it sounds like.

Drider_it 12-25-2006 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by feelgood
Whats the differences between Neverwinter and WoW??

you can lvl up with out worry of somone ganking ya. never have to worry about finding a guild to raid with..

raiding .. i.e. spending too much time in a "dungeon" with 39 other players to get a hand ful of items that if your class item drops .. you still have to roll against 3 others to try and get it.. then never see that item drop agian for months.

nwn.. single player with some multi if you want.. save game.. pause feature.

the lack of a barrens chat and not ninja looters, no noobs spamming the chat.. and no tards screaming chuck norris rulz or leroy jinkinssssssssssssss

Miss Mango 02-13-2007 12:55 AM

I have been playing it quite a while, but I keep starting over. I thought how cool, Ill have a Tiefling, and make him a Red Dragon Deciple ... wings at level 9!

Crap, no wings .... not even at level 10 ....

spindles 06-24-2007 05:56 PM

Well, I've finally finished the original campaign. Unfortunately, there were quite a few bugs when this was released which were a bit of a pain - thankfully they released patches pretty quickly, but these definitely took away from the overall *goodness* of the game.

For those who want more modules to play, I've found that Neverwinter Vault has a pretty good selection of user created ones:

I give this game 8 out of 10, once the bugs were fixed (especially the screen refresh issues in the original game - almost unplayable, even with a decent machine). I'm pretty much only play single player, as I can't be online consistently to do it any other way, so this is really a single player rating.

edit: I played a wizard - bloody hard to start with, but bloody cool once you can start flinging all kinds of nastiness at the baddies :)

Baraka_Guru 06-24-2007 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by feelgood
Whats the differences between Neverwinter and WoW??


Originally Posted by Drider_it
you can lvl up with out worry of somone ganking ya. never have to worry about finding a guild to raid with..

raiding .. i.e. spending too much time in a "dungeon" with 39 other players to get a hand ful of items that if your class item drops .. you still have to roll against 3 others to try and get it.. then never see that item drop agian for months.

nwn.. single player with some multi if you want.. save game.. pause feature.

the lack of a barrens chat and not ninja looters, no noobs spamming the chat.. and no tards screaming chuck norris rulz or leroy jinkinssssssssssssss

...and, if you find a quality roleplaying server, you can actually do just that: roleplay with quality. No hack-and-slash metagaming. All in-character playing (read: you actually act your alignment/class/race, etc. and build a story within a persistent world). It's like pen & paper AD&D, except you get a lot more playing done because you don't have to get your friends together and the computers calculate all the rolls and movements -so- much faster. (Oh, and you don't need to use your imagination as much.) I'm so addicted to online NWN and soon to be NWN2 once the server I'm on launches their NWN2 server.

I've seen clips of WoW. I would never play it because I'm such a dedicated roleplayer. I first learned D&D Basic Edition (the red books). WoW doesn't appeal to me at all.

Edit: Did I mention that playing NWN & NWN2 online is FREE?

spindles 10-01-2007 08:18 PM

I pre-ordered my copy of the expansion pack today. Released in Oz on 24th October, earlier if you live somewhere that isn't a backwater, games release wise :(

22 days and counting.

Dane Bramage 10-02-2007 01:10 PM

I am very much looking forward to the expansion pack. Should be out in just over a week here in the US.

I loved the first campaign. I thought it was much better then NWN in most all respects. Certainly wasn't a perfect game, but better then most, IMO. Reminded me very much of BG and BG2.

spindles 10-02-2007 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Dane Bramage
Reminded me very much of BG and BG2.

This is not really surprising when you know that Obsidian is a work place full of ex Black Isle staff (who made Baldurs Gate etc.)

Dane Bramage 10-03-2007 12:11 PM

puhzactly... and since BG and BG2 are two of my all time favorite games, then it's not a bad thing.

normally i wouldn't say anything bad about Bioware, since they are the hands down gods of CRPGs, but i truly feel that NWN2 is a better single player game then NWN. it still has a long way to go for MP, tho.

Daval 01-25-2009 04:24 PM

OK, I just got neverwinter nights, diamond edition that includes the original game, shadows of undrentide and hordes of the underdark.

I just installed in and its unplayable. The screen just flickers like crazy and the character jumps around. I know this is likely a setting on the video side but I really have no clue what I'm doing. Can someone help?

Baraka_Guru 01-25-2009 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Daval (Post 2587673)
I just installed in and its unplayable. The screen just flickers like crazy and the character jumps around. I know this is likely a setting on the video side but I really have no clue what I'm doing. Can someone help?

Have you completely patched the game with the autopatcher? What video card to you have?

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