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Plaid13 08-07-2006 06:59 PM

Zombie PC games?
Anyone know of any real good zombie PC games? Been a while since i have spent some time killing zombies Used to play the resident evil games a while back on playstation and that was pretty amusing but now im looking for a new fancy updated PC zombie killing game. Any suggestions?

Frosstbyte 08-07-2006 07:07 PM

I don't know if they ported it or not, but if they did or if you have a PS2, Resident Evil 4 is an absolutely amazing game. They fixed a lot of the problems with the older RE games (line of sight and stupidly low amounts of ammo, namely) and it just looks beautiful.

Half Life and Half Life 2, while not strictly zombie games, have lots of zombie moments and are two of the best games ever made, without question.

YaWhateva 08-07-2006 07:29 PM

RE4 would be much better on a Gamecube! haha, just had to put that in.

I guess Half-Life 2 would have a sort of "zombies". I can't really think of anything like Residen Evil for the PC though. Doom 3 does.

TexanAvenger 08-07-2006 07:41 PM

Stubbs the Zombie.
There was an Evil Dead game... Fistful of Boomstick. Though that wasn't for PC, you might find an emulator.
Kinda sorta, The Thing.

There's one on the tip of my tongue too, but I can't pull it out.

Plaid13 08-08-2006 02:15 AM

Stubbs the zombie isnt exactly what i was looking for and i dont want a demon/alien sort of thing just good old classic zombies. resident evil would of been good but it dosnt look like its for the pc. =(

hulk 08-08-2006 03:46 AM

System Shock 2, if you can get it *grin* Scary as all heck.

longbough 08-08-2006 05:46 AM



(just released today)

Nikilidstrom 08-08-2006 07:46 AM

Dead Rising is not for the PC Im pretty sure, although it looks promising. To be honest, as far as PC titles go, you don't have a hell of alot to choose from for true zombie action. There was the RE ports, as well as a port of the Xbox game Road To Fiddlers Green, which was horrible. As far as I can remember, the only zombie games of any worth on the PC were all mods of existing games like Half Life and Max Payne. Right now, the only Zed game I play is Urban Dead which is an internet browser game. Its fun, but not too exciting.

Plaid13 08-10-2006 12:31 AM

Doom3 isnt really a zombie game. its more of a demon thing. i want good old fashiond mindless brain eating zombies. Dead rising would be great but its not for pc. is the standard zombie game plot abandoned on pc?

Kadath 08-10-2006 05:20 AM

Well, what you're talking about is an FPS with zombies as the enemies. So your best bet is going to be a mod for an established FPS. Half/Life 1 had a mod called They Hunger, and there was a stage in H/L2 that was pretty much all zombies. Try looking along those lines and maybe you'll have luck, but there's not much margin in a pure zombie FPS.

YaWhateva 08-10-2006 02:00 PM

I don't think he said anything about an FPS.

Plaid13 08-10-2006 03:37 PM

yeah dosnt have to be a fps. a good zombie adventure/rpg game would be neat. Just have the urge to play a good post apocoliptic zombie plauge survival type game.
Always liked the old resident evil games where you were always wondering if you would have enough ammo for the next few rooms or if a zombie dog was gonna come flying through the window.

AquaFox 08-10-2006 03:55 PM

return to castle wolfenstien had afew zombie levels

and of course there is House of the Dead.. i had it for win98, with the xp compatiblity wizard it works on XP

portwineboy 08-10-2006 06:27 PM

I believe RE4 for PC ships on Christmas 2006. It's well worth the wait...also there was Land of the Dead, Road to Fiddler's Green, which was a tie-in to the recent Romero movie, but it was TERRIBLE. TERRIBLE. TERRIBLE LIKE NO BRAINS FOR BREAKFAST TERRIBLE.

Otherwise, I think you are SOL.


longbough 08-10-2006 07:47 PM

Small digression here:
I know it's not a PC game but I just got Dead Rising for the 360 ... and it ranks with the Resident Evil series as among the best zombie games I've ever played!

I'll give a separate post on it ...

MexicanOnABike 08-11-2006 08:02 AM

i cant believe noone mentionned Zombie Smasher X!!! this is a great side scrolling pure arcade/action game.

you get to upgrade your character with weapons and special moves, theres so much to do its great! :)

http://www.gametunnel.com/articles.php?id=403 --game of the year on this site. haha

chipua 11-22-2009 11:20 AM

try this game
try left for dead it rocks

telekinetic 11-22-2009 12:58 PM

Not in 2006 it didn't

Rekna 11-22-2009 04:35 PM

Oh shit! This thread is a zombie!!!!!!!! Shoot it in the head!

Plan9 11-22-2009 08:04 PM

Check this out:

Zombie Games - Online Zombie Games - The best zombie game site.


DonnieBoy 11-22-2009 08:27 PM

Best Zombie Game EVER!
Plants vs Zombies!

MexicanOnABike 11-22-2009 08:45 PM

I killed the zombie thread with my last post!

mkultra419 12-10-2009 08:00 PM

^^^Zombie thread rises from its grave^^^

If you are interested in a multiplayer FPS I highly recommend Left 4 Dead 1&2. It has a lot of different multiplayer modes (pure coop, versus, short play coop). Valve really knows how to put polish and balance into a game (which explains why they take so bloody long to finish them).

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