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There's a cat lover working for google... (Image link thread)
Ok, this started with three google image searches I did in the picture linkage thread. All of the results found me cool pictures, but also brought up pictures of cats!
See the relevant page of the picture linkage thread for the proof... So, the object of this thread is to find out just how far this fascination goes... Similar rules to the rest, post your picture and make up a topic for the next poster. Next one then has to do a google image search for a word or set of words related to the suggestion, then post: - the exact search terms used - the page number on which they find a cat - the cat! - then a topic for the next poster. Away we go! blob fish page 1! direct hit! http://images.google.co.uk/images?q=...ges/Mitten.gif next: big copper |
page 3 for ninja ... doh !! since I cant read the rules I'll just play with these mittens pinned to my jacket. |
I will use <b>cowudders14</b>'s "Big Copper" because I don't think that <b>seethreepo</b> got the rules of the thread.
8th page http://www.persian-cats.com/gallery/missy3.jpg Next Topic: Ball |
Pg. 13. I think 2 of those are cats. Topic: Mountain Dew |
not exactly a cat... but this is on page 7
<img src="http://www.llamalife.com/photos/gameboy.jpeg"> 404 on the bigger image, but page 9 <img src="http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:AAv7jyaJSB4C:www.dynamicats.com/Gameboy.jpg"> //blah it won't link properly. oh well munko beat me anyway & i forgot to add the next one as well. ignore me, carry on! |
is the topic still mountain dew?
yes, glophead.
C'mon folks.
I really think that <b>cowudders14</b> has something here. |
Sticky - thanks for the bump! Much appreciated.
Carrying on the thread myself: Seached for wet Page 4, image 3 (quite a scary photo actually!): http://www.nomi-and-tim.org/kitties/pixel-wet.jpg Next: big moo Note: You don't have to use the exact search term given, just something that is in some way connected with it. Make it an obscure search term, make it a daft one - that's the fun of the thread! |
There is one on page 2 and another on page 4 but I can't link to them.
next: Happy |
I thought of happy and came up with smiling!
Put it into google: Hit no 1. First image, first page! Eek! http://www.painsupport.co.uk/newslet...%20reduced.jpg Next: smoking |
interesting, this could be the end of society as we know it
"It's life Jim, but not as we know it..."
not a cat, but page 6 brought this critter that made me chuckle.
<img src="http://www.ahajokes.com/cartoon/smoking.jpg"> and ahaha page 7 brings us this cat who is apparently at the same party as the groundhog above... <img src="http://www.the-head-shop.co.uk/smoking-cat.jpg"> next: phone |
I looked through all 48 pages for "phone" and didn't see any cats. I did see some dogs and other animals here and there.
ok, took me far too many pages, but I got one for telephone:
http://www.telephoneart.com/cartoon/cat.gif Ok, lets make this a bit easier - open choice! Choose the most random work you can think of and stick it in google... |
"noodle" top of page 3
<img src="http://www.freezer-burn.org/~vdanen/tika-noodle.jpg"> how about poodle? |
took me FOREVER, but:
http://www.lins-antiques.com/photos/m1248x.jpg I forget what page, but it was WAY back there. next word: Tarot |
I put in tarot, but got loads of images of cards, so though "let's get rid of them". A search for "tarot -cards": Image 3, page 2!
http://www.bltn.com/epona/images/tarot.jpg Next: crying/cry/sob/sobbing - something along those lines! |
I used the word "tearful" on the tenth page
http://images.google.com/images?q=te...start=180&sa=N http://www.moggies.co.uk/catsgall/im...y_scarlett.jpg Next word: "road crew" or "work crew" or "something crew". |
Astrocloud, you've found a word that google has not left any catnip in. i searched "road crew" & "work crew" & just plain "crew" & not one single kitty cat.
so finally, in pure exhaustion, i searched "feline crew" :lol: <img src="http://www.folsomfelines.org/friends/original/t_crew.jpg"> Next word: <b>stormy</b> (hopefully that's an easy one!) |
result for "truck"... took a while
http://clausius.engr.utk.edu/planetc...forest_003.jpg next one. Ski |
Not a single cat to be seen when searching for cat, but the very last picture on the very last page returned this:
http://www.fairchildgarden.org/images/egretchomps.jpg Now lets try 'hood' |
out of 48 pages, this is the best i could find:
<img src="http://www.oldengine.org/members/dene/hood.jpg"> page 23 <img src="http://uptowncity.com/sinterest/racing/b1/hood.jpg"> page 40 Next: <b>lamp</b> |
bernadette, that's brilliant! It's very true that I didn't actually specify the type of cat, so both of your images are in fact correct to the thread! Very funny too!
As for lamp, I searched for lamp shade. Page 1 gave me a dog: http://www.bloodhounds.com/briarpatch/images/SHADE.JPG but it's not quite the cat that is needed... Page 2 gave me this: http://www.joann.com/images/catalog/...p_ADI508-d.jpg Which fulfills the criteria of cats, but has nothing to do with lamp shades... :confused: Edit: er, I need to give another topic, don't I? :D duh... er, um, er, actually, that'll do! : "Er". |
Well instead of "er" I used "purr" :) and got this one from pg 3.
http://www.helppets.org/Purr.jpg next up.....egypt (come on...should be lots of stuff there!!!!) |
http://www.lonvig.dk/cat-red.jpg On page 2
And on page 16 http://www.birman.net/NBF/grands/Chi...%20Khaleas.jpg Next: Weed |
Shell came up a big loser, but tortoiseshell revealed
http://www.moggies.co.uk/royell/tortoiseshell.jpg Next, "Fido" or "Dog". |
Edit: Picture no linky.
http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?im...UTF-8%26sa%3DN The cat's name is Fido. Found on page 7 using the search: Fido. Next up to bat: Outdoors |
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