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BP Spills Coffee
First of all, I'm not all up-to-date exactly on what and why the 'Gulf Oil Spill' seems to want to corrall (sp?) the masses to place the blame squarely on either BP or Obama, other than those two are the 'head-honchos' of the operation, and failure to secure the damage means that they might as well started the mess in the first place (this is just what I think others are thinking). My point is that I don't know how responsible BP really is for what could have been just a manufactural/extraction accident, if not actually something that might also have been naturally-related(responsible) as well.
Anyways, while I don't know if BP is "evil" or not, I suppose I can contribute a few illustrations here, even if I do so reluctantly. http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l3...6aawo1_500.gif See Mike Draw |
Watched the short just now, and gotta say, it was funny (if only because I don't know the history of it).
Though, I am now thinking what the net cost of a solution of actually setting the surface spillage on fire would accomplish (other than outrage). - - - http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l3...6o1_r1_500.jpg Portrait of a BP executive by ~MikePMitchell |
I just watched it with a few office mates looking over my shoulder, the one with the large breasts kept poking the back of my head, dammit!, and we all thought the concept was good, potentially funny, but in the end the execution of the comedy let us down.
I wanted the cleaning lady or person to walk in and just mop it up. |
I thought it was hilarious, Cynthetic. Thanks
Kevin Costner: You are all fucked.
Funny short video.
Pollution Source: l'homme d'aujourd'hui (Éditions Hachette-1971) Illustrateur: inconnu -- courtesy of Mondorama 2000. |
BP is Burning Sea Turtles Alive [VIDEO]
excerpt: Mike Ellis is a boat captain who's been rescuing the endangered Kemp's Ridley sea turtles near Deepwater Horizon. He's got some pretty horrifying news to share: BP is burning turtles caught in the oil spill and turning away rescue workers who want to save them. |
The 10 worst BP gaffes in Gulf oil spill. [Yahoo News]
Could Kevin Costner's Machine Work on the Oil Spill? : Discovery News
excerpt: Over the last couple of [weeks], I've seen a number of stories about the actor Kevin Costner promoting an oil-separating machine that could be used to help clean up the oil in the Gulf of Mexico. It works by sucking oily water up a hose, sending it into a spinning chamber, where centrifugal forces separate the oil from the water. According to this NY Times piece, the machine could remove 210,000 gallons of oil from water a day, at 200 gallons a minute. |
a view by / from NASA: On Saturday, June 19, 2010, oil spread northeast from the leaking [DaMn.] |
Oil Tide is disheartening.
(Let's see if this works - :.:test image:.: ... testing. click to zoom.) Delicate patterns in the sea breaking on Orange Beach, Alabama, more than 90 miles from the BP oil spill, cannot distract from the mess four to six inches deep on parts of the shore. -- (Dave Martin/AP) [Guardian.] |
Petro Lio 'Via del Mare 58' Messico DISPERSO [simonerea.] |
Captured: The Gulf Oil Spill
Oil and oil sheen are seen off an island in the waters of Chandeleur Sound, La., on Wednesday, May 5, 2010. [Entire 62-photo gallery can be seen in the source link below.] -- (AP Photo/Eric Gay) [DenverPost.] |
Disney, Pixar, and BP present "Finding Nemo 2: Escape from Oilglobs" - Boing Boing |
ummm, Jetee? I don't know how to tell you this: this thread started as an appreciation of making light of a difficult situation, &!:
"...somebody dropped a spanner, dropped it in the hole." -? |
I'm not making light of this? Save for a few half-dozen posts, none of these illustrations are really serious (or to be taken as so, it is just a visual compendium, and conextual awareness of the situation).
Plus, I think people stopped visiting this thread after the first week, so I thought what harm could come of this trans-morphing into the "let's bash on BP" commons. |
No harm intended. I'm just gaining the knowledge you leave your light off. |
"Sky and Water (II)"
Next week's cover for The New Yorker, illustrated by Bob Staake. *context [NewYorker.] |
A brown pelican covered in oil from the Deepwater Horizon is seen on the beach at East Grand Terre Island along the Louisiana coast on Thursday, June 3, 2010. -- (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) |
There Will Be Oil "Come in crude. Go home refined." |
A sign marked a beach closed in Grand Isle, La., due to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. As BP tried the “top kill” method, President Barack Obama told a news conference the government is in charge. He suspended planned drilling off the coasts of Alaska and Virginia and on 33 wells currently being drilled in the Gulf of Mexico. [WSJ.] |
The Xbox Video Game About The Gulf Oil Spill Isn't Very Fun Quote:
Seriously? I hope they're giving any profits to the clean-up effort.
Inappropriate Jazz Hands. BP Edition || by The Searcher alleged transcripts: Emergency Response Meeting, BP Field Headquarters, Ritz-Carlton New Orleans. Penthouse suite. click to show |
Just dump oil all over everything Everywhere and get it over with I lost my baby due to penalty kicks. Hope has turned to cobalt goo Change we can believe in the way We believe in unicorns and Jedis. It's too hot to be a free agent Each atom is a poem with its Own spinning agenda, which demands [Line of poem drowned out by vuvuzelas]. Let me put my poems inside you with A spatula and we'll ride across the grammar To a whistle on the mortgage of a field Speckled with dusky crickets who have No regard for human life. It's not Convex Mirror, it's Houseboat Days And you're the sunburned, bearded captain Drifting further out away from the cherry Chocolate harbor. I tried to climb the ladders but a gorilla Was throwing barrels at me. You'll need guide wires, a harness and a team of Sherpas just to get through the day. Here we go The whale reminds us how much we have failed. - - - [theawl.] |
Have a (re-)fine weekend. |
Niger Delta, you are not forgotten.
http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/h...8_otapioca.jpg In the oil town of Afiesere, in Warri North district of the Niger Delta, local Urohobo people bake "krokpo-garri", or tapioca in the heat of a gas flare. Since 1961, when Shell Petroleum Development Company first opened this flow station, residents of the local community have worked in this way. Life span is short for these people, as pollutants from the flare cause serious health problems. photo & caption by Ed Kashi |
//threadjack//:) |
continuing the hijack:
http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/h...3680647pel.jpg ---------- Post added at 01:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 PM ---------- Oil spills are not only funny, they're sexy too. http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/h...nigerdelta.jpg Niger Delta |
"Priorities, I suppose."
You remember "Ain't we been usin'" & how we wouldn't go there. |
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