![]() |
I'd go with phil, wherever he led me, as long as I was on a leash...
Shalafi coming back? |
sorry man.
you got me instead. hey,where's JJ been lately? |
not here...
PJ...wake up! |
i'm up, i'm up.....
is charlie? |
he told me he was dressing as a Geisha girl tonight.
big executive party tonight eh. still kickin' around phil? |
Actually I'm kickin'
JS and I finally reunited!!! Hooray! Shesus? |
nope youll have to settle for little ole me.
sage isnt it about time for you to make an apearance on this page? |
Herbs are just domesticated forbs.
shesus? |
she's not here...
fly? |
The flying noise they make seems onomotopoeic.
Slepnlig! Upper Peninsula? |
you rang?
shesus... |
Apparently I'm following you.
shalafi! |
JJ? |
GG (As in Ghoastgirl) |
omg! all I could think of was...
Herbs...of my lady's liking? |
i have herbs in the kitchen. would you like some marjoram? or some rosemary perhaps?
is ghoasty around? |
does that work for ya' rockhead? lookin' for phil now. |
I'm late! Apologies...
How about...OCM? |
if by OCM your looking for an OverweightCaucasianMale then its your lucky day!
you around today shesus? |
Isn't shesus everywhere?
Lady Sage? |
No Grace is everywhere. Shesus is up in the great white north.
And Speccies up next. |
Yes he is.
I know you're still waiting around to see if I posted shalafi. :) |
Sage to the rescue and having an insomniac moment. (Lovely isnt it)
777 |
Ding, ding, ding!
And here's your prize: http://wiki.coolmon.org/files/cookie.jpg You get a cookie :thumbsup: Flyman, would you like to give a try? |
sure man.....thanks.
7's is still here.........i know it. |
*Munches on her cookie. Thanks 777!
uncle phil? |
can do...will do...
fly? |
hey mystro.....how does it go?
tell me all about it phil. that means you have to come back eh. |
yay, us!!!
fly, be spry... |
Possibly fly's doing something else.
Sir? |
OCM how many times have I told you you don't have to call me sir......but better that than ma'am.
you hiding around here somewhere 7s? |
Hmmm, somewhere alone between 7 and 7!
spectre. |
I think OCM is still here. |
Strangely enough...
Isis? |
Lady Sage? I miss my kitties... |
Shalafi! |
PJ? |
how 'bout warrrreagl... |
flyguy? |
I am not fly but I have one in my pants.
Gimmie triple 7. |
Lady Sage, he's not bothering you too, is he? |
I just got out of bed... the only thing that is bothering me is finishing all this clothing for the wedding and trying to find material for my dress and trying to get everyone down here for their fittings and so I can measure them for shoes and and and and and....... *smack* Ok, crisis over.
Shesus! |
Shesus? ...
shesus is busy right now. I think she's still waiting for Geraldo to find Al Capone's vault. You'll have to settle for me.
Sage? |
very freakin' funny joe. you bastard. come on back and lets discuss this over a case of Guinness. |
hmmm....Miss Lady Sage around? |
Double post...I should have predicted myself. :lol:
If I could predict myself, I wouldn't make so many mistakes.
Shesus help me! |
ooooohh you should have tried praying to Grace.
charlie? |
uhhhh, charlie is, um, indisposed at the moment....will I do? :suave:
ourcrazymodern? for 20. |
i'll take that 20 thank you.
you kickin' around still mixed? |
well, I was...and then I wasn't...but now I am. :)
hmmmm, lemme see, how 'bout...obviously I'm not much of a psychic Charlatan |
nope. just lil ole me :D
oh sheeeeesuuuuuus |
Sorry rock head.
777 |
PJ? |
Sorry, sir!
mixedmedia. |
in your dreams buddy hehe
pan |
You've got that right!
& I'm obsessed: mixedmedia? |
Not tonight.
Shesus? |
mixedmedia |
give the man a cigar...
Fly |
try again....
Mixed is next |
but OCM will probly be around shortly |
wrong...me again...I just show up to screw up the flow. :)
Sage? |
Damn....I jumped the gun.....
Heres Mixed |
s-w-w-weet...right on cue
Chimera...come on back |
PJ's around here somewhere... |
actually...there was a fluctuation in the space -time continum...I posted before you Phil...but due to quantum differential, it SEEMS as if you were first.
sweetpeas turn damn temperal rift drew shalafi in |
she must be in hiding.
M^2 you still about? |
Hiding moi? no way :p
Shesus will be next... I can feel it... |
nope that's just the mm feeling...the shesus feeling is focused much more in the temporal lobe...much like I'm having right now :D
heeeeere's shesus she says.... |
...as she sells her seashells by the shore...
where's fly? |
Nope... didn't see me coming, did ya?
But the Fly shall arrive soon! |
sooner than later..........how you been grump?
tell me man...... |
Short timing the internet, taking care of business, fly.
Feeling good, looking better! How about you! fly, again? |
You both need a Bood Job....fortunately, I am hee to keep the Ladies pleased...heh.
Sultana is next |
just makin' music man.......takin' a quick beer break,then back at her. Chimera? |
well..you got lucky this time
Sultana.....I am waiting, as most verile males on this site....are |
Sultana will be along when you least expect it.
Fly? |
"I believe you were expecting me?"
Satine, Moulin Rouge But I spy, with my little eye...mixedmedia again? Don't keep me waiting, darhlink...:icare: |
sorry 'bout takin' the next slot. mixed? |
But I have a feeling shes next |
nope sorry to disappoint
come back sulty come back |
/me can be sultry...
777? |
You'll just have to settle for me, Uncle Phil. My legs are almost as nice. :p
Chimera....come here-a |
Madame, that doesn't even rhyme!
unclephil? |
details, details....
ocm?...yeah, that's right, I know you're still out there |
It's a thrill to oblige! It seems I see you too.
shalafi? |
/me looks for those legs...
mm? |
If I could mix them like that I'd be working in different medias, too.
Any chance, mm? |
fair to middling....
let's see...what time is it in Singapore? Ch-ch-ch-charlatan |
nope, me again :)
fly? |
I guessed you once!
I guess you again? |
Guess Whoooooo!
haven't seen Crackhead in here lately. Where you hidin boy? |
sorry man, me again :)...boo!
ummmmm, how about mixedmedia? |
Nope, not this time around.
I'm going to guess...OCM...I see that name about every other post...it's the closest to making me right. :lol: |
bernadetti spaghetti stops in every once in a while...maybe now? |
no no spaghetti tonight. just leftover pizza.
haven't seen M^2 yet today |
No dice
Shalafi, cmon back. |
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