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maleficent 05-24-2006 05:20 AM

Attack Cat on death Row
This is just funny and sad at the same time...

Owner goes to court to save attack cat

FAIRFIELD, Connecticut (AP) -- Janet Kettman says she and her neighbors on Sunset Circle are always looking over their shoulders in fear the stalker will strike again.

"He attacks from the back," Kettman said Monday. "You never see it coming. He has six toes on every foot, which constitutes a very formidable weapon."

Kettman said she was attacked twice by Lewis the cat, whose owner was due back in court Tuesday on a charge of second-degree reckless endangerment.

Ruth Cisero, the cat's owner, recently withdrew her bid for special probation and opted for trial because she would have had to allow Lewis to be euthanized.

Eugene Riccio, attorney for Cisero and Lewis, said "We're trying to negotiate a fair resolution of the case which will include Lewis' life being spared from the executioner."

On Tuesday, Cisero was in Bridgeport Superior Court on a charge of second-degree reckless endangerment. A hearing was set for June 20 to determine whether she could get special probation and have her cat's life spared.

A few animal-rights protesters showed up Tuesday wearing T-shirts in support of Cisero and Lewis.

"They want to kill a cat for a scratch," said Marisa Sampieri of Fairfield, one of the cat's supporters. "These people have to get a life."

Neighbors say they have been terrorized by Lewis, saying the cat's long claws and stealth have allowed the cat to attack at least a half-dozen people and ambush the Avon lady as she was getting out of her car.

"I fear for the people on Sunset Circle," Kettman said. "Whenever you go out, you look in back of you to see if there is anything stalking you."

Kettman says she was a champion racquetball player, but at 76, the retired nurse is no match for Lewis. In the second attack last December, Kettman said Lewis bit her three times and left about eight deep scratches.

"He will not retreat," Kettman said. "His mouth is open and his tail is swishing."

"Also, he gives out mixed signals," Kettman continued. "He would sidle against you and purr. You bend down to pet him and he'd attack you."

Lewis was put on the antidepressant Prozac, but his owner was worried he became too sleepy, Kettman said.

There have been unconfirmed sightings lately of Lewis at 5 a.m., Kettman said.

Riccio confirmed that Lewis was on Prozac at one point. He said Cisero has kept her cat indoors, and he suggested Lewis' rap sheet is not as long as his neighbors say.

"I think the characterization of Lewis' prior conduct has been somewhat exaggerated," Riccio said.

Lewis has other supporters, who have sold more than 500 "Save Lewis" T-shirts to raise money for his defense fund.

The special probation offer with conditions was made at the insistence of one woman that Lewis attacked on February 20. In a letter to prosecutors, she said she would only agree to probation for Cisero if the cat were put to death.
Psycho Stalker Kitty on Prozac and probation... I swear you can't make up news stories like this...


Also, he gives out mixed signals," Kettman continued. "He would sidle against you and purr. You bend down to pet him and he'd attack you."
Ah so he lulls his victims into a false sense of security - kinda like a sociopath - only he's a sociocat?

Should they destroy the cat or not? Cat scratches can hurt... but is this cat really a threat to society?

The_Jazz 05-24-2006 06:04 AM

It sounds like this cat is dangerous - he does more than scratch since the article also mentioned bites. If he attacked a child or maimed a toddler, people would be lining up to give the lethal injection. As it stands, he's a danger to the community and needs to either be kept indoors or declawed, as cruel as some may find that.

Then again, this is Tilted Nonsense so my rational thoughts are most likely misplaced. I'll head back over to Politics now.

Cynthetiq 05-24-2006 06:20 AM

Dogs get one free bite normally... cats should be the same.. one free attack

Redlemon 05-24-2006 06:21 AM

This is 'local news' for me. You have no idea how sick of it I am already. I swear that that cat's photo has been on the front page of the Connecticut Post about 5 times already.

maleficent 05-24-2006 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Then again, this is Tilted Nonsense so my rational thoughts are most likely misplaced. I'll head back over to Politics now.

this article is nonsense because of the stupidity of this story - and the fact that it made me laugh when i read it...

Lady Sage 05-24-2006 06:24 AM

Send the cat to me, I will allow him to live out his days unbothered here.
Then again I often prefer the company of animals to that of humans and I am fond of the abuse rehab cases. Animals always have a reason for acting the way they do. Thats all I have to say about that.

Brewmaniac 05-24-2006 07:17 AM

Maybe the cat had an abusive up bringing.

pan6467 05-25-2006 08:49 AM

Trust me when the ladyb says:


Originally Posted by Lady Sage
Then again I often prefer the company of animals to that of humans and I am fond of the abuse rehab cases. Animals always have a reason for acting the way they do. Thats all I have to say about that.

She means it....... except for DinkyDawg :p .

cyrnel 05-25-2006 09:19 AM

What is it about cats? Once they get the taste of human flesh... Perhaps Cisero should keep Lewis well supplied with a Hufu diet.

HufuTM is designed to resemble, as humanly possible, the taste and texture of human flesh. If you've never had human flesh before, think of the taste and texture of beef, except a little sweeter in taste and a little softer in texture. Contrary to popular belief, people do not taste like pork or chicken.

Originally Posted by Lady Sage
...Animals always have a reason for acting the way they do.

Like perhaps, the cat's completely fucked in the head? :D

I once had a cat that was completely nuts. Evidently he had been abandoned right after birth. The neighbor rescued him. When I moved in he sort of adopted me. I loved that little guy but he was so completely in outer space I considered having him tested for radiation levels. Methinks Lewis T Cat also has issues. Maybe a few too many hours spent reading Calvin & Hobbes?

optik_nerve 05-25-2006 09:49 AM


There have been unconfirmed sightings lately of Lewis at 5 a.m., Kettman said.

I think the cat should just be detained in the house. I don't think it's that hard to keep a domesticated (or so we think) cat inside of the house.

I have 2 dogs that never leave the house without me. Is it really any difference between cats and dogs?

maleficent 05-25-2006 09:50 AM

cats are crafty - especially stalker psycho cats who are on prozac... they can sneak out when you least expect it... :)

Lady Sage 05-25-2006 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by cyrnel
Like perhaps, the cat's completely fucked in the head? :D

Like some people I know (unfortunately) I just wanna know who decided to give the cat prozac???????

Elphaba 05-25-2006 03:53 PM

^^ I thought that very strange as well. That medication was never intended nor tested for animal use as far as I know. The whole story seems a bit skeptical, but people do screwy things.

Redlemon 05-26-2006 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by Elphaba
That medication was never intended nor tested for animal use as far as I know.

I have a buddy who used to work in a pet store with an extensive aquarium section. It was located near a mental institution, where some residents were allowed to come and go freely.

One of the residents had a very fancy fish tank, and came in frequently for advice, fish, etc. One day, he said "All my fish died last night". "Really, were there any changes in temperature, did you change the water, or something?" "Well, some of the fish were fighting, so I gave them some of my Prozac. It always works to calm me down."

So, it's been tested on fish! :thumbsup:

Elphaba 05-26-2006 08:47 AM

Dead is as calm as a fish will get. :D

Lady Sage 05-26-2006 03:47 PM

Sometimes I wonder about the mental stability of people yanno? Perhaps the Prozac is what made the cat mondo-psycho. Perhaps it wasnt quite as insane before?

Grasshopper Green 05-26-2006 04:45 PM

We used to have a stalker cat. He would hide in the stairwell and attack unsuspecting people as they walked downstairs..or he'd hide in the paper grocery bags and attack as you were bringing in the rest of the groceries. I hated that cat. He didn't terrorize the neighborhood though...he kept those feelings of aggression for family only.

Fly 05-26-2006 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Elphaba
Dead is as calm as a fish will get. :D


sorry.........carry on.

Tophat665 05-29-2006 06:41 PM

At least Lewis doesn't know Kung-Fu

sillygirl 06-01-2006 07:29 AM

Almost reminds me of this http://phoenix.craigslist.org/zip/166640110.html

Dilbert1234567 06-01-2006 08:00 AM

I had a very violent cat when I was growing up; she would bite your nose in the middle of the night just to watch you bleed, sneak up behind you and draw her claws across your foot, tearing in really deep. Still loved her, when she got to violent, we would just picker her up and toss her in a spare room until she calmed down.

All the person who is getting attacked has to do is smack the cat, not hard, the cat will go running and that will be the end of it.

vanblah 06-01-2006 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Elphaba
^^ I thought that very strange as well. That medication was never intended nor tested for animal use as far as I know. The whole story seems a bit skeptical, but people do screwy things.

Prozac has indeed been tested on animals and prescribed for a number of things. Although, not approved ...


Or you can Google "animal prozac"

In the article I linked it has a section on reasons for the prescription; for cats "Behavioral problems, such as inappropriate aggression, howling, inappropriate urination, marking"

sapiens 06-01-2006 11:52 AM

If people treated their cats like their dogs, and kept them on their own property rather than letting them roam the neighborhood, this cat would not be such a problem.

Whenever my neighbor's cat comes into our yard, I turn the hose on him.

maleficent 06-20-2006 12:01 PM

Lewis gets detention

BRIDGEPORT, Connecticut (AP) -- A Connecticut judge on Tuesday spared the life of alleged serial-scratcher Lewis the cat, whom even Prozac could not tame, but ordered that the felonious feline remain inside his owner's home at all times.

"There are no exceptions. None," said Judge Patrick Carroll, who also granted accelerated rehabilitation to Lewis' owner, Ruth Cisero of Fairfield, Connecticut.

That means her record will be expunged if she successfully completes two years of probation.

Cisero had faced a charge of reckless endangerment. Neighbors complained that the cat's long claws and stealth have allowed it to attack at least a half-dozen people and ambush the Avon cosmetics lady as she got out of her car on her neighborhood rounds.

Cisero had rejected a previous offer of accelerated rehabilitation if she agreed to euthanize Lewis.

Carroll said Lewis cannot leave the house, even if he gets out accidentally. He said the case is not about a cat, but about people having the right to live in safety in their neighborhoods.

Janet Kettman, one of Lewis" victims, has previous said she and her neighbors on Sunset Circle are always looking over their shoulders in fear the stalker will strike again.

"He attacks from the back," Kettman said. "You never see it coming. He has six toes on every foot, which constitutes a very formidable weapon."

"He will not retreat," Kettman said. "His mouth is open and his tail is swishing."

"Also, he gives out mixed signals," Kettman continued. "He would sidle against you and purr. You bend down to pet him and he'd attack you."

The case drew national attention. Lewis has appeared in People magazine and his own page on the social networking site MySpace.com.

But Cisero said Tuesday she would prefer to have never had the attention.

"I never thought it would come to this," she said. "It's been an absolute nightmare. It's ruined my life."

Lewis was put on the antidepressant Prozac, but his owner was worried and took him off it he became too sleepy.
Goodness he even has a myspace page, wonder if he's been solicited by PETophiles :)

Nice to have this story have a happy ending...

Lady Sage 06-20-2006 03:16 PM

*"ambush the Avon cosmetics lady as she got out of her car on her neighborhood rounds."*

For this alone he deserves a medal! He stops solicitation cold!

*"Janet Kettman, one of Lewis victims, has previous said she and her neighbors on Sunset Circle are always looking over their shoulders in fear the stalker will strike again.
"He attacks from the back," Kettman said. "You never see it coming. He has six toes on every foot, which constitutes a very formidable weapon."
"He will not retreat," Kettman said. "His mouth is open and his tail is swishing."
"Also, he gives out mixed signals," Kettman continued. "He would sidle against you and purr. You bend down to pet him and he'd attack you.""*

Perhaps Mr. Kitty could get a job with the military? Tip their claws in something lethal and let them into an enemy camp... Oh what a nice little OW OW OW why you evil little *thunk*..... sounds like a plan to me!

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