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FngKestrel 06-08-2005 11:20 PM

Make Love!* *The Bruce Campbell Way
Has anyone read this book? It's the second book by Bruce Campbell, a semi-fictional account as he takes on an acting job with Richard Gere. I'm about 6 chapters in and it is absolutely hilarious.

He's doing a book tour to promote the book and is coming to Campbell to have a signing. In addition, he's premiering his directorial debut, "The Man with the Screaming Brain."

Details at his site:

El Pollo 06-09-2005 02:02 AM

Oh, I'll be getting the book soon. I'll buy it when he comes through my part of town in about a month here. See, I'm a huge Bruce Campbell fan. And it just so happens that this tour is coming through my city on my birthday. So there's a nice little gift for me right there. Can't wait to get myt hands on the book and see Man With the Screaming Brain. I've met him a few times before and he's always been very cool. I have a framed print of my Ash drawing (currently on display in Tilted Artwork) autographed by Bruce hanging right by my computer. Wonder what I'll get signed this time...

Jesus Pimp 06-09-2005 04:16 AM

Yeah it's great. I can't wait till he comes to NYC for his book tour next week and screening of Man with a Screaming Brain.

sadistikdreams 06-09-2005 08:34 PM

Oh man, I gotta tell my old Horticulture teacher, she's in LOVE with him.

And maybe I should pick up the book too.

QuasiMojo 06-10-2005 03:56 PM

I must say...
I DO have an autographed copy of- "If Chins Could Kill"

: )

a very entertaining journle of a starving artiste`

Willravel 06-10-2005 04:12 PM

I'm going to be at the Campbell signing on Monday. GET THERE EARLY. Do not underestimate the Bruce Campbell fans!! I just wish we could screen Army of Darkness.

FngKestrel 06-10-2005 04:33 PM

Gonna try to get there at least an hour or two before hand. I work up the peninsula, so getting down will be mildly aggravating.

Willravel 06-11-2005 09:08 AM

See you there. Best of luck batteling your way down the highways.

gnort 06-11-2005 09:51 AM

I definitely plan on picking up the book. Saw him on his last book tour and it was great, he's coming around next week but I'm not sure I'll be able to go. If not I'll just catch him in september when he comes aroudn again.

Those who have read it, any opinions on the book? Is it as good as we all hoped it to be?

FngKestrel 06-11-2005 10:00 AM

Comedy gold.

Hell, the book flaps made me laugh my ass off.

El Pollo 06-13-2005 10:46 PM

So, those of you who have gone to the book signings already, how was it? Any good stories? And how was Man With The Screaming Brain for those of you who got a book signing and a screening. Still waiting for Bruce to hit Texas in July...

FngKestrel 06-13-2005 11:13 PM

It was a laugh riot. I got there at 4 in the afternoon and while it was ridiculously hot, I was able to chat with some friends until it was time to start the signing. I wanted to have him sign something unique, but meeting him face to face, I was pretty star struck and just answered his question about what I do for a living.

Getting to the line so early (like second in line), I was able to get some great seats for the movie. The movie is a total trip. A weird ass movie, so proclaimeth Bruce.

And then we had the Q&A. And damn, there were some STUPID questions. You know how teachers always say, there are no stupid questions? Wrong. There were some questions that made me embarrassed to be in the audience. Questions like, "Why was Ted Raimi's hand larger in some scenes?"

In fact, if anyone attends the Q&A session in a later city, ask him what he thought of the Q&A session in Campbell and let me know what he says. And for Gods sake, ask him a good question, maybe pertaining to the directing or the writing or something intelligent.

All in all, Bruce is super cool. During and after the screening of the movie(11:30 PM), he was still signing autographs for fans waiting there.

I'll post some pics in the portraits forum shortly.

FngKestrel 06-14-2005 12:58 AM

Posted pics in the thread:


El Pollo 07-05-2005 06:54 PM

Just got back from the Austin screening of MWTSB. Bruce is such a ham. He's always fun at these events and that was such a strange strange movie. But I like strange strange movies. We had a fairly good Q&A session even though the gratuitous Evil Dead 4 question came up. Bruce's response: "Hmmmm... Forgive the pause, it's because this question has never come up before."

Johnny Pyro 07-06-2005 12:57 PM

I'll have to buy that book. Bubba Ho-tep was awsome!! :D

mystmarimatt 07-07-2005 11:57 AM

I went to the book-signing here in Portland, it was pretty nifty, although waiting in the heat for 4 hours was not. I did get to tell him how much I loved "Briscoe County, Jr." though. That was funny.

El Pollo 07-08-2005 12:27 AM

At our Q&A session Bruce decribed his next movie and I loved the concept, but I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. In the movie he plays himself, and there's a small town that has a real monster in it, so they hire the "Evil Dead Guy" to come take care of it. Sounds like a fun movie, even if it is fairly close to the idea for Galaxy Quest. If anybody is going to any of his later Q&A sessions, see what he says about his next film, because I'd love to see this.

amonkie 07-09-2005 08:28 AM

Got a question for you guys -

Bruce will be in town here the 13th - I honestly haven't heard of him or read anything by him before this thread and the pictures popped up. He's doing the signing/screening of Screaming Brain. Is it worth it for someone who's pretty much goin on hearsay this is an awesome thing without knowing anything? I'm envision the line that's going to creep out into the 116 degree heat next week ... and want to make sure it's worth it.

El Pollo 07-09-2005 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by amonkie
Got a question for you guys -

Bruce will be in town here the 13th - I honestly haven't heard of him or read anything by him before this thread and the pictures popped up. He's doing the signing/screening of Screaming Brain. Is it worth it for someone who's pretty much goin on hearsay this is an awesome thing without knowing anything? I'm envision the line that's going to creep out into the 116 degree heat next week ... and want to make sure it's worth it.

I've got to say, that being as huge a Bruce fan as I am, this answer surprises even me, but I think you'd be better off not going. The main reason is that this movie is wonderfully terrible. You have to like incredibly goofy cheese in order to enjoy this movie. And if you liked incredibly goofy cheese, you'd already know who Bruce Campbell is. And the whole Q&A session will be a bore if you have no interest in the guy. I remember I sat in on a Q&A session for some actor from Babylon 5. I'd never seen the show nor heard of this guy. Sure he was charming and funny, but it was boring. So what I'm trying to say is, this movie really isn't Bruce's brightest moment. If you're really interested, check out Army of Darkness or Bubba Ho-Tep or Brisco County Jr. ahead of time.

FngKestrel 07-09-2005 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by El Pollo
I've got to say, that being as huge a Bruce fan as I am, this answer surprises even me, but I think you'd be better off not going. The main reason is that this movie is wonderfully terrible. You have to like incredibly goofy cheese in order to enjoy this movie. And if you liked incredibly goofy cheese, you'd already know who Bruce Campbell is. And the whole Q&A session will be a bore if you have no interest in the guy. I remember I sat in on a Q&A session for some actor from Babylon 5. I'd never seen the show nor heard of this guy. Sure he was charming and funny, but it was boring. So what I'm trying to say is, this movie really isn't Bruce's brightest moment. If you're really interested, check out Army of Darkness or Bubba Ho-Tep or Brisco County Jr. ahead of time.

Yeah, I'll back up El Pollo on this one. Rent Army of Darkness before the 13th and watch that. Or watch Evil Dead 2 first and then Army of Darkness. See if you like those first.

batteraziiz 07-12-2005 05:59 PM

Didn't realize this book was out. Loved "If Chins..", I'll be sure to pick this one up once I see it.

Ace_O_Spades 07-12-2005 07:08 PM

I'm going to be honest here, I didn't like the book.

I'm a massive campbell fan, went to the book signing and met him, loved all his movies and his previous book, but I just didn't like this one.

oh well

hail to the king anyway

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