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Kazic 01-25-2005 07:10 PM

Fantastic Four
At first glance at the trailer. I am totally psyched about this movie. It really does look cool.
As a comic geek I wasn't a big fan of alot of the movies of the past. Just low budget crap really. But the new wave (excluding Catwoman) they truly look great and actors are getting on board to do a good job.
And this is not exeption. I don't know the full script but I am assuming thy are doing the origin of course adapted for the screen. Does look really amazing.

Anyone else see this looking forward to it?

K-Wise 01-25-2005 07:25 PM

Well I dunno about looking foward to it but I probably will see it because well...if theres nothing else to see thats better it's better than doing nothing. I'm a little bitter about the selections they chose for the cast. They just seem like all the wrong ones. For one Mr. Fantastic is a grown ass man with grey sideburns n shit. Not some 25 year old who's supposed to be a genius scientist.



Now ya might laugh but to me a good Mr. Fantastic would be someone like

Peter Gallagher

He actually LOOKS like Mr. Fantastic.


noodles 01-25-2005 07:26 PM


K-Wise 01-25-2005 07:30 PM

Yup thats my thread. It's tha trailah :)


Booray 01-25-2005 07:32 PM

I just checked the cast on IMDB and the only casting decision that I liked a lot was Michael Chiklis as Ben Grimm/The Thing. But I just watched the trailer and it looks decent, possibly pretty good. I'm sure I'll see it when it comes out. Hope it's good.

K-Wise 01-25-2005 07:40 PM

^ Ditto. I don't think they went too bad with their pick for Johnny Storm but technically he's supposed to be a blond guy.


Kazic 01-25-2005 07:44 PM

true but by the way the suits look and who the chose to play Sue. (Jessica Alba) he doesn't look all that bad. And who they got to play Doom Looks really cool too. Will see how the play out the suite for him.

Kazic 01-25-2005 07:45 PM

true but by the way the suits look and who the chose to play Sue. (Jessica Alba) he doesn't look all that bad. And who they got to play Doom Looks really cool too. Will see how the play out the suit for him.
Although the cast do playout well together.

Booray 01-25-2005 07:46 PM

Just realized that the guy who plays Doom is Julian McMahon, the "ladies man" doctor on Nip/Tuck. He's great on there as kind of an asshole. Could be good in the part.

K-Wise 01-25-2005 08:40 PM

Yeah I guess we'll all know when it comes out.


tooblekane 01-27-2005 05:43 PM

i was never a huge fan of the comic growing up, and the trailer has turned me off to the idea even more. i've given all of the comic movies a chance, and most have been decent, some good (spiderman & xmen), but i just don't see this being good. at all. maybe i'll be wrong, but i'm doubting it.

Val_1 01-27-2005 07:49 PM

I loved the Fantastic Four (as well as the Avengers) when I was younger. Hell, I still think they're pretty cool. That's why I refuse to look forward to this film. Even if it's good, I'll be disapointed. That's what happened with the X-Men. It was fine. It just didn't live up to the comics. So, I'll give it some time and wait till it comes out on DVD, watch it while drunk and wind up loving it for it's cheesiness.

K-Wise 01-27-2005 07:59 PM

I wouldn't mind seeing and Avengers movie just to see how bad they would fuck up IronMan.


Fremen 01-27-2005 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by K-Wise
I wouldn't mind seeing and Avengers movie just to see how bad they would fuck up IronMan.


You may get your chance sooner, rather than later. Iron Man :thumbsup:

K-Wise 01-27-2005 08:35 PM

Ah man yer shittin me. I wonder who they'll cast in the role of Iron Man...if it's someone like Vin Diesle I'll fuckin kill myself


Lockjaw 01-27-2005 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by K-Wise
Ah man yer shittin me. I wonder who they'll cast in the role of Iron Man...if it's someone like Vin Diesle I'll fuckin kill myself


Actually it could have been worse. They were rumoring Justin Timberlake as Iron Man for a second. I almost broke my computer monitor when I saw that.
I think they could do Ironman himself fairly well. The Avengers as a whole however just won't translate.

K-Wise 01-28-2005 03:30 AM

I just imagine them trying a little TOO hard on the metalic suit he wears and making it look ridiculous and cheesy. Wouldn't be the first time. For instance Arnold Swartzinosohsgohso playing Mr. Freeze...and the ridiculously overly achieved suit they made him wear. Looked nothing like it did in the shows or comics it just looked ridiculous. People will do that if you give them enough money and you let them. Hopefully that won't happen with this. And if they ever picked Justin then someone better call in a favor to make sure he never gets to make it to the set.

I see what you mean by as a whole...people like Capt. America and Thor would be easy to cast though because they aren't larger than life like say The Incredible Hulk. I remember watching Troy and thinking that big ass dude with the hammer who knocks people off their horses would make a really great Thor haha. I don't think the Avengers is too far fetched but I think with that many shoes to fill they'd pick some really ridiculous casting to try and fill up the seats rather than looking for people who'd actually be good for the role. FF already proved that. But most of the Avengers could be played by average fit men...Capt. America, Thor, Hawkeye, even Falcon if they didn't cheese him up. Galactus would be a real gamble though.


Cycler 01-28-2005 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Booray
Just realized that the guy who plays Doom is Julian McMahon, the "ladies man" doctor on Nip/Tuck. He's great on there as kind of an asshole. Could be good in the part.

I think he'll be great. He plays sort of the ultra cool sauve bastard to a tee.

Halx 01-28-2005 09:54 PM

AT LEAST they save the good stuff for the two franchises I care about. Spider-Man and X-Men.

Lockjaw 01-28-2005 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by K-Wise
I just imagine them trying a little TOO hard on the metalic suit he wears and making it look ridiculous and cheesy. Wouldn't be the first time. For instance Arnold Swartzinosohsgohso playing Mr. Freeze...and the ridiculously overly achieved suit they made him wear. Looked nothing like it did in the shows or comics it just looked ridiculous. People will do that if you give them enough money and you let them. Hopefully that won't happen with this. And if they ever picked Justin then someone better call in a favor to make sure he never gets to make it to the set.

I see what you mean by as a whole...people like Capt. America and Thor would be easy to cast though because they aren't larger than life like say The Incredible Hulk. I remember watching Troy and thinking that big ass dude with the hammer who knocks people off their horses would make a really great Thor haha. I don't think the Avengers is too far fetched but I think with that many shoes to fill they'd pick some really ridiculous casting to try and fill up the seats rather than looking for people who'd actually be good for the role. FF already proved that. But most of the Avengers could be played by average fit men...Capt. America, Thor, Hawkeye, even Falcon if they didn't cheese him up. Galactus would be a real gamble though.


Iron Man I don't think would be a problem costume wise. If there is one thing the Marvel movies have done well is pulled off the comic costumes in a good looking,realistic,tasteful, yet appropriate homage to the comic books. The colors would be a bit more subdued and it would be more metalic looking than in the comics but it could work.

Now the reason I don't think the Avengers would translate well is they lack a dyanmic the X-men and FF have and that's more of a feel of a family of superheroes. They are great for the comic side of things but they just don't have that same capability to make realistic subplots. At least not easily. The second reason I don't think it would happen is because the characters have such diverse backgrounds and stories that Marvel would more likely just farm out their individual properties rather than making just one movie. Think about it. Even if Marvel made the Avengers and it made 350 million bucks and was a smash hit it would be harder for them to then branch those characters out. So it would be smarter to make a Thor movie that would make 150 million,a Captain America movie that would make 250 million and an Iron Man movie that will make 200 million. And then when you think about the likely hood of one movie studio landing the rights to all the major character of the Avengers and convincing all the talent to come back to make an Avengers movie...just too much to ask.
Unless they did an Avengers movie with people nobody would ever have heard of like Vision, Scarlet Witch,Wasp,Giantman etc....and then I don't think anybody would care. Nah the best thing Avengers fans could hope for is a cartoon based on them like the Justice League cartoon on Cartoon Network. Anything else either would be too complicated to justify from a movie making point of view and if made first could potentially kill some kick ass films.

Devoid 01-28-2005 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Halx
AT LEAST they save the good stuff for the two franchises I care about. Spider-Man and X-Men.

I hear that, man. The only 2 upcoming superhero movies I care about are X3 and Spiderman 3. If they don't fuck up the Dark Phoenix explanation too badly, X3 should be great. And as long as Spiderman 3 has Venom, it'll be the best superhero movie ever. :)

Fremen 01-29-2005 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by Lockjaw
Nah the best thing Avengers fans could hope for is a cartoon based on them like the Justice League cartoon on Cartoon Network. Anything else either would be too complicated to justify from a movie making point of view and if made first could potentially kill some kick ass films.

Are you psychic? :D


Ultimate Avengers Animated DVD On its Way
Here’s the official announcement of an animated Avengers made-for-DVD movie.

Lions Gate and Marvel recently announced the new DVD as follows:

Marvel Enterprises and Lions Gate's Family Home Entertainment, a division of Lions Gate Entertainment, have announced that the first title to be released through their recent made-for-DVD agreement will be The Avengers (TM). The first installment of the multi-picture home video deal, the animated feature will cast some of Marvel's most popular Super Heroes including Captain America(TM), The Hulk(TM), Iron Man(TM), and Thor(TM). Production on The Avengers home video release -- which will be based on the best-selling Marvel Comics series "The Ultimates" -- has already commenced. The animated feature will be distributed by Lions Gate Home Entertainment and available in stores in early 2006.

"The Avengers are a super hero team for the ages which combines many of Marvel's most popular and enduring characters into one cohesive unit," said David Maisel, President and COO, Marvel Studios. "They are a natural choice to launch Marvel into the fast growing made-for-DVD marketplace."

Glenn Ross, President, Lions Gate Family Home Entertainment, added, "Production on this new title marks the next chapter in our ongoing relationship with Marvel. We're excited to be able to bring high quality animation and compelling stories to a very rich cast of top Marvel characters that will satisfy both the hard core Marvel fan as well as a broader audience that is looking for great action hero entertainment."

Marvel and Lions Gate plan to develop, produce and distribute eight original animated made-for-DVD features based upon the extensive Marvel character library. Marvel is spearheading development and production with Lions Gate handling marketing and distribution. This agreement builds upon the existing theatrical relationship between Lions Gate and Marvel, under which Lions Gate released "The Punisher"(TM) to theatres earlier this year, starring Thomas Jane, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos and John Travolta, and is currently developing theatrical film releases for Marvel's "Iron Fist"(TM) and "Black Widow"(TM) characters.

Bob Gough
Source: Superhero Hype

(I hope this is still in the works.)

I don't know from the Ultimates, but if it is about the Avengers, I'm SO there! :thumbsup:

FngKestrel 01-29-2005 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Devoid
I hear that, man. The only 2 upcoming superhero movies I care about are X3 and Spiderman 3. If they don't fuck up the Dark Phoenix explanation too badly, X3 should be great. And as long as Spiderman 3 has Venom, it'll be the best superhero movie ever. :)

I don't think Spiderman 3 will have Venom. I think they might start working Eddie Brock more and more into the storyline, but they're already setup for the Hobgoblin and Doc Conners.

My guess is that Venom will be the subject of the 4th film (assuming that there will be a 4th.)

Val_1 01-29-2005 01:08 PM


Arnold Swartzinosohsgohso playing Mr. Freeze...and the ridiculously overly achieved suit they made him wear
That's the problem with so many comic heros/villians. They are so hard to translate over to the screen without them looking ridiulous. They did do a good job of that for X-Men. Hulk, on the other hand ....

Superman and Batman were probably the two easiest characters to translate to the big screen. Dr Strange I always thought would work well. Or, from the DC universe, Dr Fate. Or better yet, the entire All Star Squadron. I loved the retro 1940's world of that comic. They could give it an Art Deco/World of tomorrow look and feel.

blitz.fenix 01-29-2005 02:28 PM

Alba should stick to poll dancing...(Sin City)

K-Wise 01-29-2005 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Lockjaw
Iron Man I don't think would be a problem costume wise. If there is one thing the Marvel movies have done well is pulled off the comic costumes in a good looking,realistic,tasteful, yet appropriate homage to the comic books. The colors would be a bit more subdued and it would be more metalic looking than in the comics but it could work.

Now the reason I don't think the Avengers would translate well is they lack a dyanmic the X-men and FF have and that's more of a feel of a family of superheroes. They are great for the comic side of things but they just don't have that same capability to make realistic subplots. At least not easily. The second reason I don't think it would happen is because the characters have such diverse backgrounds and stories that Marvel would more likely just farm out their individual properties rather than making just one movie. Think about it. Even if Marvel made the Avengers and it made 350 million bucks and was a smash hit it would be harder for them to then branch those characters out. So it would be smarter to make a Thor movie that would make 150 million,a Captain America movie that would make 250 million and an Iron Man movie that will make 200 million. And then when you think about the likely hood of one movie studio landing the rights to all the major character of the Avengers and convincing all the talent to come back to make an Avengers movie...just too much to ask.
Unless they did an Avengers movie with people nobody would ever have heard of like Vision, Scarlet Witch,Wasp,Giantman etc....and then I don't think anybody would care. Nah the best thing Avengers fans could hope for is a cartoon based on them like the Justice League cartoon on Cartoon Network. Anything else either would be too complicated to justify from a movie making point of view and if made first could potentially kill some kick ass films.

You make a really good point. I can agree with that.


ICER 01-29-2005 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Lockjaw
Iron Man I don't think would be a problem costume wise. If there is one thing the Marvel movies have done well is pulled off the comic costumes in a good looking,realistic,tasteful, yet appropriate homage to the comic books. The colors would be a bit more subdued and it would be more metalic looking than in the comics but it could work.

Now the reason I don't think the Avengers would translate well is they lack a dyanmic the X-men and FF have and that's more of a feel of a family of superheroes. They are great for the comic side of things but they just don't have that same capability to make realistic subplots. At least not easily. The second reason I don't think it would happen is because the characters have such diverse backgrounds and stories that Marvel would more likely just farm out their individual properties rather than making just one movie. Think about it. Even if Marvel made the Avengers and it made 350 million bucks and was a smash hit it would be harder for them to then branch those characters out. So it would be smarter to make a Thor movie that would make 150 million,a Captain America movie that would make 250 million and an Iron Man movie that will make 200 million. And then when you think about the likely hood of one movie studio landing the rights to all the major character of the Avengers and convincing all the talent to come back to make an Avengers movie...just too much to ask.
Unless they did an Avengers movie with people nobody would ever have heard of like Vision, Scarlet Witch,Wasp,Giantman etc....and then I don't think anybody would care. Nah the best thing Avengers fans could hope for is a cartoon based on them like the Justice League cartoon on Cartoon Network. Anything else either would be too complicated to justify from a movie making point of view and if made first could potentially kill some kick ass films.

Did you see the really dispointing TV crossovers of the Hulk and DareDevil, or the Thor. talk about stinkers. I mean the got some guy called Steve Levitt to play Thor. and he didn't look anything like it, And the DareDevil was almost as bad. But it was fo TV, so they didn't have the time or the budget and movie does. so that might be the reason.

Lockjaw 01-29-2005 09:27 PM

Yeah I've seen those and they were pretty bad but then again you have to realize it was in the late 70s early 80s and it was a TV show so it was bound to be bad.


(I hope this is still in the works.)

I don't know from the Ultimates, but if it is about the Avengers, I'm SO there!
Hmmm nope hadn't heard about that but if it's based on the Ultimates I'm out.
For those that don't know the Ultimate universe in the comics is an updated more "realistic" take on the classic characters. There's an Ultimate Spider-man,Ultimate X-men,Ultimate Daredevil etc... The Ultimate Avengers or the Ultimates for short are basically the C.I.A.movie stars, and the Avengers rolled into one. At first it was kind of interesting but it's all basically showing itself to be nothing more than a shock value modern twist on the characters.
Tony Stark is still an alcoholic.
Thor is a new age hippie Swede.
Wasp is an Asian chick that's really a mutant.
Giant-man actually tries to KILL the Wasp(where in the comic he just hit her one time)
The Hulk is a monster that eats people and has an overactive sex drive.
And the worst IMO is Captain America is a bigot that thinks it's cool to spout crap about France being cowards.
Sad really.

Fremen 01-30-2005 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Lockjaw
Hmmm nope hadn't heard about that but if it's based on the Ultimates I'm out.
For those that don't know the Ultimate universe in the comics is an updated more "realistic" take on the classic characters. There's an Ultimate Spider-man,Ultimate X-men,Ultimate Daredevil etc... The Ultimate Avengers or the Ultimates for short are basically the C.I.A.movie stars, and the Avengers rolled into one. At first it was kind of interesting but it's all basically showing itself to be nothing more than a shock value modern twist on the characters.
Tony Stark is still an alcoholic.
Thor is a new age hippie Swede.
Wasp is an Asian chick that's really a mutant.
Giant-man actually tries to KILL the Wasp(where in the comic he just hit her one time)
The Hulk is a monster that eats people and has an overactive sex drive.
And the worst IMO is Captain America is a bigot that thinks it's cool to spout crap about France being cowards.
Sad really.

That's an insult, if you ask me!
To throw away all of the creators' of the characters hard work over the years, for that?
I know it would piss me off if I had one of my creations revamped and mutilated. :|

Bauer_Power 02-01-2005 05:55 AM

In response to a previous post about Reed Richards being old, they were just out of college when they became the fantastic 4, so it seems ok that they cast a younger person. Remember the invisible woman is his wife, and while she is the new hottnes, he for some reason, looks like the old busted. I guess they decided to give her a reason to like Mr. Richards.

Lockjaw 02-01-2005 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Bauer_Power
In response to a previous post about Reed Richards being old, they were just out of college when they became the fantastic 4, so it seems ok that they cast a younger person. Remember the invisible woman is his wife, and while she is the new hottnes, he for some reason, looks like the old busted. I guess they decided to give her a reason to like Mr. Richards.

I'm not sure but I think Reed was still a few years older than Sue.
Never could figure out why the dude had the grey hair though.

warrrreagl 02-01-2005 09:57 AM

I was in middle school when the cartoon was on Saturday mornings, and there was a kid in my class named Reed Richards. People were always grabbing his arms and pulling HARD while saying, "Reed Richards, with the power to stretch!"

Poor kid.

Lockjaw 02-01-2005 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by warrrreagl
I was in middle school when the cartoon was on Saturday mornings, and there was a kid in my class named Reed Richards. People were always grabbing his arms and pulling HARD while saying, "Reed Richards, with the power to stretch!"

Poor kid.

I know this is heartless but I had to laugh at that.

K-Wise 02-01-2005 04:10 PM

^ Oh shit I literally LOL'd to that. Poor guy.


Fremen 03-29-2005 06:45 PM

There's a new FF clip out, ladies. ;)


I'm most definitely pumped for this one! :thumbsup:

Gilda 03-29-2005 07:50 PM

Reed and Ben have always been about 15 years older than Sue and Johnny. In current continuity, Reed and Ban are in their Mid-Forties, Sue is about 30, and Johnny in his mid 20's. That was about ten to twelve years ago, Marvel time, which matches up with their original ages. Johnny was a teen, Sue college age, about 20, and Reed and Ben in their mid 30's. Early on, they aged roughly real time, and have been frozen since about issue 100. There were references to Reed and Ben serving in WW2 together, and they became the FF in 1961, so Reed and Ben had to have been in their mid to late 30's. They've since dropped the WW2 references, but kept the ages consistent.

In the current Ultimate FF, they've made Reed about the same age as Sue, both in their mid-20's, with Ben a few years older and Johnny about 17 or 18. The trailer seems to be showing a take on the FF that's closer to the Ultimate version, but it'll be wait and see on that.

Has anyone seen the Roger Corman version made in the late 80's / early 90's? It's truly laughably bad, in the same league as the made for tv versions of Wonder Woman, Captain America, and [shudder] the Justice League.


I'm a big fan of The Ultimates. It isn't really a "realistic" take on the team, just an updated one, as if the team were first formed in the 2000's and not the 60's, and it's a much better book than The Avengers was when Lee was writing it.

As for the modern interpretation of the characters, I don't think it's really a radical departure for any of them. Why shouldn't Wasp be Asian or a mutant? I think it was pretty clearly implied that Hank's abuse of Janet had been an ongoing thing, though they only showed it the one time.

As for Captain America, well, he's always been a mouthpiece for whoever was writing him, and has been one of the least consistently characterized superheroes. However, I do see his portrayal in the Ultimates--he way, way over there on the right wing-- as being pretty much in line with his creators vision. Get the GA Captain America Masterworks and reread those first four Kirby / Simon issues, and you'll see a Cap who would be quite willing to call the French cowards in the wake of 9-11 (note: an opinion I do not necessarily share, but one whish is entirely consistent with the creator's vision of the character). It's light years from the Lee version revived in the 60's, where he was a liberal who wouldn't kill, and was retconned not to have been killing nazis in WW2, and which most people remember as the "original".

K-Wise 03-31-2005 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Fremen
There's a new FF clip out, ladies. ;)


I'm most definitely pumped for this one! :thumbsup:

Eh..I'm not..Sue and her special effects look ridiculous to me :|.


fallsauce 04-07-2005 07:42 PM

Saw the trailer, couldn't believe how bad it looked, but I'll probably see it if it gets good reviews. Still can't believe how different Ioan Gruffudd looks compared to his Horatio Hornblower days, (actually looks one of my flatmates, which is a little disconcerting.)

m0rpheus 04-08-2005 07:10 AM

I'm not looking forward to this at all, at least the Corman FF movie had an excuse for looking bad (I mean it was made for what five bucks?) this one doesnt.
Oh and Doom looks like ass.

BalloonKnots 04-08-2005 11:41 AM

I'd probably go see it just for Jessica Alba! Damn, she looked fine poll dancing in Sin City. *drool*

K-Wise 04-08-2005 01:59 PM

^ And that my friends is why you can rest assured that bad movies will always make money regardless. (Just messin wit ya man lol)

Asta!! :thumbsup:

Gilda 04-08-2005 04:25 PM

I have a complete run of Fantastic Four from issue 101 to the current one, 523. More than 35 years. I also have all seven Marvel Masterworks reprints, and I'd only need to fill in the gap between issues 72 and 100. I've read the entire run, begininng to end, three times.

I'd be seeing this movie if they had a Ukranian transvestite dwarf playing Sue.

K-Wise 04-08-2005 08:33 PM

^ :lol: :lol: :lol:


Lockjaw 04-08-2005 10:11 PM

I don't see where people think the effects look bad on this. I really am not. I guess I've been seduced by the coolness that is Johnny Storm(or should I say hotness?).
Ben looks right. Reed is a bit funky looking but considering the guy's main power is stretching it's going to look a bit odd especially in such a small amount. I think it's going to look pretty good. I'm not saying it's going to be Spider-man 2 good but it should be ok. At least I hope it will be because I really like the FF. And you KNOW it's going to break 100 million in like the first 10 days anyway.
But this kind of has me wondering. How long will the long suffering comic book reading fandom that seems to be going to see any comic book related property the day it comes out keep doing so?
I mean with crappy stuff like Daredevil having huge opening weekends and making a decent amount of money how long before the generic comic book movie becomes unprofitable?
This year will be another big year for them with Sin City and Constantine doing decently well. Fantastic Four will do good money as will Batman Begins.

quest1mark 04-09-2005 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by K-Wise
Ah man yer shittin me. I wonder who they'll cast in the role of Iron Man...if it's someone like Vin Diesle I'll fuckin kill myself


Tony Stark will be played by Burt Renolds. He's a dead ringer.


guthmund 04-09-2005 11:51 PM

Whoever it is....he's just go to have the mustache. :)

I think the movie looks okay. I'm not expecting thought provoking drama and deep insightful meaning, but a quick romp through the fantastic sounds okay.

Mental mastubation at it's best. There's no reason to suspect otherwise and I'm fine with that.

pan6467 04-10-2005 03:13 AM

I have always been a huge fan of Stan Lee and for years he kept his visions so close and uncommercialized that that was the beuaty of them. Marvel Universe was so much more fucked up than the black and white good vs. evil DC Universe. It just seems now the roles are reversed, Marvel is everywhere and DC has kind of been playing catch-up in commerciality.

Anyway, I know this seems like a stupid question, but I thought in the 80's to help sales and spice things up a bit Stan Lee and Marvel turned Iron Man's main character into a black man. I must be wrong because Marvel would never have switched him back, could have sworn they had.

When I started reading this and saw the talk of Iron Man I immediately thought what a great role for Wesley Snipes or Denzell Washington.... maybe even Will Smith.

Maybe someone can tell me I'm wrong and thinking of another character that MARVEL had originally as a white man and then black...... or they can tell me I'm just totally nuts. Never happened to any Marvel character (I know DC did it to Green Lantern and I believe someone else.)

Gilda 04-10-2005 11:08 AM

Well, yes and no. At DC, John Stewart was Hal Jordan's backup as the Green Lantern of sector 2814 during the time when patrols were separated into sectors. For a while, after the breakup of the Guardians, there were several active Green Lanterns on earth, Jordan, Stewart, Guy Gardner, and some aliens. John Stewart is currently the GL represented in the Justice League.

Iron Man worked in a similar way. James Rhodes was Tony Stark's assistant, and one of the few people who knew he was actually Iron Man. When Stark's alcoholism overwhelmed him, Rhodes took over the role and was briefly Iron Man himself. Once Tony recovered, he took back the Iron Man role. Rhodes was given a second suit of armor, and took on the identity War Machine, but he never really caught on in either guise; the fans didn't want anyone but Tony in the armor.

I think in an Iron Man movie, you have to go with Tony Stark as Iron Man. When doing a movie of this sort, you have decades of continuity from which to choose, but it's most common to take the version of the character most well known to the general public, and the version least likely to upset the hardcore fans. That's Tony Stark.

The other DC character you're probably thinking of is Mr. Terrific. He was a golden age character who through training had mastered every sport, physical endeavor, and academic subject available, and decided to turn his talents to fighting crime. The Golden age version was a white man, the modern version black.

Let's see, over at Marvel, one version of Captain Marvel was a black woman, and in the Ultimate universe, Nick Fury is a black man. There are probably many others that I can't think of right now.

What's even more common is taking a male hero, and making a female version of him. Virtually every male hero has female analogues, some--like Batman-- have several.

Lockjaw 04-10-2005 08:46 PM

Actually a good one for the white to black is the Beetle aka Mach 1 of the Thunderbolts at Marvel.
A white criminal who turned good. Who then had his features turned into that of a black man(can't remember exactly why) and he's stayed that way for a long time. In fact I'm not sure if they have switched him back yet or not.

And then for replacements you have Steel who was one of the "Supermen" who replaced Supes when he "died".

Fremen 04-11-2005 02:22 AM

Damn, you know your comics, huh Gilda? :) :thumbsup:

Originally Posted by Gilda

.....Let's see, over at Marvel, one version of Captain Marvel was a black woman....

That's definitely true, but she wasn't substituted for a white version of her. The original Captain Mar-Vell (Captain Marvel) had died, and she took the name after she received her powers (which btw, were very different than Mar-vell's), and the press dubbed her "Captain Marvel" after bystanders who witnessed her in action, called her a 'marvel'.

Man, sometimes I wish I still collected comics. :thumbsup:

Gilda 04-11-2005 04:40 PM

Thought of another one. Johnny Thunder was a borderline retarded white guy in the golden age comics who controlled a "thunderbolt" from another dimension. His daughter Jonni was briefly the owner, and now it's a black teenage boy.

When Steve Rogers was replaced by another dude as Captain America, the new Cap's sidekick was a huge black guy, who refused to be called Bucky for obvious reasons.

pan6467 04-11-2005 07:10 PM

Gilda your knowledge of comic books is scary and yet somewhat arousing..... lol

K-Wise 04-11-2005 08:24 PM

^ Yeah totally. And I was never really even able to get into comics! (My parents would never spend money on shit like that for me.)

Edit: Not really arousing but just a very appealing quality


Lockjaw 04-11-2005 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Gilda
Thought of another one. Johnny Thunder was a borderline retarded white guy in the golden age comics who controlled a "thunderbolt" from another dimension. His daughter Jonni was briefly the owner, and now it's a black teenage boy.

When Steve Rogers was replaced by another dude as Captain America, the new Cap's sidekick was a huge black guy, who refused to be called Bucky for obvious reasons.

Cap's replacement was John Walker and his partner WAS called Bucky for just a brief amount of time.

And about the Captain Marvel/Photon thing....
Genis-Vel the original Captain Marvel's son is now going by Photon as well.
So the timeline goes....
Mar-Vell->Mar-vell dies Monica Rambeaux becomes Captain Marvel II->Genis-Vell arrives on the scene as Legacy. Monica learns of this and gives up the Captain Marvel title and becomes Photon->Genis becomes Captain Marvel III->Genis goes nuts becomes sane again and is now going by Photon as well.

Another white to black superhero is 3-D Man to Triathalon..

aberkok 04-11-2005 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Gilda
Well, yes and no. At DC, John Stewart was Hal Jordan's backup as the Green Lantern of sector 2814 ....

.....every male hero has female analogues, some--like Batman-- have several.


Amazing. I bet you have Who's Who and the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe in binders somewhere.

Gilda 04-11-2005 09:29 PM

Hee hee.

Dialog from New Avengers #4:

Luke Cage is talking to Spider-Man and Spider-Woman

LC: You guys related?
SM: No.
LC: You give her her powers?
SM: She's totally unrelated to me in any way.
LC: So she ripped off your name?
SM: Exactly.
SW: Hey! You said it was ok.
SM: I didn't say you could lend it out. There's, like ten of you now.
SW: There's three. And they are ripping me off.

Hee hee. I hated the idea of the New Avengers, but with dialog like that, I warming to it. For the record, there are actually five female Spider-Man analogues. Spider-Woman, Spider-Woman 2, Spider-Woman 3, Arachne, and Spider-Girl. There are roughly the same number of Supergirls out there.

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