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mrbuck12000 01-15-2005 05:51 PM

Tsunami Aid on NBC
Is on right now...get off your asses and watch this concert. these people have nothing.... This effort should help them.



PulpMind 01-15-2005 08:23 PM

I'm confused... what does watching a bunch of talentless, brain washed hacks have to do with sending my money to the impoverished people of East Asia?
I've sent what I can, and I'll send more later when I can. I will not boost NBCs [profit] ratings for the excuse of it being for a good cause. Similar to all those bastards who are throw "tsunami benefit" music shows here in Seattle... sure they'll give the "after cost" profits to the Red Cross or whatever, but they'll also make a shitload of money on alcohol sales (similar to NBCs sale of advertising time), and their next few shows [non-benefit] are going to rake in the cash as well (similar to the next few shows on nbc).

Kadath 01-16-2005 05:45 AM

FYI, it wasn't just NBC, but USA, Bravo, CNBC, SciFi, MSNBC, and some random WPPX channel -- all the channels owned by NBC. They flogged the hell out of that thing.

warrrreagl 01-16-2005 06:05 AM

I apologize to all the self-righteous, indignant rebels here on TFP, but I taped it and plan to watch it because it looked like a good concert.

Charlatan 01-16-2005 06:07 AM

Did they actaually sell commecial time on this?

We had a benefit concert here in Canada... Canada For Asia and it was carried by the CBC and a number of other channels that are not affiliated with the CBC. No commercials.

PulpMind 01-16-2005 06:20 AM

What I saw had commercials every 10 minutes, followed by Clint Eastwood giving a first hand account of the horror of a tsunami crashing on the shores in front of you. oh the horror. clint, you're such a fucking hero.

give me a break. screw nbc (or television in general for that matter)... but at least they raised more money in the first 5 minutes than the president of the United States has donated in full...


warrrreagl 01-16-2005 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by PulpMind
clint, you're such a fucking hero. bleh.

God, I must be getting old. Back in the day, our peer pressure caused us to get off our asses and get involved with stuff. If you knew anyone who was in the Peace Corps, it was way cool.

I can feel my bones creak now when I notice that contemporary peer pressure seeks to shame people toward staying out of the action. It's one thing to personally decide to not get involved. It's another thing to not get involved and have an informed opinion.

But where did the caustic ridicule for those who choose to get involved come from?

PulpMind 01-16-2005 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by warrrreagl
God, I must be getting old. Back in the day, our peer pressure caused us to get off our asses and get involved with stuff. If you knew anyone who was in the Peace Corps, it was way cool.

I can feel my bones creak now when I notice that contemporary peer pressure seeks to shame people toward staying out of the action. It's one thing to personally decide to not get involved. It's another thing to not get involved and have an informed opinion.

But where did the caustic ridicule for those who choose to get involved come from?

who says I'm not involved? just because Clint sounded like a dumbass who didn't know what the hell he was talking about, doesn't mean I don't get involved. I'd bet I'm far more involved that you'll ever be. Are you going to Brazil this summer to help build an sustainable ecosystem? sending money directly to tsunami relief and not letting it pass through corperate interest, like NBC's show? taking a stand that is neither left nor right, but simply what you believe?


Charlatan 01-16-2005 05:06 PM

Here's a question to ponder... Should NBC do nothing, or something? Would it be better if Eastwood used his celebrity status to impress upon people the severity of the Tsunami or sit at home in Carmel doing nothing?

As you are going to Brazil to do something, these people are doing something in their own way...

You can get all cynical and sound really cool by making fun of the "bunch of talentless, brain washed hacks" and their efforts... or you can accept that this is what they do when they want to do something. You may not like them or what they stand for, that's fine, but respect the fact that they *are* doing something.

By the way, does anyone know if NBC/Universal is making any direct donations and are those donations equal to or greater than the amount they would have made on the ad time?

warrrreagl 01-16-2005 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by PulpMind
who says I'm not involved? just because Clint sounded like a dumbass who didn't know what the hell he was talking about, doesn't mean I don't get involved. I'd bet I'm far more involved that you'll ever be. Are you going to Brazil this summer to help build an sustainable ecosystem? sending money directly to tsunami relief and not letting it pass through corperate interest, like NBC's show? taking a stand that is neither left nor right, but simply what you believe?


Since we've never met, it's foolish at best for you to bet your involvement is "far more" than mine. Yet, I apologize. I didn't realize I needed to have my involvement graded for quality and approved. And here all this time I thought I was just helping.

But I'll bet my dad could beat up your dad.

Seriously, if you're going to set yourself up as a resident expert on what is acceptable vs non-acceptable aid for tsunami victims, how about sharing some of the info with the rest of us who are clearly not as global as yourself.

That's certainly got to be more helpful than simply dropping ridicule on the rest of humanity in a piecemeal fashion. All we've managed to hear from you is how wrong our assistance is instead of how to help out correctly. Tell me what's wrong with Clint's information so that I don't make the same mistake. Tell us all how to give money that doesn't pass through "corperate" hands. How can all of us get involved with building an ecosystem in Brazil that will somehow help those in India?

maleficent 01-16-2005 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by warrrreagl
I apologize to all the self-righteous, indignant rebels here on TFP, but I taped it and plan to watch it because it looked like a good concert.

I hope you get a better concert than what I watched. What I saw was just bad... It would have been more effective and less painful to watch these "stars" just write a check, rather than "donate" their time.

Madonna did a version of John Lennon's Image, that literally made my ears bleed.

Good for them for doing it I suppose, but I'd be hard pressed to call it entertainment, and it wasn't stirring enough for me to open up my checkbook... again.

warrrreagl 01-16-2005 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by maleficent
I hope you get a better concert than what I watched. What I saw was just bad... It would have been more effective and less painful to watch these "stars" just write a check, rather than "donate" their time.

Madonna did a version of John Lennon's Image, that literally made my ears bleed.

Good for them for doing it I suppose, but I'd be hard pressed to call it entertainment, and it wasn't stirring enough for me to open up my checkbook... again.

I haven't watched it yet, so I'm still in anticipation.

And after thinking about it, I'll move the Peace Corps discussions to a board other than Entertainment.

trickyy 01-16-2005 11:22 PM

commercial free concert, but definitely a good lead in to the next shows.
still the concert wasn't terrible. i mean the gesture, not the listed performers.

did the "and more" part of the lineup include anyone worthwhile?

drakers 01-21-2005 07:38 PM

Anything trying to raise money (as long as it is legal) for the victims of the tsunami is a blessing. It will take years to rebuild over in those countries, especially in Indonesia.

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