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IndianaGirl 10-22-2004 11:04 AM

Rate "The Grudge"
I'm really debating wether or not to go see it. I really liked "The Ring" but almost thought it was too scary for my tastes. Has anyone seen this movie yet? Has anyone seen the original.. I need to know if its worth my $6!!

CSflim 10-22-2004 04:11 PM

I've seen the original and it is very good. Quite scary, though not nearly as scary as Ring. The over-all style is similar to that of Ring.

As for the remake: Haven't seen it yet. Seeing it tomorrow, and will report back. Hopefully it will be better than "The Ring", which I didn't think was all it was cracked up to be.

leo_cote 10-22-2004 07:55 PM

I'm going to see it tomorrow. the original ju-on was good and freaky can't wait to see it without having to reed the subtitle to understand the story.

yellowgowild 10-22-2004 08:53 PM

I just saw it, and maybe I'm an asshole for not getting scared, but I didn't like it. It reminded me alot of the Silent Hill games, where everytime the character turns a corner something would try to scare the crap out of me. There's no point to the movie either, just a bunch of attempts to make you jump. Also, the pacing of dialogue between the actors made me think they might keel over dead from sheer boredom.

But that's just me, everyone else in the theatre was going nuts loving it.

The Magic 10-23-2004 12:12 AM

I loved it. It's been awhile since I've seen a horror movie (never saw the ring).

Anyone else just bust up laughing at the begining when the guy fell?

lamellama 10-23-2004 12:30 AM

I dug the movie (The Grudge) a lot. As for The Ring, I have to say that the American remake is a lot better than the Japanese original, though they had a good idea, we just for once did it a little better hehe :)

OH yeah first time poster by the way :)

K-Wise 10-23-2004 01:49 AM

Hey The Magic luckily what you gave away isn't all that severe but just in case ya don't know how to; whenever you wanna discuss a scene that could give away the movie for someone who hasn't seen it yet with someone that has all ya have to do is use a spoiler tag. Ya do that by typing [ spoiler ] the scene [ / spoiler ]. Without the spaces of course and it will look like this Spoiler: I'm seein it tommorow night. Hope it's good. I hated The Ring(both versions) So fuckin overrated.


Mr.Deflok 10-23-2004 02:17 AM

Welcome lamellama!

For those of you who have seen the Americanised Grudge can you shed light on the apparently altered ending? Use spoiler tags too for the rest of the TFP crew. I have no hope for the US Grudge... none at all. Ju-On is brilliant, I doubt very much that they could get anywhere near that sort of standard.

K-Wise 10-23-2004 03:00 AM

^ I've always wondered who the dude is in your avatar. Looks familiar.


wrongfullyaccuzd 10-23-2004 07:49 PM

The dialogue was TERRIBLE the acting was BAD.

I really liked it. It was great, after we left the theater, the way out to the parking lot was down this dark stairwell...

Spoiler: Did anyone else think it was hilarious when right before she died the sister jumped into bed and hid under the covers? My girlfriend pointed out the irony in everyone in the theater laughing at this character, the only one who really acted like real people would...running and hiding and not going to find out what the weird noise is.

CSflim 10-24-2004 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by Mr.Deflok
I have no hope for the US Grudge... none at all. Ju-On is brilliant, I doubt very much that they could get anywhere near that sort of standard.

I was feeling the same, especially after seeing the not-so-wonderful remake of Ring. I thought this was going to be just another pointless remake.
I was dead wrong. The Grudge was absolutely excellent: even better than the original.
I felt that the plot was much improved; the original was really five seperate stories which were interconnected by the house. While it is still essentially the same story, it comes accross much more unified and coherant in the remake. Spoiler: They left out, wisely in my opinion, the story involving the schoolgirls.

When the film was over, I looked over at one of my friends. She was completely pale and looked like she was in shock. She said very very little after the film and on the way home. Now if that's not a great reccomendation for a horror movie, I don't know what is! :lol:

Nimbletoe 10-24-2004 04:25 AM

Word to the wise while watching this movie. Do not, I repeat do NOT stretch in a motion that involves sticking your arms up in the air, or else you will be caught off guard at the scariest point, and when you jump, you will look so funny that everyone around you will giggle, and your date will giggle at you for the next 10 minutes.

Yes, I am speaking from experience.

Anyway, good horror flick. It was definitley just a movie that tries to make you jump, but it was good at it. A little too good :thumbsup:

inharmony 10-24-2004 04:29 AM

I thought it was ok. Scary in the beginning...got a little boring towards the end though. Btw did anyone see the previews for Ring 2? I will see that one as well.

StormBerlin 10-24-2004 11:27 AM

I enjoyed it. The plot was a little thin, but that was to be expected.

Mr.Deflok 10-24-2004 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by K-Wise
^ I've always wondered who the dude is in your avatar. Looks familiar.


It's from a drawing I did of a character from one of my novels, I Photoshopped it and turned it into an animated gif :) Not sure where you may have seen it, possibly at the old TFP when I posted my Artwork up?

K-Wise 10-24-2004 09:52 PM

Knaw I'm not that old to this site. Prolly all in my head. On the topic at hand I saw it last night at midnight. It fuckin sucked. Overrated...I thought it was going to be though. How people are scared by these movies are beyond me. I mean the only thing it had for it was the "Jump out and scare ya!" factor. But all those moments were so freakin predictable I knew they were gonna happen before they happened and as a result I barely flinched (any flinched I had was a natural reflex to the BURST of sound before each one and every other pussy in the theater screaming). What is hollywood teaching America? That japaneze people are scary. Which they aren't...many of them are downright adorable..like Spoiler: Yoko(from the movie..not Johns). All in all I thought it sucked. I do still wanna see Saw still and I'll check out twO even though it's probably going to suck as well and I also liked the trailer for Boogey Man..dunno if that trailer was in every theater but that one didn't necessarily look good..but kinda entertaining. When are directors gonna learn that shock value does not = horror. If you wanna really scare someone you have to play on our fears..not have a monster jump out from behind a corner.


leo_cote 10-25-2004 09:16 PM

I liked it! Buffy did a good job.

tokaok 10-25-2004 09:26 PM

it was such a bad movie,so predictable when they were going to try and scare you, only the bus scene gave me a a slight jolt, i want tose two hours of my life back.

poopermcgraw 10-26-2004 04:19 PM

Bus scene? Oh yeah. Okay. But I tend to agree with tokaok. I never saw the original Ju-On, but this movie was just lame. The concept of "the grudge" is just too damn lame to support the whole movie. It was so confusing. What I'm wondering is, Spoiler: What happened to the dad? He was definitely sad, raging, or both when he killed himself. I mean, i didn't even flinch at the scary parts because they were so predictable. As for The Ring, I actually thought it was much scarier. The story made sense in such a creepy way, and I was totally freaked out by that girl. But a little boy and a cute japanese lady? Cmon...

docbungle 10-26-2004 10:17 PM

Well. Just got back. The imagery reminded me a lot of The Ring, which was a little annoying. Sarah Michelle Whatever was unable to get me interested at all in her character, due to her "TVish" acting ability. And it flat out didn't make much sense.

Spoiler: 1. What took so long for the house or the evil force or whatever to kill Buffy and the old senile lady? They should have been dead way before they were. 2. What was with Buffy getting special treatment from the house with the whole flashback/Bill Pullman scene? 3. Why did the little boy make a cat meowing sound? 4. What was with that fucking annoying croaky sound the dead people kept making? 5. Why did the dead people keep making prank phone calls and going "Uhhh....uh...uh...uh...uh...?" 5. Why did Pullman go to some random psycho chick's house who was infatuated with him and just decide to hang out and snoop through the whole place? 6. Why did the spooky dead chick play peekaboo games with the camera in the office building? That was just plain stupid. Why did the kid keep making a fucking mess in the house and what was the point?

All in all, just flat out boring, contrived, lame and very frustrating at the end.

Ecto 10-27-2004 05:01 AM

It wasn't too bad. But, I really hated the ending.

SteelGlider 10-27-2004 07:19 AM

Thought it was just average. Was too much like the Ring.....been there done that. Not the worst movie I ever saw, but nothing to get too excited about.

poopermcgraw 10-27-2004 07:13 PM

Agree with DocBungle on everything he said. They wayyy overplayed that one particular sound effect. Fukin friends kept imitating it. Somewhat creepy though, if just plain odd.

K-Wise 10-27-2004 07:37 PM

Too many elements of that movie were just pointless or didn't make any sense. Worse they didn't add any additional horrific qualities either.


tooblekane 10-29-2004 12:08 PM

on a scale of one to ten .. it's crap

loonatic8her 11-04-2004 07:02 AM

I cant believe so many people didnt like this movie! I was a horror movie people... it WAS scary... caught you off guard even when you knew something was going to happen. This was my 2nd favorite horror movie from the last 5 years... behind of course The Ring... Ring 2 is coming.... u ready?

Grancey 11-06-2004 12:25 AM

I was much more entertained during this movie by the two-year-old in the row in front of me who screamed for 15 minutes while the rest of us were placing bets on how long it would be before the parent escorted the kid out. Yeah, that was my big thrill. And I could have seen Ben Affleck instead. Damn.

Plan9Senior 11-06-2004 03:26 AM

The plot sucked and the movie was very hard to like. It had some creepy scenes, but overall I give it two thumbs down. Don't even rent this, wait for cable ;)

blahblah454 11-06-2004 06:29 PM

The sound that the ghosts make got really really iritating very fast. I give this movie a 2/5, and I give the ring a 1/5... I ussually love horror movies but I am being disapointed by all these new ones coming out, they try to hard and just end up failing.

Sargeman 11-06-2004 11:01 PM

It's funny how people's opinions vary. I thought it was a pretty good movie. Predictable, sure, but what "horror/scary" movie isn't. Did it scare me, nah. But it did entertain me.

All in all, IMO, it was twice as good as the Ring. The Ring did nothing for me.

jaded 11-10-2004 05:05 PM

if you liked "the ring", you'd probably like "the grudge", both of which i thought were over-hyped in spite of being a big horror movie fan myself. there are some scary scenes, but they fade away too quickly to leave a big impact. the story flows pretty fast though. to me, it's the sort of watch-it-once-and-forget-about-it horror flick; i'd prefer one of the scream series any day.

ARTelevision 11-14-2004 12:57 PM

I don't appreciate being manipulated by cliche build-ups to things that are supposed to be frightening but aren't. There is no plot at all here, unless a series of unrelated quick cuts hung on a simple "explanation" of "why" this house is haunted can count as a plot.

I wasted the price of admission on this one. Zero out of 10.

Peutetre 11-16-2004 10:54 AM

The thing to remember about the ring and the grudge is that the ring was a american remake of a japanese movie. The grudge was the actual director of the original ju-on movies redoing his movie for american audiences. the japanese films the preceeded these remakes were paced a LOT slower, just like a lot of other japanese movies.. If you are a fan of japanese movies do yourself a favor and watch the originals.. or better yet.. read the novels! The ring, Uzumaki, ju-on, and Battle Royale are all available as english translated novels now.

ARTelevision 11-16-2004 12:55 PM

I've seen all versions of The Ring series in Japanese and western incarnations. They are good flicks.

This current remake of The Grudge just isn't any good, IMO.

But yes. I'd like to see the original.

K-Wise 11-16-2004 04:41 PM

^ We rented the original the other day. It's better than the remake I guess I'd say...at least my mom thought it was. Certain elements I think were a little better. But it didn't scare me. If you have free time, it wouldn't be a total waste of it.


RogueHunter65 11-16-2004 07:48 PM

I hated to movie...I thought it was probally the worst horror movie I have ever seen. The only thing I can say about it is now when I see like asain boys...they make me a little uneasy. I just want to punch them in the face and say, "get away from me cat boy". Just kidding, but I felt that the plot did not make sense most of the time.

Golgothas 11-19-2004 06:38 PM

The Grudge was better than Ju-On, but that's not saying much considering how shitty Ju-On was.

I hope this japanese horror film fad ends, the imagery is already used up and the films are marginally creepy at best. I think the only thing left to do is something with shin megami.

JSwiss 11-19-2004 08:26 PM

The next generation of teeny bopper horror movies. Saw was infinately better.

Starfish 11-22-2004 09:37 AM

I saw the movie last night and all though there were some parts in the movie that scared.. (mainly because of my anoying b/f poking me every time something happened). I thought that it was well played out and that almost off of the plots were explained.. It was weird and i didn't so much like the ending though.... It was WAY too cut off.. ne ways All in all it was a good movie to see!!

Eviltree 11-24-2004 10:12 PM

just got back from the grudge. I enjoyed the jumpy aspect of it, but as for the plot..... what plot? I think I'm missing something (some hidden meaning or symbolism theme) but for face value, the plot was just an excuse to scare you. Spoiler: docbungle. I think that the old lady didn't die because she never went looking for the noise. as for SMG I don't know. cat-boy made a cat sound because he loved his cat. I think the dead-girl noise was just meant to be creepy-ass. Pullman went to the girl's house because.... I think he saw something about her, or something. no, maybe he saw the little boy. I knew, but seem to forget. I would also like to know why the kid made such a mess. and who was the hair-mopp that scared SMG shitless? was that the mother?

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