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Desperate Housewives?
So'd anyone watch this pure piece of rubbish?
It's been a long time since there's been a nitetime soap opera that's pure trash but -- oh, ya just have to watch... Felicity Huffman is a riot as the frazzled mom, and Marcia Cross (who was a psycho on Melrose Place) seems equally psychotic here as the Stepford Wife... So-- whatta ya think? |
I forgot to set my VCR for this, but ABC is airing the pilot again on Saturday. I'll be watching :D
Desperate Housewives.
Damn. I thought this was gonna be a MILF thread... |
I thought it was quite entertaining. I missed this but my spouse pointed out to me that when the wives were all sitting at the table discussing their lives, they were cracking nuts with a nutcracker....
I watched this by chance and I have to say, I really enjoyed it. Its kinda quirky, but not so much so that it appears to be trying to be quirky. It was shot more like a movie than a TV show, which I liked, and it definately left you hanging. I am intrigued and will probably try to catch the next episode.
Like Sex in the City, but with whiny frazzled suburban housewives instead of whiny frazzled NYC singles.
-Mikey |
the most uninteresting pieces of things you could watch on TV. But with Desperate Housewives we get Teri Hatcher, so maybe I'll tune in every once in a while to watch that. Who knows. |
Just another show glorifying female infidelity.
Teri Hatcher = +
Not on HBO = no b00bies no b00bies = :( :( = Not gonna watch it. |
I lost interest about 5 minutes in...oh well, can't be for everyone
The old adage is to never judge a book by it's cover but it appears many people have judged this show by it's title. The comparison toSex and the City SatC isn't that relevant as SatC 's humor usually involved witty wordplay or physical humor whereas Desparate Housewives' humor is darker and more subtle. Both have its advantages. In this recent era of complete garbage on TV, Desperate Housewives is one of the few glimmers of hope. I'm glad it finished the week as the most watched show of the week (overall, not just new shows). Looks like this piece of quality television will stick around as will 'Arrested Development," although the latter's status is still questionable.
I got sucked into watching the pilot last night. I'm hooked. It gets a Season Pass on my Tivo now. :)
I really enjoyed it, I thought that it was quite clever, and, I must say, I am SO happy to see that someone else liked Arrested Development. It is easily my favorite show, and I must say the most clever and funny show I have ever seen.
This is my new favorite show. The mom with the 3 boys, very funny.
Aye, episode two just builds on the success of the first one. Then again, I have to admit, Terri Hatcher was the hook that got me to watch in the first place. :)
Good Characters, some real funny lines/scenes, and a couple interesting sub plots. Watching Felicity Huffman chase down her three boys in the pool, all while wearing a dress and high heels was a riot. :) |
She was even funnier last night with those boys... |
I think this show is great! I like the way they balance humor with intrigue, and also the darker elements of the show that are just under the surface. Its been a while since I really got into a series, but so far I'm liking this one. :)
The wife and I are both hooked (credits to her for finding this show). In fact, our two favorite shows this Fall are both on ABC; Lost and Desperate Housewives. However, with ABC's track record of dumping high quality series, we'll be sure to watch every single moment possible.
I think it's pretty good. I'm just kind of annoyed at how they seem to only advance the story about the suicide in the last 5 minutes of the show. Last Sunday's show did spend a lil more time on it though.
God, the girl banging the lawn boy is incredibly hot. |
my GF and i missed the very first episode but have been watching it ever since. we both like it a lot and will be tuning in every week...
ps. Eva Longoria is hot. |
missed it... and have a possible conflict in the future brewing...
I'll save it for DVD collections. |
I love the show, but I must say that the first time I heard of the title (without them actually showing previews) I thought it was another reality show. I was like "what the hell?"
Shhhhhh....it's my guilty secret :)
I wasn't going to watch, but after seeing the first five minutes or so, I thought "hmmmm...this looks interesting!" I'm so using the "Santa's cell phone" line on my kids :D |
also by the way... doesnt it seem that teri hatcher had a boob job a few years back but now she seems back to a smaller size? guess she got them removed or 'downsized'
is this just a figment of my imagination? i thought i remember seeing a show/movie with her in it and i thought 'wow, shes had some work done... nice.' |
I don't know how anyone cannot be addicted to this show. It just keeps getting better and better every Sunday.
very interesting episode last night...
they do a great job keeping things very mysterious etc... |
I really liked this episode as well. I particularly thought the mother-in-laws visit was hilarious. Can't wait til next week.
I have a feeling Gabrielle going to get caught...by one of her neighbors. The woman that's always sneaking around. I can't wait either.
The deal now in our home now is that Sunday night is Estrogen Fest. We watch Desparate Housewives while we tape Strong Medicine and then watch that right afterwards. Both are watchable with the occasional mandatory kick in the sack to the men (Strong Medicine is, after all, a Lifetime series). Hey, it's quality time with my wife. And I do get to watch football all day without a peep from her.
Compromise makes a marraige work, right? -Mikey |
hahaa very funny...
just so long as its not one of those depressing 'woman is battered' plots like they seem to play all of the time on "WE" or Lifetime... then your wife might be a little pissed at you once its over... some of those are just flat out depressing... hee |
Come on you guys..you know you secretly love this show :) and hey I love football as well. So no compromise here.
I'm entertained and enjoy switching bck and forth with sunday nite football....I will be glad when alias comes back.....now THAT is a guilty pleasure and I can't get enough
I'm not thrilled with the adultery story line, but that aside, there is some sharp writing, and using the angle of the dead neighbor as narrator is interesting. The whole idea looks like a mini-series (6 episodes or so) rather than a regular series. So far, the writing hasn't sagged, and I hope it doesn't. It's quirky much like ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT.
Now, a plot point for those of us that didn't get in from the beginning. What's the big deal about the screwdriver that the guy (didn't catch his name) that Teri Hatcher's character is drawn to? I know he thought his cover was blown, but what cover? Is he an insurance investigator or something? I know they tried to make it like he was engaged in some criminal activity, but I spotted that as a red herring (or at least I THINK I did!). JcS |
Whatever happen to the thrid kid? He disappeared. Wonder if they wrote him off and just going to focus on the twin.
JcS |
yup. Wasn't there a younger daughter on Famliy Matters that disappeared as well
haha i didnt even notice the third kid... i think it will be fine with the twins only... theyre still bas as can be! hehe
teris character went into a neighbors house to feed the cat when they thought someone had broken in, they call the cops and teri had found a screwdriver on the counter. well as it turns out the screwdriver was one that the guys shes likes owns.. then towards the end they both realize that the police never ran prints on it since thats how he thought his cover was gonna be blown... they havent given us much more detail about what he is into.... but itsinteresting |
There was also a baby as well, right?
yeah, there was a baby.
the baby (girl I think) was still on this past show -- the episode before there were three boys - they seemed to have lost one on last weeks show... :)
every week the writer do a great job of leaving you hooked until the next episode... last night was no exception.
Last nights episode was great. I'm with you abel, can't wait for next week.
I started watching this past weekend -- they replayed an episode Saturday night, and I watched again Sunday. I liked it a lot more than I thought I would, probably because it is genuinely funny from time to time in an insightful way.
I laughed out loud at the Mom who gets her hyperactive kids' attention by holding up a bag of potato chips, then throws it up the stairs to get them out of the room. I know kids like that! That Mom is my favorite character or, at least, gets the best lines: "And next spring, when the children do Bambi? Bambi's mom gets a slug in the heart!" |
YEA thats one mom you dont want to screw with...
i thought it was funny when gabby dropped off the mother in law at the casino after she knew that she had a gambling problem... hahaa! |
Yeah, Lynette is my fav char so far on that show. She's hilarious. And Gabriel is going down (pardon the pun) Next week should be interesting.
I'm definately interested to see how Gabrielle is going down. I doubt she would leave the neighborhood (she is one of the main characters after all). Maybe she loses all her spending money priviliges, or maybe the mother-in-law will blackmail her. Who knows, its unfortunate that the episode is in two weeks.
I still can't decide if I like this show or not...but there's nothing else on, and it's in HiDef, so I'll probably keep watching it for a while.
I'm so addicted to that show it's not funny. I hope Gabrielle and John (it's John right?) don't get caught!!! I love them and he's so hot and the mother-in-law is a bitch! She threatened to kill Gabrielle with knitting needles!! Am I getting ENTIRELY too into this show?
I posted this on the "Lost" thread as well, but for those of you who may not read that thread........
For viewers of "Lost" and "Desperate Housewives", did you notice the uncanny correlation of Sawyer's letter to the letter received by Mary Alice? ABC's two hit shows of the season....................... |
Getting interesting to say the least. Last nights show subtle hints of what's to come....darker secrets to arise?
very cool...
we didnt get to watch it last night since im here in houston and our Houston Texans football game was in primetime and broadcasted on ABC. i think DH finally came on at like midnight so we were already asleep by then... i did set my vcr though so we should be able to watch it tonight... :) |
Last night's episode was great. The plot twists are really getting exciting, I wonder where they're gonna go with it all.
Yep, really loving the show and Sunday's episode was no exception. Not sure how they could possibly keep up the quality after a few seasons (Mary Alice's mystery will be solved, Mike will drop/solve his case, etc) but enjoying it while I can.
Good point...I for one hope they keep up the great writing :) |
desp HW
This sundays episode will reveal who sent the note to Mary Alice, also, someone will be killed, but that doesn't mean its one of the 5 characters. Could be Mrs. Huber, maybe Gabrielle's mother in law. Who knows!!!!! |
Wow, awesome episode tonight... I don't want to say who sent the letter to mary alice and was eventually killed... but I was not surprised in the least.
I wasn't too surprised either. It would have been a stupid move to Spoiler: kill off Edie, as she's not only a major character, but also a big draw for people watching the show.
The problem I'm having with the show is that although I know it's supposed to be more of a prime-time soap opera, it plays extremely realistic - which makes me cringe when they have Teri Hatcher's character do ridiculous things, like actually counting all the money and then getting stuck in the floor. Just seems ludicrous to me, and those are the moments where I mentally tune out. Felicity Huffman, however, is amazing. I'm so happy that she's in this show. |
My girlfriend has gotten me addicted to this show. I like it alot. Teri Hatcher is back, and that Gabrielle, I almost lose it everytime she is on screen. Shes the hottest thing on TV right now. I like all the plot twists, and now it the number one show overall.
I set this to record on Tivo about a month ago but never got around to watching an episode, last night I finally sat down and watched the first (not THE first, but first one I had recorded halfway through this season) and liked it a lot. I then watched the other 3 episodes I had recorded.
Great show, I think the casting is good, lots of mystery and laughs. I look forward to enjoying the show in the future! |
funny u mentioned that... i had the last 3 episodes tivo'd as well... just finished them sunday evening, tried to finish them before this weeks show started and then i found out it wasnt aired.. wont be back til this coming sunday... hehe
Yeah I was all set to watch this past Sunday, not to be :( Next weeks should be good...
'k, was it just me or did Spoiler: the ADULT female body in the chest come as a suprise?
This show keeps getting more interesting. :) And Two weeks of new shows in a row! Yay! :D |
getting very good now... i think its a very good series...
lots of unanswered questionswhich keep me tuning in... |
The foreign press seems to appreciate the show too.
Terri Hatcher, Marcia Cross and Felicity Huffman have all been nominated for best actress Golden Globes Nicolette Sheriden for best supporting actress and the show got a nomination for best show. |
Cyber - I agree that was very surprising!
This show is the crack of syndicated television. I can't stop watching it, and after every episode, I'm fiending to find out what happens next. I inadvertantly became a junkie...
I agree with that spektr. I was watching it with my wife to appease her but am completely hooked and dont want to wait until next week. it seems to fly by! 1 hour is not enough.
Totally, one hour is not enough... I am hooked on this show. I am trying to get the boyfriend to watch one episode with me (cuz then he'll be hooked too *evil grin) but he wont budge.
Last nights episode was great. The scene of Gabrielle showcasing the Buick was funny. Working didn't seem to appeal to her :) I really thought she had destroyed his passport. Good thing she thought better of it. Susan FINALLY realizes her feelings for Mike and her lack of feelings for her worthless ex. Ok, but I need someone to remind me who the 'new' neighbors were. Where he hid the jewelry...
ive been missing the show for a couple of weeks now since it hasnt been on... they cant be doing that to me because i look forward to it week in and week out.. hehe
great show. |
Anyone still watching the show?
I just got around to watching this past week's episode, and I thought it was great. I love how the storyline with Brie and her family is turning out. That boy of theirs sure is turning out to be a chip off the ole block, there... he might even be more twisted than Brie herself, which is saying a lot. I'm not sure how I feel about what they've done with the "Dana" part of the storyline, though. Am I the only one that feels like the writers are trying to backtrack over some things they hinted at before but don't want to deal with anymore? For instance, wasn't there a specific mention of Zack having a little sister? I'm pretty sure we were lead to believe in no uncertain terms that Dana was his sister, something bad happened where she died, and they buried her in the toy chest. I liked where they could have gone with that, but it seems like they're trying to rework that whole idea. |
I love this show. I absolutely love it. Everything about this show is right on target.....the writing, the pace, the casting, and even the always leaves us hanging and wondering storyline. I can't get enough of it.
Thought I'd bring this back. There's gotta be some of us still watching this, right?
I love the new season so far. Bree kicks ass. Gabrielle and Carlos are hilarious. Lynette and Tom are a riot. The rest haven't really been given a chance to shine, but their day will come. Any thoughts on Betty and her basement secret? When we first saw the guy chained, I was really scared that the show had totally jumped the shark... but I'll hold off judgement until we know a bit more. |
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