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Averett 09-13-2004 10:13 AM

I Heart Oprah


Oprah Gives Cars to Audience
Sep 13, 11:37 AM EST

The Associated Press

CHICAGO -- Talk show host Oprah Winfrey celebrated the premiere of her 19th season Monday by surprising each of her 276 audience members with a new car.

"We're calling this our wildest dream season, because this year on the Oprah show, no dream is too wild, no surprise too impossible to pull off," Winfrey said.

Making sure the audience was kept in suspense, Winfrey opened the show by calling 11 audience members onto the stage.

She gave each of them a car — a Pontiac G6.

She then had gift boxes distributed to the rest of the audience and said one of the boxes contained keys to a twelfth car. But when the audience members opened the boxes, each had a set of keys.

"Everybody gets a car! Everybody gets a car! Everybody gets a car!" Winfrey yelled as she jumped up and down on the stage.

The audience members screamed, cried and hugged each other — then followed Winfrey out to the parking lot of her Harpo Studios to see their Pontiacs, all decorated with giant red bows.

One woman stepped up onto the frame of a driver's side door, put her head on the roof and hugged the vehicle.

Winfrey said the audience members were chosen because their friends or family had written to the show about their need for a new car. One woman's young son said she drove a car that "looks like she got into a gunfight"; another couple had almost 400,000 miles on their two vehicles.

In other segments on the show, Winfrey surprised a 20-year-old girl who had spent years in foster care and homeless shelters with a four-year college scholarship, a makeover and $10,000 in clothes. And a family with eight foster children who were going to be kicked out of the house they were renting were given $130,000 to buy and repair the home.

"The Oprah Winfrey Show," which debuted in 1986, is syndicated to 212 domestic markets and 109 countries.
How awesome is that?? I've always wanted to be in the audience the day she has her "Favorites" show. She's given away Ipod's, diamond rings, clothing, and all sorts of stuff. Now cars to an entire audience! Oprah is so awesome.

maleficent 09-13-2004 10:20 AM

For all that people complain about her -- it's so cool some of the things that she does... I love that she got a scholarship to someone deserving, and that she took care of a family who helped others... The cars? Yah, that's nice - -but her other do-gooder stuff is so much cooler :)

powerclown 09-13-2004 10:33 AM

276 G6's @ ~$25K = $6,900,000

God Damn...Oprah does indeed have all the money.

Averett 09-13-2004 10:45 AM

Well, I highly doubt that Oprah wrote checks for these cars and such. Remember, this will be GREAT "free" advertising for Pontiac :)

I'm not trying to downplay what she does, but a lot of the stuff she gives away, it's given directly from the companies for the advertising that Oprah brings. Remember that book club she had? She mentioned the book, and the sales skyrocket.

maleficent 09-13-2004 10:47 AM

I'm sure that Pontiac didn't charge list price if they charged anything at all -- It's nice advertising for them... :)

Rdr4evr 09-13-2004 11:44 AM

I dont care how many cars she gives out, she still annoys the hell out of me. She is the biggest attention whore on TV.

powerclown 09-13-2004 12:48 PM

Yes, good points about the free advertising...I hear a few people watch that show actually..

radioguy 09-13-2004 01:22 PM

I read in another article that all the cars were DONATED by Pontiac. I still applaud her for doing this. She does some very helpful things for people all over the world. I saw a special on her last year about a trip in Africa that she gave all the children in a country, that is overrun with aids, new clothes and toys for school. I can't remember what country. They showed how some of the children walked miles and miles just for this opportunity. She's not my favorite person, but she's pretty darn considerate.

Rdr4evr 09-13-2004 01:29 PM

She wants to seem this way on TV. She wants people to think she is mother teresa #2. She could do all of this stuff off camera, but she chooses for America to see "how wonderful she is."

maleficent 09-13-2004 01:36 PM

Honestly, so what? Why does it matter what her motives are? She, thru her name, gets the opportunity to do some real good things for people who need it. If it gets her some press, so what, that doesn't negate the good being done.

ShaniFaye 09-13-2004 01:53 PM

While I will never forgive her for the show she had on the week of my birthday this year telling me that now that I was 36 I had to change the way I dress...I will admit that she does some neat stuff sometimes

Averett 09-13-2004 01:55 PM

Woah! The people who she gave the money for the house to live in my hometown! Well, home city. Schenectady, NY represent! :D

Fremen 09-13-2004 02:19 PM

Good for her. :thumbsup:

/wonders why nobody put his name on the "needs car list" (stoopid family)


Derwood 09-13-2004 02:19 PM

Most people who worked on that show (crew-wise) didn't sleep all night before setting it up. That drape that dropped took 12 hours to construct and hang. Luckily for me, I was working at the other studio where the set for next year's show is being built and "tested".

Yes, I work on the Oprah show.

Fremen 09-13-2004 02:36 PM

Is she as generous with y'all, Der?

Averett 09-13-2004 02:43 PM

Hey Derwood, I'm sure you can't say all that much, but what is Oprah like to work with/for? Do you have much contact with her?

I can't imagine many "horror" stories relating to her like there were with Rosie O"Donnell. I'm sure Oprah don't take no shit, but I figure she's a pretty easy going individual for the most part.

Derwood 09-13-2004 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Averett
Hey Derwood, I'm sure you can't say all that much, but what is Oprah like to work with/for? Do you have much contact with her?

I can't imagine many "horror" stories relating to her like there were with Rosie O"Donnell. I'm sure Oprah don't take no shit, but I figure she's a pretty easy going individual for the most part.

I don't interact with Oprah one on one, but I'm in the studio for tapings and I see her around all the time. She is pretty much exactly the opposite of what the tabloids make her out to be. She's completely down to earth, very funny, and very laid back. It's amazing, actually, considering how much she does in her life (she claims to sleep only 4 1/2 hours a night)....most of us would be raving lunatics if we had to maintain her kind of schedule.

We're treated very well at the show. I'm just on the lighting/scenery crew, and I make a very good wage doing so. The tradeoff is a ton of hours at work, which means you don't see the wife and kids as often as you'd like.

Mephisto2 09-13-2004 09:41 PM

My secret shame.

I like Oprah. I watch her show at home when I'm taking a break (telecommuter).

I enjoy it immensely. 85% of it is good stuff. 15% just a little too fluffy (specifically the feminist "find your spirit stuff" which goes over my male head).

In Ireland, we call this kind of criticism "begrudery". Bitter people with bitter agendas. What have any of her critics (in this thread) done lately for the less fortunate?

In Australia, they call this kind of criticism "tall poppy syndrome" (as in, "let's cut any tall poppies, that rise above the rest of us, down to size").

I think she rocks.

Mr Mephisto

tricks 09-13-2004 10:48 PM

So, why doesn't she start a charity or somthing insted of giving cars to middle class women who have nothing better to do with their day than go to the taping of a t.v. show?

I guess I'm just a pessimist, and a synic.

Averett 09-14-2004 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by tricks
So, why doesn't she start a charity or somthing insted of giving cars to middle class women who have nothing better to do with their day than go to the taping of a t.v. show?

I guess I'm just a pessimist, and a synic.

You apparently don't read the article:


Winfrey said the audience members were chosen because their friends or family had written to the show about their need for a new car. One woman's young son said she drove a car that "looks like she got into a gunfight"; another couple had almost 400,000 miles on their two vehicles.

Derwood 09-14-2004 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by tricks
So, why doesn't she start a charity or somthing insted of giving cars to middle class women who have nothing better to do with their day than go to the taping of a t.v. show?

I guess I'm just a pessimist, and a synic.

She does have a charity. It's called "The Angel Network".

There is going to be another give away show here in the next few weeks at an army base.....I don't think I can say more, but it's going to be good...

Averett 09-14-2004 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by Derwood
I don't interact with Oprah one on one, but I'm in the studio for tapings and I see her around all the time. She is pretty much exactly the opposite of what the tabloids make her out to be. She's completely down to earth, very funny, and very laid back. It's amazing, actually, considering how much she does in her life (she claims to sleep only 4 1/2 hours a night)....most of us would be raving lunatics if we had to maintain her kind of schedule.

We're treated very well at the show. I'm just on the lighting/scenery crew, and I make a very good wage doing so. The tradeoff is a ton of hours at work, which means you don't see the wife and kids as often as you'd like.

That's pretty cool :)

I was watching that After the Show thing on Oxygen last night, and she was saying how the staff had no sleep the night before since they were prepping. She seems like a workaholic. She's obviously very driven to have gotten where she is from what her childhood was like.

One thing that does annoy me though... Her need to repeat everything 14 times. It gets to be a bit much. But that's part of what makes Oprah Oprah I guess.

boom29 09-14-2004 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Averett
Well, I highly doubt that Oprah wrote checks for these cars and such. Remember, this will be GREAT "free" advertising for Pontiac :)

I'm not trying to downplay what she does, but a lot of the stuff she gives away, it's given directly from the companies for the advertising that Oprah brings. Remember that book club she had? She mentioned the book, and the sales skyrocket.

Even if that's the case, the fact remains that she's the one pulling all the strings to make the giveaways possible. I doubt Pontiac came up to her and suggested that they donate 276 cars for her audience in exchange for the advertisement. There's not many people have the power/influence to pull off something like this.

Anyways, its a great move for both Oprah and Pontiac. I'm sure the exposure they get from this, plus the extra advertisement expenses they save, more than makes up for the cost of all the G6s combined.

Averett 09-14-2004 03:31 PM

I completely agree boom :)

MageB420666 09-14-2004 04:14 PM

I don't really like the show, but I do like that she does try to be active in her charity work instead of just shelling out otherwise inactive money to a foundation and letting all the other people do the work.

tricks 09-14-2004 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Averett
You apparently don't read the article:

Nope. Sure didn't. Still didn't. So, Oprah is Santa Clause. Makes me think of the calls someone gets after they've won the lottery.

I'm still feeling pessemistic and cynical.

Shizukana 09-14-2004 09:59 PM

You get a car! You get a car! You get a car! You get a car! You get a car! You get a car! You get a car! You get a car! You get a car! Woooooooo!

(I think I got the correct number of times she said it!)

Anyway - it struck me two ways... My first impression was, "wow, that's cool as shit! She's definately awesome for giving her audience cars for her opening episode." My second impression was, "Wow, I bet that was a huge huge draw, ratings-wise... she'd been promising a big surprise for a long time. That attention whore!"

Anyway, I think the second impression was more of my cynical side reaching out... and me thinking about what probably half of the people I know would say about it.

I really do think she does wonderful things with her money and time, and the world needs more people like her. She gets a little too foofy sometimes IMO, but the world is definately a better place because of people like her.

Mephisto2 09-14-2004 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Shizukana
I really do think she does wonderful things with her money and time, and the world needs more people like her. She gets a little too foofy sometimes IMO, but the world is definately a better place because of people like her.

So very well said. :)

Mr Mephisto

Sleepyjack 09-15-2004 02:47 AM

I wonder; if Oprah ran for President, could she win? :p

quadro2000 09-15-2004 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by Rdr4evr
She wants to seem this way on TV. She wants people to think she is mother teresa #2. She could do all of this stuff off camera, but she chooses for America to see "how wonderful she is."

Uh...she does it on camera because she's a talk show host. She stays on the air year after year because she brings in ratings. This was a publicity move, pure and simple, but her heart is in the right place. She does plenty of charitable work off-camera. I see nothing wrong with her doing this on television.

Sorry, I just find absolutely no room for cynicism in this story. Not one iota. She figured out a way to not only get a shitload of publicity for her and for Pontiac, but she made hundreds of people happy while doing it. I think she's fuckin' awesome.

I watched the clip from her show that summarized the whole thing. I was grinning from ear to ear. How could you not?

Clip can be seen here.

Cynthetiq 09-15-2004 08:10 AM

she's yet another example of someone living the American dream. She's learned that if you give out lots of bread, yours will come back buttered.

the_marq 09-15-2004 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by Sleepyjack
I wonder; if Oprah ran for President, could she win? :p

Only if you had a system whereby the American people could elect a president. ;)

Sleepyjack 09-15-2004 08:48 AM


the_marq said
Only if you had a system whereby the American people could elect a president. ;)
Touche' :D

inharmony 09-15-2004 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by maleficent
Honestly, so what? Why does it matter what her motives are? She, thru her name, gets the opportunity to do some real good things for people who need it. If it gets her some press, so what, that doesn't negate the good being done.

Exactly...well said

ShaniFaye 09-15-2004 01:20 PM

today was my day to get my nails done...which also means it was the oprah watching day ha ha

OMFG Barry Manilow was on!!! Go ahead and laugh...everybody does, but I adore that man, he was the 2nd concert I ever went to (when I was 11 and after Shaun Cassidy lol) It was so great how they fixed it so all those girls could meet him...wish it had been me :(

Fremen 09-15-2004 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
today was my day to get my nails done...which also means it was the oprah watching day ha ha

OMFG Barry Manilow was on!!! Go ahead and laugh...everybody does, but I adore that man, he was the 2nd concert I ever went to (when I was 11 and after Shaun Cassidy lol) It was so great how they fixed it so all those girls could meet him...wish it had been me :(

Sumbitch! I missed Barry???

/rockin' at the Copa

ShaniFaye 09-15-2004 05:22 PM

I like you so I honestly hope you're not being sarcastic :icare:

Fremen 09-15-2004 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
I like you so I honestly hope you're not being sarcastic :icare:

Not at all sarcastic. :) I love Barry, Neil Diamond, John Denver, Kenny Rogers, The Carpenters and a few other "softies" in the musical world.
It's the sentimentalist in me, I guess.

And thank you, ShaniFaye. I like you, as well. :thumbsup:

/September night, listenin' to 'September Morn'

ShaniFaye 09-16-2004 02:57 AM

oh good!! I like all the ones you listed too!!

/im on the top of the world, looking down on creation.....

Cynthetiq 09-16-2004 08:02 AM

Barry was awesome when he played @ VH1 studios for Valentine's day. I called all the girls I knew in my phone book to let them have a listen from the studio monitor... a nice perk.

back to Oprah.. she's awesome and inspiring to many.

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