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Old 06-12-2003, 03:31 AM   #1 (permalink)
Location: Canada

I am a Star Trek fan. I enjoy the original, Next Gen, and sometimes Voyager. When the new one, Enterprise, came out, I gave it a shot, and decided it was utter horseshit.

So I was flipping through the channels awhile ago and came across an ad for an upcoming episode, and I was hoping someone saw it and could explain this supposed huge upset in the timeline of Star Trek...

The episode preview had The Borg in it. Now correct if I'm wrong, but Enterprise is supposedly the very first starship with that name, therefore taking place before even the original. The first mention of The Borg, and therefore the first meeting, was in Next Gen when Q flung the Enterprise D a few billion light years away into another section of the galaxy.

Can someone please explain why The Borg have showed up in Enterprise?
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Old 06-12-2003, 04:04 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Guess they need ratings pretty bad. It's funny, from the 3 episodes I've seen from this show, all three had some plot device that got the female vulcan semi-naked. Think they may be running out of ideas.

Last edited by Nappa; 06-12-2003 at 04:07 AM..
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Old 06-12-2003, 05:00 AM   #3 (permalink)
Location: VA
For some reason the Borg gets people watching. I wish I knew why, because they're probably the most BORING villians Star Trek has come up with... *sigh*

-ex star trek fan
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Old 06-12-2003, 05:36 AM   #4 (permalink)
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I love the Borg, but that's just silly if what you say is true.

I've seen 3 episodes (or parts of episodes) of Enterprise, and all three had the exact same situation with the female translator crew member having difficulty with the machines and then finally being convinced to rely on her own instincts only to come up with a translation just in time. It was REALLY old by the third time I saw that happen.

Too bad TNG costs $100 a season on DVD or else I'd actually be interested in getting it.
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Old 06-12-2003, 05:50 AM   #5 (permalink)
Location: London, CorBlimeyLand
Re: Enterprise

Originally posted by Shokan
Can someone please explain why The Borg have showed up in Enterprise?

It's because these people dem stuppid. No thing can touch the (after Captain Pike) Original Star Trek with Kirk, and nothing can touch Deep Space Nine.

They really messed it up with Enterprise...

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Old 06-12-2003, 06:04 AM   #6 (permalink)
Originally posted by Shokan
Can someone please explain why The Borg have showed up in Enterprise?
I'm assuming that you saw first contact. When the Borg sphere was destroyed, apparently it crashed and was buried under ice. An expedition to the area found the remains of the ship and two borg. They assimilated the group, and the story went from there. Considering the borg kind of fucked up the time line by going back, the way the ep was laid out worked fairly well.
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Old 06-12-2003, 06:54 AM   #7 (permalink)
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That does make sense, but now all of Star Trek history has been re-written. It's like some bad time travel movie. Also, they met Klingons a lot sooner than they were supposed to. I mean, every instance after this will be different. They'll have to remake every Star Trek series again! YES! (I'm being sarcastic here...)
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Old 06-12-2003, 07:14 AM   #8 (permalink)
You might as well bring in Q
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Old 06-12-2003, 07:53 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Alright, so, spectre, you're right. I guess it's feasable that the Borg are in the series.

But so is Gortexfogg. So many alternate timelines in Star Trek it's rediculous. (Although, "All Good Things..." is still my favorite episode )
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Old 06-11-2004, 10:31 PM   #10 (permalink)
Location: Johnson City, TN
Raitings, plain and simple.
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Old 01-28-2005, 01:38 PM   #11 (permalink)
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This show is amazing. I love it more than I probably should, but I can't help it. The writing very suddenly picked up this season. Who would have thunk it? The temporal cold war asked a lot, even from science fiction fans. Somehow it didn't seem to fit into the Star Trek universe (like Voyager, it simply didn't belong).

Tonight we get to see the Romulans take an active role in Enterprise.

From UPN.com:
"Babel One"
January, 28 8PM ET/PT

Ordered to transport a delegation of argumentative Tellarites to a peace conference with the blue-skinned Andorians, Archer and the crew find themselves drawn into a confusing, dangerous situation when a secret Romulan vessel begins attacking ships on all sides, including Enterprise.

After saving Andorian ally Commander Shran from his ship's wreckage, Archer tries to defuse the brewing blood feud between the delegates. Later, when the crew finds the Romulan ship adrift in space, Reed and Trip lead a team to explore the mysterious vessel.
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Old 01-28-2005, 06:00 PM   #12 (permalink)
Sarge of Blood Gulch Red Outpost Number One
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Yeah, it seemed as if the first couple of seasons they were trying to do all the cool stuff that worked for the other series, but ended up not working for Enterprise. Now they're trying to mesh the storyline with The Original Series and make things work for that particular series and time in history.
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Old 01-30-2005, 08:17 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by archer2371
Yeah, it seemed as if the first couple of seasons they were trying to do all the cool stuff that worked for the other series, but ended up not working for Enterprise. Now they're trying to mesh the storyline with The Original Series and make things work for that particular series and time in history.
You're right, and I think they're doing a good job. The new episodes are much better then the ones from the previous seasons. Still, the problem with The Enterprise is that ever so often they'd get into the Star Trek series buffoonery. So while the set up of a particular episode is great, and everything's going well, there always seems to be a particular scene in the middle, that's bad, corny, or just not working. I don't think they'll make it till the next season, though I'd love to be surprised.
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Old 01-30-2005, 09:19 AM   #14 (permalink)
Sarge of Blood Gulch Red Outpost Number One
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Just as long as they make it to the episode where they finally explain the Klingon forehead thing, I can die happy. Also, Star Trek has a knack for saving a series in the Third Season, plus Enterprise is a hell of a lot better than Voyager, and Voyager went for seven damn seasons.
"This ain't no Ice Cream Social!"

"Hey Grif, Chupathingy...how bout that? I like it...got a ring to it."

"I have no earthly idea what it is I just saw, or what this place is, or where in the hell O'Malley is! My only choice is to blame Grif for coming up with such a flawed plan. Stupid, stupid Grif."
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Old 01-30-2005, 09:57 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Shokan
I am a Star Trek fan. I enjoy the original, Next Gen, and sometimes Voyager. When the new one, Enterprise, came out, I gave it a shot, and decided it was utter horseshit.

So I was flipping through the channels awhile ago and came across an ad for an upcoming episode, and I was hoping someone saw it and could explain this supposed huge upset in the timeline of Star Trek...

The episode preview had The Borg in it. Now correct if I'm wrong, but Enterprise is supposedly the very first starship with that name, therefore taking place before even the original. The first mention of The Borg, and therefore the first meeting, was in Next Gen when Q flung the Enterprise D a few billion light years away into another section of the galaxy.

Can someone please explain why The Borg have showed up in Enterprise?

Watch Star Trek: First Contact. (Movie) That'll explain it.
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Old 01-30-2005, 10:06 AM   #16 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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No worries, archer. They already have the klingon episode finished. If it doesn't get to air, you know trek fans will allow it to leak.

Spoiler: "Affliction" is the first of a two-parter, written by Mike Sussman from a story by Manny Coto. The second part is called "Divergence," written by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens, and those episodes will air in February. (During sweeps ... clever, huh?)

The Klingon forehead issue is a complicated one, because it has to take into account a number of factors if one is to stay true to the Star Trek universe as previously established (related feature). The simplest theories (e.g. "southern" vs. "northern" breeds) have to be thrown out because Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reprised three Klingon characters from the Original Series — Kor, Koloth and Kang — and gave them forehead ridges in "Blood Oath." Then there was "Trials and Tribble-ations," where the crew went back in time to Station K-7, looked around and said, "Those are Klingons??" They turned to bumpy-headed Worf for an explanation, and he would only say it's a long story and "We do not discuss it with outsiders." (I laughed so hard when he said that)

Well, rest assured the writers have taken all that into account and have come up with a scenario consistent with all those elements. We won't give it away here, of course, but we will say that it ties very neatly into other aspects of Trek history.

Enterprise heads back to Earth for the official launch of the Columbia NX-02, commanded by Erika Hernandez. After visiting his favorite Chinese restaurant in San Francisco, Phlox is abducted by aliens (Rigelians, actually). He finds himself in the presence of Klingons who tell him the Empire is facing its gravest threat in centuries. Along the way, as Archer and company investigate and pursue, it's revealed that one of our main characters has a secret past which comes into play.

Ada Maris, introduced in "Home" as Archer's old flame, returns as the Columbia's captain. Another face back in uniform is that of avid Trek fan Seth MacFarlane, creator of the animated comedy Family Guy (which currently is being made into a movie). The 31-year-old MacFarlane had a brief cameo last season as an Engineer in "The Forgotten" (related story). He's still an Engineer but now he's got a Columbia patch on his uniform, and he's got a name: "Ensign Rivers." He's also got more scenes this time.

Will we actually see the Kirk-era Klingon visage in this episode? Why yes! In fact, we'll see four of them (referred to in the production notes either as "Klingons, Type Two" or "Semi-Klingons"), the principal one named "Marab." And yes, they have that swarthy complexion and that Fu Manchu facial hair. They do, however, have a very slight remnant of the forehead ridge. Their outfits are leathery brown like we've seen on Klingons before, but a lot less bulky.
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Old 01-30-2005, 02:11 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by archer2371
Also, Star Trek has a knack for saving a series in the Third Season
Ah, but arent we already in the fourth season? And wasn't the third one horrible and appaling, with all that temporal cold war gibberish? I'd like to think that's not the case, but it seems that they don't stand much chance now, regardles how good this season will turn out (and it's gettng better with every episode). Still, a number of things might happen. Maybe a different network will pick it up. Maybe UPN will not drop the series. Who knows.
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Old 02-02-2005, 07:52 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Well folks, looks like four seasons is all we are going to get.


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "Star Trek: Enterprise," the latest incarnation of one of the most storied franchises in televised science-fiction history, will end its four-season run in May, broadcaster UPN said on Wednesday.

UPN said the last episode would air on Friday, May 13. The series generated 98 episodes over its run, although it struggled in the ratings.

The original "Star Trek" gave rise to generations of fans who eagerly took in movies, books, and follow-on television shows like "Star Trek: The Next Generation," "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" and "Star Trek: Voyager."

"Star Trek: Enterprise" was positioned as a prequel to the original "Star Trek." It starred Scott Bakula and premiered in September 2001.

UPN is a unit of Viacom Inc.
Well, that's too bad. Now we'll have to wait at least two years to get something new. Though they did say not long ago that the new Trek movie in the making should be much bigger than any of the previous ones.
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Old 02-02-2005, 08:50 PM   #19 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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If you need to see Bakula to lessen the pain, there is a Quantum Leap movie in the works. I'll watch it through my bitter tears. At least Sam might finally get home (and there may be a Quantum Leap for a new generation).
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Old 02-02-2005, 08:55 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Schwan
Well folks, looks like four seasons is all we are going to get.


Well, that's too bad. Now we'll have to wait at least two years to get something new. Though they did say not long ago that the new Trek movie in the making should be much bigger than any of the previous ones.
This sucks ass. This is my favorite show. I said from the beginning that Scott Bakula was a poor choice for the Capt.

The worst moment I thought was when Dean Stockwell guest starred. I was waiting for them to call the computer "ziggy." If that happened, they would've lost me right then and there.
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Old 02-02-2005, 09:35 PM   #21 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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At least ziggy could have told them how to improve their ratings or at least how long the show would go on.
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Old 02-02-2005, 09:42 PM   #22 (permalink)
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What are the odds that Sci-Fi will pick up the contract and add it to their Friday night line-up.
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Old 02-02-2005, 09:50 PM   #23 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by ICER
What are the odds that Sci-Fi will pick up the contract and add it to their Friday night line-up.
I've already asked God, but somehow I think He's busy with other things. SciFi is dumping a great deal of $$ into the new Friday lineup (SG-1, SG Atlantis, Battlestar). Maybe if I can get together my Farscape buddies (who contacted something like 326 corporations looking for the money that got PeaceKeeper Wars on. Thanks again, KFC) and we can get to work on Enterprise. The problem is that Scott Bakula is at the very least doing the Quantum Leap movie that will lead into a series on SciFi. That might represent a scheduling coinflict. I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's hope someone give Enterprise another chance. And let's hope that someone isn't Pax.
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