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Rdr4evr 08-01-2004 11:19 PM


seretogis 08-02-2004 04:47 AM

I saw The Village yesterday and it was indeed awful. Sixth Sense was the only Shymalan movie that I really enjoyed, and The Village doesn't even begin to compare with it. Awful awful movie. :(

warrrreagl 08-02-2004 06:13 AM


Originally posted by YaWhateva
You are calling this a movie that makes you think? You must be kidding, I got the whole thing right away. It was so obvious. How could anyone have missed it?
I don't equate "making you think" and "figuring out the secret" as being synonymous.

losthellhound 08-02-2004 11:14 AM


Originally posted by soccerchamp76
Almost every trailer has the voice over guy saying "M Night Shylaman's".....gets old fast.

Hey, If I wrote, produced, and directed a movie I would certainly make sure they said my name alot.

I really liked the movie. It was beautifully told.. I loved the fact that alot of the audience came out saying how much they hated it yet everyone was on the edge of thier seats till the very end

sadatx 08-02-2004 02:39 PM


Originally posted by seretogis
ISixth Sense was the only Shymalan movie that I really enjoyed
Why are so many people on the Sixth Sense bandwagon. Personally, I think it the wort of all his "twist" movies. In my opinion his directing skills have only gotten better.

That said, his writing has always been hit and miss. Sure he's great at crafting a twist ending, but he's less than assured a writing human drama. Sometimes he comes through and sometimes he doesn't.

Honestly, the love story in The Village was just plain weak. It's only saving grace was that Bryce Dallas Howard was able to bring true emotion to the role (She's an actress to watch for in the future).

Then there's the horrible dialouge. Yes, once you know the big twist maybe the director can argue for the way they speak, but in my opinion it's just poor writing.

This movie, even more than his others, is predicated on the twist. And the problem is that he does everything to keep the audience from finding out the twist even at the expense of the credibility of the world he created. It collapses on itself.

Now, I liked the movie, and I think there's a lot to like about the movie. But I can see where people are dissapointed with it. Even if I think they're being too harsh.

-Ever- 08-02-2004 05:38 PM

You guys have proven me your movie knowledge once again! I should have waited a bit to see this movie and read your reviews. What a joke it was. Besides the fact that the theater was full of absolute idiots who were talking, munching, wrestling, and laughing (a $$ AMC theater, no hokey-pokey here), the movie just sucked.

The comic relief is what really killed it for me. It made me feel stupid. I must say that I loved the art direction, and I think the story had tons of potential, but it was just really choppy and again, the comic relief was horrendous.

Get rid of the humor in the handicapped man (at least use a no-name actor to make it more realistic) and throw in some better character development and maybe He'd have a winner.


tapperdapper 08-02-2004 06:11 PM

hostile comments removed

I thought that the movie was really good and considering the climate of Hollywood and what gets made vs. what does not I think that it is really great that the director has enough balls and vision to see a film through in his own way.

I give it a thumbs up...hostile comment removed

Grondar 08-02-2004 06:37 PM

There are a lot of things that didn't make sense in The Village, and instead of risking spoiling the movie for others, I will leave it at that.

whocarz 08-02-2004 07:01 PM

I saw the movie friday when it came out. I have to say I was expecting good things for this movie. Yes, it was a bit slow, but it contributed to the feeling that the end was gonna be great. How utterly disappointed I was with the "twist". I can't say I was surprised when it happened, but I did think "Oh brother". The thing that makes this movie suck is that it had POTENTIAL, and it pissed it down the drain. There was such a creepy vibe going on, then the end just ruined it.

Here is an example of how unscary this movie is. I had to take my 7 year old brother to this movie, since I had to watch him. He is a big pussycat, and I told him we are going to see a scary movie. During the previews, he starts crying uncontrollably, and I try to calm him down, saying "It's ok, it's just a movie," and "I'm here, you don't have to be scared." That didn't help so I had to tell him to buck up and tough it out. Well, he was fine during the flick, covered his ears a couple times when it got loud, but that was about it. Afterwards, I asked him if it was scary, he said no.


Originally posted by tapperdapper
This last comment coming from a person who has a animation of a cartoon pornstar shoving a tube into her privates below his screen name.

Would you say that that is "art", this stolen pornagraphic image that you post around these boards with? Or did you just forget that it was there while you were shooting your mouth off?
I give it a thumbs up...that is thumbs up the ass of the pornstar in the post above me...!

We don't need this kind of hostility here.

yellowgowild 08-02-2004 10:29 PM


Originally posted by losthellhound
.....yet everyone was on the edge of thier seats till the very end
On the edge of their seats, ABOUT TO LEAVE :)

Seriously though, I thought the movie had a nice creepy tone balanced by an Amish wholesomeness which I found refreshing. Unfortunately all movies are summed up by their endings and this one fell flat, then dragged itself even further and still wouldn't die.

EeOh1 08-03-2004 12:03 AM

I was surprised by the ending. The movie wasn't his best, but I found it entertaining. It wasn't an "oh man!" ending, but it was a "fun" twist.

Not sure why it was so utterly disappointing to many. Please explain. :)

losthellhound 08-03-2004 06:05 AM

People are disapointed because

Spoiler: they didnt want it to be a thinking ending, they wanted the monsters to be real, they wanted death, destruction. What M Night presented was a beautifull morality tale, including several well made characters, stunning sets and costumes, and people didnt want that. They wanted it to be scary

docbungle 08-03-2004 06:14 AM

The reason people are so dissapointed is NOT because it made us "think." It did not make us think. The ending of the movie is so hokey, so contrived, so "Look at me ma! Look at how surprising I am," that the movie loses all credibility. The entire film is only there to serve the twist at the end. There is no real story, there is only the ending.

Averett 08-03-2004 06:39 AM

Damnit. When you do the "Search for posts by user" it takes off the spoiler tags? Nearly saw what you wrote there losthellhound :p

And now I will quickly leave this thread before I learn more about the ending that I sorta kinda already know about :lol:

losthellhound 08-03-2004 06:41 AM


Originally posted by Averett
Damnit. When you do the "Search for posts by user" it takes off the spoiler tags? Nearly saw what you wrote there losthellhound :p

And now I will quickly leave this thread before I learn more about the ending that I sorta kinda already know about :lol:

Thats a bug ;)

mystmarimatt 08-03-2004 09:23 AM

Personally, i enjoyed it. far more so than "Signs" and "Unbreakable," it was a solid few hours of entertainment with strong writing and equally strong acting. a few shaky spots, but nothing worth complaining about.

However, its strength really lay in how the underscore was weaved in throughout the film. It was one of the best underscores I've heard in a long time, it was beautiful, haunting, with strong, memorable motifs, and was used with deft and skill in its placement and integration in the film as a whole.

I give the movie itself a 7.5/10, but I give the score a 9/10

YaWhateva 08-03-2004 09:43 AM


Originally posted by tapperdapper
This last comment coming from a person who has a animation of a cartoon pornstar shoving a tube into her privates below his screen name.

Would you say that that is "art", this stolen pornagraphic image that you post around these boards with? Or did you just forget that it was there while you were shooting your mouth off?

Unfortunately, my avitar is far from pornographic. There is no nudity, the 'tube' is a folded up fan which is the weapon used by the character in the video game she is from. The character you so ignorantly call a pornstar is from a video game from quite awhile back that recieved a ESRB rating of 'T' for teens above the age of 13. This rating was given for mild violence and not any sort of suggestive theme. Sorry I am such a geek that I have a videogame character as my avitar. Oh and sorry if my avitar offends you but you dont really have to look at it if you dont like it.

Please don't get offended by my 'shooting my mouth off' about a horribly written movie that did not deserve to see the light of day.

soccerchamp76 08-03-2004 05:05 PM

People were disappointed because they wanted a scary movie. They wrongly marketed it as a scary, edge-of-your-seats movie, when it wasn't. It didn not make you think, just a twist that nobody expected.

Tempboy 08-04-2004 07:13 AM

The problem with his films is.. he's 'famous' for his twists and surprise endings, so people end up walking into his movies looking and nitpicking trying to deconstruct it to figure out what the twist is rather than enjoy the film and be surprised at the end.

It ends up being more like a puzzle than a movie.

warrrreagl 08-04-2004 08:23 AM


Originally posted by Tempboy
The problem with his films is.. he's 'famous' for his twists and surprise endings, so people end up walking into his movies looking and nitpicking trying to deconstruct it to figure out what the twist is rather than enjoy the film and be surprised at the end.

It ends up being more like a puzzle than a movie.

This and the statements about the underscore are the sanest comments I've read in this thread.

Just as Spielberg was smart enough not to keep shooting "Jaws" over and over again, Shamalayan will not continue to serve up "Signs" leftovers for the rest of his career. Each movie will be different from the previous ones, and different from anybody else's.

Stompy 08-04-2004 08:37 AM

I probably won't see this.

The Sixth Sense's "twist" was so incredibly obvious it wasn't even funny... then to have everyone say "omg the ending just totally threw me off.." Kinda makes me wonder if people even PAY ATTENTION to what they watch anymore. This same argument of mine applies with The Others and its "twist" ending that was obvious within the first 30 minutes.

Unbreakable was pretty good.

Signs, overall, was a waste of time. It was good at parts, but really it was just a wannabe horror flick. There really wasn't a "surprise" in this movie (not that it would've mattered much)

As a result of this, and considering The Village is another PG-13 "thriller/horror", it's not gonna be good.

A personal rule of mine that I have is: Any movie that claims to be remotely scary or terrifying AND is rated PG-13 is crap. So far it has proved true.

This might be a "downloader" for a rainy day though.

Cynthetiq 08-04-2004 09:07 AM


Originally posted by Tempboy
The problem with his films is.. he's 'famous' for his twists and surprise endings, so people end up walking into his movies looking and nitpicking trying to deconstruct it to figure out what the twist is rather than enjoy the film and be surprised at the end.

It ends up being more like a puzzle than a movie.

I think that if Alfred Hitchcock was making films today people would say that they suck...but I think that Shamalayan's movies while aren't as brilliant as Hitchcock's, are a throwback to simpler movie making times.

-Ever- 08-04-2004 10:58 AM


Originally posted by tapperdapper

I give it a thumbs up...that is thumbs up the ass of the pornstar in the post above me...!

My post is above yours and the one you're talking about is way before mine because you took so long to post it. I'd appreciate it if you removed your comment(s). :rolleyes:

Xiangsu 08-04-2004 09:30 PM

I liked the movie myself, I'm not sure if that puts me in the minority but I dont care either way. I do think the movie was too dependent on the end this time, but I liked the end. So for those of you who were disappointed with the ending it makes sense why you would hate the entire film.

Spoiler: Anyone notice the newspaper M. Night was reading? I think it made a good point about what we see in the paper now days. Every article in the paper you saw was about violence and I think that was the point of the film. Because we get to see how innocent the people were in that time period. I thought the idea of the elders dressing up as monsters to scare the others was great. Not only did it serve their main purpose of keeping everyone from leaving the villlage, it also brought the community closer together. It makes you wonder if it would be so bad to be taken back to a time like that? So, IMHO I think the movie does make you think, made me think at least.

BTW I wouldn't be surprised if that was the biggest spoiler ever.


For the record I would just like to say that I think this was probably his weakest film but I still enjoyed it a lot. I love the score's in M. Night's movies. There were some parts in this movie where the score reminded me of a remixed version of Signs, but overall it was great. Im going to have to give the movie an 8/10

whocarz 08-05-2004 01:56 AM


Originally posted by Xiangsu
Because we get to see how innocent the people were in that time period.
People in any time period have never been as a whole, "innocent". There has been violence, hatred, tragedy, atrocity, etc. as long as we have existed. Granted, this makes life interesting in a terrifying way.

Back to the movie though, I remember thinking that I didn't see any CGI, and if there was any, it was so slight that it was unnoticable to me. That was actually quite refreshing.

warrrreagl 08-05-2004 05:25 AM


Originally posted by Xiangsu
I liked the movie myself, I'm not sure if that puts me in the minority but I dont care either way. I do think the movie was too dependent on the end this time, but I liked the end. So for those of you who were disappointed with the ending it makes sense why you would hate the entire film.

Spoiler: Spoiler: Anyone notice the newspaper M. Night was reading? I think it made a good point about what we see in the paper now days. Every article in the paper you saw was about violence and I think that was the point of the film. Because we get to see how innocent the people were in that time period. I thought the idea of the elders dressing up as monsters to scare the others was great. Not only did it serve their main purpose of keeping everyone from leaving the villlage, it also brought the community closer together. It makes you wonder if it would be so bad to be taken back to a time like that? So, IMHO I think the movie does make you think, made me think at least.

BTW I wouldn't be surprised if that was the biggest spolier ever.

Xiangsu, super observation. I hadn't caught that! Perhaps this could be construed as a comment on organized religion as a whole. After all, is what they do really any different?

Xiangsu 08-05-2004 07:31 AM


Originally posted by whocarz
People in any time period have never been as a whole, "innocent". There has been violence, hatred, tragedy, atrocity, etc. as long as we have existed. Granted, this makes life interesting in a terrifying way.

Well this is a special case, because of the creatures the people don't fear each other. Its the threat of violence and tragedy that keeps them bonded.

Spoiler: Even though they are scared, they are safe. So I should say in this village they are innocent.

-Ever- 08-05-2004 08:06 AM

I feel what you're saying about being innocent Xiangsu, but

Spoiler: don't forget that Noel kills someone. I'd personally fear him as much as the monsters from then on. ;)

Xiangsu 08-05-2004 09:41 AM


Originally posted by -Ever-
I feel what you're saying about being innocent Xiangsu, but

Spoiler: don't forget that Noel kills someone. I'd personally fear him as much as the monsters from then on. ;)

Spoiler: Remember also that he was mentally retarded, so what he did was somewhat of an innocent action. He also figured out the secret of the elders and used that against the other villagers. So he wasn't afraid like everyone else.

Btw I think this thread has the most spoiler chat ever lol

pta200 08-05-2004 10:10 AM

I think it may have been the worst movie I've ever seen.

YaWhateva 08-05-2004 10:15 AM


Originally posted by -Ever-
I feel what you're saying about being innocent Xiangsu, but

Spoiler: don't forget that Noel kills someone. I'd personally fear him as much as the monsters from then on. ;)

Spoiler: I think that was the whole point about him later dressing as the monsters, a sort of symbollism.

theman52 08-05-2004 09:54 PM

This cant be a spoiler cause those who havent seen the movie will have no idea...


Did Ivy ever say what color? (Although, you can pretty much assume its Knight's fav color)

Also, did anyone else notice the major ending spoiler about 3/4 of the way through the movie?Sure you can put subtle hints together, but there was one about 3/4 of the way through that was the subtle hint to confirm all subtle hints. At first I was like "Did I really see what I thought I saw." Then I though it was a possible editing mistake?

Fire 08-05-2004 10:01 PM

I read all the posts before I saw it- so I had low expectations, and did not expect a horror movie- I and everyone with me (6 people) loved this movie- it was well put together, made sense, and made me think- it just wasnt a horror movie
still, it was the best movie I have seen this year.....

theman52 08-05-2004 10:07 PM

Yea, after seeing past the dissapointment of not getting scared the hell outta. I thought it was a very good movie.

-Ever- 08-06-2004 08:56 AM


Originally posted by theman52

Also, did anyone else notice the major ending spoiler about 3/4 of the way through the movie?Sure you can put subtle hints together, but there was one about 3/4 of the way through that was the subtle hint to confirm all subtle hints. At first I was like "Did I really see what I thought I saw." Then I though it was a possible editing mistake?

Use some spoiler censors and tell us what you're talking about, you've got me curious for what I missed...

NoSoup 08-06-2004 09:55 AM

Spoiler: Personally, I thought that this was a pretty terrible film. The music was amazing, but there are so many inconsistancies in this film that go against all logic it is laughable. However, I am willing to admit that the stabbing scene is likely one of the most... disturbing... that I have seen. The lack of struggle, just the non-chalant way that it was done, was just so brutal.

As far as the things that happened in the movie that go against all logic - The implied that the handicapped fellow was putting on the costume and shaving the dogs? Suddenly he becomes intelligent enough to do that? Also, why in the world would you send a blind girl though the woods to get medicine, especially with only a watch to pay for it. Give me a break, one of the elders could have easily gone and gotten it, the fellow at the desk obviously knew that they were living in there. I understand that blind people can get along pretty well, but if you have a blind women basically stepping out from the 1800's into today, I am sure that she would have no idea what a vehicle sounds like.

For the record, I also was annoyed with how they spoke. I understand that it was an attempt to immerse us further into that world, but it was a combination of the old way and new way of speaking. The thing, though, that really did this move in for me was the "Scooby Doo" ending, if anyone remembers watching the old cartoons, you'll see the similarities.

-Ever- 08-06-2004 10:11 AM

Spoiler: It wasn't Noel shaving the dead animals, it was the adults.

Also, Spoiler: The father told Ivy that the mosters weren't real. She went into the woods and was horrified to find out that they were (at least in her mind when she was attacked by Noel). Don't you think she would have been at least *a little* emotional and upset with her father for lying to her? :rolleyes:

YaWhateva 08-06-2004 11:15 AM


Originally posted by NoSoup
Spoiler: Personally, I thought that this was a pretty terrible film. The music was amazing, but there are so many inconsistancies in this film that go against all logic it is laughable. However, I am willing to admit that the stabbing scene is likely one of the most... disturbing... that I have seen. The lack of struggle, just the non-chalant way that it was done, was just so brutal.
Spoiler: I will definitely agree with you on the stabbing scene, it kind of made me cringe, and thats a pretty tough thing to do.

ARTelevision 08-07-2004 05:45 PM

I don't think it was a conventional piece of film entertainment.
I do think it was a good allegory about how civilization is always created by instilling fear, as that is the only thing strong enough to civilize humans.

Sue 08-08-2004 05:59 AM

Art, that's a good point you make :)

I saw the movie last night with my mom. The only word I have to describe this movie is "weird."

I liked the movie, but I didn't at the same time.

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