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Parker 02-11-2004 08:33 PM

Does anyone else miss Seinfeld?
I know that there is re-runs of Seinfeld, but I have seen those so many times that I can finish there sentence. I wish that Jerry Seinfeld would get intelligent and decide to return. I use to look forward to a new episode of Seinfeld each week. Who else out there is with me.

InTeGrA77 02-11-2004 08:38 PM

I am!

I never used to watch the show much, up until a little while ago. I started watching all the re-runs and now I think that I'm addicted. It's a great show, and I don't think that there's ever been a single "bad" episode. I just love Kramer!:lol::lol:

pan6467 02-11-2004 08:41 PM

Seinfeld was good, in fact watching one now (hit and run), think it would be hard to get everyone back together tho, kinda like Cheers I'd love to see Cheers rehashed but ....... maybe for Fraizer's grand finale this year he'll be in Bawston and see the gang at the bah.

Can see it now, he's going to Boston to see Frederick, stops in to see the gang and decides to stay.

Aw well one can dream.

Destrox 02-11-2004 08:43 PM

He was just in my town doing standup, on my 21st bday actually.

I picked to get insanely drunk then to see him tho..

Any other day I would have tho :)

Tickets were going for like 40$, and 150+ on the street.

chiefslappajo 02-11-2004 09:57 PM

Well, they left it open for a return on the last episode, and all the actors have flopped in their solo careers, so why not? I Tivo the reruns every day and think I have seen them all, just quiz me :suave: honestly, we've got Family Guy back, and it was cancelled. Seinfeld went out on top. If they really wanna come back, they'd have no problem with the network execs, especially with Friends biting the dust, there are no funny sitcoms anymore.

JStrider 02-11-2004 10:17 PM

sienfeld was good... i always got a kick out of the show...

kramer was my favorite... such a character...

n0nsensical 02-11-2004 10:25 PM

Yeah Seinfeld was great. If you're a Seinfeld fan and you can't seem to find anything as good, your best bet is Curb Your Enthusiasm on HBO. Larry David who was the original writer for Seinfeld is the star and its humor is very Seinfeld-like and funny. HBO series in general blow away anything on network TV in my opinion.

Sleepyjack 02-11-2004 10:39 PM

Curb Your Enthusiasm, heh, i've seen that a few times and enjoyed it quite a bit. I like the film technique as well, it seems like real life ( i thought it may be a documentary about people when i first saw it)

As for Seinfeld, i think i could keep watching most of the old episodes without getting too sick or tired of it. Not too many people get close to his observational humour, nowadays :(

BuddyHawks 02-11-2004 10:49 PM

Ah yes, the show. so many great lines. new episode would be grand, but I don't see it happening. It's nice that they show about five episods a day.

bernadette 02-11-2004 11:28 PM

seinfeld rocked most because of the supporting actors. eiaine, kramer & george shadowed jerry most of the time.

i very much enjoyed the run of the series, but it's one of those things that i don't think can ever be recreated. it happened. it was fun. the ride is over. for the die hard junkies, the re-runs will live forever.

flamingdog 02-12-2004 02:12 AM

Oh hell yeah, Curb Your Enthusiasm is the way forward. Any comedy show that routinely uses the word cunt is good in my book. Do you honestly think they could bring something like Seinfeld back and have it be as good?

cchris 02-12-2004 05:20 AM

It would be great to see the return of Seinfeld provided all of them came back.

Newman included.

jasonresno 02-12-2004 05:26 AM

I used to watch it all the time, amazing show.

k1ng 02-12-2004 05:30 AM

Anyone else have the Curb Your Enthusiam Season One dvd? I thought the case with the pop out dvd tray was pretty nifty.

But yeah, Curb is great. I recommend it to anyone waiting for the Seinfeld dvds come out.

gilada 02-12-2004 08:20 AM

eh, for some reason, it's lost it's appeal for me over time.

animosity 02-12-2004 12:18 PM

if seinfield came back it would just be a huge disapointment because everyone would have such high expectations that no one could possibly fulfill. the reruns are fun to watch. but that is all we will ever have. its time to move on.

Curb Your Enthusiam is a great show... that is what i suggest as a replacement.

DownwardSpiral 02-12-2004 10:02 PM

*in Jerry Seinfeld tone of voice* Whats the deal with missing Seinfeld? I mean. . . uhhh. . . good god no I don't miss Seinfeld, he isn't really that funny and his show wasn't all that good in my opinion.

frankgrimes 02-12-2004 11:01 PM

Sienfeld was one of the most influential tv shows ever, just the sayings they added to the language, every episode was great . One of the greatest shows ever. I was sad to see it go. At least I still have the Simpsons...

Redjake 02-13-2004 05:58 AM

Seinfeld is one of those shows that you have to "get" to think it's funny. I absolutely HATED the show for years.

Once I understood this television series is the utter EPITOME of situational comedy, I all of a sudden thought it was the funniest fucking show ever made. They aren't there to tell jokes. They are there to be in bad situations.

Man-hands :)

Bill O'Rights 02-13-2004 06:19 AM

Seinfeld was, in my opinion, one of the best shows on T.V...ever. Unfortunately, as with everything else in life, the show had run its course. It was time to end it. It was like saying goodbye to an old friend. But sometimes, just sometimes, you have to know when to let go.
Goodbye Jerry, George, Kramer and Elaine. You are missed.

mbchills 02-13-2004 06:23 AM


Originally posted by k1ng
Anyone else have the Curb Your Enthusiam Season One dvd? I thought the case with the pop out dvd tray was pretty nifty.

But yeah, Curb is great. I recommend it to anyone waiting for the Seinfeld dvds come out.

Yea i have that DVD, i love that show. it satisfy's my Seinfeld urges because.. its very similiar

curb your enthusiasm = new seinfeld

rrf 02-13-2004 09:27 AM

everyday i get the pleasure of watching an hour and a half of seinfeld on TBS and Fox starting at 6:30. Ive seen every episode 5 times amd some 10, but i never get tired of them. The show is genious.


I got the call.
Sean Paul?
Sean Paul.

BuddyHawks 02-13-2004 01:25 PM


Originally posted by rrf

I got the call.
Sean Paul?
Sean Paul.

a quote gotta help me out, it's driving me crazy! which epsiode

ariekitten 02-13-2004 10:24 PM

i love kramer. anything he's in (he's been in movies and other stuff) is usually really good. my mother was always saying what a horrible show seinfeld was, but i would watch it when she wasn't paying attention and i always got a big kick out of it. :D

cyclone 02-13-2004 11:37 PM

kramer is the man! :)

djflish 02-14-2004 12:33 PM

I can honestly say I have never in my life seen an episode of Seinfeld.
I've heard good things tho...

bond007 02-15-2004 10:44 PM

Seinfeld = best show ever!

but, unless they could get the main cast plus the writers... then, no they should not bring it back.

mystmarimatt 02-15-2004 11:25 PM

Except for Kramer, i just never got into it, the characters annoyed me too much to find any sympathetic identification with them.

But i have a friend just like Kramer, so that's pretty cool.

thebigk 02-16-2004 08:53 AM

I fell out of love with the show about halfway through its run, but came back for the big finale. Some of the characters drove me nuts. I can't stand George's parents, and Kramer's door opening gag got old fast for me.

VitaminH 02-17-2004 09:08 AM

Easily my favorite show EVER. Here, I get two reruns a day, one at 630 and one at 11. Studying or whatever generally stops for one-half an hour at these times every day for some odd reason.

Best. Show. Ever.

BuddyHawks 02-18-2004 10:44 PM


Originally posted by thebigk
George's parents
Best part of the series!:cool:

maximus 02-18-2004 11:34 PM

i can honestly say that without seinfield, (and football of course), that i would have no reason to watch tv.

cleanx 02-19-2004 02:07 AM

Dolores thats her name

no soup for you

calliman 02-20-2004 05:38 PM

but footys ok

Eviltree 02-21-2004 04:43 PM

It was an awesome show, I still watch it. I agree that if they can't get the writers back, they shouldn't even try. It would be a major disapointment

-Ever- 02-21-2004 08:56 PM

Still funnier than any sitcom.

silent_jay 02-22-2004 09:40 PM

I miss seinfeld so much I started downloading the series episode at a time, it would be so much easier if Jerry just did a 3 year return thats all I ask I've seen them all, along with everone else.

Thank god for Kazza or I'd be stuck waiting for it to come on TV in rerun

Prince 02-23-2004 10:49 AM

I hear ya. I've all the eps on discs, it's awesome. I'll be getting them on dvd of course once they're available. Definitely the best show ever. The sad thing is, I can identify with some bits of each character, because my own sense of humour is very similar, and at times a bit cruel.

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