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Snakebyt 12-17-2003 08:29 PM

Movies that you never get tired of watching
there are a few on my list of movies i could watch over and over.. what are some of yours?
I know we have a entertainment section, but since this isnt about one particular movie, i decided to put it here

Twister (watching it right now actually)
Patch Adams

bundy 12-17-2003 08:49 PM

i´ve got a HUGE list of fav films... but on further reflection, i doubt i could sit through most of them end on end...

heres a few that i could watch over and over, and never dull the experience...

dr strangelove
bridget jones diary
love actually
kill bill
american psycho
rules of attraction
bring it on
8 femmes

present_future 12-17-2003 09:02 PM

Forrest Gump - Greatest movie of all time IMO
Old School
The Green Mile

NetterButter 12-17-2003 09:04 PM


Office Space

Old School

Dumb and Dumber...

I dunno why i am in a silly movie mood right now...

Rodney 12-17-2003 09:21 PM

My list's a little odd and a little old, like myself:

Kelly's Heroes (seen it a million times)
Hear My Song (Great Brit comedy)
The President's Analyst
Groundhog Day
The Great Escape
The Usual Suspects
Much Ado About Nothing (Branagh's version)
Apocalypse Now (everything but the last 15 minutes)
The Wind and the Lion
The Man Who Would Be King
The Moderns
Raiders of the Lost Ark
M.A.S.H (the movie)
A Christmas Story
The Maltese Falcon

Seen them all several times, and could stand to see them many more times.

GakFace 12-17-2003 09:26 PM

Boondock Saints
Boondock Saints
Boondock Saints

oh and um...

Pulp Fiction
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
oh, and Superman

I'm sure there may be more but those are my tops.

I seem to watch Boondock Saints at least once a week. :D

bundy 12-17-2003 09:45 PM


Originally posted by Rodney
My list's a little odd and a little old, like myself:

Much Ado About Nothing (Branagh's version)

good call!
add that to my list!!

more fire 12-17-2003 10:06 PM

the last emperor
all 3 of the matrix films
jason and the argonauts
the usual suspects
dark days

Sion 12-17-2003 10:25 PM

the LOTR trilogy will NEVER get old for me

as for other films, the list is WAY too long.

HugAPug 12-17-2003 10:35 PM


Boondock Saints
Boondock Saints
Boondock Saints
Other films:
Reservoir Dogs
Godzilla (1997)
The Fifth Element
Toy Story
Gangs of New York

Bloodslick 12-18-2003 06:37 AM

The Fifth Element
The Dark Crystal
The Empire Strikes Back if I'm not drinking
Star Wars if I am drinking
Dark City

More on edit, brain processes being thwarted by my chili flatulence.

Lasereth 12-18-2003 07:57 AM

The Shawshank Redemption
Ocean's Eleven (new one)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

That's all I can think of right now, even though I know there's plenty more out there.


Cynthetiq 12-18-2003 08:57 AM

any of the pixar movies...

the little mermaid
an american tail

tooth 12-18-2003 11:04 AM

Off the top of my head...

Shawshank Redemption
Star Wars
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Forrest Gump
The Great Escape
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Animal House
Slap Shot

And a few that might not yet qualify, since I havn't seen them as often as the others ...

Royal Tennanbaums (sp?)
Great Expectations

Tossed LOTR in here too. Loved 'em, just haven't seen 'em often enough to say if they might make this list yet.

I am sure there are more. But who couldn't sit here and list favorite movies all day?

streak_56 12-18-2003 11:43 AM

Shawshank Redemption
Saving Private Ryan
Old School
LOTR: both movies

drown_with_me 12-18-2003 01:58 PM





Sho Nuff 12-18-2003 02:22 PM

Office Space
Pulp Fiction
Lilo and Stitch
Fight Club
Shaolin Challenges Ninja
Little Shop of Horrors
Menace II Society
Training Day
Matrix Reloaded

absorbentishe 12-18-2003 02:26 PM

Caddyshack! I can watch that over and over...
Groundhogs Day see a pattern
Star Wars all of them, they're great
Ferris Beuhler's day off
Any War movie
Toy Story

Wow, too many to remember...

Fremen 12-18-2003 02:36 PM

Silverado---------------Bob Hope and Bing Crosby Road shows
Buckaroo Banzai---------------Abbott and Costello movies
Star Wars movies---------------Stargate
The Wizard of Oz---------------The Secret of NIMH
The Sound of Music-------------Kid Colter
M.A.S.H.---------------------The Last Boyscout
The Star Trek movies-----------------The Great Escape
E.T.-----------------------------------Flight of the Navigator
How The West Was Won-----------The Negotiator
The Fly (Goldblum)----------Almost all Clint Eastwood movies
Powder-------------------------Miracle on 34th Street (older one)
North By Northwest---------------The Thin Man movies
The Charlie Chan movies-------The various Robin Hood movies
Christmas Vacation-----------------Tremors trilogy
A Christmas Story----------------Jurassic Park trilogy
Indiana Jones movies--------------Stalag 17
Groundhog Day------------------------Chuck Norris movies

I better stop now with my short list.

Batman976 12-18-2003 03:29 PM

The only movies I can watch without getting tired of them are the comedies. Most of my favorite movies I only watch once in a while.

Mr.Deflok 12-18-2003 07:10 PM

Any STAR WARS film
Any ALIEN film except 4
Any PIXAR film
Blade Runner

and most of all...

SEVEN SAMURAI (Shichinin no samurai)

Rodney 12-18-2003 08:01 PM


Originally posted by Bloodslick

Dark City

More on edit, brain processes being thwarted by my chili flatulence.

Forgot Dark City, what was I thinking?

And shit, O Brother, Where Art Thou? I saw that four times in the theater. And The Hudsucker Proxy -- maybe you've got to be over 40 to figure out why it's so funny, or a total old film nut, but if you're either it's a bloody scream.

dog1 12-18-2003 09:08 PM

Pulp Fiction
Full Metal Jacket
Resevoir Dogs
Lord of the Rings (all)
Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Wizard of Oz (with Pink Floyd soundtrack)
Deep Throat
The Man Who Would Be King

A lot more but I'm sleepy and can't think too good now.

31Friction 12-18-2003 10:10 PM

Taxi Driver
Pulp Fiction
Boondock Saits
Human Traffic
Waking Life
Silence of the Lambs
Jin Roh
Spirited Away
theres more but off the top of my head....

Spartak 12-19-2003 01:02 AM

Fight Club
Boondock Saints
Full Metal Jacket

I've seen each movie 20 times at least.

Mr.Deflok 12-19-2003 01:22 AM


Originally posted by 31Friction
Jin Roh

Hell yes, I thought I was only one who enjoyed this film, it's incredible.

Goose 12-19-2003 05:33 AM

Band of Brothers
Saving Private Ryan
Full Metal Jacket
The Day the Earth Stood Still
War of the Worlds
Alien (all of them)
Pulp Fiction

dy156 12-19-2003 07:36 AM

I can't watch most comedies over and over-they just aren't funny when you've seen them a couple of times, except for the ones you can watch while drinking with friends, like:
Mel Brooks movies
Dazed and confused
Best in Show
vacations-all of them until Vegas vacation
Animal house

There are other movies my friends used to watch in college while drinking that aren't really comedies, but I have such fond memories of these that if they come on TV, I'm sure to watch them.
Full metal jacket
Lonesome Dove-never comes on tv, and is about seven hours long, but threw this in just cause of the fond memories of this too.

If it's just me, I'll watch big blockbuster action movies, even though I've seen them many times:
Star Wars movies
Indiana Jones Movies
Terminators and other big Arnold movies from his hayday
Independence day
Private Ryan

rockzilla 12-19-2003 06:38 PM

Half Baked... it may say something about my "extracurricular activities", but I don't care, it's the only movie that's ever entertained me more than once.

heccubusiv 12-19-2003 08:37 PM

Snatch, Office Space, Fight Club, Se7en, Any Monty Python movie, most James bond movies, Princess Bride, Robin Hood Men in Tights... the list just continues

bltzkriegmcanon 12-19-2003 09:10 PM

Matrix Series
Star Wars
Indiana Jones
Terminator 1 & 2
Men In Black 1

Vashon 12-19-2003 09:57 PM

Saving Private Ryan

Hrothgar 12-20-2003 08:39 PM

Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory
GodFather 1 & 2
A Christmas Story
Killer Klowns From Outer Space

orphen 12-21-2003 06:41 AM

Pulp Fiction
and the original starwars

joofoo 12-21-2003 03:22 PM

The Boondock Saints, As Good As It Gets, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Clerks, Office Space.

I could possibly watch all of those anytime or any day

Spinach_Indeed 12-21-2003 05:24 PM


Originally posted by Mr.Deflok

SEVEN SAMURAI (Shichinin no samurai)

Ahhh. So true. That movie never seems to get old.

I've watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show so...so many times.

Monty Python's Meaning of Life
Kill Bill (Vol. 1, of course)
How to Kill a Mockingbird

And although it's not a film, I've watched the dvd collection of "The Young Ones" way too much.

Cardinal Syn 12-21-2003 08:21 PM

Anything of Monty Python.
Fight Club,
Lord of the rings films,
Way of the Gun,
Fist of Legend.--- Best Jet Li film ever,
The Jersey Chronicles. -- You folks know what i am talking about.
Princess Bride,
Goonies---god i love this one,
I dig the Harry potter films,
A Christmas Story---- Thank god it airs every Christmas. I need to pick up the DvD.

I am sure there are a bunch more i watch alot.

OOO almost Forgot.

Heat---My all time favorite film.

BigGov 12-21-2003 08:47 PM

This just reeks of top 10 ability.


10) A Christmas Story - every Christmas I end up watching it at least 3 times because I turn every TV I see to TNT.
9) Fight Club
8) The Big Labowski
7) Snatch
6) Jackass: The Movie
5) Saving Private Ryan
4) The Godfather 1 & 2 - Gotta lump them together because I often watch them back-to-back
3) Scarface
2) Pulp Fiction

and finally...


Steffi 12-21-2003 09:06 PM

Dumb and Dumber
You've Got Mail
Center Stage
Boondock Saints
The Breakfast Club
Uncle Buck
(All John Hughes Flicks)
A Christmas Story
The Goonies
Too many to name them all

sartan 12-25-2003 05:01 PM

Matrix trilogy
Shawshank Redemption

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