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Baldrick 09-11-2003 05:08 PM

Once Upon a Time in Mexico
This is without a doubt the "Hollywood film" I have been looking forward to the most this year, and after watching it last night, it didn't dissapoint!

I was really nervous before watching it, because like most movies have this year, I hoped this wouldn't let me down. As usual Depp delivers, but like Desperado it's the "support" characters that made the movie for me. It's not just Antonio Banderas, Johnny Depp, and Salma Hayek.

I don't want to give anything remotely close to a spoiler - although you truly get what your looking for and expect with this - so I'll leave it at that. But if you liked Desperado or From Dusk Til Dawn, this is worth the price of admission. Go see it.

Now I only hope I'm not dissapointed by Last Samurai or Kill Bill - even though Miramax is trying hard to piss us all off by splitting Kill Bill up into two volumes...

j8ear 09-11-2003 05:31 PM

Any Cheech or Quinten cameos?

bemick 09-11-2003 07:02 PM


Originally posted by j8ear
Any Cheech or Quinten cameos?
I know Cheech is, he's in the trailer for it

Hrothgar 09-11-2003 07:06 PM

I liked El Mariachi. When you have a pretty boy Spaniard playing a Mexican... es no good for me ese.

sadistikdreams 09-11-2003 08:01 PM

I really want to see this movie.

Though..... The coming attractions usually ruin movies for me. that isnt so good for me

Stare At The Sun 09-11-2003 08:29 PM

Is cheech the big mexican guy with the tat on his chest of that chick?

Hrothgar 09-11-2003 08:41 PM

No ese that's Danny Trejo

Baldrick 09-12-2003 02:41 PM


Any Cheech or Quinten cameos?
As pointed out, yup, Cheech is in it. But unless they do a good job of hiding him, or I got up to go to the bathroom, I didn't see Quentin. :)

Plan9Senior 09-12-2003 06:59 PM

I saw this this afternoon and it was entertaining. Story was pretty weak, and Desperado is much better hands down, but it was worth my matinee price. I wouldn't pay full price for it though.

anleja 09-12-2003 07:50 PM

I bought a bootleg copy of this at a flea market last week, and still haven't gotten around to watching the whole thing. The whole thing of being taped by camcorder leaves a bit to be desired. I mean , the sound is okay, but there are subtitles in some parts that the guy doesn't capture, and you can hear the test audience laugh during the funny parts. It looks good enough to see it in the theater, though. Some movies are better on the big screen, this looks like one of them.

Wow, I guess I got pretty rambly there.

holtmate 09-12-2003 09:34 PM

I just got back from seeing it. I really enjoyed it. Good action, lots of explosions, so no complaints there. I think I'll have to go see it again, just to see if I missed anything, and to sit through the credits.

Mr. Spacemonkey 09-13-2003 04:20 PM

I just got back from seeing it too. I liked it. As usual, Johnny Depp's performance rocked!

Xiangsu 09-13-2003 04:23 PM

Johnny Depp made the movie for me. If I had to give this a review I would say two and half stars. Johnny Depp saved this movie, its worth renting because he is in it. Everything else was really cheesy.

DownwardSpiral 09-13-2003 06:24 PM

I thought it was alright, I just saw it a few hours ago and I must say that even though Mariachi is a badass, Johnny Depp stole the show here. Desperado was better story-wise, though I agree. About 3 out of 5 i'd say.

Mr.Deflok 09-13-2003 07:30 PM

This looks very stylish, moreso thatn Desperado, which is fantastic.

For those who have seen it could you answer me these two questions? Enrique Iglesias, is he an annoying prick like he is in real life? and secondly, what's up with Johnny Depp's three arms (if this is spoiler material please don't answer). Thanks!!

DownwardSpiral 09-13-2003 07:44 PM

No Enrique isn't really annoiyng in the movie, and let's just say Depp's third arm is a good decoy hehehe. . .

Mr. Spacemonkey 09-13-2003 07:47 PM

Yeah Enrique isn't annoying but i still thought it was funny as hell he was in the movie.

DownwardSpiral 09-13-2003 08:10 PM

Well you know he can be your hero, Spacemonkey lolol

sadistikdreams 09-13-2003 09:02 PM

This movie was by far one of the best flicks i've seen.

But, I was wondering.... What's Quentin Tarintino's relation to the series? (El Mariachi, Desparado, Once Upon A Time In Mexico)

Gman 09-13-2003 09:30 PM

This movie is great! They even made Enrique seem like a slight badass, which is VERY hard to do.

"What are you? A Mexican, or a Mexican't?"

Tee Hee.

sadistikdreams 09-13-2003 10:35 PM

HAH! Gman! That was the BEST LINE IN THE MOVIE!

Xiangsu 09-14-2003 09:33 AM

He was in Desperado and thats about it for his connection to movie as far as I know...

Baldrick 09-14-2003 10:06 AM

Aye. While Robert Rodriguez and Quentin are really close friends, and have worked together a few times (Four Rooms, From Dusk Til Dawn 1, 2, & 3, and Desperado), Quentin doesn't have anything to do with Once Upon a Time in Mexico.

Esoteric 09-14-2003 02:41 PM

I have yet to see this, but I do plan on seeing it. It looks good.

Prophecy 09-14-2003 04:55 PM

actually I heard this movie was released b/c of J. Depp's increasing popularity. The movie was finished 2 years ago and was shelved till now.

Jesus Pimp 09-14-2003 06:52 PM

I thought it was pretty bad. Depp's character was pointless.

warrrreagl 09-14-2003 07:25 PM


Originally posted by Jesus Pimp
I thought it was pretty bad. Depp's character was pointless.
Agreed. I thought it was a boring joke, and would only appeal to video-game brains.

Baldrick 09-15-2003 03:51 AM


actually I heard this movie was released b/c of J. Depp's increasing popularity. The movie was finished 2 years ago and was shelved till now.
It was finished right at the end of 2001, but was held off until now because Robert Rodriquez had made commitments on the Spy Kids franchise. With only a $29 million budget, even if it performed poorly at the box office, this film was easy money for Columbia and Miramax.


Agreed. I thought it was a boring joke, and would only appeal to video-game brains.
hehe... I agree that the whole movie is pretty much geared towards pure mindless entertainment - check your brain at the door. But if done properly, there's nothing wrong with that! :)

eris 09-15-2003 03:54 AM

I saw this last night. Highly entertaining if not silly - but worth seeing. Depp was great, as usual.

I wsn't impressed with Enrique...

wondash 09-15-2003 05:05 AM

Saw it last night. Eh. Semi-entertaining. Depp's character was the best part of the movie, until the whole eye thing.

rogue49 09-15-2003 05:41 AM

It was a good Summer Movie.
Some funny parts, some boring parts,
good fake action
some good wit.

I didn't go there looking for something profound or wonderful,
I knew what to expect...especially if you seen the other movies.
Over the Top gunplay, Humor, Posturing, & Cinematography.
a simple fun movie.

djm 09-15-2003 04:42 PM


Originally posted by warrrreagl
Agreed. I thought it was a boring joke, and would only appeal to video-game brains.
Huh? What exactly is a video-game brain, and why would they appreciate a psychotic C.I.A. agent? I thought Depp was fantastic, although that could be because I have a slight man-crush on him.

docbungle 09-15-2003 08:34 PM

This was without a doubt the biggest dissapointment in recent memory. What a complete waste of talent and time. I would have fallen asleep it it hadn't been so damn loud.

Uninspired fighting, shooting, killing...without any sense of the tension or excitement that graced both El Mariachi and Desperado. It's just a bunch of random crap and random characters (none of which we care about) thrown together, as if by a child.

Depp had some cool scenes, but so what - that doesn't make the movie good.

3zos 09-16-2003 08:56 AM

agreed doc.. mindless entertainment indeed, but the tension could have been built a tad better. another issue was that towards the end of the film, it became readily apparent it was shot in digital.. something has to be said about old fashioned celluoid, seems to give that movie feel better. looked a bit like it was shot with a camcorder in some parts. however, the cinematography was excellent, framing in most scenes spectacular. the score accompanied nicely as welll.. anyone know if banderas in fact plays a guitar?

desperado was infinitely better, if not stylized as much.

kschroyer 09-16-2003 10:14 AM

docbungle --dead on
You're exactly right, doc.

I am a huge fan of Desperado, El Mariachi, From Dusk 'til Dawn...but this movie was HUGELY disappointing. The style is gone...the flair is gone...in their place is crap-for-craps-sake.

I could rattle off a dozen things wrong with this movie, but why...

Suffice to say that if you liked Desperado because of action and explosions and guns, you will like this movie.


If you liked Desperado because of the fresh, stylizing filmaking and writing that RR brought to a movie with action and explosions and guns, you will be saddned.

Then again, who the hell am I....I may be wrong.

Evil Milkman 09-16-2003 04:41 PM


Originally posted by sadistikdreams
HAH! Gman! That was the BEST LINE IN THE MOVIE!
I rather liked when Depp said, "Ok, I'm going to freak right out now."


cowlick 09-17-2003 09:28 AM

I saw it this weekend and I really enjoyed it.
I think perhaps the director was playing around with a lot of things that may have displeased a lot of people.
He was making fun of himself and of other action movies. The very first violent scene is a definate poke at El Mariachi and Desperado. There's the extended poke at Face Off. The Crow, Hong Kong blind samurai films...
The violence was continously comic book in nature. Every person shot flys 20 feet into the air or more. When El is cornered, he'll always be surrounded by a full ring of guns.
The final interesting thing is that despite all this violence, satire, and intentionally over the top plot theatrics, the movie is also a nationalistic dream for Mexico. The people of Mexico, poor and exploited, rise to power over the corruption of the government.
Or maybe I am just full of it...

putzy 09-17-2003 09:34 AM

This movie looks awsome. I plan to see it this weekend :)

Seanathan03 09-18-2003 04:50 PM

I loved this movie but johnny depp is more of a main character than antonio was or so it seemed, and im strangely alright with that. Johnny depp is one hell of a good actor. two thumbs up for this movie

BuddyHawks 09-18-2003 05:28 PM

I'm going to see it this weekend, but havn't seen the first two. Is there anything important that I need to know going into this show?

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