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jhericurl21 09-02-2003 08:54 PM

How good is this movie?

docbungle 09-02-2003 09:28 PM

I'm watching it tonight. Will post tomorrow.

Halx 09-02-2003 10:28 PM

It was par for the course as far as mystery/thrillers go. A lot of people really enjoyed it, but that's probably because they hadn't seen too many twist endings before. It's worth a rent.

YaWhateva 09-02-2003 10:37 PM

i liked it a lot, just for the coolness factor. ending was also cool.

Latch 09-02-2003 11:00 PM

It was alright.. something happens in the movie that totally kicked me out of the movie... I wasn't sucked in anymore.

Mehoni 09-02-2003 11:43 PM

It's good a long while. Towards the end, at a certain point the movie becomes less "fascinating" and I became bored. I didn't really like the ending,

docbungle 09-03-2003 01:09 AM

I thought it was pretty good. Made me think. Good thriller. And John Cusak is great in this.

bundy 09-03-2003 03:18 AM

i was a wee bit disappointed.
i found the main part of the film quite boring... but i enjoyed the build-up and introduction of the characters... and the ending was fun.

CSflim 09-03-2003 09:49 AM

Good lord that movie was awful!

I have no idea what people see in this movie. It was absolutely terrible. Perhaps people could explain to me what exactly it was that they found so great about it?

If you want a movie where this type of concept is executed well, do yourself a favour and rent Mullholland Drive. Now THERE'S a good movie!

Pellaz 09-03-2003 03:01 PM

I really enjoyed most of this movie. Hmmm, how to say without spoilers though....I guess I'd of been happier if it was more of a 'classic' mystery/thriller, with maybe a tad of the supernatural thrown in, as opposed to the route they took.

YaWhateva 09-03-2003 04:10 PM


Originally posted by Pellaz
I really enjoyed most of this movie. Hmmm, how to say without spoilers though....I guess I'd of been happier if it was more of a 'classic' mystery/thriller, with maybe a tad of the supernatural thrown in, as opposed to the route they took.
really? i would have been pissed if they went that route.

coke babies 09-03-2003 04:33 PM

I saw someone purchasing it at Best Buy today. I really liked the movie, but would never buy it...it's one of those movies that are very enjoyable the first time, but with very limited re-watchability.

Kadath 09-04-2003 08:30 AM

The movie was vaguely disappointing. I think it couldn't hold the pace it set for itself. The (very) ending was nice, if predictable, given the twist just before.

Mr. Spacemonkey 09-04-2003 12:52 PM

I thought it looked pretty good from the previews. I haven't seen it yet but i probably will sometime.

CSflim 09-04-2003 01:21 PM

I feel so alone. :(

Porkchop 09-05-2003 05:56 AM

Wasnt too bad. But nothing to really write home about. The twist as they say is ok but not mind blowing as some say. It is like the makers werent sure how to resolve the movie as it was ok up until half an hour to go.

sapiens 09-05-2003 09:13 PM

I just saw it a couple hours ago. Generally, if it has John Cusack, I like it, but I didn't like Identity. Too many twists.

quest1mark 09-05-2003 10:18 PM

is it just me or did the little kid look like that buddy lee doll in those jean commercials?

Mr. Spacemonkey 09-06-2003 11:34 AM

I just saw it yesterday, i thought it was pretty good.

Baldrick 09-06-2003 02:03 PM

It was okay, but I expected ALOT more out of it with that cast. It's frustrating when a movie shows great promise, but just fails to deliver.

Nimbletoe 09-06-2003 02:40 PM

I predicted what was going to happen within 20 minutes. If you've seen a lot of movies like this, its sorta easy to tell. But if you arent thinking about it, I guess it could take you by suprise. It wasn't that bad of a flick. I wish I would have waited until it came out at blockbuster though.

utang 09-07-2003 09:24 PM

It wasn't bad. I think John Cusack is a really good actor and Ray Liotta plays a really good "angry crazy" guy. But it tried to pull a mind-twist of Fight Club or Usual Suspects proportions, but it really doesn't pull it off too well. Good enough to watch once I guess.

Great Scott 09-08-2003 01:19 AM

It's not bad by any stretch of the imagination, but it is a trifle predictable. The genre itself has also been done to death. All in all worth watching once.

bundy 09-08-2003 04:51 AM


Originally posted by CSflim

I feel so alone.
donīt fret good sir.
as i said above. this film disappointed me.
it was yet another example of over-hype.
the more i think about this film, the worse it becomes.

frankx 09-08-2003 08:22 AM

I saw it last night. It was OK. I was NOT expecting that ending, though.

mystmarimatt 09-09-2003 11:16 AM

i saw it, it was ok, but the book it's based off was waaay better (par for the course, i suppose). but one thing did kinda creep me out. the birthday thing. they all had MY birthday.

DownwardSpiral 09-09-2003 03:59 PM

I liked it for the most part, the ending wasn't the best but other than that it wasn't too bad.

Xiangsu 09-10-2003 02:45 AM

It was good, not great but it was better than the average movie. I thought the ending was pretty good.

Daval 09-22-2003 05:39 AM

I also enjoyed the movie.

The last scene was a tad much, but the rest of it and the twists were pretty good.

MikeyChalupa 09-22-2003 05:43 AM

I liked it, the cast was good, and they all turned in nice performances. The birthday is my wife's bithday which creeped her out too. Worth a rent, definitely, but I wouldn't buy it for full price.


Batman976 09-22-2003 09:32 AM

For the most part I enjoyed it. Could have chopped off the last 10 minutes or so though. It would have been better if they ended it without the final twist.

RAMONES!!! 09-22-2003 11:24 AM

i really liked, it made me feel like a smart guy, i was having to explain it to some friends...it was also cool, when the owner said where he is from...because thats the county i live in:D

Esoteric 09-22-2003 02:04 PM

I liked it, made me think a bit. Worth the rent like others said.

preluder 09-27-2003 11:41 PM

i thought it was pretty cool, classical whodunnit with a twist. sort of like a psycho setting. the twist was a doozy too. I just watched Adapation and the twin brother's script sounded a lot like Identity.

StormBerlin 09-30-2003 09:40 PM

Someone said it was based on a book, What book is that? The movie was pretty good, so I would be interested in reading the book.

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