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Wyodiver33 03-21-2010 06:18 PM

"Jerseylicious" = Instant-Lobotomy.
I just watched about 15 minutes of the "reality" show called "Jerseylicious."

I'm not in any way trying to insult anybody here, but I am astounded that people watch this crap. It's just beyond horrible. I think the end is near for the human race.

If nothing else, I'm seriously thinking about canceling cable. Except for sports, having cable is getting to be pointless for me. Once-great channels like Discovery, History, etc are adding more and more ghost hunting, UFO, looking for bigfoot, and "reality" shows. Sci-Fi is pretty much dead. Even the Golf channel has "reality" shows! I can get all of my news from the web. Honestly, Football is pretty much the only reason I keep paying for cable.

Does anybody feel the same way? And if any of you have done away with paying for TV, what have you done?

Jetée 03-21-2010 06:22 PM

I'd think about canceling cable just because of the incessant commercials featuring that hack Gerard Butler. But, then I think about it, and I won't, because I don't actually pay for cable, so I just get up and turn the knob to the "off and standby" position.

Best solution for not having to, nor hear anyone else's, whine about TV, radio, internet, news publications, etc... turn it off, and step away.

Plan9 03-21-2010 06:46 PM

Yeah, this is why if you must TeeVee, TeeVee on DVD is the way to do it. You can obtain gently used box sets on Amazon for dirt cheap.

I like watching Sci-Fi (SyFy?) channel stuff on DVD. That way I can get my Stargate SG-1 and Battlestar Galactica fix without commercials.

Granted, it does lead to that horrible self-control situation of "Oh, fine... just one more episode before bed."

I've watched half a season in a day sometimes. Chilling on the couch with a blanket and my cat? It's on.

Wyodiver33 03-21-2010 07:05 PM

Plan9, good idea. Thanks. Commercial-free box-sets. Very good suggestion. Especially, like you said, gently used.

Shauk 03-22-2010 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by Plan9 (Post 2770355)
Yeah, this is why if you must TeeVee, TeeVee on DVD is the way to do it. You can obtain gently used box sets on Amazon for dirt cheap.

I like watching Sci-Fi (SyFy?) channel stuff on DVD. That way I can get my Stargate SG-1 and Battlestar Galactica fix without commercials.

Granted, it does lead to that horrible self-control situation of "Oh, fine... just one more episode before bed."

I've watched half a season in a day sometimes. Chilling on the couch with a blanket and my cat? It's on.

oh good, i'm not the only one who indulges like this then. I always felt horribly guilty after going "oh hey I just watched like 8 episodes of BSG"

blahblah454 03-22-2010 05:34 AM

Wow plan 9, that is exactly what I do. I used to download TV shows to watch, but now that most seasons are like $15-30 I just buy them.

Plus the fact that I don't even have cable or anything helps. When I move back to the city there is no way I will ever hook that crap up. What a waste of time and money.

Plan9 03-22-2010 10:34 AM

Yeah, I don't have cable either. I just buy whatever shows I want on used DVDs and try to do better things with my time than sitting on the couch.

I think I'm more productive that way. I don't get lured into the following program and I don't channel surf for hours. TeeVee comes in fixed chunks.

Shauk 03-22-2010 10:47 AM

I've been debating if BSG seasons are worth getting on blu-ray since they use that "grainy" film style.

Plan9 03-22-2010 10:48 AM

I just get wide screen to fill the TeeVee. I don't really care about anything else.

I grew up on VHS cassettes... shit looked like they filtered it through a Sno-Globe.

Manic_Skafe 03-22-2010 11:42 AM

With a name like Jerseylicious, what were you expecting? Real social commentary?

I haven't seen the show yet but if it's anything like Jersey Shore then I'm sure I'll love it.

It's good and dumb fun. If you want enlightenment then go watch Tyra.

Xerxys 03-22-2010 01:15 PM

^^ You know they make prisoners talk by subjecting them to the tyra show at gitmo. It's govt. sanctioned.

SSJTWIZTA 03-23-2010 09:05 AM

i wouldn't doubt that, Xerx.

there is hardly anything good on TV anymore. im just happy that the new season of Breaking Bad is finally here.

boink 03-24-2010 12:31 AM


If you want enlightenment then go watch Tyra.

FoolThemAll 03-30-2010 08:23 AM

I've never found a reality show that was worth even a minute of my time. Well, other than Reno 911.

ObieX 03-30-2010 07:41 PM

No cable for me. I watch all of my TV from Hulu.com or strait off the web pages of syfy/history/etc...

ASU2003 03-30-2010 07:52 PM

I get my TV over the air. It works out the best. It's free, my linux computer records it and takes out commercials, and I can borrow TV box sets from the local library.

I just wonder why Jersey is so special? I mean the Sopranos was worth watching, but I don't get why following those people is in any way good to watch.

THere are plenty of other shows I would rather see. Or how about they start playing music videos?

Shadowex3 03-30-2010 10:13 PM

I watch the food channel, the closest thing it gets to reality TV is the pathetically arbitrary "Throw Down With Bobby Flaye" series. Most of the rest, except the Neelies, is pretty good.

And on the bright side I keep learning new recipes by sheer osmosis.

yournamehere 04-07-2010 02:02 PM

Gosh - I feel so old. I can remember when VH1 was MTV's mature cousin. Now it's nothing but really, really terrible reality shows.

Oh - and Plan9 - don't worry; we've all done that. Just last month our cable company gave us a free month of Showtime, so I went to OnDemand and TiVo'd every single episode of Nurse Jackie and United States of Tara. Watched all 24 episodes in one weekend.

Wyodiver33 04-07-2010 02:21 PM

yournamehere, I remember taping (VCR) really good Music vids from MTV. And you are correct, VH1 was supposed to be for the older crowd. Now they are both complete garbage. Just two more channels in the long list of garbage that I have to pay Comcast for. I really wish cable would go ala carte, where I could just pick, and pay for, the channels I want. I would only have maybe 10 channels, but they're the only ones I watch anyway. Eventually I'm going to cancel cable. It's just not worth the cost. Every channel is going the "Reality" TV route. I'm no brain surgeon, but I sure as hell am not a member of the lowest common denominator that current TV is catering to.

Marlon's Mom 04-08-2010 09:55 AM

Most TV programming is abysmal, but there are gems out there, and the DVR is your best friend. I very rarely watch "live" TV; with my DVR I can record only the things I like and watch at my leisure (AND speed through commercials).

Currently, I'm enjoying Law & Order: SVU reruns (a show I never watched when it was new, but am now addicted), Hoarders, American Pickers (I SO want that job!), Jeopardy! (a long-time staple), Lost, FlashForward, and Gordon Ramsey's F Word (also in reruns).

As for "reality shows," I watched the first season of Survivor. After that, I fanned it. None of these shows are interesting to me, and all are generally moronic, IMO.

hunnychile 04-08-2010 02:33 PM

Wyodiver33 and yournamehere are totally right.

I find that the best shows I see are ones that are sent to me from Netflix like "Tudors' or "Rome" or "Burn Notice" and a several others. Most of my friends, who are heavily addicted to Cable and HBO etc tell me the ones worth checking out anyhow. Then I watch when I want to watch. I can't stand any of the reality shows and I too only watched the first "Survivors" and liked it -- but felt all the others following, became trite and riddled with BS right afterward, not to mention wasted time taping them and Fastforward all the commercials got old. FAST. I don't Tivo. Maybe I need it. But in truth, I don't want to spend a cent more than necessary for anything on TV.

I still read a lot of books and feel happy that some are so much better than the crap on TV. I refuse to watch BS like Biggest Loser (Ugh!!) or Jerseylicious etc.

yournamehere 04-09-2010 03:34 PM

Wyodiver33 - I wholeheartedly agree, but cable companies will never go ala carte. They know that without shoveling the filler at us, they'd go broke. That's why every 'tier" of extended cable only has one decent channel. They're afraid if any of us took the time to realize how few channels we actually watch, we'd all put our aluminum antennas back up and get a digital converter box for when we're not on hulu.

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